Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

It would be easy enough to tweak things from 'one of the fruits of the lonesome tree turned into a dryad' into 'many fruits grow into trees that then form dryads', if you just want to populate some nature spirits around.
...I'm going to be charitable here and assume you misread my post or didn't mean to quote me. If you read what I said and legitimately think I'm arguing to 'warp it into some kind of power to be fought over' then I have no idea how you could have come to that conclusion.

You don't want the Might of the Outslayer to be made into a trophy to be passed around by whoever is strong enough to take it that also makes whoever has it even more powerful just for having it. That's good and I agree, it's after all meant to be a force for the empowerment of mortals, not an object of tyranny. For some reason, you also don't want it to be enshrined as the power belonging to what might as well be an avatar of heroism, their destiny to stand as an incarnated ideal for the sake of reaching a perfect resolution to a grand narrative. I can't comprehend what you find so disagreeable about that, but whatever.

However, you seem to be unwilling to accept any kind of change to the Might of the Outslayer at all on the basis that it has already caused its current holder so many problems. That just doesn't make sense, do you want it to keep causing those problems for future holders? Do you think Nehu is going to be alive forever, or that they should be the last person to hold the power? You're basically threatening counteraction if anyone wants to change the Might of the Outslayer away from being nothing more than a tool for only the Maker's benefit, while citing the problems it has as it currently exists as justification for not fixing those problems. From what I can tell it was always meant to be a force of empowerment for mortals, but as it stands all it does is exploit them.

If you care about preventing more people from ending up like Nehu, then these kinds of changes are the direction we should head in. Alter the Might of the Outslayer into something that mortals will wield for their own reasons without our input, and if you want it to remain a force for good exclusively than write that into it on the most basic level of it. Bonding it with the Mantle of the Breaker would even help Nehu out, since the principles twist the narrative of the universe to guarantee a satisfying ending for both the villain and hero, if they were bonded than Nehu would with total certainty receive the satisfying conclusion her journey deserves.

Hey, that's a thought. So to be completely reductionist about it, getting the Mantle of the Breaker into effect and then bonding the Might of the Outslayer with it as it's counterpart would guarantee whoever gets them will have happy endings.

If you want Nehu to have a happy ending, do this.
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Anybody got any ideas for the Spirits of Land and Sky? From what I can see we basically only have the Sea Spirit right now so I think it would be interesting to create those. Or maybe create a spirit for each piece of land? Like the Arkan Twins spirits, and the Hot Lands spirit? I'm not very creative with this kind of stuff.
You can author that act if you want to, I have another idea for this epoch.
[] Give a spirit to the landmasses of the world, each the ruler of their Kingdom in the Unseen.
An Epoch of Monsters huh... Oh boy is this gonna be fun

Just checking but naming something doesn't count as an authored act right?
You can author that act if you want to, I have another idea for this epoch.
[] Give a spirit to the landmasses of the world, each the ruler of their Kingdom in the Unseen.
Is that your idea for it? Cause if so ill vote for it
Maybe create a bunch of lesser land and sky spirits? Kind of like how there's a dryad on the lonely island, but on a broader scale. It could lead to some conflict as the civilizations grow more developed and start destroying nature.

I feel like creating spirits that encompass entire continents and the sky will make them way too powerful.
We already have a sprit for the whole ocean, might as well balance things out I say.
For some reason, you also don't want it to be enshrined as the power belonging to what might as well be an avatar of heroism, their destiny to stand as an incarnated ideal for the sake of reaching a perfect resolution to a grand narrative.
What I think Jawa's trying to say is that he doesn't want everything we create to be either strictly good or evil. Hell, I don't think he even meant to argue that in the first place; what he's trying to say is that you're better off creating a new power rather than re-engineering the OutSlayer. Just because something has the potential to be an avatar of heroism, doesn't mean it has to be an avatar of heroism. The Might of the OutSlayer from its very conception was a morally ambiguous weapon, and I personally feel it gives the holder of the OutSlayer a unique position.

