Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

Like it's not bad in the sense that these slots need to be resolved eventually.

I'm more just like looking around and reading the room and the desire to push the boundaries just doesn't seem there at all.

My problem is I genuinely don't think Scia has done anything like insanely bad, I think the no kill vote is like just standard panicking townie. I'm just not seeing it, it's from my perspective just a leftover push from yesterday that I think was scum driven in the first place.

I think this push is in line with scum strategy of just letting town kinda just kinda repeating these low value pushes and hangs.

Like it's basically what would've happened had comi not claimed and gotten Snickers out.

It just feels off.
Like it's not bad in the sense that these slots need to be resolved eventually.

I'm more just like looking around and reading the room and the desire to push the boundaries just doesn't seem there at all.

My problem is I genuinely don't think Scia has done anything like insanely bad, I think the no kill vote is like just standard panicking townie. I'm just not seeing it, it's from my perspective just a leftover push from yesterday that I think was scum driven in the first place.

I think this push is in line with scum strategy of just letting town kinda just kinda repeating these low value pushes and hangs.

Like it's basically what would've happened had comi not claimed and gotten Snickers out.

It just feels off.
I'm not saying you're entirely wrong but like, do you have a better option?

I'm on Scia because I never would've gotten off Scia if not for Comi coming in with the Snickers thing. And, in hindsight, one of the biggest opponents while I was making that push was Nictis, so I'm not really inclined to vote someone else unless somebody has a strong argument in favor of X, which... I haven't seen.
I'm not saying you're entirely wrong but like, do you have a better option?

I'm on Scia because I never would've gotten off Scia if not for Comi coming in with the Snickers thing. And, in hindsight, one of the biggest opponents while I was making that push was Nictis, so I'm not really inclined to vote someone else unless somebody has a strong argument in favor of X, which... I haven't seen.

Idk I guess it informs what I do tommorrow at this point.

Like scum Scia world pretty solidly exonerates LDJ whereas I think in town Scia world I think that shit with nictis isn't very meaningful at all.

And I'm on balance pretty 50/50 on both.

But again that's like entirely things I've been on about for 2 game days at this point and I just have no motivation.

To put my cards on the table I'm more interested in like trying to figure out Shadells slot at this point since most of the other players around are very self resolving from my perspective.

At this point I guess the move is just to let things fall into place as is but idk I think I just feel like this is demotivating for me. Since I'm basically letting someone go not because I think they did wrong but because it reveals others motivations more clearly.
Can't say I'm particularly happy with any of the options atm. Young remains the most sus to me, though that argument feels like beating a dead horse at this point. Unsure on Cat because of the invest role thing and still side-eyeing Devil, not liking how little there seems to be on Scia and that argument is basically the exact same thing they themselves also did d1 but with the addition of the 'no vote' thing. But then there's really not much to go on for any of the arguments atm, so not sure if there's a better option, so I'd be fine with either Scia or Devil going today. Will have to see which way they flip though to be 100% certain.

Comi's been rather quiet but get's a pass because of d2, hoping that isn't mistake, waiting to see if they have another sudden last minute bombshell. Little unsure on Cyri as well, but will only vote them tomorrow if they don't carry out the vig. Don't really have enough to go off on for Usuli and Name seems town to me atm.
Actually @LostDeviljho kinda curious, has your view on the d1 argument about Young changed much with his stated role reveal as Zaealix-Omega-chan? Since that now proves that we were right about him lying on what name he received and as such the argument wasn't baseless? Know you were pretty much naysaying that argument both d1 and d2.
Actually @LostDeviljho kinda curious, has your view on the d1 argument about Young changed much with his stated role reveal as Zaealix-Omega-chan? Since that now proves that we were right about him lying on what name he received and as such the argument wasn't baseless? Know you were pretty much naysaying that argument both d1 and d2.
I still think that entire discussion was a load of hot bullshit that was and has been used by scum as a smokescreen. YP's full claim is... weird, and I don't know what to think about it exactly. I do still think they're town though, for basically the same reason Ori outlines here:
I just can't muster up the ability to care about this for a third day, when scum has been keen on maintaining the game-state.

