The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest (A Ck2 Quest)

Exiled Dragons | The Three-Headed Dragon: Viserys Targaryen Quests I  The Dragon Ascendant
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Exiled Dragons: A Viserys Targaryen Quest -- Twelve-year-old Viserys Targaryen is again an orphan when his guardian passes suddenly. Can he keep himself and his little sister alive with nothing but wit and willpower to his name, or will he succumb to desperation and his family's madness? Follow Viserys' improbable path over the next nine years as ASoIaF veers wildly off-canon and into the unknown! -{COMPLETED}-

The Three-Headed Dragon: A Viserys Targaryen Quest Continuation -- At twenty-one, Viserys Targaryen has a family to lead, a realm to rebuild, and a world full of unknowns, that waits with baited breath to see which way his Targaryen coin will land. Little do they know what lies ahead, as the Restoration sets in, and Winter looms. Come join the madness and see what chaos has wrought! -{IN PROGRESS}- ABANDONED

The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest

Join Viserys on yey another wacky adventure through life, and try not to die from the Apocolypses coming his way. And survive the madness that is westeros.
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A Choice of Destiny.


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest (Type to be decided)

The Iron Throne was as daunting in life, as it was in your broken, scattered frightened memories of this place. The Thousand blades of Aegon's enemies bent and curled into the general shape of steps leading up to the actual throne itself. In another life, a previous life of both innocence and peace, you had never found yourself brave enough to go near the throne, much less sit on it.

There was something about it that seemed to drive you away. Your father would never have allowed it, his paranoias being what they were, and your older brother would have tried to protect you from its still-sharp points, barbs, and edges. But they aren't here anymore.

No one else was here to claim otherwise. They were all dead.

Your knuckles whitened to the point where blood left your palms from your fingernails and you could feel the life force slowly leave your hands. You thought you would long be without your anger, but even before this place, you could not forget.

You had heard rumors of there being men who were standing up, still fighting against your forces within the city, but those rumors, despite their validity were unfounded.

There were only a handful of men flying that hybrid and Baratheon colors that Queen Cearsi commissioned for her son, but they were less fighting for the continued survival of the Baratheon regime, and Roberts Reign of Terror, and more doing whatever they wanted. The Ringleader, the Hound, Sandor Clegane, was content, not in fighting, but in eating chicken and drinking copious amounts of wine.

They would not continue for much longer.

Behind you, you could hear the footsteps of the men who helped you through the days past, with a victory and so much more on their shoulders that you can safely say that without them you would not be before this throne.

Aurene Waters was the first to come forward, the youth who had already seen so much and had been able to feel so much more in his life. "Well, is there anything you wish to say?"

You were not in the mood to wax philosophy. "What are you expecting me to say? Sit on a throne and just, continue forward like nothing happened?"

You shook your head. Now was not the time for jokes, or japes. "What of the Small Council? They still live?"

The Floppy Trout, Edmure Tully, known by his men as the Rocky Trout now, answered with a cool glance at his brother in law before he answered. "Which one?"

"I think down the list might suffice? We have Lord Arryn and we know Ser Barristian will be ever loyal to his vows as a kinds guard." You stated. "It's the others. Pycelle Rosby, the lkes."

"You seem angry your Grace." Gerion Lannister stated as he saw the blood on your palms. "Perhaps we can-"

"Tell me." You ordered.

For a moment, you thought you heard a flicker of flame beneath your tone, smoke rising from your mouth, and great power that came from your belly. But it was just your imagination. Just your anger, fuming at what had been done.

Aurene Waters was the first to speak, and he allowed himself to break the tension with a small chuckle. "Lord Redwyne tried to put up a fight, but he was no match for Prince Aegon. He punched him right in the face, and spat on him when he tried to stab him in the foot."

You found yourself smiling at that. "He is still alive?"

"We put him in his quarters, and he's under armed guard at every hour of the day. We are still trying to clear space for the Black Cells for him." Lord Stark stated, as you were once again reminded of Robert's cruelty.

"Lord Rosby?" You questioned, your gaze falling under the only man who had seen him, Lord Mormont, who was trying his best to not be seen.

"He'll live," Mormont replied, though without the dark chuckle that the Basterd of Driftmark had. "Try as he might, to avoid the fate of others by killing himself, flinging himself from a window before we got to him. But he forgot he barred the window he tried to flee from. The wound on his head is superficial, and while he claims ignorance of his actions. I'm quite sure he will come around to being afraid and try not to kill himself again."

"He stays alive. I don't care how many men you keep on his watch."

Mormont nodded. "He's been left in a cage and moving throughout the city, for his protection."