Anyways, I personally feel that just tearing away the OutSlayer from Nehru to combine it with whatever power you want or making her a target for everyone else defeats the entire purpose of the Might of the OutSlayer being something that passes on to random people after Nehru's death. I also don't particularly want to write it to be an unambiguously "good" power; that would turn out to be something like the Outer Gods, a narratively locked power and concept. I say just leave it be, let Nehru pass away of old age, and leave the OutSlayer's new heir to the QM's discretion. If you want a new power that's unambiguously good or one that can be transferred to whoever kills it's user, please don't try and twist an already existing power to your whims.

also, the OutSlayer isn't a tool for us to simply exploit. It's in mortal hands now and we simply can't just order them to do whatever we want. And doesn't your proposal to tear away the OutSlayers power and combine it with the Mantle of the Breaker constitute discarding Nehru to the side after her task to destroy the Outer Gods was completed? That's also a form of exploitation, you know.
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However, you seem to be unwilling to accept any kind of change to the Might of the Outslayer at all on the basis that it has already caused its current holder so many problems. That just doesn't make sense, do you want it to keep causing those problems for future holders? Do you think Nehu is going to be alive forever, or that they should be the last person to hold the power? You're basically threatening counteraction if anyone wants to change the Might of the Outslayer away from being nothing more than a tool for only the Maker's benefit, while citing the problems it has as it currently exists as justification for not fixing those problems. From what I can tell it was always meant to be a force of empowerment for mortals, but as it stands all it does is exploit them.

If you care about preventing more people from ending up like Nehu, then these kinds of changes are the direction we should head in. Alter the Might of the Outslayer into something that mortals will wield for their own reasons without our input, and if you want it to remain a force for good exclusively than write that into it on the most basic level of it. Bonding it with the Mantle of the Breaker would even help Nehu out, since the principles twist the narrative of the universe to guarantee a satisfying ending for both the villain and hero, if they were bonded than Nehu would with total certainty receive the satisfying conclusion her journey deserves.

Hey, that's a thought. So to be completely reductionist about it, getting the Mantle of the Breaker into effect and then bonding the Might of the Outslayer with it as it's counterpart would guarantee whoever gets them will have happy endings.

If you want Nehu to have a happy ending, do this.

See, I don't follow your logic at all.

For one, the circumstances surrounding the Nehu situation are one part oversight, one part specific circumstances. It's a problem that largely centers around Nehu's fellow Myridna making a mistake of being terrified of her which kicked in a negative backlash from the Myridna's communal senses. The problem that Nehu has is not necessarily a problem that future OutSlayers would have, especially if the lessons from Nehu were applied to future use of the power. And already her situation is being improved through the rest location situation.

Explicitly setting her up to die the way you want to does not help her situation.

Second, you completely miss the point of the OutSlayer power and why it was designed such as it was. It's supposed to be a solution to the 'outer gods' that wouldn't cause problems of its own. That's why it's supposed to return to the Makers when the current user dies. It's not supposed to fall out of the Maker's control. It's not supposed to be wielded by Mortals without the Maker's intent. For mortals to wield it without the Maker's direction is in direct contrast to the intent of the power.

and if you want it to remain a force for good exclusively than write that into it on the most basic level of it.

You either didn't read or misinterpreted the way I wrote the Might of the OutSlayer, because this?

This is exactly what I did.

Writing it in such a way that it would exclusively remain a force for whatever good we need done at a given time is exactly what I did.

It's why the power can only be wielded by a mortal to ensure it can't be abused by higher powers. It's why the power is designed to return to the Makers when the wielder dies. It's why I wrote it in such a way to avoid it falling out of the Maker's control.

On top of that, consider that the the way the Might of the Outslayer is designed is that this version is oriented towards the 'outer gods'. The implication is there that future versions could be applied to different powers.

Which technically could include the Custodians.

Or us.

By letting the Might of the OutSlayer fall out of our control the way you want it to, that means that the Might of the OutSlayer could, in theory, be adjusted so that the power that currently allows Nehu to fight the 'outer gods' on equal terms means that it could also be adjusted to let a mortal fight The Makers on equal terms instead of the 'outer gods'.

In other words, it would be possible in theory that you would be giving a mortal the power to destroy us, the players.

