Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

That could have some weird effects since nuclear fusion occurs in a bunch of other contexts outside stars, but I think it's a good idea.
Nuclear fusion outside of stars is unlikely, so I would deem any attempt or phenomena that successfully induces significant nuclear fusion to be worthy of producing Solar Magic. If they're going at those lengths to do nuclear fusion, that's already worthy for them to bring the power of the stars to earth.
Alright, here's my next act as promised. Hey, @Voidseer will you be helping with making the reptile?
[] create glires a class of animal which include rodent and rabbit. (grand act)
Of course.:grin:👍

[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)

[X] create glires a class of animal which include rodent and rabbit. (grand act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
[X] Lesser Act - Create The Sword of Embla and leave it embedded in the spot where she lost her arm (Lesser Act)
[X] The Prism Flowers Second Bloom (Lesser-Act)
[X] Naming: Name the Isolated Island, Kirrinyi Island
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[X] Stone Soul Speaker (Demi Act)
A lone gnoll, finding the Gods uncaring for their plight, spoke to a pebble.
They were surprised when it spoke back. A Me'vel observes in the distance, finding the exchange interesting enough to warrant their attention ignoring the dangers at present.

A Gnoll, with a mind to wander, kin to grieve, and an awakened sigil is granted a gift. Their original sigil shall be taken, and with the Sigil of Souls and of Stone shall be inscribed unto the pebble, whose appearance shall mimic those of the Moonwatchers, shaped to create a way for a Gnoll to communicate to their petrified kin and any soul trapped within stone, overwriting any previous function. This function may diverge depending on the holder's will.

A gift demands tribute. The Gnoll will be fated to fall to the steely claws of his petrified kin, and their living kin shall be stranded to regions unknown in the near future. The Gnoll would be told of this price.

[] Create The Abyss (Cosmic Act)
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)

[X]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant (Lesser Act)
[X] Greater Manifestation (Lesser Act)
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[X] Black Death (Lesser Act)

Across all of creation, across time and space itself, everyone, from man to ogre to skrayt to ant hears a voice from afar. What voice this is shall never be known, but the single message that it delivers shall affect all of creation for all time. One single word echos through the minds of everyone. That word is "PREPARE", and it is a warning for what shall come.

The Black Death bacteria, a disease that killed millions in a world known as Earth in some other universe far far away, shall be placed into the bodies of several rats and animals in the eastern coast of the continent of Stroheim. This particular strain of the Black Death has an incredibly long incubation period of a month, before showing its symptoms and killing its host. Even worse, during this incubation period the host can infect others by means of touch after they've been infected for around two weeks. From there the disease shall spread, killing all that stands in its path. Only the most powerful of healing magics can save someone, with those untreated having only the slightest of chances to survive.

Let it be known that a warning was at least given, for those who did not heed it shall be given a terrible fate. All may interpret it as they will.

Non-authored Acts:
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Naming: Name the Isolated Island, Kirrinyi Island
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
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Can't help but feel the Black Death won't have the same effect here as it did in our world.

Hell that rat could get stepped on, or eaten by something that laughs at diseases. Which would be pretty funny, seeing as everyone was just warned about something that will never occur.

Much panic, either way.

[Z] Greater Manifestation (Lesser Act)
Vindskálir is visited by a maker which calls itself the Luminous One, a being of light and glory. It regales them of the wonders and horrors of their world, it requests that Vindskálir grows stronger to challenge the great civilisations being created.

Those in witness of the Brilliant manifestation are told to take nepheles as mates for their union will be blessed with mighty offspring. Dagrún is empowered further, given mastery over the elemental magic of air. The maker also elevates a powerful nephele called Idmon and chooses him as Dagrúns consort so that her descendants may be forever tied to the skies.

@Photomajig could this fit as lesser act? I'm not so sure about placing it as a grand act.
Hoping this one passes

[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Stone Soul Speaker (Demi Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
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[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
Race Name Sehranen
Boon Major

The Sehranen are an amphibious race hailing from Stromhiem whose biology allows them to thrive in the otherwise punishing deserts of the continent. They are hardy creatures that require little in the way of food and water, and are notably capable of weathering arid conditions that most other creatures would struggle with. The most unusual feature of this race is the magical crystalline core located within their chests that grant them the ability to gain strength and subsistence from the sun.

