[X] Otto Geule Remister

Please do not pick Schoffer, he will guarantee absolute loyalty for three turns yes....via instilling absolute fear in our army.

But it will breed massive resentment and distrust of our common soldiery in High Command. We do not need our men wanting to frag their generals because said general is a bloodthirsty disciplinarian.

We also don't want our officers and men too afraid to practice initiative on the battlefield for fear of Schoffer courtmarshalling them for stepping out of line and not following the plan to the letter.

Because that is a real concern here. Schoffer's background is primarily non-combat roles where initiative is not appreciated and orders are expected to be followed to the letter.

That is crippling to a military expected to fight and win wars and only useful for when you want to make your military coup proof.

The Iraqi military was rendered Coup proof under Sadaam's regime and they certainly proved to be an effective fighting force....oh wait.
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[X] Otto Geule Remister

The reveal that Schoffer is a nasty guy makes me go for him. So long as we keep an eye on thing, we shouldn't have to worry about an internal coup.
You're misinterpreting the QM's statement. Schoffer earned his rank as a bureaucrat, but that does not mean he has any experience in flag command or is suitable for the position we're offering him.

It is all a logical extrapolation from the man's reputation. But since you're so insistent on word of @Ojou-Sama, we can ask her. Am I deducing reasonable outcomes of the situation based on the information you have given us?

Schöffer has earned his rank up to Colonel (Oberst) with blood, sweat and tears upon the field of battle, but after the end of the war, entered the bureaucracy. As a consequence, his promotions afterwards were primarily because other officers retired, died, or due to a minor expansion of the Reichswehr.

But overal, this is a reasonable deduction. Schöffer will investigate the army, he will find the people responsible, they will go before a tribunal, and they will be punished according to the severity of the crime...of course, everyone who has seen the man in action and his disciplinary record is very very nervous.

He's a military officer who put down civilian riots, I very much doubt that was peaceful and that guns weren't used and civilians killed.

The death toll is up to 303 people at present, largely 'communist agitators', 'firebombers', and 'communist revolutionaries'. Make of that what you will.

And again the QM would not give us a option so monstrous that none of us would chose him.
Yes he's not perfect but none of the options are and as the QM said all of them bring strengths and weakness to the position, the QM would not give us an option that only brought negatives or problems to the Army that would be in bad faith.

On the contrary - if there are no 'good' options readily available, then yes, I will put 'bad' and 'monstrous' options up for selection. To be completely honest, Julius would theoretically be a good choice...if you want nothing much to happen that is, given there is nothing in particular noteworthy about him except of his un-noteworthyness and relative inexperience, and while both Schöffer and Remister have seen at least a mediocrum of combat in the Second Europan War, Julius is a somewhat inexperienced Oberst with aristocratic connections at best, and at worst...well, some would find his motivations for being the head of the Reichswehr suspect at best.

That all said, all options have their positives and all options their negatives. Some have larger positives than others, some larger negatives - there is no single 'best' option, and no option has solely negatives.
On the contrary - if there are no 'good' options readily available, then yes, I will put 'bad' and 'monstrous' options up for selection. To be completely honest, Julius would theoretically be a good choice...if you want nothing much to happen that is, given there is nothing in particular noteworthy about him except of his un-noteworthyness and relative inexperience, and while both Schöffer and Remister have seen at least a mediocrum of combat in the Second Europan War, Julius is a somewhat inexperienced Oberst with aristocratic connections at best, and at worst...well, some would find his motivations for being the head of the Reichswehr suspect at best.

That all said, all options have their positives and all options their negatives. Some have larger positives than others, some larger negatives - there is no single 'best' option, and no option has solely negatives.
Well the QM has spoken and there's been several other arguments for Otto, combined with me taking time to actually step back and read over everything with a fresh eye. I admit defeat Otto would be the better option over all I suppose now that I had time to look back I got stubborn about my stance and was unwilling to give up, I can admit to that.