Third, maybe I misunderstand the way you wrote the Might of the Breaker, but I don't see how that provides for a happy or satisfying ending when said ending involves death. Not when the original intent of the Might of the OutSlayer power was that after killing the 'outer gods' Nehu was supposed to have the option to explore the universe like she originally wanted to but better.

You may find it satisfactory for her story to end with her dying in some battle with a rival created expressly for the purpose of fighting her, but me, I think that's a jerk move to pull on her and isn't a happy ending at all.

It's just...dark and depressing.

also, the OutSlayer isn't a tool for us to simply exploit. It's in mortal hands now and we simply can't just order them to do whatever we want. And doesn't your proposal to tear away the OutSlayers power and combine it with the Mantle of the Breaker constitute discarding Nehru to the side after her task to destroy the Outer Gods was completed? That's also a form of exploitation, you know.

It's in a Mortals hands now. But as the power was originally written, it's explicitly designed so that when Nehu decides she's willing to pass on, the Might of the OutSlayer returns to the Makers so that we have it in our back pocket already if we find ourselves facing another 'outer gods' type situation.

That is ultimately the point of the Might of the OutSlayer - it's supposed to give us a tool in our back pocket that we can pull out if we have a situation get out of control the way the 'outer gods' did and need something to throw at the problem. The way it was written even specifies that this version is oriented towards the 'outer gods' so that it could be adjusted to be have the same effect against a different threat in the future.
also, the OutSlayer isn't a tool for us to simply exploit.

The Outslayer is probably the most restrictive act we've created. I think people are fine with it in concept, but it has so many qualifications and restrictions that it ends up having little use or variation beside it's intended purpose unless the QM decides to play around with the little wiggle room around it. I think I've said this before but it feels like "playing to win" a worldbuilding quest.

I mean the QM even said as much when the act was first created.

I suppose the same goes for the OutSlayer thing, but I can't say I'm a fan of how many failsafes it has against being used for anything but its very narrow and Maker-managed purpose. I am a little surprised that people who claim to want conflict to naturally arise from the developments of created races would want something so micromanaging. Unforeseen consequences are an unwritten Law of this universe, it being made by Gods of Chaos. Oh well, there's always the Law of Narrative Satisfaction to nudge its rules if ever necessary...
I think I've said this before but it feels like "playing to win" a worldbuilding quest.

It's not "Playing to Win", it's "Playing to not lose". Or rather "Playing to clean up an obvious mess" in a way that was more creative than just "Delete 'outer gods'".

The 'outer gods' were a major problem we needed to deal with, the Might of the OutSlayer was intended to be a solution to that problem that wouldn't create a bigger problem.
I just had the idea of a new magic system I thought up.

Legend Cultivation: Undergirding all of reality is a single thematic. The universe is a patchwork of ever-changing stories, with every person the main character of their personal tale. But it is a fact of life that some stories are grander than others, more far-reaching, and holding more impact on the world. Let that now become reality.

Drawn from the Law of Narrative Causality whenever a mortal overcomes a personally noteworthy challenge they grow and are empowered by it. A great warrior that slays the Questing Beast would find themselves stronger than before such that if they were to try their challenge again they would find the Beast to be a moderately difficult foe than something truly epic in scope.

This enhancement can take on myriad forms ranging from a general increase in physical capabilities to new magic-like abilities evocative of their victory. A hero that slays the hydra may find himself developing the ability to strike a hundred targets at once or resistance to poison, and a hero who kills the Nemean lion develop the ability to pierce the hide of those long though invulnerable or takes on the hide.

They eventually develop a force of 'fate' around them that assists their actions. A truly legendary hunter that has carved his name in legend finds that all their hunts going improbably successfully even with their powers because their narrative is of the legendary hunter and the Law of Narrative Satsifaction will see that come to pass. It is not absolute, but it is potent.

And when those heroes die their accumulated legend can be accessed by those left in the world as their star continues to carry the weight of their legend, granting those that attune to it the opportunity to claim the legend for themselves and build upon it.


I was inspired by quests where after defeating a major foe the GM gives exp to make the player character stronger as well as traits and items that would make such an idea stronger.