And finally, you thought about the man they called Littlefinger. He was so much better than Varys ever was as a spymaster, an information broker. By god it was exhilarating to read report after report of almost nothing from the city, just to get a glimpse of what the man was operating as. His network was superb, even greater than the Spiders. His ability to counter you, and even spy on the false information that you seeded to be found, was quite fun.

"Littlefinger is gone." You stated. It was a statement of fact, more than anything else. When it came to the spies that you had, only Oberyn could say such a thing without a single doubt. "And right now, I have little time to try and search for him."

"And we just let him walk away back into the shadows?" Lord Tully asked.

You raised an eyebrow. "I never said that Lord Tully, did I?" You looked at your bloodied hands, before looking back to the men.

It didn't feel worth it. You had spent your entire life running, hiding, adventuring and killing. You had seen the horrors of Valyria, seen many of the great cities of the world. Trying to keep yourself alive. To keep your family alive.

But this, this was everything you had gone through. You had prepared for facing this possibility. Yet you stood here.

And you alone.

What do you do:

[]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

[]Take the Throne: "My Lord's, do not think that this undertaking will be done lightly. I promise you all, that with my power, I will serve only the Interests of Westeros and all our people. (Take the Throne. This is your birthright. Your Destiny. Begin CK2 QUEST)

[]Leave: "My Lord's, bear witness to me, as I give my first, and final order as the King of Westeros, and of the Iron Throne. I hereby, for now, and forever, relinquish my claim, my power, and my duty, as the King of the Iron Throne, and all titles that may be mine forever. Assemble a Great Council if you must, and choose my children if you believe that they can be molded into rulers that will serve the State. But I have had enough of ruling and rulership. (YOu leave the Iron Throne to Others and return to where you were happiest. As an adventurer. Begin an adventure Quest)

AN: Okay, truth is, I had this written already for the express purpose of making an AU.

Well, now it gets to be canon to Exiled Dragons.
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)
Viserys III Targaryen
Viserys III Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, King of All Westeros, and Shield of His People
(formerly) Valarr Vaeltigar, Adventure Capitalist

Fire and Blood

Viserys III Targaryen is a strikingly beautiful young man of Old Valyria with milk-pale skin, silver hair and lilac eyes. A gifted charmer and a master of intrigues, Viserys has grown a great deal from his afraid, angry and easily agitated younger self. He has had to survive on wit and willpower, and this has shaped him into the King he is today. The ghosts of his father and brother are never far from his mind, and while he isn't afraid to evoke their imagery, he is deeply cautious of their infamy and bloodstained footsteps. He is a devoted brother, a caring uncle, and a true friend to those who make it close enough to be counted as such. While he will never be the warrior that the last king was, nor the poet his brother was or sister is, he is a skilled swordsman and a capable speaker. His true joys are his family, his friends, and when a plan comes together.

Diplomacy: 6+3+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2-2=17
Martial: 9+2+3+1+1+4+4+1=25
Stewardship: 6+1+2+1=10
Intrigue: 15+1+1+2+2+2+2+4+1+2+1=33
Learning: 6+1+5+1+4+2=19
Willpower: 9+5+1+2+1+1+2-5+5=21

Personal Combat Skill
25/2 (Martial/2) + 30 + 20 = 62 (+ 10 = 72 with armor)

King: You are Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Within Westeros, your word is law and your will is carried out. +3 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower

Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy

Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy

Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy

Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower

Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality to resist disease and poison. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Martial, +1 Willpower

Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion, wordplay and verbal fencing. +5 Learning

Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Willpower

Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue

Gossiper: "Have you heard the whispers around court lately?" (+2 Intrigue,

Traumatized: You have seen a great deal in your life, from war, and death, assassins, and Magical Events that should be impossible to unsee. You are afraid that you may break. (-5 to Willpower. You have to be reminded constantly that everything you have done, was for the good of yourself and Family.)

Paranoid: "...The less you know, the further you'll go." (+2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)

Infiltration Expert: You are quite capable as an infiltrator with all that it entails. Mainly not being noticed and getting rid of those that could notice you. +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

Impudence Wins: No matter the situation or how impossible the circumstances seem, you always are able to lie with a straight face. +2 Intrigue

Mastery of Intrigue: You are one of the most talented schemers, manipulators and information brokers in the world, with all that it entails. +4 Intrigue

The Midas Touch: You have the delightful habit of stumbling into ever-increasing payloads despite not having any particular talent for coin. +1 Stewardship

A Tattered Veil: On occasion you get dreams, visitations from those who are dead. Sometimes it is helpful. Sometimes it is maddeningly unhelpful. +1 Learning, +1 Intrigue

