Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
For my part, it kinda sounds like a choice of which aspect of the collapse we want to try to manage.

Do we try to hold the nobles together and keep them pointed at the actual enemies?

Do we learn the secrets needed to make an attempt at the realm defense grid?

Do we try and beat back the tides that flood into the realm?
I think the thread should probably let go of the idea that we will be in any way able to manage any aspect of the collapse beyond, hopefully, our own personal survival. We're a teenage girl who is only one of a significant number of people related to Big Red, and we're younger and less powerful than literally any of the rest of them. And we're much less powerful than quite a number of other people who aren't directly related to the Empress, for that matter.

Being a quest protagonist doesn't automatically come with a free supply of Destiny Tokens that we can spend to shift the tide of history. People should really vote for who they want Ambraea to be, not how they want her to change the world, because only the first one of those is actually on the table.
We're still gonna be in school, studying magic, by the time all this business goes down.
I feel that, normally, this sort of thing might be cause to pull the kids out of school. Then again, such a feeling is likely reliant upon ignoring which school it is we go to...
I think that most of the people voting for serpent witch are doing so because of spirit's
Is there evidence of that? I am genuinely curious because I am not aware of the appeal of spirits. I, ironically enough, have some interest in sorcery because of our handmaiden. The more isolated our public image, the more distinct it will be from when we are relaxed. Should such a rare occurrence ever transpire, then she will almost certainly be there to appreciate it, as possibly our only unreserved confidante, eventually, if we can ever open up to anyone...

Also, Sorcery is the only way we could realistically hope to grant her an exaltation. I figure that we just need to find one of our most hated rivals, use blasphemous ritual and tormentuous conditioning to suborn their mind, have them learn a body-jacking skill, then have them possess and express their exaltation through the host while completely suborning their will to that of the host. Oh, sure, it would be sure to go horribly wrong eventually, but until then you have an effective exaltation theft. Then again, I am going a bit too mad scientist here, and have no idea how many options there are for a sorcerer to reconfigure a liked mortal so as to maintain them as a companion for their foreseeable future... but blasphemous ritual is sure to be involved and maximum sorcery is the path to that sort of thing...

Maybe I just want sorcery because I identify as being naturally-inclined towards mad science...
Being a quest protagonist doesn't automatically come with a free supply of Destiny Tokens that we can spend to shift the tide of history.
[:V] Spend our Destiny Tokens to choose all of the options!
Also, Sorcery is the only way we could realistically hope to grant her an exaltation. I figure that we just need to find one of our most hated rivals, use blasphemous ritual and tormentuous conditioning to suborn their mind, have them learn a body-jacking skill, then have them possess and express their exaltation through the host while completely suborning their will to that of the host. Oh, sure, it would be sure to go horribly wrong eventually, but until then you have an effective exaltation theft. Then again, I am going a bit too mad scientist here, and have no idea how many options there are for a sorcerer to reconfigure a liked mortal so as to maintain them as a companion for their foreseeable future... but blasphemous ritual is sure to be involved and maximum sorcery is the path to that sort of thing...

But Y tho. :thonk:

Listen, I like mad science just as much as the next guy, but maybe a better way to mend the gap between Ambraea and Peony would be to... encourage character growth and develop their relationship further? Two people don't have to both be demigods to be able to like, have healthy interactions with one another.
[] [Goal] The Serpent Witch
[X] [Goal] Stone Towering Toward the Sky
[X] [Storyline] Endings and Different Colours
[X] [Storyline] Metal Honing Stone

I feel like with the options presented that I can only select what I know I don't want. With Sola having plenty of time to develop, I feel more at ease pursuing the other two, especially Deiza to see if we can turn this rivalry into an opportunity. And I'll say it again, I don't want Ambraea to turn into a carbon copy of Big Red.
Ambraea turning into a carbon copy of her mother is not really a possibility. The circumstances of their upbringings are vastly different, and while Ambraea is very much her mother's daughter and will have similarities no matter what you vote for, I don't see any of the Empress's children really representing more than a particular facet of her personality that way.