Then I remembered that one of the Laws is Narrative Satisfaction and we have Star Trails, which makes it so that stars are born to mark the life of a mortal and it is possible to take on the attributes of a star. I always dwelled on it as it was created but nothing about it is really used so I thought of bringing it to the forefront.

With this addition every person would develop their legend so long as they pursue and overcome challenges and when they die their legends are embedded in their star to be accessed by later generations.

Now the thing about this is that those who utilize legends have two paths of development. I envision this as getting an RPG class.

The first path is using your own personal legend, overcoming foes and developing legendary abilities and a personal narrative of their own. This is a hard path as it consists of constantly seeking out challenges to overcome. It is creating your own class from scratch.

The second path is mantling the legend of the Star through the various rites (think a mix of ancestor worship and acting like you are the cosplaying as the Hero involved). This is essentially taking the Star's Legend as a class. You gain access to their low level abilities but as you progress and follow their story you gain access to their higher abilities. This has the drawback of it not being your story. It is the Story of a long dead hero being retread even if it has different actors.

I am thinking this is either a cosmic or grand act.

So thought? Questions? Clarifications?
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I just had the idea of a new magic system I thought up.

Legend Cultivation: Undergirding all of reality is a single thematic. The universe is a patchwork of ever-changing stories, with every person the main character of their personal tale. But it is a fact of life that some stories are grander than others, more far-reaching, and holding more impact on the world. Let that now become reality.

Drawn from the Law of Narrative Causality whenever a mortal overcomes a personally noteworthy challenge they grow and are empowered by it. A great warrior that slays the Questing Beast would find themselves stronger than before such that if they were to try their challenge again they would find the Beast to be a moderately difficult foe than something truly epic in scope.

This enhancement can take on myriad forms ranging from a general increase in physical capabilities to new magic-like abilities evocative of their victory. A hero that slays the hydra may find himself developing the ability to strike a hundred targets at once or resistance to poison, and a hero who kills the Nemean lion develop the ability to pierce the hide of those long though invulnerable or takes on the hide.

They eventually develop a force of 'fate' around them that assists their actions. A truly legendary hunter that has carved his name in legend finds that all their hunts going improbably successfully even with their powers because their narrative is of the legendary hunter and the Law of Narrative Satsifaction will see that come to pass. It is not absolute, but it is potent.

And when those heroes die their accumulated legend can be accessed by those left in the world as their star continues to carry the weight of their legend, granting those that attune to it the opportunity to claim the legend for themselves and build upon it.


I was inspired by quests where after defeating a major foe the GM gives exp to make the player character stronger as well as traits and items that would make such an idea stronger.

Then I remembered that one of the Laws is Narrative Satisfaction and we have Star Trails, which makes it so that stars are born to mark the life of a mortal and it is possible to take on the attributes of a star. I always dwelled on it as it was created but nothing about it is really used so I thought of bringing it to the forefront.

With this addition every person would develop their legend so long as they pursue and overcome challenges and when they die their legends are embedded in their star to be accessed by later generations.

Now the thing about this is that those who utilize legends have two paths of development. I envision this as getting an RPG class.

The first path is using your own personal legend, overcoming foes and developing legendary abilities and a personal narrative of their own. This is a hard path as it consists of constantly seeking out challenges to overcome. It is creating your own class from scratch.

The second path is mantling the legend of the Star through the various rites (think a mix of ancestor worship and acting like you are the cosplaying as the Hero involved). This is essentially taking the Star's Legend as a class. You gain access to their low level abilities but as you progress and follow their story you gain access to their higher abilities. This has the drawback of it not being your story. It is the Story of a long dead hero being retread even if it has different actors.

I am thinking this is either a cosmic or grand act.

So thought? Questions? Clarifications?
I like it.

here is another idea, since we are going to create monsters my idea is to create what in the future will be a dragon.
At first it would be a small winged lizard, but it can absorb everything it eats (objects, living beings, etc.) once it eats / absorbs something, it gains the attributes of whatever it absorbed.
If, for example, it gets to eat any of the intelligent species, it will become just as intelligent (+ the characteristics of the race), it also acquired 1% of the size of whatever it ate.