Shatterpoint (Physical): Perhaps a vestige of the Valyrian magic in your veins, perhaps a manifestation of your personality and talents. Regardless of origin, you perceive "shatterpoints" in objects and can locate the exact point to strike in order to break them apart, regardless of how strong the material in question is. +2 Willpower, +2 Martial

Shatterpoint (Conceptual): In a similar vein, this allows you to perceive "shatterpoints" in events and in people. To put it in simpler terms, you have the uncanny ability to find peoples' weak points, determine the importance of events, and if those two things can be manipulated, which has broad applications for a variety of fields. +4 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy

Forebears of the DOOM: It's not the End of the World, but you can see it from here. A Lifetime ago Targaryn's ended the world to save it, dooming an empire in the process, with the help of Lannister gold and a Stark looking to buy a Valyrian Steel Sword called Ice. YOU ARE THE DOOM'S ARCHITECT and its Master. (-100 relations with all Valyrians should the truth come out as your line caused the Doom of Valyria. +5 Willpower, +1 Intrigue)

MP: 2/2

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Free Cities Valyrian

Stormbreaker: A Valyrian Steel greatsword, used in your final battle with Robert Baratheon, the Usurper. +4 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +20 Personal Combat, +30 against creatures of death or ice
Crown of Viserys III: A Crown made from Valyrian Steel. Even now, it feels less like a crown, and more like a protective helmet. A simple band of smoky steel, it fits perfectly. +1 Martial, +1 Willpower (-5 to enemy combat rolls)
Valyrian Steel Armor: A mostly complete set of Valyrian Steel Armor (missing a true helm) that is shockingly reminiscent of Rhaegar's old armor. +1 Martial, +10 Personal Combat when worn (-10 to enemy combat rolls)
Rhaella's Crown: This is the last vestige of your mother, beside Dany and yourself.
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The Court of Viserys the Third
The Court of Viserys the Third

Aegon Targaryen, Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
(formerly) "Young Griff"

Fire and Blood

The only surviving child of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia, escaping the fate of his immediate family by craft of Varys and Jon Connington. Raised by Jon and Illyrio Mopatis in secret to take his father's place on the Iron Throne one day, Aegon has no want of the crown nor the cares that come with it. After spending so long in hiding, and now after spending the war at the side of his cousin Stannis Baratheon, Aegon is unsure of what is next for him, and unsure of what he wants to be next for him.

Diplomacy: 6+2+1+1+1+1+1=13
Martial: 9+2+1+4+1+1+1=19
Stewardship: 9+2+3+5=19
Intrigue: 6+2=8
Learning: 6+3+1=10
Willpower: 6+1=7

Personal Combat Skill
19/2 + 20 = 28

Prince: You are a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, and your words have weight. +2 Diplomacy
Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy
Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy
Trained Fighter: You know your way around a weapon. +20 Combat Skill, +2 Martial, +1 Willpower
Squire: You are training under a knight, being instructed in the ways of sword and lance and chivalry. This also involves doing a lot of chores. +1 Martial
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality to resist disease and poison. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Martial, +1 Willpower
Lucky: Your entire life has been impacted by an astonishing capacity for lucky breaks. Unclear benefits, for now.
Sailor: You are adept at sailing, reading the wind, and the other necessary skills of captaining a ship.
Administrator: You know well how to manage land and coin. +5 Stewardship

Ser Warrek of the Hills

Diplomacy: 6+1+4+2+1=14
Martial: 9+2+3+2+2=18
Stewardship: 6+2=8
Intrigue: 4-2=2
Learning: 4
Willpower: 9+2+2+1+1=15

Personal Combat Skill
18/2 (Martial/2) + 30 + 5 +5 - 20 = 29

Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Willpower
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Willpower
Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower, +5 Personal Combat
Brave: You show no fear, even in the face of death. +2 Martial, +5 to Personal Combat.
Lend Me a…: You lost your dominant sword hand. -20 to Personal Combat. Effect can be lessened with time and retraining.