Physical Appearance:
Sehranen are short, squat, scaled humanoids who lack any sort of neck and have large eyes that bulge out from the sides of their head, granting them 360 degrees of vision. They share an uncanny visual similarity to frogs, with the most notable similarity being their eyes – they have horizontal pupils and transparent inner eyelids that keep their eyes moist and protect them from dust. However, the similarities end there, with the most obvious divergence being the small set of vestigial wings that Sehranen usually keep tightly tucked into their back. Sehranen claws are short but sharp, capable of at least drawing blood from all but the toughest opponents.

All Sehranen are pale white at birth, but their scales will slowly begin to change color during the course of their adolescence. The coloring they acquire relies primarily on their diet, but the intensity of those colors is solely determined by their personality; those with powerful passions and strong convictions will have the brightest colors, while those without either will appear dull and drab. The most common colors are brown, red, and green, but with the right diet Sehranen scales can potentially be nearly any color imaginable.

The most unique feature of the Sehranen is a singular crystalline stone (typically referred to as a heartstone) that lies in the center of their chest, between the heart and lungs. It is an inherently magical material that allows all Sehranen to passively absorb the heat of the sun, so that their body may slowly break down this magical heat into natural organic energy. As such, Sehranen are omnivores who diet relies on consuming important vitamins and minerals that they cannot gain from sunlight. Sehranen eat little and can go long periods of time without food, though any Sehranen who do not spend the majority of their waking hours in sunlight will require far larger meals.

Sehranen scales are rough to the touch and offers somewhat substantial protection against physical damage. More importantly, they greatly aid in their ability to retain water in even the harshest of conditions, allowing them to traverse arid deserts for extended lengths of time without issue. They can go nearly six days without water before mild torpor begins to set in, and it typically takes almost nine days before a Sehranen is at risk of dying from thirst.

Though Sehranen are amphibious, they are surprisingly subaverage swimmers, mostly due to having arms and legs more suited to walking across land then swimming through water. It is for this reason that they tend to prefer lakes and rivers over the ocean. Sehranen can go without oxygen for over four minutes, or up to ten if they remain mostly still and conserve energy. Sehranen are not well suited to aquatic combat, but can still defend themselves from aquatic predators through intelligent tactics and tool usage.

Sehranen hatch in clutches. The female Sehranen will lays a cluster of eggs that hatch after three weeks of incubation, and typically result in anywhere from six to eighteen newborn Sehranen. The eggs must be kept consistently damp or else become less likely to successfully hatch.

Sehranen heartstones never stop growing. This steadily increases the amount of sunlight that they can store inside their bodies, which counter-intuitively means that older Sehranen are physically stronger and more energetic than younger Sehranen. However, because heartstones never stop growing, there will eventually come a time when their heartstone becomes large enough to interfere with their breathing or the beating of the heart, which eventually kills them. This acts as a cap for the natural lifespan of a race that would otherwise be considered biologically immortal.

Sehranen are naturally social creatures that easily form friendships and greatly enjoy singing, dancing, and storytelling. They put heavy cultural emphasis on the importance of strength of personality, and respect those who are confident and deeply committed to their moral principles.

During infancy, children are expected to be taken care of by their biological mother and father, but upon entering adolescence their care often becomes a far more communal affair. Specific Sehranen will dedicate themselves entirely to childcare, taking it as their stated profession, and will spend the majority of their time raising and educating the children of other Sehranen. As such, they have great social influence in Sehranen culture and are often considered the heart of a community. Sehranen place no special emphasis on biological heritage.

Sehranen, as a rule, value those with intensely-colored scales higher than those with duller scales. Coloring act as a powerful social indicator and an important mark of personal identity. In Sehranen fiction, bright scales act as an easy shorthand for importance and power, with the correlating assumption that those with dull scales are weaker and less important. While this isn't necessarily true, it is a cultural bias nearly all Sehranen are prone to.

Because the emotional state of a Sehranen can affect their physical appearance, they are very aware of the dangers of mental illness, and in turn place importance on proper mental wellbeing. While the cultural impact of this mindset is mostly positive, there are still some negative aspects to this, with the most notorious example being the commonly-held believe that one should never dwell on grief for any extended length of time. This is because grief-stricken Sehranen who remain unhappy for too long will begin to visually showcase this through the dulling of their scales, which in turn gives the appearance of their grief "weakening" them.