I don't know if it would be a demi-act or lesser-act
Oh, I like that. It is kinda like a power system I read before in a novel called Valhalla saga where great feat that is widely known by others become special power and ability as well as making those who perform them stronger for example a Viking due strike down his enemy on the battlefield right as thunder strikes his hammer which leads to other calling him a child of thor and he was granted the ability to imbue his weapon with thunder later on or the MC who is a famous Esport pro player have his famous gaming moment translate into ability thank to how famous and widely know they are.
So thought? Questions? Clarifications?
Yeah I like the idea of doing stuff with legends and History and all that, pretty good idea. Also like the idea of gaining stuff for great deeds and stuff.

Dumb Authored Idea:

[X] Create The Book of Maker Support, every once in a while a book appears to a random being with a great desire (Every Update/Epoch) that they can write a request/complaint into this book (A persons intent will write the words on the page and they can automatically understand the words regardless of the can read or not so if someone can't read or write it doesn't matter), that has what it can do written down and once they write there complaints/request into the scroll it will then disappear until the next time and we can then decide to honor that request or not. The books previous uses and if the requests where honored or not are also recorded. (Lesser/Demi-Act?)

[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Sol Mountain.(Lesser Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[x] Implement Legend Cultivation (Grand Act)
[X]Call an Unseen God to the Unfrozen Sun, and once there, bound it. (Lesser Act)
[x] Create the Mantle of the Breaker: See this postfor details. (Cosmic)
[X] in the east side of the twin continent create the suras a race of reddish bronze skin color humanoid with six arms and three eye and white hair they are as intelligent as a normal human. Their third eye is vertical in the middle of their forehead. Standing at 10 feet tall on average they are blessed with dense muscle and tougher bone they have even greater physical strength and speed than their already substantial physique would suggest. but they are entirely incapable of using magic. ( lesser act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
[X] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
[X]The makers construct a towering Ziggurat in the jungles of the Arken lands.(Lesser Act)
[X] Grant a lowland Myridna bloodline who are notable for taming animals the ability to telepathically speak with them. [Lesser]

[X] Whisper the locations of Askr and Embla to the two of them, as well as the means of safely reaching each other. (Demi-Act)
[X] Create Glacis the Mountain-Carver. (Demi-act)
[X] Create Melkiades, the First Undead. Basically, just a sentient undead that has unique ability to spread death (not immediate death, more like disease) with touch. Doesn't hate all living, but very confused by his existence and lack of memories. (Demi-act)
[X] Create the Sleeping Beasts, great scaled winged one-horned lizard-horses with a freezing breath.
[X] create the winged lizard of potential (lesser-act)
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[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
29. This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the ARCHITECT made the earth and the heavens.
30. Now the ARCHITECT and all the great deities had created life and seeded it throughout the world, and the ARCHITECT had seen fit to give life to the Arken Lands.
31. Then the ARCHITECT formed the first of his mortal creations from the clay of the ground, and shaped the first of the Druyul, his chosen people.
32. And so HE took his creation to the Void, and gave his creation life with fire taken from the Fires of Creation.
33. And the ARCHITECT turned to his Children, the Abraxas, and said "This is your duty; to serve my Chosen People and protect them from their adversaries. For the World is a constant battle for survival, and my Children must survive if they are to bring about the Final Peace between all that is good and evil."
34. And the Fifteen Greater Abraxas and their Four-Hundred and Forty Lesser brothers and sisters bowed, and accepted this duty.
35. Then the ARCHITECT reached into the depths, and formed a companion for his creation, and sent them to the Western Reaches of the Arken Lands.
36. And the Abraxas watched over them, and marveled as his Children grew fruitful and multiplied, and created wondrous cities.

The Architect has finished perhaps his greatest project in the history of Existence: the Druyul, a humanoid bipedal reptilian race. Standing in at a height of nearly six feet, capable of camouflaging themselves from predators (see: Horror Birds) like chameleons, possessing average strength but extremely high stamina, and featuring a tail that can detach when caught by predators and regenerate, the Druyul are built to hunt and survive in the harsh environment of the Western reaches of the Arken Lands. The Druyul are an omnivorous species, and prefers to feed on tough vegetables or meat from birds, fish, and ungulates such as pigs. Hunting tactics employed by them usually consist of a mixture of persistence hunting and ganging up on small groups of prey and predators; big enough groups have been known to take down small groups of one or two Horror Birds by throwing spears. The Druyul are industrious and heavily motivated and have even begun to start moving out of the caves they sleep into crudely constructed habitats. They've also discovered fire and have a rudimentary writing/number system.