Like If that's not a sign we are on the wrong track I can't tell you what is.
Like, if YP were actually scum, how does anything about how the whole YP topic has gone make sense? His scum teammates would have been moving to mitigate, instead of being perfectly happy to leave him there as a giant distraction for three days now.
Like, if YP were actually scum, how does anything about how the whole YP topic has gone make sense? His scum teammates would have been moving to mitigate, instead of being perfectly happy to leave him there as a giant distraction for three days now.

Except look at nictis. He consistently flip-flopped away and too YP. My working theory is that after Pyro made themselves suspicious D1 the idea was to work for a YP lynch unless an alternative was strongly enough led. Basically keep YP as an unresolved question mark until they couldn't.

Huge real talk, why would nictis a roleblocker/redirector ask a powercop to look at them. And this is before snickers offered it. I know nictis is valid for absurd crazy plays but like...something about that has sat with me wrong since the flip.

It's also just sitting a constant question mark of uncertainty, it's disruptive to the state of the game. Conversation stagnates, confusion sets in. Longterm paranoia. Etc...
Suppose so, think he's more likely third party than maf at this point honestly. Whether that's town beneficial or not, remains to be seen.

As for mitigation; there has been several detractors against the wagon, you of which have been the most vocal and after a certain point it becomes hard for mafia to deflect, especially with how little evidence we seem to have on well anyone atm and the argument against him had far more against him than could be rallied against others (barring snickers of course), not counting 99 because that wagon really had nothing to it and I'm pretty convinced it might of been scum led.

That Nictis didn't vote Young till last minute and the 99 wagon seemed to be winning at that point, also throws up potential alarm bells to me. Seems more wine there than anything. Can't quite remember where Nic's vote was before?
Except look at nictis. He consistently flip-flopped away and too YP. My working theory is that after Pyro made themselves suspicious D1 the idea was to work for a YP lynch unless an alternative was strongly enough led. Basically keep YP as an unresolved question mark until they couldn't.

Huge real talk, why would nictis a roleblocker/redirector ask a powercop to look at them. And this is before snickers offered it. I know nictis is valid for absurd crazy plays but like...something about that has sat with me wrong since the flip.

It's also just sitting a constant question mark of uncertainty, it's disruptive to the state of the game. Conversation stagnates, confusion sets in. Longterm paranoia. Etc...
That's fair. I can accept that reasoning for dayvigging him.
ftr I'm totally fine with a YP dayvig I think it resolves a ton shit, my issue is much more directly with the vote.
I'm busy and I need more corpses, for analysis, Nictis played mostly like Nictis, and Snickers only reasonable link is YP, but they also were gunning to eliminate them twice over. As was Nictis which I think actually paints YP in a positive light, and would prefer they not be your elimination tonight, even if I do not really get their night claim.

To explain knowing Nictis, they play mostly accurately to their real reads even as scum, and them being all about "YP is the SK" reads very genuine as Nictis's real thoughts, and as Scum that is a good thing for him to go for both credit and defending his allies. Additionally with a role name like Prime Zaealix, almost certainly a godfather.

Honestly I'm mostly feeling a Shadell Elimination as being accurate, but I just don't have the time to dive into exactly why, and unlike last phase where I played the whole day knowing I had scum to reveal at the end I have no such reveal at this time.

I apologize for not being very present, I'm trying to jump in when I can and am able to and my at least sort of town-core idea about me really means I should be pushing this game more.

Can't quite remember where Nic's vote was before?

Nictis's vote was on Ori before swap at end of day.
Honestly I'm mostly feeling a Shadell Elimination as being accurate, but I just don't have the time to dive into exactly why, and unlike last phase where I played the whole day knowing I had scum to reveal at the end I have no such reveal at this time.

Shadell tbh is like the last slot that doesn't really just self resolve over time I feel at that alone leaves me twigged. I guess maybe Draxy too but I haven't spent as much time really thinking it over.
Like, I don't see why you'd fake the witch thing from YP's perspective, I don't see why you'd do that as Nictis. Cutting the Corsican knot with the kill feels solid intuitively, but I am leery on pushing for a death that's not for scum reasons vs incoherent ones.