[X] Otto Geule Remister
Genuine need to know: what is the difference between Blitzkrieg and Deep Battle aside from being conceptualised by different nations about the usage of tanks?
Genuine need to know: what is the difference between Blitzkrieg and Deep Battle aside from being conceptualised by different nations about the usage of tanks?
Actually I think Deep Battle comes from our world Deep Operations which the germans used at a strategic level while Blitzkrieg was used on a operational level and for breakthroughs. So those are two entirely different combat doctrines that are used in conjunction of each other not in competition of each other.

Of course I should note that I'm not a hundred percent on this and could be wrong but I do remember reading about this or something similar to it like a year and a half ago. And doesn't help that WW2 soviet Russia also had something called Deep Battle as well so it's possible I'm mixing that up as well.
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From what I understand, Blitzkrieg wants to achieve a penetration of the front so the armored spearhead can wheel around and encircle or flank the forces at the front. Breakthroughs exist to achieve tactical supremacy and destroy enemy forces

Deep Battle values the breakthrough more as a success in its own right. It creates a gap, plunged into the depth to destroy enemy logistics and rear echelons and paved the way for motorized assets to pour into the gap while the enemy is forced to give ground. A breakthrough exists to unseat the enemy at the front and let a broader advance follow in the wake as the enemy gives ground.
[X] Otto Geule Remister

While I like Pyotr's unrelenting stance, I would rather increase monarchist influence for now. Perhaps, we can change it later, but that will depend on the future.
Interlude: A thread severed.
He lies cataconic on his deathbed, alone except for the half-asleep nurse seated beside him, eyes closed and breathing steady. For weeks now, the man has been in a coma - for all the might he once held, he is now alone, no sliver of his former power present.

And while he lays motionless on the hospital bed, he sees his life flash in a slow stream before his eyes, images and memories flashing in a reverse like a broken piece of film. He sees the flashes of a pistol aimed at his chest by a man with a mad grin before the door to his office slam open, hears the funeral bells toll as his wife is buried alongside the rest of the family that they once had, he smells the ashes of Schwartzgrad with her once beautiful cathedrals now forever empty, the lights extinguished in the shadow of a gigantic blue flame: He remembers the war and the fights against the Federation in central Europa, the great celebrations after the grand victories in the southern front, the cheers and jubilations as the Imperial Army once more drove into the Atlantic Federation with verocity and speed unmatched after years of waiting, as a pair of coffins lowered into the ground while even more funeral bells ring - the stream ends with one last shot of morphine, the injection giving his worn eyes the strength to open.

The room is empty, most of the extravagant paintings and decorations having long since been removed after the march eastwards ended in Klanisgrad, the last stronghold of the Empire, only a soft breeze and the golden sunlight falling in through the window. In the distance lurk the mountains, and after them the Pacific Seas, but the old man does not see them: His eyes search the room, looking for something to assure himself that in the end it will be alright, for himself and his people - but there is nothing, apart from a vague sense of dread, that of uncertainty and regret. A torn Imperial flag reminds him of all that once was - and which was now little more than a memory.

As the golden sun shined on his face, he closed his eyes. There was no point fighting it now.

The dream, the feverish desire of an once-mighty nation, had finally ended in defeat, the fight against destiny irrevocaly lost.

And as the clock sounds the twelfth hour, Emperor Frans Karl III, the King of Kings, the last Emperor of the East Europan Imperial Alliance, breathed his last.

The thread has been severed, and the crippled Eagle shall never again fly.

Or will it?

Fate shall, in the end, decide.

Next turn will be up tomorrow.
Scheduled vote count started by Ojou-Sama on Dec 27, 2021 at 8:28 PM, finished with 53 posts and 30 votes.
Don't worry your majesty, the Eagle will rise again, soaring higher and greater than ever before, and it will finally grasp the world in its talons and beak.

You will not live to see it, but maybe your heir and descendants will.

Perhaps we too will rise as dragons out of the ashes.
The Eagle will fly again, unbroken. Don't worry Frans Karl, we'll ensure the Federation pays.
As someone who plays Warhammer Total War, I keep imagining Karl Franz as an old man when I read the last line. lmao :V