The Abraxas in the meantime are watching over the Druyul in secret and will take great pains to report and record anything and everything that happens to the Architect (me) and the Makers.

[X] Prevent the Might of the OutSlayer from being corrupted as to be stolen simply by its wielder being killed or being bound by fate to some counterpart power. (??? Act)
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Implement Legend Cultivation (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
[X] Whisper the locations of Askr and Embla to the two of them, as well as the means of safely reaching each other. (Demi-Act)
[X]The makers construct a towering Ziggurat in the jungles of the Arken lands.(Lesser Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Glacis the Mountain-Carver. (Demi-act)
[X] Create The Book of Maker Support
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[X]Call an Unseen God to the Unfrozen Sun, and once there, bound it. (Lesser Act)

May it be the Star's Flames, to tend and be strengthened by it. Its hunger will be sated far in excess, its mouths made shut. In exchange, it will be blessed with meager command over the Flame of Chaos, to breathe it without end, and will it to take the Unnamed World as their visage.

[x] Create the Mantle of the Breaker: See this postfor details. (Cosmic)
[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)

[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Sol Mountain.(Lesser Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
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Authored Act:
[X] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
Non-authored Acts:
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Sol Mountain.(Lesser Act)
[X] Allow the Might to be claimed by any who defeat the current holder. If that being is not mortal, they can instead grant the Might to any mortal of their choosing. (Lesser Act)
[X]Call an Unseen God to the Unfrozen Sun, and once there, bound it. (Lesser Act)
[X] Transform some humans into Ogres, monsters masquerading as heroes among men and devouring them to accumulate the primordial power of Askr and Embla (Lesser Act)

[x] Implement Legend Cultivation (Grand Act)
[x] Create the Mantle of the Breaker: See this post for details. (Cosmic)
[X] Create Wyverns (Grand Act)
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Authored act:
[X] Transform some humans into Ogres, monsters masquerading as heroes among men and devouring them to accumulate the primordial power of Askr and Embla (Lesser Act)

Non-authored acts:
[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Sol Mountain.(Lesser Act)
[X] Allow the Might to be claimed by any who defeat the current holder. If that being is not mortal, they can instead grant the Might to any mortal of their choosing. (Lesser Act)
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
[X] Name the first island, Island of Ouroboros
[X] Create a broken temple site. Carvings and writings to gods that never existed sit throughout, as well as a haze of faint wrongness and corruption that lingers. The site itself sits on the border of the seen and unseen, travelling around by hacking through the roots with the creatures that it creates. Broken angels form in this temple, armour bound around a sickly core, corrupting all it approaches. These forms, numbering only ever two dozen, fight those around them, seeking to spread their filth and restore their temple, however this is impossible as it was not created whole. When these forms are destroyed the spirits within depart the armour and draw back to the temple, coalescing another body with which these crusaders of anathema can charge out once again in. (Lesser Act)
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Authored Acts:

[x] Create the Mantle of the Breaker: See this post for details. (Cosmic)

And so did the misbegotten things crawl and cower and slither away,
back into the darkness and the nightmares from which they were born.

Lacking purpose, dignity, or grace, the Makers looked down at their work,
and saw them as they had been made to be, base and primitive creatures of violence.

Repulsed by their ugliness, the gods of creation had discarded them,
abandoned those that still lived in cowardice, and left those dead to rot in obscurity.

There were still those who favored them, even pathetic as they were,
and so a crown was forged, of dead stars shining in unspeakable colors, to carry their names.

A cruel promise and awful hope, a savior of destruction to bring their redemption,
to be broken so they could be remade more perfect, their misery and spite enthroned.

Seven Unknown and Seven Unmade, once enemies now together as one in death,
they are matured by anger, wizened by despair, exalted by fear;

The successor is doomed, and so the world is Broken.

