Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

Alright, here's my next act as promised. Hey, @Voidseer will you be helping with making the reptile?
[] create glires a class of animal which include rodent and rabbit. (grand act)
Does anyone have a preference between these three acts I made before? I'm going to use one of them and I'd like to see which one people like the most. I was going to make a new act to fit the epoch bonus but my creative juices aren't flowing right now .
The Isle of Mists seem the most interest to me, in terms of general story hooks. Fits really well with the established world. I don't really have an opinion about the Nephele of Storm, but that's mostly because the world already has a ton of powerful antagonist figures mucking about the Skylands. The daggers are pretty neat, but they're not really set up in a way where we'd ever expect them to be wielded by the same person (considering the requirements of each), which is alright but a little awkward when there is that emphasis on well they would work together. Maybe they'd be better written as antagonist forces? Like the Sand/Heat is thematically opposed to what the Ice/Cold represents and vice versa.

In terms of personal preferences, Isle of Mists > Twin Daggers > Nephele of Storm
[] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
- The Chainbreaker's Cant is a hymn of absolute freedom, which can free its singer of any restriction be it physical, societal or otherwise. The verses Echo through the empty parts of the universe, and revelation of its secrets may reach those in great need of it. The power of the Cant is too great for any lesser than a Creator, and to speak it aloud is to be changed by it.
-- The Cant is divided into many verses in many styles, each corresponding to different restrictions. The different verses are interconnected in complex ways and study of one, particularly through the lenses of Vividry and Refutation, can reveal parts of other verses or complete a verse of which one has fragments. The verses echo in isolated places of the universe, lightly bound even by gravity and the weight of observation, an explorer in such places might catch a few echoes of it. Additionally, mortals greatly affected by restrictions placed upon them by others may sometimes find entire verses appearing in their mind as though by divine revelation, though this is quite rare. Something about the Cant seems to resist attempts to teach or research it made by large organizations or those affiliated with them, though individual apprentices or small mystery cults don't present problems.
-- Singing a verse will briefly imbue its singer with divine power, allowing them to briefly shatter whatever sort of restriction the verse is meant for. For physical restrictions this will often end the problem entirely, for social ones it often will not, though it will still bring some reprieve. The effect of any given verse becomes less powerful the more times a single person speaks it, eventually fading for them entirely.
-- The incredible might of the Cant is drawn directly from the flame of creation, its power leaving the throat raw and bleeding, and inevitably changing the one who speaks it. These changes tend to come with additional power for the speaker; their nature varies based on the intent of the speaker and the nature of the restriction, and they tend to increase sharply the more a given Verse is sung. A slave singing to release their chains might develop benign or even beautiful changes: slender fingers and a knack for lock picking or wings with which to fly beyond their captor's reach. A serial killer singing to evade the taboo of murder might find themself soon sprouting horrible fangs and claws, having their frame warped or disappearing in shadows.

My idea for the age, any comments would be appreciated. This might actually be a Cosmic act, but I'm pretty sure it can fit in Grand, confirmation from @Photomajig would be appreciated.
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The cure is certainly out of reach for most on the Second World, where the Plague is first spread. The Moon orbits the First and the other planet's mass often hides it entirely from view

We forgot to give them a moon

I feel like there was more I wanted with the Shifting Lands, but oh well.

Rebellion, though? This has possibilities. Especially for the Teller of Tales...
I'll admit, I had thought we had a moon set up on planet so the plague wouldn't be nearly as bad.
Oh dear.

I uh... really missed the whole, "supplied a cure- doesnt' apply on the planet needed" bit of the problem there. Whooooops!
Ah well. My fault for assuming we added a moon to the new planet with the fancy ring! I think the fleshmoon confused me a good bit about that for some reason. Bleh.
Onto the abyss instead. If I dig a deep enough hole, my mistakes will never see the light of day, ahahahah! :V