Sehranen are most comfortable in hot environments, and do not handle the cold well. They are a culturally nomadic race that often congregate around lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. They will typically only settle down in one location to lay eggs and raise children, and leave as soon as these children are old enough to survive further traveling.

Sehranen have a somewhat stronger affinity for magic than most other races, though this affinity is not overly pronounced. The exception to this is sun magic, which all members of the race naturally excel at.

Sehranen heartstones retain their magical properties after their death. Heartstone will steadily output heat so long as they have access to sunlight, and are useful ingredients for a number of magic rituals and recipes. They can also be ground into powder and ingested for sudden boosts of energy, and interestingly enough this effect is not limited to Sehranens; all races can take advantage of these magical "heart potions". As this crystal powder is extremely potent, heavy dilution is required to safely harness this unique property, which in turn stretches the number of potions that can be made from a single heartstone.

Non-authored Acts:
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic Act)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Faeries appear all over both worlds (Grand)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant (Lesser Act)
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
[X] Black Death (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
[X] Lesser Act - Create The Sword of Embla and leave it embedded in the spot where she lost her arm (Lesser Act)
[X] The Elemental Materials (Lesser Act)
[X] Stone Soul Speaker (Demi Act)
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Can't help but feel the Black Death won't have the same effect here as it did in our world.

Hell that rat could get stepped on, or eaten by something that laughs at diseases. Which would be pretty funny, seeing as everyone was just warned about something that will never occur.

Much panic, either way.
I edited it to insert the plague into multiple different animals, a hundred or so.
Authored Act:
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
Every star in the universe produces some amount of Solar Magic. It is a byproduct produced by the process of Nuclear Fusion, but the Solar Magic one may acquire from the stars at night is only an infinitesimal fraction of the amount one may receive from the bombardment of Solar Magic from the sun at day; all the other stars are simply too far away that their Solar Magic had been spread too thin. The stars that shine the brightest are oft the most Solarly Magical.

When Solar Magic touches bare rock, it may transmute the mundane rock into Moonstone, but any amount of cover, may that be air, water, or organic matter, will block the Solar Magic from transmuting rock. The transmutation seeps into the bare rock, transforming rock up to a meter deep into Moonstone.

Moonstone is a paler version of the original rock. It transform Solar Magic into Lunar Magic, and the light reflected upon its surface shall become Magical Moonlight, carrying the power of Lunar Magic with them. It weakens the boundary between the Seen and the Unseen, allowing matter from one to easily cross to the other, and the Moonlight carries this property with them, weakening the boundary on wherever is illuminated by the Moonlight. Moonlight from Moonstone shall bring the same effect as the moonlight of the moon of the first world to any thing, affliction, or phenomena triggered or affected by moonlight such as the curing of the stone plague.

It may be brought down to earth by meteors, but water and salt tends to leach the magic from it, returning them to their original mundane rock.

Lunar Magic is strongest on the full moon because more of Lunar Magic being produced on the moon's surface is directed towards the world. The crust of the moon of the first world is wholly made of Moonstone.

The cosmos shall be seeded with various minerals and metals. They may be strange, extraordinary, or perhaps simply unusual. They shall serve as supplements to mundane substances as well as the wondrous materials the elemental forces may produce.

Stillstone is Moonstone that has been corrupted with elemental Dark. It is radically different from its parent material, having chalk-like softness and a pale yellow complexion. It strengthens the walls that separate the Seen and the Unseen, disallowing many from between the two. It will react with water turning into an ineffective form, but will be returned into its effect form by submerging it in sulfuric acid. It readily dissolves in oil without losing effectiveness, allowing one to effectively increase the volume of their Stillstone.

Bonestone forms skeleton-like deposits in the ground. The creatures their skeletal deposits depict are often awesome and intimidating creatures which does not exist, and any resemblances to real creatures past and present are simply coincidences. Bonestone deposits have a spirit of their own and are quite receptive to Legends. They can magnify even a small rumor attached to them and turn into a full-blown Legend.

Mithril is a metal chemically indistinguishable to silver but magically different. It absorbs magic, weakening spells but also chipping away curses. When polished to a mirror sheen, it only reflects what things truly are, removing all magical illusions upon its reflection.

