To Struggle and Strive: The Combined Syndicates of America in 1932. A Kaiserreich Quest

[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.

An acceptable write in. Definitely need to deal with Foster.
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.

POW treatment is infinitely more than non uniformed fighters would get during a civil war and it might weight us down a little but it clearly gives us the moral high ground, and I like the idea of the military trial focusing on "danger yes/no" rather than levying more detailed charges which can be left to the post civil war truth and reconciliation process under civilian courts. This is a protective measure more than a justice measure. And POW treatment for the duration of the war only is fair enough it isn't that dire if we lock up people on thinner evidence that we would in peacetime and release them later when the civilian process can't find enough to convict.
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, but acknowledge the regrettable necessity of Schenck's plan. This will leave the Fosterites satisfied, but seriously aggravate many of your current supporters and the moderates.
[X] Fully back Foster and Schenck. This will leave the Fosterites and Schenck fully behind you, but it will seriously alienate everyone else, to the point your coalition will certainly splinter and some of the more moderate figures will begin considering alternate backers.
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Shut Schenck and Foster down. This sort of disrespect to comrades and fellow travelers cannot be tolerated, and the proposed plan is an unacceptable violation of civil rights. This will seriously aggravate the Fosterites and Schenck, possibly to the point of some of them leaving, but will win you great approval with everyone else.
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
[X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
[X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Feb 15, 2022 at 11:19 PM, finished with 35 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
    [X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
    [X] Shut Schenck and Foster down. This sort of disrespect to comrades and fellow travelers cannot be tolerated, and the proposed plan is an unacceptable violation of civil rights. This will seriously aggravate the Fosterites and Schenck, possibly to the point of some of them leaving, but will win you great approval with everyone else.
    [X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, but acknowledge the regrettable necessity of Schenck's plan. This will leave the Fosterites satisfied, but seriously aggravate many of your current supporters and the moderates.
    [X] Fully back Foster and Schenck. This will leave the Fosterites and Schenck fully behind you, but it will seriously alienate everyone else, to the point your coalition will certainly splinter and some of the more moderate figures will begin considering alternate backers.
The vote will be closing tomorrow, after which I will hopefully put up the Declaration of the American Worker's Revolution and this chapter of our story will close.

Nice. With the SACW accelerated to more or less two years earlier than KR canon, I was wondering if the war might escalate into triggering the Second World War/Weltkrieg early. Because if the civil war is seen as a Second Revolutionary War by the CAS and allied forces, I can definitely see King Edward VIII and Kaiser Wilhelm II being demonized like King George III was to drum up the propaganda via comparison.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Feb 15, 2022 at 11:19 PM, finished with 35 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Partisans and those involved in planned terrorist attacks or in aiding and supplying terrorists or enemy militia are to be treated as POWs and imprisoned, with a trial by military courts for establishing guilt but with imprisonment to be indefinite until the end of the war (at which point further charges might be pursued under civilian laws.) They are to be treated according to the laws and rules of war for POWs. Those less involved are to be tried under more normal civilian laws, with the tribunals being able to be declared secret if, and only if, there is evidence of them being part of a larger ring in which sealed trials are needed to prevent escape.
    [X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, and propose a compromise measure involving politically reliable secret juries to determine the validity of Schenck's imprisonments. This may upset the Fosterites, but the sharp limitations will please and satisfy everyone else
    [X] Shut Schenck and Foster down. This sort of disrespect to comrades and fellow travelers cannot be tolerated, and the proposed plan is an unacceptable violation of civil rights. This will seriously aggravate the Fosterites and Schenck, possibly to the point of some of them leaving, but will win you great approval with everyone else.
    [X] Censure Foster for his misconduct, but acknowledge the regrettable necessity of Schenck's plan. This will leave the Fosterites satisfied, but seriously aggravate many of your current supporters and the moderates.
    [X] Fully back Foster and Schenck. This will leave the Fosterites and Schenck fully behind you, but it will seriously alienate everyone else, to the point your coalition will certainly splinter and some of the more moderate figures will begin considering alternate backers.
The Declaration of the American Worker's Revolution
Two documents lay on the table before Jack Reed. Both had been topics of long arguments and committee meetings, as every word was scrutinized and examined and fought over. Even his untrustworthy allies had sent representatives to ensure the documents would be suitable. They would be signing them too, after all.

And now, everything was ready. The room hummed with anticipation. Dozens of men and women seemed overcome with emotion. Many trembled with excitement, or perhaps terror.

Reed felt nothing but a stern serenity. He knew his cause was just, he knew he was on the right side of history.

Calmly, he picked up the first document and read it out loud, his voice echoing through the room and beyond, as radio waves transmitted his confident, steady speech across the nation.

"A unanimous declaration by the elected representatives of the Working Classes of America, of the Farmer, the Miner, the Factory Worker, and the Destitute:

When in the long and bloody history of humanity those with a boot on their neck rise against slavery and injustice and for the general welfare of mankind, no explanation or justification of their actions is needed, but in the interest of history and posterity, we the assembled representatives of the Socialist Party, the Congress of American Syndicates, and our allies and fellow travelers, declare the causes of our revolution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they possess by virtue of their humanity certain rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All these have been robbed from the people. Life, by the lynch mob's noose, liberty, by the corrupt judge's gavel, happiness, by capitalism's poverty. The bourgeois have had their chance to rule America, and the American dream that they have sold us is now a nightmare. The 'Democracy' which they used to obscure their rule has collapsed into naked despotism as soon as it appeared it could not maintain the rule of capitalism. Furthermore, that dream and that Democracy never really existed, not for the Negro, for the Woman, the native, or the Immigrant. Because of these, and other weighty, reasons (the rampant abuses inflicted upon the Working Classes are too numerous to ever be truly listed), the Workers of America have chosen to throw off our shackles. We reject this false dream. Instead, We will build a new world here and now with our own hands and our own toil for the benefit of all. Thus, we declare class war total and unrelenting! Not only against the servants of the putschists, but financial barons and the whole corrupt edifice of American Capitalism, against its strictures of white supremacy and patriarchy, against its catspaws in the Black Legion and the National Popular Front, and against all who seek the oppression of the Working Classes, not just in America but in the world.
It is for the successful prosecution of this coming titanic struggle, that we, the undersigned, do hereby declare the formation of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of America.