I'm just waiting for the inevitable, "Stone plague made it off planet, OH GOD" event.
And for Merchant of Hope to ascend to (higher) godhood through Faith and Myth with the recent addition. I think he's a lesser god/entity as is if I recall.
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[] Heart Eater Foxes (Voxkoli) (lesser? demi? act)
a metamorphosis that ribbon foxes can undergo. They become substantially larger. Going from the size of a garter snake to about the size of a normal fox or wolf, their snake half the length of an anaconda. Their butterfly wings now replaced with the wings of carnivorous or scavenging birds. Unlike Ribbon Foxes, Heart Eaters can become selectively tangible and are resistant to all magic except for water magic. They are intelligent, capable of understanding speech, and planning ambushes. HEF are known for ripping out the emotional heart of their still living victims, leaving them emotionless and listless. The resulting emotional/ spiritual heart is used to decorate their nests in the unseen and provide a nurturing environment for their eggs. Should the victim die the spiritual heart will disappear. People can quest into the unseen (or occasionally the material depending on where it nests) in order to retrieve the heart of their loved ones. But it is a dangerous quest, and the Voxkoli will defend their nest viciously, especially when they have eggs.

As creatures of immaterial void they are unaffected by the stone plague and can not spread it. They find the suffering statuary gardens of the plague act as ideal nurseries. This does somewhat relieve the prisoners suffering, while also providing a natural defense for eggs and young ribbon foxes. Voxkoli who nest in these living statuary gardens tend to be less aggressive, but also form larger flocks.

As intelligent creatures the are capable of learning and using magic. They are only about as smart as corvids and octopus tho.

HEF/Voxkoli are the sexually mature form of ribbon foxes. Like eels ribbon foxes can live their whole lives and never proceed to sexual maturity. HEF tend to lay four to ten eggs to a nest. It is said that their eggs are delicious and to taste one is to never again know sorrow. The eggs can also be good ingredients in mood regulators, and several magical rituals.
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For this turn, I'm deciding between authoring these two acts. I'm leaning towards the elemental materials mostly because I'm not 100% on all of the bloodline abilities. Any ideas?

[] The Elemental Materials (Grand Act)
-From the mixing of the 15 Elements, and in places where the elements condense, the elemental materials are born.
-The Elemental Materials are many and varied with the most common being element-touched.
—Beyond touched there are element-bathed and element-blessed.
——Ex. Metal-touched wood, void-bathed stone, lightning-blessed iron, etc.
———Metal-touched Wood: Wood as tough as a soft metal and has a slight metallic sheen.
———Void-bathed Stone: Stone that can barely be felt and looks like the distant night sky.
———Lightning-bless Iron: Iron that crackles with barely contained lightning.
-Most elemental materials are only infused with a single element, however, it is possible for materials to be touched, bathed, or even blessed by multiple elements.
—Multiple usually being two, but occasionally three, and very rarely four.
——Ex. Water and Light-touched Grass: Clear blue grass that has refracting light trapped within. The grass is extremely energizing when eaten.

[] Create 15 Bloodlines (Lesser Act)
-Across the world of Aebrirea 15 people are born, each with a unique bloodline catalyzed from the 15 elements. Beyond a natural affinity for their element, they each have a unique bloodline ability.
—Metal: Metal Eater: Members of this bloodline can absorb metal into their body to permanently enhance it. Lower quality metal is replaced as better metals are absorbed.
—Water: Water Form: Members of this bloodline can change various parts of their body into water. They may even turn their whole body into water, however, this is severely exhausting.
—Ice: Ice Veins: Members of this bloodline can flash freeze anything that enters or exits their body and are immune to the cold. The frozen objects are always searingly cold.
—Wood: Wood Stalker: Members of this bloodline grow thin splinters instead of hair that can be plucked and thrown with ease. Their eyes can see the weaknesses of a target's body.
—Fire: Fire Will: Members of this bloodline have a scorching internal flame that, when expelled, can be molded into a solid object and are immune to heat. These projections can become permanent with enough internal fire.
—Earth: Earth Surfing: Members of this bloodline can slip through dirt and stone as if it was water, just like water they need to hold their breath. While submerged their body heals.
—Wind: Wind Step: Members of this bloodline are fast and agile as the winds propel them forward and always stay out of their way. They can even maneuver in the air with the help of the winds.
—Lightning: Lightning Purification: Members of this bloodline are immune to electricity and can produce electricity that, beyond being shocking, reduces differing elements down to pure energy. They can inject this electricity into people through direct contact.
—Light: Light Crafting: Members of this bloodline can grab and manipulate light as if it was clay, creating fragile light sculptures. With enough skill, these sculptures can be crafted into full illusions.
—Dark: Dark Travel: Members of this bloodline can slip into shadows and use them to travel. They don't need to leave the shadow to see/hear/speak only to interact with the world.
—Life: Life Blessing: Members of this bloodline age slower, stay youthful longer, and can regenerate from any wound so long as they live.
—Death: Death Binding: Members of this bloodline can bind the soul of a dead creature to themselves as a companion. With enough time, they can even directly use the abilities of their companion.
—Space: Space Walk: Members of this bloodline can teleport short distances in any direction so long as there is no solid object in their way. Additionally, they have a greater sense of their surroundings.
—Time: Time Skip: Members of this bloodline can "skip" a second or two of time, during which anything that happened is effectively undone. This effect may look like instant healing to outsiders.
—Void: Void Body: Members of this bloodline are highly resistant to all magics but those infused with void. Their ability to use non-void-based magic is equally decreased.
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[] The Elemental Materials (Grand Act)