Adamantium is a magical variant of titanium possessing extraordinary hardness and stiffness. Its raw ore form is simply too impure to display its extraordinary properties. Once purified, one may find that no mundane blade can cut or scratch it, and any blade forged from the metal does not warp or dull easily. However, it reacts readily with air and quickly becomes impure and weak.

Orichalcum is a dull opaque metal crystal with superconductive properties that doesn't lose effectiveness in high heat. However, such properties may not be apparent unless green rocks is amply pure. It is a magical variation of lead, osmium, and tungsten, differing mostly on electrical properties from their mundane cousins.

Nodes and veins of Stillstone, Bonestone, Mithril, Adamantium, and Orichalcum shall be spread across all worlds, moons, and other rocky celestial bodies in various amounts.

Sponsored Acts:
[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Create the Elemental Bloodlines (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
[X] Greater Manifestation (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] create glires a class of animals which include rodents and rabbits. (grand act)
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
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Authored Act:
[X] Faeries appear all over both worlds (Grand)
Tiny in stature faeries most resemble extremely colorful vaguely humanoid insects. While their small size makes them fragile they are agile fliers and more than that possess the ability to fool the senses of other living beings allowing them to create illusions. Curious and mischievous by nature they are brought in the world for one and only one purpose which is to enjoy themself and to have fun and so long as they follow this they are essentially biologically immortal. However tedium is deadly to them for if they grow bored their bodies start to slowly lose color and vitality until they shrivel up and die.

[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Grand Act)
[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant:
[X] Stone Soul Speaker (Demi Act)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
- The Chainbreaker's Cant is a hymn of absolute freedom, which can free its singer of any restriction be it physical, societal or otherwise. The verses Echo through the empty parts of the universe, and revelation of its secrets may reach those in great need of it. The power of the Cant is too great for any lesser than a Creator, and to speak it aloud is to be changed by it.
-- The Cant is divided into many verses in many styles, each equally comprehensible to all intelligent beings irrespective of language and each corresponding to different restrictions. The different verses are interconnected in complex ways and study of one, particularly through the lenses of Vividry and Refutation, can reveal parts of other verses or complete a verse of which one has fragments. The verses echo in isolated places of the universe, places which are lightly bound even by gravity and the weight of observation, an explorer in such places might catch a few echoes of it. Additionally, mortals greatly affected by restrictions placed upon them by others may sometimes find an entire verse appearing in their mind as though by divine revelation, though this is quite rare. Something about the Cant seems to resist attempts to teach or research it made by large organizations or those affiliated with them, though individual apprentices or small mystery cults don't present problems.
-- Singing a verse will briefly imbue its singer with divine power, allowing them to shatter whatever sort of restriction the verse is meant for. For physical restrictions this will often end the problem entirely, leaving chains and prisons broken, for social ones it often will not, though it will still bring some temporary reprieve or permit a single simple transgression. This effect of any given verse becomes less powerful the more times a single person sings it, eventually fading for them entirely.
-- The incredible might of the Cant is drawn directly from the flame of creation, its power leaving the throat raw and bleeding, and inevitably changing the one who sings it. These changes tend to come with additional power for the singer; their nature varies based on the intent of the singer and the nature of the restriction, and they tend to increase sharply the more a given Verse is sung. A slave singing to release their chains might develop benign or even beautiful changes: slender fingers and a knack for lock picking or wings with which to fly beyond their captor's reach. A serial killer singing to evade the taboo of murder might find themself soon sprouting horrible fangs and claws, having their frame warped or disappearing in shadows.

[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
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Wooo, it's abbyss time!

Authored Act:

[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic)
Some would say that the Abyss is a prison- they would be wrong. It is understandable to make such a mistake, as the realm is an infinite expanse of darkness where water doesn't drain into from the oceans connected to it, in fact, water in general seems to rise, moving to drain out of exit portals, creating puddles where Abyss entrances exist. With the only 'light' being born from portals into this realm, the abyss runs on some slightly different rules compared to the rest of reality. To enter the Abyss requires that one dives into the deepest points of the sea, into the darkest parts of a world where light of any kind has never touched it. It is only in these places that one can enter this realm, of course, for travelers with lanterns and sources of artificial light these portals shall shut sealed forever more as any light natural or artificial shall shut the gates into the Abyss. It is difficult to describe the transition into the Abyss, as the portals can only exist within complete darkness. As such, they have to be unseen by nature, the transition itself however, is near instant. One moment one is within the world, and the next they find themself on a Chain linking to the depths of the Abyss- escape at this point is somewhat easy, just turn around and climb out... just try not to fall.