To this cause, we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and all we can offer."

Slowly, reverently, he laid down the paper, and signed his name, his hand trembling just a little as he did. As the people behind him rushed to add their names, he turned his attention to the second document. It was shorter but no less significant.

"We, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of America, commit ourselves to the following:

To ensure democratic and just government
To keep the majority of the means of production in the hands of the working class
To treat all fairly and properly, including respecting the right to fair trials, habitable prisons, and just treatment
To oppose racism, sexism, and other discriminatory practices in every way
To care for all, by providing food, medical care, housing, and other necessities
To hold a Constitutional Convention when the current struggle has ended
To use all means available to us to ensure the victory of the working class
To never falter or surrender in our opposition to the forces of reaction

We shall triumph, not through abandoning our principles, but through keeping true to them. Our victory is inevitable."

Again, he read it out loud, again he put his pen to paper to sign his name.

All around the country, people heard the declaration. Some whooped and cheered, hearing in it the promise of what they had desired for so long. Some accepted it calmly, knowing they had chosen their side and their comrades. Some admired its optimism but feared its costs. Some simply began considering what influence they could bring to bear in this Provisional Government.

Some cursed and raged at hearing it, some grew grimly determined to triumph over the arrogant rabblerousers who spoke so, some feared for what would be left of America. And some simply ignored it.

Douglas MacArthur had bigger things to worry about, like his speech to Congress. His military uniform was immaculate, his corncob pipe rested in his right pocket, and the remaining, loyal members of Congress were sitting at attention. President Hoover, with his FBI escorts, sat limply off to one side, seemingly barely aware of anything that was happening.

Outside, a city suffocated under layers of pink snow, but brigades of men with shovels and the occasional snowplow kept the vital streets clear. The sounds of their labor could be just barely heard.

"Distinguished members of this honorable body, at the request of the President, one month ago I issued an ultimatum against the radicals, rebels, and revolutionaries attempting to overthrow our great democracy out of jealous and unreasoning hatred. That ultimatum has now expired, and there has been no attempt at negotiations, no effort to ensure peace. I must conclude that any moderate elements within the rebels have been suppressed, and the only option left is the recourse of the bayonet and the bullet, just as was used against the traitors of the Confederacy.

Therefore, I would ask that posse comitatus be invoked and emergency powers be granted to our president for the duration of this crisis. I ask you to stand with me in this darkest hour and lend your support to the defense of democracy."

The two motions he had asked for were quickly passed, without a single dissenting vote.

"Thank you. The Lord willing, this crisis will be over quickly."

Without another word, he spun on his heel and left the Capitol. He had a war to fight, he needed to replace that idiot Moseley with someone who would keep the Klan in line, he needed to find out Hoover's progress on Operation Black Wind...

He had never been so busy. But he had never felt so alive!

Thank you all. It's been quite the adventure, but this quest is now complete.

The next step will begin soon, and I will post a link in the thread and the discord when I start it. For now, I have a couple other projects in mind.
Well, I'd say that's been quite the successful quest! In comparison to KRTL, we have managed to:
-Start the Civil War a full 2 years earlier
-Win Huey Long over to our side, instead of having to fight him as well
-Win Olson over to our side, and almost uncontested dominance of the upper midwest as a result
-Not only establish ourselves strongly in our home region around the Great Lakes, but also cultivate various other, hopefully soon-to-be-connected rebellions in California, Washington State, the Black Belt and other parts of the south

So, y'know. A pretty good effort, all things considered!
A good end to a quest is an amazing (and quite rare) thing to see. I'll be looking forward to the next part!
Well, I'd say that's been quite the successful quest! In comparison to KRTL, we have managed to:
-Start the Civil War a full 2 years earlier
-Win Huey Long over to our side, instead of having to fight him as well
-Win Olson over to our side, and almost uncontested dominance of the upper midwest as a result
-Not only establish ourselves strongly in our home region around the Great Lakes, but also cultivate various other, hopefully soon-to-be-connected rebellions in California, Washington State, the Black Belt and other parts of the south

So, y'know. A pretty good effort, all things considered!

Also the forces of reaction are quite a bit more divided than in KR canon. Part of it is definitely a factor of the HOI civil war format, but still.
Well, I'd say that's been quite the successful quest! In comparison to KRTL, we have managed to:
-Start the Civil War a full 2 years earlier
-Win Huey Long over to our side, instead of having to fight him as well
-Win Olson over to our side, and almost uncontested dominance of the upper midwest as a result
-Not only establish ourselves strongly in our home region around the Great Lakes, but also cultivate various other, hopefully soon-to-be-connected rebellions in California, Washington State, the Black Belt and other parts of the south

So, y'know. A pretty good effort, all things considered!

Only major downside I can see is that Black Monday hasn't happened yet, so Germany's immediate sphere is still secure and they have the spare resources to offer significant support to MacArthur should he be desperate enough to accept it, which may happen. Of course that could very well kick off the second Weltkrieg early, and who knows how that would go.
Or it'll end up a huge pit of money and manpower and end up triggering a crisis for German financial markets even sooner.

A reminder that in this universe the main cause of the Long Depression in America was France and Britain defaulting on their Weltkrieg war debts on account of getting owned.
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