Ambraea does not have the similarity in appearance or easy charm that V'neef has that makes people happy she has the parts of the Empress that they actually like. Nor did she spend her developmental years in the shadow of an older brother trying to murder her, the way Mnemon did. Ambraea is coming out of this with different flaws and traumas, lucky her!

Also, Sorcery is the only way we could realistically hope to grant her an exaltation. I figure that we just need to find one of our most hated rivals, use blasphemous ritual and tormentuous conditioning to suborn their mind, have them learn a body-jacking skill, then have them possess and express their exaltation through the host while completely suborning their will to that of the host. Oh, sure, it would be sure to go horribly wrong eventually, but until then you have an effective exaltation theft. Then again, I am going a bit too mad scientist here, and have no idea how many options there are for a sorcerer to reconfigure a liked mortal so as to maintain them as a companion for their foreseeable future... but blasphemous ritual is sure to be involved and maximum sorcery is the path to that sort of thing...
Sorcery cannot remove or bestow an Exaltation through any means -- your Exaltation is yours until death, and it cannot be stolen or transferred ahead of time. You Exalt because a greater power Chooses you, whether that's the Elemental Dragons or Luna or some desperate minor god with an Exigency, not because you developed a weird workaround to game the system.
Sorcery cannot remove or bestow an Exaltation through any means -- your Exaltation is yours until death, and it cannot be stolen or transferred ahead of time. You Exalt because a greater power Chooses you, whether that's the Elemental Dragons or Luna or some desperate minor god with an Exigency, not because you developed a weird workaround to game the system.
Of course, stealing an Exigency and then forcing a terrified god to commit suicide by empowering it is an option, if an incredibly stupid one.
[X] [Goal] The Serpent Witch
[X] [Storyline] Endings and Different Colours

Swords sound cool but if we need to leave the hexagram we'll be in better shape to do it and not be a wimp in a later year. Otoh this is the perfect time to figure out what our necromancer class mate's deal is in the (relatively) controlled and totally safe (lol) environment of our magic school
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[X] [Goal] Stone Towering Toward the Sky

Talk softly, and carry heavy artillery in your back pocket

[X] [Storyline] Swords and Legacy

You had me at "dangerous misadventure"
Decided to go thru the houses and say what goal I think matches there interests most heavily, between the two options that have a chance at winning.
House Cathak — Fire That Marches Against the Tide. One of the three Great Military Houses of the Realm. Famed for its Legions' iron discipline.
As one of the big three Military houses, Stone Towering Toward the Sky is the obvious choice for house Cathak. In particular the stoic Virtue masses nicely with there legions famed Iron disclipline.

House Cynis — Wood Nourished on the Tears of the Fallen. A mercantile House with a monopoly on importing slaves and narcotics into the Blessed Isle.
This one would favor The Serpent Witch. It's Curses and Afflictions would be of Particular interest to them.

House Ledaal — Air that Raised the Bones of Giants. Famed for its deep stores of arcane knowledge and single-minded dedication to safeguarding the Realm from dark forces.
I admit I'm a bit stumped here. Dedication to defending the realm from dark forces Sounds Like a point for Stone Towering Toward the Sky, but the Arcane Knowledge could be a Point For or Against The Serpent Witch's Spirit's or Dread Mystery, depending on other factors such as who we spend our time with and how responsibly we are in the coming years.

House Mnemon — Earth Carved in the Image of One. Renowned architects, builders and geomancers. Responsible for much of the Blessed Isle's roads and other great works of infrastructure.
I'd say Stone Towering Towards the Sky. I could see a Knack for Earthen Defense working well with Mnemon.

House Nellens — Dragons of the Blood Ressurgent. A mercantile House with diverse investments. The youngest House, besides V'neef.
Another Toss up. Really there the least disinct house so far. I imagine them finding something to value about Ambraea no matter what we pick, tho if I were a bit familiar with there role in future events I could probably figure out more, tho thats a lot of lore for an hour after I've woken up.

House Peleps — Water That Wreaths the Crown of Centuries. A particularly old House that controls the Imperial Navy.
Ironically they'd probably be most interested in the possibility of Ambraea summoning sea Serpents, So The Serpent Witch is narrowly the winner here, mainly because Ambraea's element isn't as applicable to naval combat.