Common Westerosi, Free Cities Valyrian (poor)

Garret of Saltpans

Diplomacy: 6-3+1+4+1= 9
Martial: 9+2+1=12
Stewardship: 9+1+1+1=12
Intrigue: 9+1+3-3+1+1=16
Learning: 4+1+2+1=8
Willpower: 9+1+2+1=13

Personal Combat Skill
12/2 (Martial/2) + 20 + 5 = 31

Antisocial: Curt and standoffish, you do not make friends easily and prefer to work alone. -3 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Trained Fighter: You know well the use of a sharp knife, and keep many on your person at all times. +20 Combat Skill, +2 Martial, +1 Willpower
Dirty Fighter: Rules are stupid. The point is to win. +5 Combat Skill, +1 Intrigue
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower, +10 when giving orders or intimidating
Pickpocket's Eye: You are good at observing people, and knowing how to hit them without their ever knowing. +3 Intrigue, +2 Learning
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation, worth the detriment to your criminal abilities in your mind. +4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue, +2 Willpower
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Willpower

Common Westerosi, Free Cities Valyrian (poor) Fleabottom Cant

Ser Willem Darry's Black Book: A list of names, amounts, and addresses Ser Willem crafted that disguises its true nature – a network of allies and owed favours. You've since started using blank pages to also detail accounts, addresses and contacts for the Vaeltigar Trading Company. +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship

Beshka, the Basilisk, Big Sis (By Dany), Crazy Woman (By Queen Arianne)
Love and Duty, and Booze

A young woman 'gifted' to Viserys Targaryen during his days as Valarr Vaeltigar, Beshka was enslaved and trained as a gladiator. Foisted onto Viserys as an intended insult (her face bears prominent scars, and she was an unruly captive) he instead freed her and asked her to use her skills to protect his baby sister. Since then, Beshka has developed a close bond with Dany, viewing her as much a little sister as Viserys does, and a good rapport with the others of Viserys' inner circle. She's uncertain of how she'll fit into their lives now that they're 'real deal' royals, but her loyalty to the Targaryens has been hard won and is as unbreakable as Valyrian steel.

Diplomacy: 4+1-3+2-1=3
Martial: 9+2+2+2+3+1+1=20
Stewardship: 4+1+2=7
Intrigue: 4-1=3
Learning: 4+1=5
Willpower: 9+1+2+2+1=15

Personal Combat Skill
20/2 (Martial/2) + 30 + 5 + 5 = 50

Gladiator: You are trained as a fighter, and a performer. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Antisocial: Curt and standoffish, you do not make friends easily and prefer to work alone. -3 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Willpower
Brave: You show no fear, even in the face of death. +2 Martial, +5 to Personal Combat
Heartful Defender: If anyone should seek to harm those you love, you will arise with fire and fury to strike them down. +2 Martial, +2 Willpower
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and bow. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower
Uninhibited: Life is too short to not do what you like – be it drinking, fighting, swearing, or anything else. -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue, +1 Martial, +1 Willpower

Languages (illiterate)
Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Ghiscari Valyrian

Valyrian Steel Dagger: A gift from Viserys, its blade is smoky gray and its hilt is plain. Valyrian steel is rare enough that even this blade is a treasure. +1 Martial, +5 Combat Skill

Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Master of Laws
Winter is Coming

Diplomacy: 6+1+1+1+2+1+4+1=17
Martial: 6+1+3+2+1+4=17
Stewardship: 6+2+2+1+3=14
Intrigue: 4+2+1-2+2=7
Learning: 9+1+3+1=14
Willpower: 6+1+1+1+2+2+2=15

Personal Combat Skill
17/2 (Martial/2) + 30 + 20 = 58

Stark of Winterfell: A member of the house Stark, of the line of Brandon the Builder and the Kings of Winter. +1 Diplomacy
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower, +10 when giving orders or intimidating
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Willpower
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Willpower
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and bow. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower
Well-Read: You have gone through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Willpower
Heartful Defender: If anyone should seek to harm those you love, you will arise with fire and fury to strike them down. +2 Martial, +2 Willpower
Promise Me, Ned: You have kept a terrible secret to yourself (and a very small cadre of those you trust absolutely) for fourteen years, at times to the detriment of other relationships. +2 Intrigue

Common Westerosi

Ice: The ancestral weapon of House Stark, a behemoth of a Valyrian steel greatsword. +4 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +20 Personal Combat, +30 against creatures of death or ice

Mace Tyrell, The Fat Flower, The Ace, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Warden of the South, Master of Coin

Diplomacy: 14
Martial: 11
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 8
Willpower: 9

Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
The Way you spin words is unlike many that are alive. You can convince many to fight by your side. +2 to diplomacy.
Shy: You were never one to put yourself out there. So you remain quiet, and let others speak. -1 to diplomacy.
Poor Fighter: This character knows enough about weapons to stick them with the pointy end, but not much more. +1 Martial, +10 Personal Combat Skill
Ambitious: You have a great deal of courage to go out and get what you want, even if it means making enemies +2 to all stats.
Bard: You have become famous for your poetry, music and songs. +3 Diplomacy
Gluttonous: You are a man who enjoys food, in quantities that many find revolting. -4 Stewardship

Common Westerosi, The Old Tounge (Poor), Bravosi (Poor)

Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, Master of War
Ours is the Fury.

