Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

On one hand, claiming not zaealix in the zaealix color is um, odd.

On the other hand I don't actually get scum reads off Cyri, and I wanna see if they're actually a dayvig or not, so I don't actually wanna vote them?
On one hand, claiming not zaealix in the zaealix color is um, odd.

On the other hand I don't actually get scum reads off Cyri, and I wanna see if they're actually a dayvig or not, so I don't actually wanna vote them?

Oh the day vig is going somewhere today. I am comfortable even on a miss that we are in a good game state.

Right now I have at zaealix for both memes and a serious please effort post. They've posted since then so I might be re-aligning to YP for reasonings I'll lay down once I collect my posts.
Oh the day vig is going somewhere today. I am comfortable even on a miss that we are in a good game state.

Right now I have at zaealix for both memes and a serious please effort post. They've posted since then so I might be re-aligning to YP for reasonings I'll lay down once I collect my posts.
Uhhh, are you limited shot?

Because I still don't think YP is scum, but at this point I don't think it's worth the time and effort to defend him unless it's burning important resources.
Uhhh, are you limited shot?

Because I still don't think YP is scum, but at this point I don't think it's worth the time and effort to defend him unless it's burning important resources.

Don't answer this question @Cyricubed

However, I don't think Nictis would go after their ally for two days in a row when they aren't like Pawn or Terrabrand. At very worst YP is third party, but that feels unlikely as anti-town currently, and if we see new non-green death flavors they deserve some additional suspicion, but YP shouldn't be the main topic for a 3rd day in a row.

Lets start somewhere...

@Usili 2.0 when you get a chance can I have your opinions on the following players not necessarily the most in-depth thoughts but some thoughts:
- OriginalName
- Draxy
- Scia

[X] Vote Shadell

What I want from you is to give me your thoughts on what is sort of your own question from day 2. Based on the new information and play how do you analyze the day 1 voters anything feel suspect or off here to you?
For everyone but also specifically @Zaealix @Snickers4444 and @Cyricubed, a big D1 wagon often has scum hiding in it in my experience. If you had to vote a specific person voting YP atm, who and why? That is, who has uncharacteristically bad reasons for being on the wagon?

Day 1 Elimination was on 99Lies: hailcapital, LDJ, Young Pyromancer, CoolCatmanC, RoachTV, Cyricubed, OriginalName, Scia
Day 1 YP voters at end: Snickers4444, Shadell, A Bunch of Atoms/Usili, 99Lies, Nictis, Legend of Ruina
Those not on either major wagon or not voting: Zaealix, Draxy, ComiTurtle
Don't answer this question @Cyricubed

However, I don't think Nictis would go after their ally for two days in a row when they aren't like Pawn or Terrabrand. At very worst YP is third party, but that feels unlikely as anti-town currently, and if we see new non-green death flavors they deserve some additional suspicion, but YP shouldn't be the main topic for a 3rd day in a row.

Lets start somewhere...

@Usili 2.0 when you get a chance can I have your opinions on the following players not necessarily the most in-depth thoughts but some thoughts:
- OriginalName
- Draxy
- Scia

[X] Vote Shadell

What I want from you is to give me your thoughts on what is sort of your own question from day 2. Based on the new information and play how do you analyze the day 1 voters anything feel suspect or off here to you?

Day 1 Elimination was on 99Lies: hailcapital, LDJ, Young Pyromancer, CoolCatmanC, RoachTV, Cyricubed, OriginalName, Scia
Day 1 YP voters at end: Snickers4444, Shadell, A Bunch of Atoms/Usili, 99Lies, Nictis, Legend of Ruina
Those not on either major wagon or not voting: Zaealix, Draxy, ComiTurtle
You mind if I get you that by morningish?
Okay, sorry I got distracted a bit. I know I had 1-2 calls onto me for questions but I am blind right now and can't find them.
Can anyone restate them or do something else that they want off me?
Day 1 Elimination was on 99Lies: hailcapital, LDJ, Young Pyromancer, CoolCatmanC, RoachTV, Cyricubed, OriginalName, Scia
Day 1 YP voters at end: Snickers4444, Shadell, A Bunch of Atoms/Usili, 99Lies, Nictis, Legend of Ruina
Those not on either major wagon or not voting: Zaealix, Draxy, ComiTurtle

Well, for starters, I feel extremely confident that at least one scum was on YP! Additionally, as you can see by the number of YP voters who have died relative to the 99L voters who have died, clearly we are being retaliated against.

More seriously, starting with the D1 vote. Hail and Roach are town. Cyri has a dayvig claim to sort out that I think kinda precludes strong focused looks there. I know I'm town, and discussing me wouldn't be that helpful anyway if you're leaning a different way.