House Ragara — Earth Slaked on the Blood of Dragons. Controls most of the banking interests for the Dynasty.
Curses and Afflictions are an excellent way to make people pay what they Owe, without hurting them or inhibiting there ability to work. The Serpent Witch.

House Sesus — Fire that Makes the Shadows Strong. One of the three Great Military Houses of the Realm. Has an unsavoury reputation, and is known to rely on underhanded tactics in both military and political matters.
On one Hand, Military, So I could see Stone Towering Towards the Sky appealing to for tactics and Battlefeild Sorcery, but given there reputation Curses and Afflictions are equally there taste, so I can't count out The Serpent Witch. In the end they'd probably favor option 3 most but 2/35 votes isn't going to cut it. I'd say an even reception.

House Tepet — Air Stained by the Blood of Legions. One of the three Great Military Houses of the Realm. A very old House famed for heroism,
Stone Towering Towards the Sky. Between there Pride in a clean Reputation and Favoring more direct Conflict which of the two goals with a chance of winning most Suit Tepes is Clear. Since we are favoring her as a storyline focus this year it might be good to give proper consideration to how our goals will impact her houses view towards us.

House V'neef — Wood That Tenders the Garden's Grace. The youngest Great House by far, only elevated in RY 754. Apart from V'neef's own household, still predominantly made up of former outcaste households formally adopted by V'neef. Controls the Realm's merchant fleet.
Between there obvious efforts to form ties to house Tepes prior to it's essential destruction, and there attempts to ally with Cathak Afterwords, Vneef is clearly of a mind to bond with a military house. Leaning into our ties with house Burano with Stone Towering Towards the Sky would allow Ambraea to serve as a Possible alternative to House Cathak. Greiving Blind Swordwoman who love us for granting them veangance anyone?

Clan Burano — Stone That Towers Toward the Sky. One of the two ruling Dragon Clans of Prasad. Officially a Realm cadet house. Based in Prasad, in the South-Eastern Threshold.
Right there at the start. Make dad proud? Develop a rapport with our distant relations? Draw the attention of foreign Royalty? Stone Towering Towards the Sky is the key.

Erona — A patrician family, predominantly made up of bureaucrats working in the Thousand Scales.
I'd say they would be adverse to Dread Mystery and Spirits, so Stone Towering Towards the Sky.

House Ferem — Air Cradled in the Jaws of the Sea. The former rulers of Grand Cherak, now the largest Realm cadet house.
Don't know. To little info. Not sure if issues with cold apply to sorcery created snakes?

Clan Ophris — Fire That Renews the Forest. One of the two ruling Dragon Clans of Prasad. Officially a Realm cadet house. Based in Prasad, in the South-Eastern Threshold.
I'm not sure how much it matters. I say they could be interested in either one, but I can't see the voters allying with them over Burano, and if we are in favor of ties with the rulers of Prasad, why not go with the one we can strengthen ties with significantly simply by picking Stone Towering Towards the Sky's.

House Simendor — Dark Wings Enfolding the Agate Throne. An ancient bloodline of sorcerer princes. Now a Realm cadet house, named for the Shogunate daimyo, Simendor the Hellblade. Based in Chalan, in the Southern Threshold
Dread Mystery means this one goes to The Serpent Witch.

This would be a much different assessment if Eyes of Black Diamond, Smile of White Fang was still a contender. I'm personally seeing that in terms of gains with major houses and alignment with our storyline interests, Stone Towering Toward the Sky has solid benefits in regards to the former and clear synergy with what most of us want from the latter. The Serpent Witch is not without it's benefits, but seems rather divergent given that Tepes is leading the Storyline vote, and our other friendships and interests.
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All the Great Houses would find a woman with either skillset currently in the running to be highly valuable, although one would possibly appeal more to the sensibilities of honour bound military houses like Cathak and Tepet. Sesus is significantly more flexible in its tactics and values. You should not feel that you have to vote for one or the other to avoid closing those doors at this stage.

voters allying with them over Brucan
Is there a reason you keep calling Clan Burano "House Brucan"? Are you confusing it with something else?
[X] [Goal] Stone Towering Toward the Sky

[X] [Storyline] Swords and Legacy
The way I would personally think of the long-term "build" goals here is more or less in terms of social strategy and specialisation versus versatility.