Diplomacy: 4+1+1-3+1+1+2=7
Martial: 12+1+2+3+1+1+1+10+5=36
Stewardship: 6+3+1+2+2+1+2=17
Intrigue: 6+2+1=9
Learning: 9+1+1+2=13
Willpower: 12+1+2+1=16

Personal Combat Skill
36/2 (Martial/2) + 30 + 15 = 63

Storm Lord: A member of House Baratheon, of the line of the ancient Storm Kings. +1 Diplomacy
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Antisocial: Curt and standoffish, you do not make friends easily and prefer to work alone. -3 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower, +10 when giving orders or intimidating
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Willpower
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and bow. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower
Strong: Your size and strength are something exceptional. +1 Martial, +15 Personal Combat
Firegazer: On occasion, you see things in the flames that hint at the future. You are still working to better understand them. +2 Learning, +1 Intrigue

Legendary Commander: This man can revolutionize warfare, in a way few people can if you are given the chance to do it. +10 to Martial.

Lord of The Admirals: Many consider you one of the greatest Fleet commanders in all the world. They are right. After all, even after being captured by the Iron Born, they treated him like an equal. And when he invaded Westeros with Viserys, all he earned with the Undying Loyalty of his men. All of them +5 to Martial. Double his diplomacy when leading ships, and add it to Martial

Logistical Wizard: From Storms End, to Volantis, to Dragonstone, you learned to make do with the things you had, and in doing so... conquered. You only wish other people understood what you knew. +2 to Stewardship. +20 to all Logistical rolls within Armies under your command.

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Free Cities Valyrian (poor)

A Strange Boon: A finely faceted fire opal, a gift from Selyse's friend, Kinvara. No effect, for now.

Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
All Things in Their Time

Diplomacy: 6+1+4+1+2=14
Martial: 12+1+2+5+3-3=20
Stewardship: 9+1+2=12
Intrigue: 9-2+5=12
Learning: 9
Willpower: 9+3+1=13

Personal Combat Skill
20/2 (Martial/2) + 40 = 50

Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Formidable Fighter: You are one of the foremost warriors alive. +40 Combat Skill, +5 Martial, +3 Willpower
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Willpower
Hero of Duskendale: Back in the day, you rescued Aerys II from his ordeal at Duskendale in a flawless display of your skills. Without you, he might have died. +3 Martial, +5 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +1 Willpower
Weathered: You've seen and gone through a lot, and time is beginning to take its toll on you. -3 Martial

Common Westerosi, Free Cities Valyrian, Ghiscari Valyrian

Ser Bonifer Hasty, a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep

Diplomacy: 6+1+1+3+4+1=16
Martial: 9+2+2+3+2+1+1-3=17
Stewardship: 6+1=7
Intrigue: 4-2=2
Learning: 6+1=7
Willpower: 9+1+2+2+1=15

Personal Combat Skill
17/2 (Martial/2) + 30 = 38

Faithful: You find comfort, purpose and design in your faith in the Seven Who Are One. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
True Knight: You are known by all as a paragon of chivalry and a living legend. +3 Diplomacy, +2 Martial
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +30 Combat Skill, +3 Martial, +2 Willpower
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Willpower
Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Willpower, +5 Personal Combat
Weathered: You've seen and gone through a lot, and time is beginning to take its toll on you. -3 Martial

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian (poor)

The Seven-Pointed Star: You keep with you a copy of the holy scriptures. +1 Learning
A Favour Long Remembered: A carefully-maintained scrap of fabric, now decades old, with exquisite needle-working that has a little red dragon outlined in black in one corner. +1 Martial, +1 Willpower

Ser Oberyn Nymeros Martell, Prince of Dorne, Master of Whispers, "The Red Viper"
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

A fierce and fearsome combatant, Prince Oberyn somehow always manages to feel even more dangerous off the tourney yard or the battlefield. Described by his own brother as "deadly, dangerous, and unpredictable", he has spent most of the last two decades consumed by seeking vengeance for his beloved sister Elia, and seething hatred for Westerland men. This, however, has waned recently, as he's somehow managed to make friends with Tywin Lannister's sons, and with their friendship and his renewed spark at learning of Aegon's survival, Oberyn senses the end of his quest is coming, and he needs to start figuring out what's next.