---Surviving fragment of legendary age divinatory records

Non-Authored Acts:

[x] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
[x] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
[x] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
[x] Implement Legend Cultivation (Grand Act)

Seriously, why didn't you even read my post. Bonding the Might of the Outslayer to the Mantle of the Breaker wouldn't make it 'objectively good' or discard Nehu.

I literally said the point was to guarantee Nehu had a happy ending she was satisfied with. It's part of the basic functions of the mantle that it always produces a relatively positive outcome from the perspective of both sides. Where am I being unclear on this?

You may find it satisfactory for her story to end with her dying in some battle with a rival created expressly for the purpose of fighting her, but me, I think that's a jerk move to pull on her and isn't a happy ending at all.
...What is the point of saying the Might of the Outslayer is something that should only belong to mortals while simultaneously refusing to allow it's holder to die? Mortals pass on to the afterlife here. It's what makes them mortal, by definition. The principle that the villain will lose in the end was added to close a loophole that both the hero and villain could find some way to live forever and keep the Mantle instead of passing it on like it's intended to. If I removed the stipulation that both must die than there's always the chance it could be hoarded from one side or the other.
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[X] Whisper the locations of Askr and Embla to the two of them, as well as the means of safely reaching each other. (Demi-Act)

[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty. (Grand Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create The Book of Maker Support, every once in a while a book appears to a random being with a great desire (Every Update/Epoch) that they can write a request/complaint into this book (A persons intent will write the words on the page and they can automatically understand the words regardless of the can read or not so if someone can't read or write it doesn't matter), that has what it can do written down and once they write there complaints/request into the scroll it will then disappear until the next time and we can then decide to honor that request or not. The books previous uses and if the requests where honored or not are also recorded. (Lesser/Demi-Act?)
[X] in the east side of the twin continent create the suras a race of reddish bronze skin color humanoid with six arms and three eye and white hair they are as intelligent as a normal human. Their third eye is vertical in the middle of their forehead. Standing at 10 feet tall on average they are blessed with dense muscle and tougher bone they have even greater physical strength and speed than their already substantial physique would suggest. but they are entirely incapable of using magic. ( lesser act)
[X] Create the Oech-Rhul, the Monster of Many Faces. (Lesser Act)
[X]The makers construct a towering Ziggurat in the jungles of the Arken lands.(Lesser Act)
[X]Create elemental salamanders (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Wyverns (Grand Act)
[X] Name the first island, Island of Ouroboros
[X] Create Sphinxes (Lesser Act)
[X] Create a broken temple site. Carvings and writings to gods that never existed sit throughout, as well as a haze of faint wrongness and corruption that lingers. The site itself sits on the border of the seen and unseen, travelling around by hacking through the roots with the creatures that it creates. Broken angels form in this temple, armour bound around a sickly core, corrupting all it approaches. These forms, numbering only ever two dozen, fight those around them, seeking to spread their filth and restore their temple, however this is impossible as it was not created whole. When these forms are destroyed the spirits within depart the armour and draw back to the temple, coalescing another body with which these crusaders of anathema can charge out once again in. (Lesser Act)
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Suggestion: Cosmic Act: The Maker's Boundaries.

-With the cosmic creators starting to find their niches, conflict was inevitable. To forestall the complete breakdown of civility a new Law was created with power drawn from most, if not all, currently active Makers: The Boundaries.

They are neither of the Seen nor Unseen but weave through the cracks between both and prevent direct Maker-tier and Maker-adjacent interference with the Unnamed World (but not the cosmos surrounding it). The Makers simply wish to create, it's up to those creations to Choose for themselves, now that Boundaries have been established.

I'll take the best of the feedback I got-


[X] Create The Maker's Boundaries. (Cosmic Act)
-Threading between the Seen and Unseen will be an infinite tapestry woven and repaired from the cast off divine energies of Creation.
-This divine fabric will shelter the True Denizens from those who have an existence considered Beyond Reality (up to but not limited to: the Makers, the Custodians, the Outer and Unseen Gods)
-This "shelter" will take the form of greatly dampened ability to directly manifest, directly manipulate a creation, or directly create an object within the solar system of the as yet Unnamed World.
-tl;dr: All Cosmic and Grand Acts are reduced in strength by an order of magnitude.