So, Eyes of Black Diamond, Smile of White Fangs and Stone Soaring Toward the Sky are both choosing to add an element of specialisation to Ambraea's existing themes. One in the form of social maneuvering, the other in the form of battlefield magic. They're also attempts to mitigate the social hit Ambraea takes just for being a sorcerer, either through guile or remote virtue. That they also lean a little towards borrowing something from one parent or the other, without trying to model herself after them completely, is deliberate.

Serpent Witch is less dedicated to one kind of sorcery, and therefore represents a more flexible skillset that would be useful in many scenarios. It also basically just represents Ambraea taking a path of least resistance and trying to turn the social drawback of being a sorcerer into a strength by outright owning the kind of stuff that makes people so squeamish about it to begin with. It's also the most "Ambraea striking her own path" of the three, which has benefits and drawbacks.
So, Eyes of Black Diamond, Smile of White Fangs and Stone Soaring Toward the Sky are both choosing to add an element of specialisation to Ambraea's existing themes. One in the form of social maneuvering, the other in the form of battlefield magic. They're also attempts to mitigate the social hit Ambraea takes just for being a sorcerer, either through guile or remote virtue. That they also lean a little towards borrowing something from one parent or the other, without trying to model herself after them completely, is deliberate.
I personally like the idea of taking from the father. Following your own path can be fun, but also risky in times of uncertainty, which we know are right around the corner. Plus Prasad. I like the idea of leaning into our foreign heritage as the shogunate falls to pieces. Burano left because of disagreements with the empress in the first place. Perhaps we can draw a portion of them back into the empire with her removal. Things are changing anyways. Why not flip the board a little by bringing back one of the shogunates former Great houses? If People are right about Maia maybe she can reestablish her own house alongside us?
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Burano left because of disagreements with the emperess in the first place. Perhaps we can draw a portion of them back into the empire with her removal. Things are changing anyways. Why not flip the board a little by bringing back one of the shogunates former Great houses?
Burano and Ophris, both Great Houses at the time, left at the same time after they started conquering territory in the Southeast and decided "you know, we could just... Not go back", leading to them carving out their own empire there, too far away for the Empress to conveniently crush them for it. It was a naked power grab, rather than a disagreement with the Empress. They have not actually at any point left the Realm, and from the Realm's perspective are still officially cadet houses ruling a Realm satrapy, with Prasad still sending a fortune in jade as tribute just to keep relations good. Prasad characterises it as fulfilling their filial obligations to their motherland, and everyone just lets these polite fictions stand.

The Shogunate is an older incarnation of the Realm that collapsed shortly before Realm Year 0, during the Great Contagion. It's not the same entity.
Burano and Ophris, both Great Houses at the time, left at the same time after they started conquering territory in the Southeast and decided "you know, we could just... Not go back", leading to them carving out their own empire there, too far away for the Empress to conveniently crush them for it. It was a naked power grab, rather than a disagreement with the Empress. They have not actually at any point left the Realm, and from the Realm's perspective are still officially cadet houses ruling a Realm satrapy, with Prasad still sending a fortune in jade as tribute just to keep relations good. Prasad characterises it as fulfilling their filial obligations to their motherland, and everyone just lets these polite fictions stand.