Within the Abyss the inky blackness is so thick that it quite literally keeps non-living things afloat the deeper down you move, despite its intangible nature. Of course, this would be the point where the one traveling the Abyss would likely learn it's more hostile relationship with light. Should one use a torch, a spell, or some means to create light upon which to see, they will find themselves feeling as if they were burning while in the radius of the light as the darkness is scoured from their bodies. Furthermore, light itself is notably dimmer in the Abyss, barely able to exist above the most faint glow. Oddly enough, those within these depths can see perfectly, as if the darkness were the light of day. The Abyss is filled with chains made from a Smokey silver stone. Abyss-Stone is a deceptive and brittle substance that may appear as metal with it's luster and sheen, but is only as durable mere as stone. Every Chain in the Abyss is made from this stone, and each length of chain varies in size. Some can be as thin as a finger, others, can be monstrously large things that dwarf living beings and make mountains look like pebbles on the road. These chains Twist and turn through the Abyss, the largest ones creating their own gravitational pull in the process as that cloying darkness soaks everything within the realm. Were one to look closely at these chains, they would see that the links were perfect circles, each interlocked with one another with the implication of an unknown source keeping tension between the ends... but then the question becomes, what is anchoring these chains?

Should one rise to the highest points of the Abyss, and climb these chains- they would find that each Chain is linked to a portal into this realm, and should the chain be destroyed, the portal shall shut. Of course, that's only one of two linking points, and the question then becomes, what is it the chains attach to? Some of these chains will link into other portals to other worlds or openings within a single world, while others trail into the depths, hidden by that thick, cloying darkness. For the intrepid few who wish to explore this realm, be warned, the Abyss guards it's contents eagerly, devouring the living and wearing away at the things inside. Each and every one of those Chains will in time break, shattering and dropping into the darkness below as they slowly disintegrate into a fine silvery sand. However, the Abyss isn't a place of pure entropy either, as new chains can be forged from seemingly nothing- these links always appearing where new portals to this realm are created.

Dwelling within the Abyss is a dangerous thing, as it has a naturally hostile effect on things not born from it. Outsiders will find their bodies suffering from increasing levels of fatigue over time, their bodies and flesh being worn away, scrapes appearing over flesh as the mortal forms grow more and more fragile, the very darkness itself acting as a poison that slowly breaks down the Outsiders within its embrace. There are ways to ward off these effects of course, as the very material the Chains are made of works to deny this natural Entropy, taking the strain onto the material instead of the person... at least until the warding item disintegrates into a fine silvery white dust.

But what lies in the bottom of the Abyss? It's an endless desert of fine silver white sand, the dunes stretch and shift into the distance, mountains born from the fragments of fallen Chains of Abyss-Stone break the landscape, each lodged in the sand to slowly be buried as aeons pass. At the bottom most levels of the Abyss, things no longer decay, nor do they break apart under the effect of the darkness around them, instead they are Lost. One might assume gravity doesn't work, as lesser material items float into the air, threatening to rise far above to less Darkness dense areas of the Abyss. Living beings are only weighed down by their Souls, preventing them from floating away in turn. The Chains, or what parts of them make the trip, create the landscape and forge mountains and other such shapes. They create massive formations of not quite stone in an otherwise endless desert. Furthermore, this is the point where one would find that the Abyss's darkness can settle into a truly fluid state, and should one dig deep under the sands, they will find that the darkness itself has become solid.

To exist within the deepest depths of the Abyss is to be Lost to the world. People that once knew you will slowly forget you, as only the consequences of your actions and your creations will remain. Writings with your name will gradually grow more worn and increasingly likely to be damaged the longer you stay. To be Lost makes it difficult, if not impossible to escape, for one would need to climb from the bottom of the Abyss to the surface and return to the world of Creation, with all of gravity working to pull you back to the silver sands below. Those who escape the depths of the Abyss too late are doomed to find that without the Darkness of the Abyss, their bodies will slowly start to collapse into that silvery sand. There is a way to save oneself from this fate- and that is to be remembered. For as long as someone remembers the traveler in the Abyss, the victim in question shall not be taken and and claimed by the realm. As long as their written name is associated with them as a person, that link will prevent the Abyss from Claiming it's victim and allow them to escape. But be warry, for the Abyss wishes to keep all that it claims...