That leaves LDJ, YP, CCC, Ori and Scia on 99L and Usili on YP

LDJ: Made a few odd pushes that strike me as maybe mechanical or maybe a bit scummy still (as I said in my last read of LDJ). their vote on 99L has no justification. Previously said "vibes" on 99L, Roach and me, but I know all 3 are town. Then Hail voted for 99L and LDJ jumped on that wagon. This reeks of opportunism tbh. If YP flips scum, LDJ is looking pretty bad. D2, LDJ said that they were in a rush and hadn't been able to do more. I'm just not super happy about an experienced player having a read and not voting it, then voting it as soon as someone else does. OTOH, the fight with Nictis D2 is pretty exonerating.

YP has the cleanest reason for voting 99L, it's naked self-preservation. There's a lot to go over wrt YP and the kinda boggling claim about Nictis redirecting YP onto Nictis when Nictis has powers that scream Witch/scum to me is... odd, but I'm not inclined to clear YP because of the Nictis interactions, specifically, associating YP wagons with the cult theorizing feels like a good way to somewhat inadvertently discredit them. At the moment, I'm honestly not sure how I read YP, but I do kinda want to flip them just because it would make a lot of other reads (LDJ and Scia) make a lot more sense. Sadly, that's not a great reason to vote atm.

CCC: Very high noise to signal ratio. OTOH, correctly got sus on the Zaealix prime thing skimming through the memeposting. 262 catches my eye there in reading a bit odd and warranting pressure if YP isn't town. Their argument for voting 99L strikes me as bad, but they overall feel like a new player. The Zaealix Prime interactions with Draxy make me suspect Draxy a bit though.

Ori: I anticipate this reread will take me the longest, so going to defer until earlier tomorrow if that's okay because I am tired and it is late.

@Scia: Honestly hasn't done much. Has inserted vote counts and memed today to get post count up, but is mostly flying under the radar. 445 feels like playing, but otherwise I'm not seeing much to like in Scia's play. Also, I'll stand by much of what I said in my last read on Scia. here and here. I think there's a lot scummy to go on, but it feels like a bit of a weird story and I'd like more data to reconcile things.

Usili: Swapped in this Day and this Day has been dead, so Usili clearly murdered the Day phase and must be scum! More seriously, hasn't really done anything besides hitting exactly the minimum post-count. Swapped in to a dead slot, with Atoms having 8 posts total, 1 of which was pregame and several of which were contentless. 250 is the exception, with a few other posts that are mostly NAI (jumping on YP's issue with the rolecards and vanillas). Not terrible for a post, but also the bare minimum to contribute and only 1 day. Considering they soon subbed out, I'm not inclined to credit that either way really.

[x] Vote Scia
for slight gripe trying to flow hyperlinks is very difficult for me. Le-sigh...
*I had a slight positive read of Scia d1, but their continual lack of activity has slowly soured that. Unless they step up their game, I'm willing to vote them, on the grounds of it not hurting much if we lose them as townie. The activity today has been pretty bad, so that's actually a relevant concern.

Separately, @Shadell why are your thoughts on Zaealix? They were the leading candidate (if you merge the dayvig) before your post, but you neglected to mention them at all. I'd appreciate your input.

Oh, and @Scia I was wondering if we could get a general idea of your roleblock flavor from earlier on. It's for mechanics reasons that I think I explained earlier. It probably won't really matter, but it'd help me personally. Thx!
@Usili 2.0 when you get a chance can I have your opinions on the following players not necessarily the most in-depth thoughts but some thoughts:
- OriginalName
- Draxy
- Scia
Scia: Like, I'mma be honest, I do... sort of feel she is probably a bit lean scum? Dunno why, but sort of feel thats way.

Draxy: honestly feels rather townish

OriginalName: [just groans at 100 posts which I will get done... hopefully by 1PM]

apologies for not being active much in this game so far >.> always have a bit of a hard time when rolling in as a substitute
I forgot to do my deathpost earlier.

Do what you want cause Zaealix is free, you are Zaealix.

You got a Zaealix in me
When the thread looks hard to read
And you're pages and pages from yesterday
You just remember what the big poster said
Yeah you've got a Zaealix in me.
There was a question about the roleblock which might be pertient and which I did not want to reveal back then , but on a reread is important, namely that the roleblock says I would get the ire of the collective because I would apear as scum despite being a member of the collective. Which seems more like scum roleblock, and so far no one had anounced that they got roleblocked , so they might be able to corobate that.
So we're just going to shrug and off LHF and just let the game-state stay stagnant for another day yeeeeeet...
I'm going to point out the giant glaring red flag that Young Pyro has stated themselves as Zaealix Omega-chan.

Meanwhile with comi's psuedo-confirmation so far. Everyone else should be zaealix with the exception of me because I have something that makes me 'Not Zaealix.' despite being still part of the collective. Nictis meanwhile seemed more than willing to pull away from YP in leu of other targets PLUS looking back at hail captials reads they had suspicions on YP & Scia. I believe hail was killed in an attempt to mitigate a shifting of day state in which he could have pushed for those reads to be cross-examined.


[X] Dayvig Young Pyromancer

[X] Vote Scia