At the same time, YP was scummy earlier and I do think we learn a lot about others if they die.

Honestly I'm mostly feeling a Shadell Elimination as being accurate, but I just don't have the time to dive into exactly why, and unlike last phase where I played the whole day knowing I had scum to reveal at the end I have no such reveal at this time.

Anything to go on really beyond low post count?
Like, I don't see why you'd fake the witch thing from YP's perspective, I don't see why you'd do that as Nictis. Cutting the Corsican knot with the kill feels solid intuitively, but I am leery on pushing for a death that's not for scum reasons vs incoherent ones.

At the same time, YP was scummy earlier and I do think we learn a lot about others if they die.

Anything to go on really beyond low post count?

Following your own logic, you were on the YP elimination with both the SK and Nictis, day 1, if I am to take YP at their word as town eliminating a rolecop as scum day 1 is a major play, that both Nictis and Snickers went for. The only other remaining unknown on that list is Usili/A Bunch of Atoms, and that doesn't feel a reasonable push at this moment.

If we look back up into the 99Lies elimination, we only have flipped town on it, and Cyric I'm assuming is town as long as we see this day-vig actually happen this phase, and I'm going to be considering YP as town right now too.

LDJ and CoolCatmanC were sort of fights with Nictis which puts them into good light so all that remains as suspect enough on that wagon for deep analysis are OriginalName and Scia. Scia there just isn't much there and Ori I think may have gotten caught in the Nictis train of thought day 2 too deeply (alternatively it was intentional powerwolfing in tandem which is within the realm of possibility.)

Finally, we have the non-significant voters of Myself, Zaealix and Draxy. Zaealix feels like themself so far, I would necessarily be against them being like a day-vig target but I don't get much out of their elimination for future analysis. Draxy is better, but feels very similar to the only game I can go off of for their play and they were town there even with some light strangeness.
Sorry the above is kinda rambley, effectively I suspect one more scum on the end of day 1 YP elimination, and another 1 on either ineffective votes or 99Lies elimination at day 1's end.
Ok since no one did a list of who voted 99 d1, with devil exclusively focusing instead on young with their vote breakdown, here we are.

On one hand I agree.
On the other I really hate the deflection.

[x] Vote NinetyNineLies

Say something scummy.

First vote on 99 mostly a meme vote, later is changed on page 11.

I paced around my room a couple times thinking about it

[x] Vote Zaealix

This is 100% my day 1 policy vote you don't get to say one of the single most objectively wrong statements possible like that and not face any sort of retaliation.

I'm getting hesitant about the YP vote because I think he's hinting at a town role or something. I'm going to switch to @NinetyNineLies on the basis that voting someone on the basis of it being a popular vote is not a great look, and also the YP stuff that I (and at least some of the rest of the wagon, from what they've said) are voting him over happened before NinetyNineLies first comment of the game where he said

Which makes it look to me more like it's a vote on the basis of it that being a popular wagon than on the basis of YP actually being sus.

From page 9, seems like a decent enough reason and of course we now know hail was town. Also first actual vote on the wagon that stays.

[X] Vote NinetyNineLies

gotta get this in real quick

Page 12, this is after Young's role reveal on page 11 making that wagon less viable as several nulls on that wagon occurred. No explanation given to the vote. Is now the second vote on the wagon

I mean, I've repeatedly tagged you to try to get your input, and you've ignored it.
[X] Vote NinetyNineLies

Young's vote immediatly follows turning it into a viable wagon. 3rd vote on the wagon again no explanation to vote, assumed self preservation.

I guess we might as well check that claim... rather lose a vanilla than an investigative...

[x] Vote NinetyNineLies
Known town vote, immediatly going for what seems to now be becoming the only viable wagon to save a claim investigative.

I just became alive. 99 is reminding me still of last game when they were scum, I apologize for my crappy attendence this day I will strive to do better or replace if i think it'll continue.

[X] Vote NinetyNineLies

Don't really like this reason for the vote, but at least a reason is actually given.

[X] vote NinetyNineLies

I should be consistent at least.
Name returns to the wagon no reason given here, not sure if it was given earlier?