I quite like this idea, as it could do some really fun things in general. Plus, you've plenty of room to push this more in depth if you so choose- plus it'd be a good foundation to building larger things/more widespread effects with your future acts. You could probably go into some detail about some examples of the materials and what they would do/look like too, in order to provide more depth to the idea if you desired
I'm pretty sure elemental material is already cover in the original act when creating elemental power.
@Photomajig Can we write side-pieces to expand upon acts? Not dramatically, no god powers involved, but to show how they could be used in the world, how they would act. Linking it into the discussion above, what Elemental materials there are, and their uses
Gah! That was such a beautiful update!

I have so many ideas, but no time to write them down!

I will eventually write one down, that's for sure.
I was thinking about creating more of Fair folk. But for now, this idea

[ ] Law of Myths
Every great story leaves a mark on reality, one way or another. The Law of Myths can witness that mark in more tangible form, drawing power from Faith of the living.
So, myths mostly explain how things came to be, even if it is not the point of a story. For example, the legend of Narcissus.
Well, this act does the same, but in the opposite way. Already existing things are not explained by legends (there is no point in it, by the way. How was the Sun created? Why, the Makers, of course!), but legends create new things.
[] Faeries appear all over both worlds
Tiny in stature faeries most resemble extremely colorful vaguely humanoid insects. While their small size makes them fragile they are agile fliers and more than that possess the ability to fool the senses of other living beings allowing them to create illusions. Curious and mischievous by nature they are brought in the world for one and only one purpose which is to enjoy themself and to have fun and so long as they follow this they are essentially biologically immortal. However tedium is deadly to them for if they grow bored their bodies start to slowly lose color and vitality until they shrivel up and die.

My attempts at creating a race. I think this would require a grand act but I think they should definitely qualify for the age bonus^^
The Forbidden Shaping:

A Shaper of the Deep Algals is infected by a Maker's poisonous gift, granting them genius and madness both. They cast aside the taboos and restrictions that govern the Algals' Shaping. Their experiments ramp up quickly and before any of their peers can stop them, the colony is transforming in an uncontrolled and rapid fashion. An Abomination is born - a ravenous and ever-mutating colony that reacts to the horror of its kin by consuming dozens of other colonies, forcefully absorbing them as part of their feverish and tormented mind-whole. Demi-Act: Gift a Deep Algal Shaper with Genius and Madness. Whatever they create next will be wildly successful.. in fact, far too successful.

The colony continues Shaping those around it. It breeds a swarm of titanic leviathans warped beyond any recognition. Its mind-hive broken by far too many voices and parts, it roams the seas in a bestial state, terrorizing the Deep Algals. When it is at last turned back and pursued by an united front of Deep Algal warrior-colonies and the intervention of the grieving World-Sea, the Abomination flees - and in desperation climbs to where the Deep Algals will not follow, the City of the First Children.