The Shogunate is an older incarnation of the Realm that collapsed shortly before Realm Year 0, during the Great Contagion. It's not the same entity.
Hmm. Have to remember to take wiki's with a grain of salt. Any recommendations where I can read reliable exalted lore?
The closest thing to a successor to the Shogunate is Lookshy as it was founded by a Shogunate legion. The Realm is very much not a successor and one of the few things we know about the SE for sure is that the Legion that founded Lookshy had never heard of her (i.e.not an important individual in the Shogunate) and declined to follow her as a result.
Hmm. Have to remember to take wiki's with a grain of salt. Any recommendations where I can read reliable exalted lore?
The wikis are all absolutely astoundingly bad. All of them are incomplete, veer wildly between different edition content without telling you they're doing that or citing their sources, and may or may not just slip in random fanon or shit that happened in some guy's campaign years ago. The best sources for Exalted lore as I'm depicting it are the third edition books. In particular, Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought, the Realm, and Dragon-Blooded: Heirs to the Shogunate are the primary sources for this quest, with additional content drawn from other 3e books and very limited content drawn from older sources. The latter two particular have a really comprehensive look at Prasad, including Clan Burano.

The closest thing to a successor to the Shogunate is Lookshy as it was founded by a Shogunate legion. The Realm is very much not a successor and one of the few things we know about the SE for sure is that the Legion that founded Lookshy had never heard of her (i.e.not an important individual in the Shogunate) and declined to follow her as a result.
This is extremely dubious, to be honest. Lookshy's claim to be the one and only legitimate Shogunate successor state is mostly political posturing. Yes, Lookshy was founded by the remnants of a Shogunate legion, but the Scarlet Realm rolled up numerous Shogunate gentes into its Great Houses and cadet houses, and certainly controls much more of the Shogunate's old territory than Lookshy does.

The Empress's official backstory is "Ordinary Shogunate legionary officer who managed to activate the Realm Defence Grid and save Creation from a fair folk invasion". This is honestly extremely plausible, and of course the people in command of Lookshy didn't know about her beforehand. She's not actually claiming to be the Shogun, and neither is anyone in Lookshy today.

Dragon-Blooded polities and bloodlines the world over claim descent from the Shogunate, to the point that you will note the third edition DB companion book is literally called "Heirs to the Shogunate".
The closest thing to a successor to the Shogunate is Lookshy as it was founded by a Shogunate legion. The Realm is very much not a successor and one of the few things we know about the SE for sure is that the Legion that founded Lookshy had never heard of her (i.e.not an important individual in the Shogunate) and declined to follow her as a result.
There were plenty of people who didn't want to follow the Empress in the years after the Contagion, Lookshy was just the only one with enough soldiers and First Age weaponry to stick with that desire and not get assimilated. Heck, Tepet the Founder was an heir to a Shogunate Kingdom, and was taken as the Empress's consort after she beat him. (Dragonblooded: What Fire Has Wrought, p66)
Fair enough. I wasn't trying to claim that Lookshy was a particularily solid succesor to the Shogunate (while it is likely to have a culture closure to that of the shogunate, given that it was founded by a legion rather than a Shogunate era kingdom it is unlikely to be particularily close) just that it was closer than the Realm (not that being closer than the Realm means much in that regard). I would argue that as the number of living DBs who lived in the Shogunate era (or even the immediate post-Shogunate era) is limited to the SE and perhaps a few others combined with the significant cultural changes due to both the Contagion and the fall of the Shogunate no one really has a claim to being successors of the Shogunate in any meaningful way.
One of the best 3e bits about Lookshy is saying that Lookshy has gotten pretty settled into its current roll after more than 700 years. At this point, literally no Shogun claim could ever be legitimate enough for Lookshy-now.
One of the best 3e bits about Lookshy is saying that Lookshy has gotten pretty settled into its current roll after more than 700 years. At this point, literally no Shogun claim could ever be legitimate enough for Lookshy-now.
I now want to read a time travel fic where the last shogun they served before the empire collapsed arrives in the distant future to A Lookshy celibrating the week he was historically Coronated, and no matter what he does, he can't convince them of who he really is, even tho he fell from the sky in royal clothing and the original (whatever) that was the symbol of his status as emperor.
Ok! Last minute push!

The serpent witch represents us committing to the path we chose, that of sorcery. And a powerful, specialized sorcereress is quite a bit more than a battle magic practitioner with some old lessons. Vote serpent witch for more Snek Friends!

And the storyline: please note the text at the bottom of each indicating how long it will be available for. Please choose one we will lose if we don't take now! Sword will remain an option, but the others will not.