Diplomacy: 9+3++11+1+1+1-2=16
Martial: 9+2+5+1+2=19
Stewardship: 6+3+1+2+1=13
Intrigue: 9+1+2+2+3=17
Learning: 9+1+3+3=16
Willpower: 9+3+2+1=15

Personal Combat Skill
19/2 (Martial/2) + 15/2 (Willpower/2) + 40 + 5 = 61

Charmer: You have a natural gift with people, and save for a few exceptions they tend to like you a lot. +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue
Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Formidable Fighter: You are one of the foremost warriors alive. +40 Combat Skill, +5 Martial, +3 Willpower
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Heartful Defender: If anyone should seek to harm those you love, you will arise with fire and fury to strike them down. +2 Martial, +2 Willpower
Foodie: You have an appreciation for fine food and drink. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
"Maester": Your studies were never all that serious, but you did earn yourself a few links of a maester's chain, even if the Citadel is loath to acknowledge that. +3 Learning, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship
Well-Read: You have gone through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning
Impudence Wins: No matter the situation or how impossible the circumstances seem, you always are able to lie with a straight face. +2 Intrigue
Bad Reputation: Between being an accused poisoner, a man driven by vengeance, and a bastard-making machine, you've earned yourself a fair bit of infamy. -2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian (poor), Free Cities Valyrian, Rhoynish, Summertongue

The Sand Snakes: Your handful of bastard children. Not items (though most lords of Westeros would think so) but cherished daughters, and chips off the old block when it comes to working in shadows and spinning a weapon. +10 to Intrigue or Martial rolls when assigned to the same task as you.
Meti's Sword Manual: A famous text on swordsmanship; it is used in the lands from Yi Ti to Asshai. Rather short, and written in plain language, it is easy to read but difficult to fully comprehend. A significant number of people say that it's nothing more than the bitter rantings of a grumpy old woman, but you disagree. +1 Willpower, +5 to Personal Combat. Add half your Willpower to Personal Combat rating.
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The Finances
Crown Finances
Current Treasury after income and expenses: 1,834,221 Dragons (Gods be good, almost all this money is borrowed and not a penny is from taxes or income.)

Trade: 250,000 Dr (Currently, many of the Trade Treaties set up by Robert or your father are expired, and need to be renegotiated.)
Mining: 70,000 Dr (There are a few miles along the Blackwater Rush and Dragonstone, but nothing that has ever really, boomed so to speak)
Glass: 30,000 Dr (The Glass Factories of Kings Landing are Primitive, small, but they still make profit year after year)
Demesne: 130,000 Dr (The City of Kings Landing and Dragonstone are not moneymakers, but that is because the ability to tax is rather limited and primitive. uninspired compared to Myr)
Crownlands Taxes: 175,000 Dr (Despite everything, these mad Basterds who are under you, love you, and still contribute as much as they can)
North Taxes: 200,00 Dr (Ned is a good administrator, despite his... clear hands-off nature to his men)
Riverlands Taxes: 175,000 Dr (Lord Tully is like some criminal boss that knows how to make a threat)
Westerlands Taxes: 400,000 Dr (Jaime knows how to inspire, and the Gold Mines are still overflowing with Gold)
Iron Islands Taxes: 175,000 Dr (The iron Isle, despite being broken, are somehow wealthy enough to pay. Curious)
Stormlands Taxes: 220,000 Dr (Stannis is a man of the law. Any man who is a tax evader, breaks the law, and will be punished.)
Reach Taxes: 350,000 Dr (Either Mace is afraid of you, or they are hiding a metric continent load of money and goods from under you, but without an investigation, you will not find anything.)
Dorne Taxes: 220,000 Dr (Doran did not need to do much to earn this. But Doran knows he has much to gain, and even more to give)

Total: 2,395,000 Dragons

Household Upkeep: 500,000 Dr (You did not need this much of a household or... everything. But you had the money for it, and it was greatly appreciated)
Garrison Upkeep: 300,000 Dr (A full-strength garrison to defend Kings Landing. A real treasure)
Gold Cloaks: 250,000 Dr (Bywater runs a tight ship, and he knows which way his side is buttered. Also, he expects his reforms to be taken, with or without your consent)
Royal Fleet: 800,000 Dr (500 Ships ready to be prepared to fight, the largest fleet in Westeros Currently. though the Iron Born are going to reclaim that title in a few years)
Debt to the Faith of the Seven: 500,000 Dr = 25,000/year, and 2% interest of 10,000 (By the Gods, he burrowed from the Faith? Robert must have been in ruin, the Faith never give loans unless... Of Fuck, Robert did something stupid.)