The Ardent Algals are revolted by the continuously mutating abomination arriving on their doorstep. The Grandmasters fall upon it with all their cold fury, but the Abomination and its army of horrors has grown terrible indeed. It seeks to devour the City's Algals as well. The invasion causes terrible devastation in the City and kills countless of its inhabitants. Many of the Masters fall under the onslaught. At last the Abomination is struck down, but the price has been steep. The complacency of the Bãsn-Shaal-Khlomet is forever broken and a cold vengeance seizes them. They know the Abomination to be a spawn of the Deep Algals and the Sea-Spirit. If they wish war, they shall have it. As the Ardent Algals recover, they also plot vengeance on their kin in the deep...

Now to create a third Algallan state.. hmmm.....
We forgot to give them a moon
Yeah, the moment I read that I was like… ah. Oh no. That's not good. But, well, I think we should run with it now.
I'll admit, I had thought we had a moon set up on planet so the plague wouldn't be nearly as bad.
Oh dear.

I uh... really missed the whole, "supplied a cure- doesnt' apply on the planet needed" bit of the problem there. Whooooops!
Ah well. My fault for assuming we added a moon to the new planet with the fancy ring! I think the fleshmoon confused me a good bit about that for some reason. Bleh.
I thought the ringlight counted as moonlight. I guess not. Hopefully my next act would solve that. Moonlight from moonstone might be suffice, and I might have to explicitly write it down if needs be.
It might be prudent to specifically seed some other sources of Lunar and Solar magic throughout the universe too, @MangoFlan. Leave no ambiguity and also let it be more common throughout the universe instead of effectively limited to the Aebrirea.
Hmm... You might be right. I think I'll tweak my act in a bit. What do you think having Solar Magic being produced from Nuclear Fusion? It would make every star a source of Solar Magic.

Nuclear Fusion --> Solar Magic
Solar Magic + Moonstone --> Lunar Magic

Solar Magic + Rocks --> Moonstone

Light + Moonstone --> Magical Moonlight
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant: In the Dryul's expansion, driven by a mandate that is divine beyond divine, they have trampled over much and subjugated more. Among them, a human father, whose last sight with mortal eyes had been that of his kin, his children, carried off in chains. With frenzied spite, desperation and single-minded fury, he is the latest to emerge triumphant in the Tournament of Life and Death. To Vadhu, he pleads only one thing of his impending reincarnation; that his new life will allow him to save his family from their bondage, and to teach to the Draghai in fullness the terror of his wroth, for imposing such suffering upon the life he had known. (Lesser Act)

[X] The Elemental Materials (Grand Act)
[X] Faeries appear all over both worlds
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic Act)
[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] Stone Soul Speaker (Demi Act)
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[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
Fire and Starlight, the Emberlings live and die in moments happy to spend that time singing. How vast their personalities can grow is astounding for creatures that live minutes most of the time, I have spoken with a ember lamp among the Mother's garden who say joy in every day and would speak at great length with all they could. While my own companion is slow and calculating often listening more than talking. Less said about those that fall into the cold hands of the highlanders the better. They are as diverse as any other mortals.
A human scholar on emberlings.

Beings born half of the seen half of the unseen. They are balls of starlight born when the barrier of the world becomes thin. They live for moments just long enough to fall from the sky with their kin for the duration of the thinnest passing. They are aware and intelligent but for their short lives they have little cares or worries and each are born with knowledge of one of the legends in the stars. As they fall they sing of the legend they know.

For almost all Emberlings this is their whole life. A burst of song and light before they fade away. But if a living mortal catches one they will not fade, their life prolonged. If they are let go as this they will fade, but as long as the mortal holds them they will persist. Singing of the legend they know, for a mortal this short lived companion can help them if they wish to follow that legend, but for most it is a beautiful curiosity.

Emberlings can be preserved in one of two ways for those that wish to see these creatures last for many more nights then those of their birth.

The first is to make a container of grown once living material, such as a weaved cage for branches. This forever keeps the emberlings from falling, though it has no capacity beyond it's tongue known as ember lamps they can be used as a source of light and company.

Of all the Emberlings those that have be caught and then given a poppet are the longest living. The poppet made by hand in any shape will become a vessel and for as long as it persists the Emberling within will linger. These Poppeted Emberlings are of various natures each reflecting the legend they know, and their companion, though most are a little whimsical they must build a personality and existence now that their lives are measured in days and years instead of minutes or hours.