[x] Vote NinetyNineLies

Scia's the last to vote on the wagon. 2 mins to deadline, prior to this they'd been pressured to vote someone by other's in opposition to their No vote.

Hate this wagon even more now looking at it now, really is less to this than I even thought before and much less than was given for Young. That the two votes that turned this into a viable wagon, also did so with out reasoning and the pile on soon followed? Honestly, seems really scummy to me especially given the timing of the creation of this wagon, following after Youngs role reveal, which made voting for him much more uncertain.

That Devil then spends the following day, totally ignoring this wagon instead drawing all attention to Young and his wagon, completely ignoring what happened here and controlling the conversation. That d2 also left me with many question regarding them is also just, yeah. If I have to pick between him and Scia, I'm going with devil being scum given they and young pretty much created the 99 wagon it seems.

[X] Vote LostDeviljho
Ok since no one did a list of who voted 99 d1, with devil exclusively focusing instead on young with their vote breakdown, here we are.

First vote on 99 mostly a meme vote, later is changed on page 11.

From page 9, seems like a decent enough reason and of course we now know hail was town. Also first actual vote on the wagon that stays.

Page 12, this is after Young's role reveal on page 11 making that wagon less viable as several nulls on that wagon occurred. No explanation given to the vote. Is now the second vote on the wagon

Young's vote immediatly follows turning it into a viable wagon. 3rd vote on the wagon again no explanation to vote, assumed self preservation.

Known town vote, immediatly going for what seems to now be becoming the only viable wagon to save a claim investigative.

Don't really like this reason for the vote, but at least a reason is actually given.

Name returns to the wagon no reason given here, not sure if it was given earlier?

Scia's the last to vote on the wagon. 2 mins to deadline, prior to this they'd been pressured to vote someone by other's in opposition to their No vote.

Hate this wagon even more now looking at it now, really is less to this than I even thought before and much less than was given for Young. That the two votes that turned this into a viable wagon, also did so with out reasoning and the pile on soon followed? Honestly, seems really scummy to me especially given the timing of the creation of this wagon, following after Youngs role reveal, which made voting for him much more uncertain.

That Devil then spends the following day, totally ignoring this wagon instead drawing all attention to Young and his wagon, completely ignoring what happened here and controlling the conversation. That d2 also left me with many question regarding them is also just, yeah. If I have to pick between him and Scia, I'm going with devil being scum given they and young pretty much created the 99 wagon it seems.

[X] Vote LostDeviljho

Just to be clear I voted 99L because I jokingly asked him to do something scummy, and then his response was to do something scummy and I will never back down from a 'no balls' of that level.
I also think if anyone actually got the 99 wagon going it was more me and Hail.
I also think if anyone actually got the 99 wagon going it was more me and Hail.

Maybe, though you did swap to Zaealix, just before the role reveal and then re-joined once it had gained traction. So at the time Devil voted, the wagon was only at one vote. Is more the timing at which the 99 wagon became viable with Devil's and Young's votes, like I said it came off the back of Young's partial role reveal seems to have been done to take advantage of that, especially as there was no votes placed between then and devil's votes, only two Null votes off of Young, like they wait to see what the impact of the reveal is and then place their votes to choose a new direction of conversation.
That Devil then spends the following day, totally ignoring this wagon instead drawing all attention to Young and his wagon, completely ignoring what happened here and controlling the conversation.
Okay no comment on any of the rest of that, but this bit is just straight up a lie. Y'all were already focusing YP and attendant nonsense, I didn't draw attention to it, I just explained why I thought it was nonsense and tried to actually find scum.
Scia: Like, I'mma be honest, I do... sort of feel she is probably a bit lean scum? Dunno why, but sort of feel thats way.

Draxy: honestly feels rather townish

OriginalName: [just groans at 100 posts which I will get done... hopefully by 1PM]

apologies for not being active much in this game so far >.> always have a bit of a hard time when rolling in as a substitute
right, sorry, got pulled away for some stuff, but OriginalName... kind of feels towny? I'll do a deep dive on them for the night phase probably.