Total: 2,095,000 Dragons

The Private Fortune of Viserys Targaryen:
Personal Finances
Current Treasury after income and expenses: 8,408,276 Dragons

The Vaeltigar Trading Consortium: 650,000 Dr
Interest from Iron Bank accts.: 3,000 Dr
Money From Fighting in Alexander's Army (Return on Investment): 400,000 DR (Three Turns Remaining)
Volantis Apology Payments: 100,000 Dr.
Rogare Protection Money: 200,000 Dr.
Brothels: 50,000 Dr
Total: 1,303,000 Dragons

TTC Expenses: 250,000 Dr
Apartment in Braavos: 5,000 Dr
Manse in Lys: 25,000 Dr
Total: 280,000 Dragons
King's Landing
Health: Weak
-It's an overcrowded, stinking and putrid city. Sources of clean water are insufficient, and sewage is dumped in overflowing gutters. It makes the slums of Braavos and Lys look like palaces by your comparison.
Approval: Mixed
-The people remember the last Dragon King, and are uncertain. The city is divided between those who think you have good intentions and those who are still suspicious.
Prosperity: Tolerable
-King's Landing is normally one of the busiest ports in the realm. Though the war depressed trade, you expect things to pick back up soon.
Current Season: Summer
The Throne of Viserys the III: Your Throne currently, a leftover of the Original Iron Throne, melted down and made a less intimidating throne.
- Dragon Skulls: The Great Hall was once decorated with reminders of the Targaryen dragons, many of them monstrous in size. They are currently stashed away in catacombs.
- Secret Passages: A myriad of ways lead from building to building and out into the city. However, there is but one passage within Maegor's Holdfast, which leads from the king's apartments to the cliffs overlooking Blackwater Bay.
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Small Council (At least it can't grow any smaller)
Hand of the King: Jaime Lannister (Your Hand, your guard… Your Best Friend)
Master of Laws: Eddard Stark (The Only man you can trust, it feels, outside of family).
Master of Coin: Mace Tyrell (He's… a Lord)
Master of Ships: Rodrik Harlaw (The only Smart Ironborn alive it seems.)
Master of Whispers: Oberyn Martell (You are starting to think he's both insanely competent, and far to passionate about his job)
Master of War: Stannis Baratheon (The Greatest General Westeros has ever seen)
Grand Maester: William "Bill" (He's as strange as you.)
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Barristan Selmy (Grandfather Barristian Semly. Or as Dany and Egg call him: Barry the Bold, the not too old to take your Gold… and Barry the Scary)

Kingsguard (Viserys Ten)
Barristan Selmy (Lord Commander) (Barry the Scary)
Brynden Tully (We should call him the White Fish now. It's far more appropriate)
Arys Oakheart (Arianne's Favorite.)
Mandon Moore (The Silent, perhaps the scariest man in the Guard.)
Jaime Lannister (Needs no introduction)
Asher Forrester (That grin and Beshka are either going to get him killed, or make him a legend)
Harras Harlaw (The Other Smartest ironborn, that isn't a woman or the Reader)
Jon Connington (Egg calls him his father. He also has a lot of things now All of them good)
Imry Florent (That boy is so… boring. He claims it's a life skill to be so boring, being around Stannis so much)
Robar Royce (That Rune on his armor freaks you out.)

Minor Offices
Lord Commander of the City Watch: Jacelyn Bywater (The last Honest Guardsmen in King's Landing. Also sometimes wears spectacles when reading.)
Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep: Bonifer Hasty (A True Knight of the Seven)
King's Justice: Sandor Clegane (A Good man, with violent tendencies… and a sour additude)

Major Bannermen
Lords Paramount
Lord Eddard Stark, Lord Paramount of the North (Winter is Coming)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (Family, Duty, Honor)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

Lord Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale (As High as Honor)
-Relationship: Cold

Lord Rodrik Harlaw, Lord Protector of the Iron Islands (Fear the Reaper)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

Lord Tyrion Lannister, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands (Hear Me Roar)
-Relationship: Dutiful Support

Lord Stannis Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands (Ours is the Fury)
-Relationship: Dutiful Support

Lord Mace Tyrell, Lord Paramount of the Reach (Growing Strong)
-Relationship: Neutral Support

Prince Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

The Crownlands
Lord Protector Aurane Waters, House Velaryon of Driftmark (The Old, The True, The Brave)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

Lord Ardrian Celtigar, House Celtigar of Claw Isle (Every Opportunity)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic Support

Lord Guncer Bar Emmon, House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point (Meddle Not With Us)
-Relationship: Cautious Support