The poppet can be made of any material but must be made by one person from raw to finished often meaning eligible poppets are made of reeds, or wooden figures. The capacity of the poppet depends on its shape and material, it can moves as if held and manipulated by an outside force. However it is not made more durable or strong by this force. The larger the poppet the weaker the ability to move and manipulate itself is.

Songs and joy, for those that see them that is the nature of the Emberlings. They stars come to life falling to earth with a choir of their tails. Their song is unworldly and beautiful, though the tone and temper are based on the stories they reflect. Some may say that Emberlings of tyrants and monsters produce a discordant song, but those can not see beauty of those songs. The song of a thousand headed to war, of stone spears tapping on wooden shields. Of conquest and victory. It is a sweet sound alluring and beautiful in its own way. For those brave enough any song can be echoed. The Emberlings are tools for those who are willing to listen.
Highland Myridna on Emberlings

Non-authored Acts.
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant
[X] The Elemental Materials (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Reptiles (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home
[X] create glires a class of animals which include rodents and rabbits. (grand act)
[X] Create the Ùbut-Shokâr, the flesh incarnate of liberation (Lesser Act)
[X] Create The Abyss (Cosmic Act)
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What do you think having Solar Magic being produced from Nuclear Fusion?
That could have some weird effects since nuclear fusion occurs in a bunch of other contexts outside stars, but I think it's a good idea.


Authored Act:

[X] Muster the Muses and Dramaturgists of the Unseen to begin the creation of the Tragicomedic Saga (Lesser Act)

The first and highest law of the world, before and above all others, is for that which is narratively satisfying to supersede all other laws. The spirits of the Unseen are ever-present and myriad, their touch subtle but strong in impact, with the knowledge of Dramaturgy to give direction and focus. With Legend, Artistry, and Theatrics, the stage of reality has finally been set for the greatest of plays to begin production. Through the divinatory power of the Hour Stones and the guidance of the Muses, a prophesy of the future shall be made, not of the most likely future, but instead the most miraculous, a story that resonates most strongly with Narrative Satisfaction. Through the supporting power of the Makers, it shall be carved into the bark upon the trunk and branches of the World Tree, whereupon they will become as one in truth to reach all corners of the Unseen.

The world is not bound to fate or destiny or a script, but made by the earnest efforts of every actor playing their part, and this remains true even as the future is recorded. For one cannot witness the prophesy and not wish for it to be true, but one cannot know it without hoping for it to change; to read it is to know the promise of what could have been and now will never be. An artwork with the power to bring those who see it to tears of joy and abject despair at its revelations. Such is comedy, for life thus imitates art made in its own image, and such is tragedy, for it then becomes an unattainable dream. Then it should be, that work will then be called the Tragicomedic Saga, for its very existence is a joke and a crime in every sense.

The Tragicomedic Saga will never be finished, as the world is too large for the work to ever be done, always growing and evolving as it is. Neither made by magic or by divine power, but through the continued labors of those creative spirits inspired to write it. The Saga is not a true vision of the future, it is a prediction and a fantasy, so beautiful and glorious and vibrant to perhaps bring even Vanti madness. These spirits are the Playwrights, not born of it but changed by it, so affected from witnessing the Saga that they dedicate themselves in perpetuity to the endless task of its completion. As the future advances and changes so to will the Saga, a manuscript forever in editing, even as the play is clumsily acted out on the great stage of reality.

As it grows, to know it in full becomes a task of Legend, too large and far spread for anyone but the most dedicated to hope to achieve. And so one being, the Teller of Tales, will be given full knowledge of the whole Tragicomedic Saga as it is written, and they too shall weep and laugh before it's awesome majesty, so they will share it with any who dare hear it.


Unauthored Acts: More to be Added

[X] Seed the Cosmos with Strange Minerals and Metals (Cosmic Act)
[X] Pen the many verses of the Chainbreaker's Cant(Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sehranen, the children of dragons and frogs, a new race that will call Stromhiem their home

[x]Emberlings (Lesser Act)
[X] A Vengeful Spirit Stands Triumphant
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