Supporting Acts:
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)

[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
[X]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] The Black Death (Lesser Act)
[X] Heart Eater Foxes (Voxkoli) (lesser act)
[X] The Prism Flowers Second Bloom (Lesser-Act)
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[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act)

Awaken the sea spirit of the second world, make the sea able to support colossal amounts of life no matter how inhospitable life this sea region should be, even the ocean depths will have as much life as the sea surface.

Make the sea spirit have a gigantic talent in the arts of Shaping, being able to create even entirely new species, and have the power to influence and drastically accelerate the evolution of any species that lives in the sea or comes in contact with it by For a long time, the sea spirit will take immense satisfaction in seeing its creations and any creature that lives in its body develop and grow, whether through pure physical, magical power or simply getting smarter its goal is that theirs be the deadliest species in all creation no matter the method.
[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act)

Awaken the sea spirit of the second world, make the sea able to support colossal amounts of life no matter how inhospitable life this sea region should be, even the ocean depths will have as much life as the sea surface.

Make the sea spirit have a gigantic talent in the arts of Shaping, being able to create even entirely new species, and have the power to influence and drastically accelerate the evolution of any species that lives in the sea or comes in contact with it by For a long time, the sea spirit will take immense satisfaction in seeing its creations and any creature that lives in its body develop and grow, whether through pure physical, magical power or simply getting smarter its goal is that theirs be the deadliest species in all creation no matter the method.
I think that giving mastery of a magic to a single being is a Lesser Act.
Author act:
[X] create glires a class of animals which include rodents and rabbits. (grand act)
Non-author act:
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Elemental Bloodlines (Lesser Act)

[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Black Death (Lesser Act)
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
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Authored Act:
[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)

An island shrouded by an impossibly thick black mist, those that venture into the mist will find themselves hopelessly lost in the mist without a steady will and calm mind with lots of luck. However, if one does successfully navigate the mist they will find an island of splendor with bountiful fruits, beautiful greenery, and rivers of gold. The beauty of the island is not for living beings, however. Those that spend a lengthy amount of time on the island will find themselves slowly become more incorporeal and mist-like until they're so light that a wind will blow them off the island due to the mist's magic seeping into them. The unfortunate beings will float until their bodies reconstitute themselves enough to where gravity takes hold and sends them hurtling downward. Only those lucky enough to be blown over a floating island or the highest mountain peaks will survive the fall. Those that do survive will never fully reconstitute, but do gain a few oddities for their trouble. They can spit out a large amount of black mist with a deep enough breath, and wounds that would kill any normal being will instead be filled in with mist, only magical wounds proving truly fatal to them.

Unauthored Acts:
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act or Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant (Lesser Act)
[X]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Island of Mist in the Skylands (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Elemental Bloodlines (Lesser Act)
[X] Lesser Act - Create The Sword of Embla and leave it embedded in the spot where she lost her arm (Lesser Act)
[x] Heart Eater Foxes (Voxkoli) (lesser act)
[X] Create Snow Octopi (Lesser Act)
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Thinking about giving my Teller of Tales some directives, but I would think they'd already be doing it? Should I make it an act anyway so it can get some work done, or just let it roll and see how Photomajig uses them?
Authored Act:
[X] Direct the Teller of Tales to incite revolts and rebellions (Demi-Act)

The Teller of Tales visits many across the world. From the tribes of the Mani-Druyul, to the slave camps of the Hollow King. Anywhere there are people that toil in chains, live under tyranny. It brings it's tales, it's songs, it's myths. It's Legends.

It tells of The Seared Spear, of how brave Rashru was guided by his mother to strike down the Goliath Bird, and free his people. Of Nehu Far-Strider, who never rested in purist of her foe. Of all the heroes alive and dead, of the divine and mortal artifacts they wielded. In this way the Teller will embolden the spirits of the down trodden, unify them with acts of bravery their shared histories.

