Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

I gotta ask, why are you doing multipart acts? Couldn't you do everything in one act? Are you splitting so it passes easier?
The reason I like to split my acts into multiple phases is to allow story building in different time periods. If you decide to write a story when the springs are in their first phase, you will only receive the benefits of act 1, while if you prefer to do it when they are in the second, you will receive the benefits of act 2. It allows the springs to have different uses based on when you wish to write the story. You also get the benefits of either discovering the spring first in act 1 or having a group of people in act 3. Overall, I think it adds an interesting layer of creativity if you plan to write about stories set in the past.

Thank you for the excellent question 👍
So many Grand Acts this run- and Abyss is chugging along well, nice!
I absolutely love the Heat-Eater foxes and how they synergize with the Stone Plague, that's really neat.
and Mission acomplished, Second Planet is a full on deathworld

We get 3 Grand and 1 Cosmic per Epoch
I would like if the second world had more land mass (something like 60-70% or a lot more Islands spread out in the sea) so it can be more deathworldy interesting. I see it being a place where danger is great but fortunes can be found/made.
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Oooor, we could make more underwater things? Might be interesting to make Atlantis type civilizations there.

Also, was rereading things as I'm awake now and... OH GOD, THE STONE YAMA'S
that's horrifying for a variety of reasons, including Steel Deathseeker Yamas. Oh God. What Have I Done.
I'm more surprised people assumed that the Me'vel made the disease, given they are focused on material arts not biology. I wouldn't be surprised if that was caused by the frogpeople who got all jealous... as well. I think I'll start planning more things for the Abyss- like Abyss Plants and such! Got very fun ideas for that, as it's such a fun environment to work with.

Light is dangerous and burns people while being naturally dimmed, the darkness erodes at non-Abyss based life, until the people reach the bottom of the Abyss and are claimed, and then there are the Chains and Abyss Stone stuff... I think the Monuments are going to happen next, likely as center-points for 'abysslife' with rewards for people who get there- as well as blurbs of thoughts and such.
[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act or Lesser Act)

Awaken the sea spirit of the second world, make the sea able to support colossal amounts of life no matter how inhospitable life this sea region should be, even the ocean depths will have as much life as the sea surface.

Make the sea spirit have a gigantic talent in the arts of Shaping, being able to create even entirely new species, and have the power to influence and drastically accelerate the evolution of any species that lives in the sea or comes in contact with it by For a long time, the sea spirit will take immense satisfaction in seeing its creations and any creature that lives in its body develop and grow, whether through pure physical, magical power or simply getting smarter its goal is that theirs be the deadliest species in all creation no matter the method.

Hey I'm not sure if this act is Lesser Act or Grand Act what y'all think it is?
@Photomajig I have a few questions, does this count for the Epoch bonus? And, which of Lesser or Grand does this act fall under? If I set it as Grand, will the effect change at all?


[] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser/Grand Act)

If I understand it correctly, it's essentially a prophecy of potential future that affects those who learn it in various ways? Am I missing something? I would think Lesser, if I get it. Doesn't really sound like it should count for the Epoch bonus.

My idea for the age, any comments would be appreciated. This might actually be a Cosmic act, but I'm pretty sure it can fit in Grand, confirmation from @Photomajig would be appreciated.

Looks to be fine as Grand!

We forgot to give them a moon

I have to admit, I laughed evilly when I realized this myself. And then started happily writing up suffering for the Gnolls and the rest.

@Photomajig Can we write side-pieces to expand upon acts? Not dramatically, no god powers involved, but to show how they could be used in the world, how they would act. Linking it into the discussion above, what Elemental materials there are, and their uses

Sure, as long as the intent is to elaborate further on the details of an Act, not giving it extra stuff or making it more powerful than it was when it passed.

@Photomajig could this fit as lesser act? I'm not so sure about placing it as a grand act.

This doesn't need Grand, it's fine as a Lesser.
@Photomajig , do you think that my act would get the epoch bonus?
[Z] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)

Send an Umbral escaping the Hollow King with a Baólian boat on a great journey to steal the next flame of the Ziggurat of Ascension, survive their encounter with the Celestial Fire Emperor and come back to the Hive Coast
It's also why I don't want to give direct godly favor to the sea-ants in the Cloudlands or make the Hollow King go to sleep and inevitably let his armies collapse. Seriously, can't you let evil win for once?
First off, I think you're underestimating the Hollow King. His armies are quite powerful, and honestly, if his subordinates don't just try and leave, I'm sure that his side will still win. Second, we are letting evil win pretty handily over with the Druyul, the current act is only a minor interference.
Supported acts:

[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X] Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)
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Adhoc vote count started by CausalityCircle on Mar 8, 2022 at 12:09 AM, finished with 123 posts and 25 votes.
So as things stand now the leaders are:
1 Emberlings (Lesser Act)
2 Create The Abyss (Cosmic)
3 Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
3 Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
5 A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant (Lesser Act)
6 Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
7 Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
8 Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)
9 Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
9 Create The Sword of Embla and leave it embedded in the spot where she lost her arm (Lesser Act)
9 Create the Elemental Bloodlines (Lesser Act)
12 The Prism Flowers Second Bloom (Lesser-Act)
13 Black Death (Lesser Act)
13 The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
13 Heart Eater Foxes (Voxkoli) (lesser act)

Grand and cosmic acts without enough votes are Cosmic Minerals and Metals (9/10), Faeries(4/8), and Glires(3/8). Either would knock off one of the 13s above, though I don't know what Photo's process for picking which would be. A number of lesser acts could also knock one of them off, such as The Great Gamble of the Hollow King or Sea of Monsters. All of the Grand or Cosmic acts a Chainbreaker's Cant or above could afford to lose a couple votes and still pass if people want to move things around.
[] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[] Faeries appear all over both worlds (Grand)
[] create glires a class of animal which include rodent and rabbit. (grand act)
So as things stand now the leaders are:

I noticed some votes seem to not be grouped together due to difference in formatting. There is a "[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)" that is getting 12 votes, and then "[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home" that is getting 2 votes. Last time I checked there were a few other votes getting split like this too. Didn't know if you noticed that or not, just calling attention to it in case you didn't.
I noticed some votes seem to not be grouped together due to difference in formatting. There is a "[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)" that is getting 12 votes, and then "[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home" that is getting 2 votes. Last time I checked there were a few other votes getting split like this too. Didn't know if you noticed that or not, just calling attention to it in case you didn't.
Oh, I missed the Sehranen one. Yeah, there are a number like that but I grouped most of them. (Other people posting those vote tallies can do that themselves by using the "Manage votes" button at the bottom of the list of votes and then drag and dropping things. This applies to the tally itself and not the post, so anyone can do it irrespective of who's posting, though the window seems to close after a while.)
Hey @Photomajig did at least a few Sura tribe became settlers because of my act ? Because with so little detail I feel like The act was useless and I wasted a turn doing nothing.
Is the Sea of Monsters a Grand or Lesser act, I want to vote for it but I want to know if I'm losing my last Grand spot

Also @Zipf, thanks for including the Teller in your act!