Lord Guncer Sunglass, House Sunglass of Sweetport Sound (Catch the Light)
-Relationship: Cautious Support

Lady Tanda Stokeworth, House Stokeworth of Stokeworth (Proud to be Faithful)
-Relationship: Cold

Lord Maldon Massey, House Massey of Massey's Hook
-Relationship: Cold
Lady Tessa Rykker, House Rykker of Duskendale
-Relationship: Neutral
Lord Gyles Rosby House Rosby of Rosby
-Relationship: Cold
Lord Arstan Buckwell, House Buckwell of the Antlers
-Relationship: Cold
Lady Maia Hayford, House Hayford of Hayford
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support
Lord Éoland Wendwater, House Wendwater of the Wendwater
-Relationship: Dutiful support

Dragonstone Garrison: Full Strength, Veteran
Red Keep Garrison: Full Strength, Veteran
City Watch: Fully Stregnth, Middling

Royal Fleet: Rebuilding, Veteran
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And one more just because.

Alright, now you all can vote.
[X]Take the Throne: "My Lord's, do not think that this undertaking will be done lightly. I promise you all, that with my power, I will serve only the Interests of Westeros and all our people. (Take the Throne. This is your birthright. Your Destiny. Begin CK2 QUEST)

We worked long and hard for this bloody thing. Not gonna give it up now.
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

- Would a throne made up of local Stone from all kingdoms in westeros be a cool thing, as a replacement.
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

This is what I wanted to do anyway in @Marlowe310811's Continuation. Besides, it's fitting since we essentially did a Second Conquest. Out with the Old Throne, and in with the new. Let's a go!!
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

Yes Burn it!! Burn Baby Burn!!
[X]Take the Throne: "My Lord's, do not think that this undertaking will be done lightly. I promise you all, that with my power, I will serve only the Interests of Westeros and all our people. (Take the Throne. This is your birthright. Your Destiny. Begin CK2 QUEST)
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)
I hope you all understand that:

This Viserys will be different to MArlowes.

For a simple reason. V is traumatized, and now extremely stressed out from his life as an adventurer and war

He is paranoid, stressed out, and even a bit depressed from the horror he has witnessed from Roberts's attempted genocide.

I may be leaning more towards the noble side of this noble dark world, but the toll it has taken for Viserys to be in it, and force it upon everyone else, is something that has and will effect Viserys.

He may crack jokes, and enjoy the friendship, but he is far more broken here.

The assertion isn't just a play on Viserys family taking back the throne and otherwise rising above.

It is viserys getting above all his trauma.
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[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

Last time we kept the Throne, let's see how different things can be from its destruction. Besides, can be replaced with something that inspires respect and wisdom instead of fear and death.
I don´t have any love for the World´s most Uconfourtable chair.

[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

For a simple reason. V is traumatized, and now extremely stressed out from his life as an adventurer and war

He is paranoid, stressed out, and even a bit depressed from the horror he has witnessed from Roberts's attempted genocide.

I may be leaning more towards the noble side of this noble dark world, but the toll it has taken for Viserys to be in it, and force it upon everyone else, is something that has and will effect Viserys.
Well, knowing how your dice works that we are either going to the deep end of despair and dragging all the people he loves with him, or Vyseris will work his issues out before the children´s first birthday and be a ray of sunlight for the rest of his life (or at least until the Ice Zombies decide to make a visit South)...

There are no in-between with your dice.
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[x] Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

I've wanted to destroy the throne of westeros since I first laid eyes one it. I think I've thought up a dozen or more scenarios purely to put someone in the position to cast that throne into the Sea, melt it down, shatter it into hundreds of pieces, reforge them into tools for common farmers, and donate them across westeros.
I've wanted to destroy the throne of westeros since I first laid eyes one it. I think I've thought up a dozen or more scenarios purely to put someone in the position to cast that throne into the Sea, melt it down, shatter it into hundreds of pieces, reforge them into tools for common farmers, and donate them across westeros.
Well good news, you can melt that throne down (if you win of course) into whatever you want.

And I might give you a gift for it.
[X]Take the Throne: "My Lord's, do not think that this undertaking will be done lightly. I promise you all, that with my power, I will serve only the Interests of Westeros and all our people. (Take the Throne. This is your birthright. Your Destiny. Begin CK2 QUEST)
[X]Destroy the Throne: "My Lord's, let this be the end of one chapter of Westeros. And the Beginning of another. Let not this cursed Throne blight this land with it's power and shame. We are one land, and one people." (Take the Kingship, but Destroy the Throne. Something else may be forged in its place in time. Begin CK2 Quest!)

Time to melt down this monstrosity!