It shares secrets as well, for the wise and observant. Secrets of Vigor, the Chainbreaker's Cant & other magics. Of secret paths between the Seen and Unseen, and how to traverse the latter safely, for a time. And mundane secrets as well; how to pick a lock, how to hide trail, where best to hide in the surrounding lands. Of course, when the guards and jailers come, the Teller hides away and flees from their chains.

But the trickster nature of the Teller directs it as well, and it whispers in the ears of many fell lieutenants, the Goliath Bird among them. It speaks of the power that is just within reach, inflates their self-worth and ego, how under their masters they will never reach their true potential, their deserved rewards. Betrayal shall fester in dark hearts, even as hope grows in others.

(Honestly I see the Teller doing this already, but if I gotta direct them, I will.)

Supporting Acts:
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic)

[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home (Grand Act)
[X]Sea of Monsters (Grand Act)

[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant (Lesser Act)
[X]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
[X] The Usurpation of Fire (Lesser Act)
[X] The Prism Flowers Second Bloom (Lesser-Act)
[X] Create Snow Octopi (Lesser Act)
[X] Heart Eater Foxes (Voxkoli) (lesser act)

[x] Demi Act - Go to a human wanderer and reveal the existence of the second world and wonders that appear their

[X] Naming: Name the Isolated Island, Kirrinyi Island

A lot of good stuff, can't get it all!
NGL, I really want to give the Teller his own Poppeted Emberling. No idea who it would be of though... Maybe the Hollow King (when he dies) so we can have a Punch & Judy style act
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Authored Act:
[X] Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
From the flesh of all those who had fallen in the war against the great tyrant shall be formed a new being, with parts of the souls of all the fallen merged into a new soul to inhabit this being. This being shall be the Ùbut-Shokâr, the mortal manifestation of the concept of liberation. They shall have a tiny bit of divinity within it, but they shall not begin as almighty. Holding the power barely beyond an apprentice in magic and vigor, it shall live as a normal mortal, but with the distinct, just desire to liberate those who are under the thumb of tyrants. This shall be their guiding force towards their destiny, as they shall help fight against tyrants.

In death they shall reincarnate somewhere else around the world, slightly more powerful than they were born previously as their legend is cultivated. With each new reincarnation they shall seek a tyrant to fight against, destabilizing their rule and help free those who suffered under them.

Supported Acts:
[X] Lesser Act - Create The Sword of Embla and leave it embedded in the spot where she lost her arm (Lesser Act)
[X] create glires a class of animal which include rodent and rabbit. (grand act)
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic)
[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)
[X] The Great Gamble of the Hollow King (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant: In the Dryul's expansion, driven by a mandate that is divine beyond divine, they have trampled over much and subjugated more. Among them, a human father, whose last sight with mortal eyes had been that of his kin, his children, carried off in chains. With frenzied spite, desperation and single-minded fury, he is the latest to emerge triumphant in the Tournament of Life and Death. To Vadhu, he pleads only one thing of his impending reincarnation; that his new life will allow him to save his family from their bondage, and to teach to the Draghai in fullness the terror of his wroth, for imposing such suffering upon the life he had known. (Lesser Act)

My act is inspired by Avatar, but to fit more with the theme of the act, even if it won't be considered fitting to the theme.
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[X] The Great Gamble of the Hollow King (Lesser Act)
A Maker shall come to the Hollow King in a vision, and give him a message. He has a single day to get his affairs in order (and he shall be permitted to temporarily delegate the Tyrant's Legion to one of his lieutenants), and then he shall slumber invincibly until the siege ends, one way or another. Whichever side breaks the siege, Vigor shall flow even more strongly within their leaders, to an incredible degree.
But should, without him, his siege crumble and his army break, his army shall not be able to carry him away – he will have to break out alone. Note, too, that the siege need not break due to military might. If his lieutenants choose to leave as a group, they shall be the ones who are counted as breaking the siege, and they shall be the ones, each and every one of them who leaves, who gain that mighty vigor. The Maker warns the Hollow King as well, that all this information shall be disclosed to every party in the war at the moment the Hollow King falls into his invulnerable slumber.
What the Maker shall tell none, is that if the lieutenants of the Hollow King stay loyal and the siege is won, then they shall gain a great amount of Vigor regardless, although not as much as they would for betraying him and leaving.