Also I'm thinking about something like

[X] Create the Star Eater. (Demi Act)
-Wings of stardust; bulbous, luminous eyes shining with the light of the Unseen; as many legs as stars they've devoured.
-Proboscis of molten metals & body shielded in powerful electromagnetic currents.
-Be drawn to the light, that your children may be born from it.
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Authored Act:
[x] Implement Legend Cultivation (Grand Act)
Derived from the Law of Narrative Causauility and Expanding on the power of the Star Trails legends and feats are given a power of their own.
Whenever a mortal accomplishes something truly grand and noteworthy they grow from it, the feat accreting into a general increase in all parameters as well as special abilities based on such feat.

This enhancement can take on myriad forms ranging from a general increase in physical capabilities to new magic-like abilities evocative of their victory. A hero that slays the hydra may find himself developing the ability to strike a hundred targets at once or resistance to poison, and a hero who kills the Nemean lion develop the ability to pierce the hide of those long though invulnerable or have their skin take on an echo of the beast's invulnerability.

The enhancement is never enough to trivialize the challenge but enough to turn a nigh-impossible challenge into a moderately difficult one.

They eventually develop a force of 'fate' around the thematic narrative of their legend. The Legendary Hunter known for subduing numerous dangerous creatures would find their hunts going supernaturally well even taking into account their powers as their Narrative is of the Hunter and thus the law of Narrative Satisfaction pushes things to their proper place. It is a potent ability, but not absolute.

When the Mortal dies their Legend is given up to their Star, which can then be mantled via arcane rituals (a mixture of ancestor worship, deep studying into the legend itself, and cosplay) to access their legends. Those who do so essentially make up for the need for legendary acts with regular constant actions fitting the legend's thematic, slowly building up until the full legend is accessed. The trade-off is that any feat done during this period is attributed to the Legend and not the person's own personal tale.

That said if a feat is done that is extraordinary even when taking into account the Story then just as Legends change and are altered as they are passed on from generation to generation, the Legend can gain new facets and expand or even break off to form a new Legend Star if the Bearer is truly that extraordinary.

Other Actions:
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
[X] Create slimes (Lesser Act)
[X] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
Authored Act:
[X] Carve out caverns in the deep, mostly filled with water. (Grand Act)
-Strange and twisty environments, filled with geothermal smoke and spew and underwater rivers of dense brine flowing from above. While largely aquatic, some caverns are dry, though filled with stale and volcanic air.
-Some of these deep caves even connect to the caverns beneath the Clouded Lands, with strange transitional environments as dry and airy caves give way to ones filled with seawater, and gases from the tectonic activity deep below trickle their way up.
-Beneath the Hot Lands, these caves are boilingly volcanic, filled with hot magma traveling up, and columns of steam from where seawater flows in, erupting in geysers on the surface and the coast. However, these channels of magma from the deep also bring forth metals and minerals from below, replenishing the Hot Lands deposits of such where the magma erupts to the surface.
-Few caves penetrate beneath the Arken Lands, but some do, and these are often shallower and nearer the surface, more easily within reach. They provide many hiding places for aquatic and amphibious life, and some tunnels that lead to small saltwater lakes inland, connected to the sea.

[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Sol Mountain.(Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty. (Grand Act)
[X]Create elemental salamanders (Lesser Act)

I'd be interested in seeing what other interesting monsters people come up with. I can honestly be a font of monsters if needed, but am otherwise distracted at the moment.

Also, maybe someone should do something for the Iknix? The fluffballs are kind of forgotten at the moment.
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...What is the point of saying the Might of the Outslayer is something that should only belong to mortals while simultaneously refusing to allow it's holder to die?

It lets the wielder of the power die when the wielder has decided that he or she has lived a satisfactory life. It's meant to be a major reward for the wielder carrying out the task assigned to the wielder when the power is first assigned.

In Nehu's case, it was to enable her to explore the universe for as long as she so desired until she was ready to pass on from the land of the living.