Author act
[] in the east side of the twin continent create the suras a race of reddish bronze skin color humanoid with six arms and three eye and white hair they are as intelligent as a normal human. Their third eye is vertical in the middle of their forehead. Standing at 10 feet tall on average they are blessed with dense muscle and tougher bone they have even greater physical strength and speed than their already substantial physique would suggest. but they are entirely incapable of using magic. ( lesser act)
Alright since everyone is again the idea of making demons I decided not to do it and do this instead.
Wouldn't this be a grand act since they're sentient?
The creation of a sentient species capable of civilization is always a Grand Act. Lesser Acts can create sentient individuals or small-ish groups, but for self-sustaining and reproducing civilized races a Grand one is needed.
@Photomajig What level of action is this?
Changing an entire race or people is a Grand Act, as per the rules. Very cool idea, by the way!
Would transforming people into monsters get the +1 vote for the epoch?
Yup, that works.
@Photomajig Is this too strong to be a lesser act?
Seems fine as Lesser!
What would the act cost be for a site that makes a set number of monsters, and when one dies it slowly reforms at the site? Say a broken temple that forms a dozen angry radiant suits of armour, and when destroyed the temple shines a sickly light inside of it for 10 years and a new suit is ready to go out and fight? Lesser or grand?
I think this would be within the bounds of Lesser.
Just checking but naming something doesn't count as an authored act right?
That is correct. 3 or more votes are needed for a naming to pass.
Mostly want to create a race of musicians that travel the universe playing music
Right, if we're talking about a sentient species of large numbers capable of reproducing and growing, it's going to need a Grand Act.
am thinking this is either a cosmic or grand act.
As per the ruling I made earlier (that magic systems derived from passed Cosmic Acts/Laws of Reality are Grand), it'll be a Grand Act.
I don't know if it would be a demi-act or lesser-act
I think in this case it's up to you. Demi is fine for something formidable but not exceptionally powerful, Lesser would be a legendary monster. It would just essentially determine its potential strength down the line.
[X] Prevent the Might of the OutSlayer from being corrupted as to be stolen simply by its wielder being killed or being bound by fate to some counterpart power. (??? Act)
I suppose I have to make a ruling on opposed Acts. This Quest was supposed to be a collaborative worldbuilding project. I fear in this respect it's going to be a failure if every Epoch sees this much fighting. You are Gods of Chaos. You should accept that not everything is in your control.
Opposed Acts
In a case where two or more Acts are directly contradictory or attempt to counter the other, the Act with more total Votes wins and is passed. Unforeseen consequences may ensue from the clash of titanic powers of Creation. These Acts must naturally pass the necessary amount of Votes for their Scale before anything else.
In this case, we have two Acts trying to change the Might of the OutSlayer, one trying to stop them. The changing Acts must both individually get more Votes than the stopping Act if they want to pass. We can see none, only one of them or both pass. Currently none of them have the necessary Votes to be valid anyway, so we'll see if this becomes relevant.
I think I'm going to have to contradict myself and rule the '[] Allow the Might to be claimed by any who defeat the current holder. If that being is not mortal, they can instead grant the Might to any mortal of their choosing' Act to require Grand scale after all,
@Pempelune - there is just such a huge difference in Votes needed between Lesser and Grand that it feels rather dangerous to allow Lesser Acts to edit passed Grand Acts in that way. My apologies for not ruling it this way from the start.
Right...I'm starting to feel personally insulted and attacked at this point since people aren't even actually reading the shit that I'm writing while making arguments misrepresenting me, so I'm just going to step away. I wanted to play around with other people in an open ended worldbuilding game and got this toxicity in return. If that kind of thing is acceptable here, than I'm not sure it's not something I actually want to involve myself in.
I am very sorry to hear that. I don't think anyone is trying to personally insult or attack you, for what it's worth. There are people who have very different ideas of what they want this world to look like and you have tried to make your case to them. You don't need to persist if it distresses you to - the magic of democratic voting will see your Act succeed or fail regardless if everyone agrees with it or not.
By the way, @Photomajig, what do you think of my act? Is it Lesser like I wrote, or is it a Demi-Act or Grand Act?
It's good as a Lesser!
@Photomajig what level of act would blessing a specific bloodline with an inheritable magical ability be?
This would be Lesser ('ability to spread one's powers to others' as described in the the first post, more or less).
Whew, that was a lot. Now I'm off to celebrate Christmas, so I doubt I'll be answering many further questions today. Merry Christmas and all that! Try to have peace on Earth and SV.