Sure. You can even play "We are The Champions" with a media insert if you like.
I shall not play we are the champions but I shall gloat! Now onto said Gloating

@Rolen von Keng I hereby declare my symbolic victory and the superiority of my clearly better plan! With 6 times more votes then yours's! I humble ask you admit defeat and accept the inevitable!

Ok that being said I have been swayed to support the mark two of my plan made by Randy since it has a slightly better synergy then mine and well we can do the train actions next turn to finish that off.

[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark 2

And once more Ha Ha! The sweet taste of victory is glorious!
I shall not play we are the champions but I shall gloat! Now onto said Gloating

@Rolen von Keng I hereby declare my symbolic victory and the superiority of my clearly better plan! With 6 times more votes then yours's! I humble ask you admit defeat and accept the inevitable!

Ok that being said I have been swayed to support the mark two of my plan made by Randy since it has a slightly better synergy then mine and well we can do the train actions next turn to finish that off.

[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark 2

And once more Ha Ha! The sweet taste of victory is glorious!
I am very sad... Not. I believe we've done a good game at least. May this quest reach our inevitable victory, for every failure is but a small setback until our final victory!
[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark 2

Can't wait to see the utter chaos the dice are going to throw at us next turn.
[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark

I like trains far too much even if the Mk2 plan is better for getting the GNVP on board.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Ojou-Sama on Dec 20, 2021 at 7:59 PM, finished with 44 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark 2
    -[X] Maintaining control
    -[X] Begin discussions with opposition parties
    -- [X] The GNVP
    -[X] A refurbished Navy
    -- [X] First Naval Reinforcement Programme - Lohmeyer
    -[X] The need for new tactics
    -[X] To soar through blue skies
    -[X] Agricultural Revitalisation
    -[X] The New Germanian Economy
    -[X] The Expansion of Pöhle Eisenwerke
    -[X] Tea in Theodorichstadt
    -[X] An appeal to the south
    [X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on
    -[X] Maintaining control
    -[X] Begin discussions with opposition parties
    -- [X] The GNVP
    -[X] A refurbished Navy
    -- [X] First Naval Reinforcement Programme - Lohmeyer
    -[X] The need for new tactics
    -[X] To soar through blue skies
    -[X] The Class 60 Ragnite Locomotive Initiative
    -[X] Agricultural Revitalisation
    -[X] The New Germanian Economy
    -[X] Tea in Theodorichstadt
    -[X] An appeal to the south
    [X] Plan: Restoring Order and Easy Takes
    [X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark
The Victor and the Vanguished - Turn Two Results, Part One
Turn Results, Part One

Political troubles

[X] Maintaining Control
DC: 40. Rolled: 35
Event roll: 87

The attempts by the GDP to influence the Zentrum has ended in failure, though discoveries have been made - especially regarding the fate of former Communist Party General Secretary. It appears that following a coup in the upper ranks of the party Ivan Khöhle had been replaced as General Secretary by Lev Kaganovich, and that he subsequently fled to the Zentrum with a large group of ardent supporters of his particular strand of Communism - while at the time welcome given Ivan's experience in counter-intelligence and ranks of supporters, it seems that the former General Secretary had been waiting until the time was right for a coup of his own.

An intense leadership struggle has, indeed, broken out between the old guard of the Zentrum and the influx of violent and angry communist thugs from Khöhle. Street battles have erupted between both factions, and effectively, the Party has been split in twain: The new Socialist Workers' and Peasants' Party, and the Germanian Freedom Party - the SWPP (SAuBP) and the GFP (GFP) are both battling for the seats, while on the sidelines other parties are recruiting all disillusioned seat holders they can to gain access to ever greater influence within the Imperial diet.

Those whom had been receptive to outreach from the GDP and the Grand Coalition as a whole have cast their votes for the coalition, and many of these defectors have joined a variety of parties who make up the Grand Coalition: However, with escalating street battles and a litany of death threats, many have fled to safehouses, and it has been necessitated that over a dozen families be spirited away to safety outside of locations controlled by the SAuBP.


The end of the Zentrum, Tulinger Zeitung, 1948

After a series of coups and counter-coups amongst the leadership of the Zentrum Partei, official news has come from the former General Secretary of the Kommunistische Partei der Germania Ivan Khöhle, followed by a statement by ex-leader of the Zentrum Leopold Theorich: The former claims that after a vote of no confidence in the leadership of the party, and his subsequent reinstatement as a leader of a political party, led to a rebellion by armed paramilitaries, while the latter claims that Khöhle entered the Zentrum's meeting room with a group of armed men and expelled them from their positions on the spot, taking over control in an unabashed attempt to seize power for himself.

No matter whom is correct in this matter, the party has, effectively, ceased to exist: The former leadership of the Zentrum has declared their total disavowment of the new leadership, and have called upon all of their backers and supporters, including members in the Imperial Diet, to pledge their efforts to the newly founded Germanische Freiheitspartei, abbreviated the "GFP", to defend democracy and to resist the efforts of the Sozialistische Arbeiters-und-Bauern Partei built upon the carcass of the Zentrum. It is predicted that a period of streetfighting between loyalists and Khöhlivites will break out in part for revenge, and in part to deny old Zentrum infrastructure to the SAuBP.

Despite the chaotic nature of the take-over, and the subsequent shattering of the Zentrum, the Imperial Diet has so far largely refused to interfere, with the only overt intervention being that on Chancellor Kurt Haessler's personal initiative to bring the families of threatened politicians to safety with the use of the military Feldgendamerie. The eighty seats that had once been held by the Zentrum have been divided between independents, the rising Reformistische and Restaurationsverein, the GDP, GNVP, and the YPG: A minor smattering of seats have gone to smaller parties or gone independent until the next election. Whatever the future may bring, one thing is sure:

The chimaera of 1938 has been destroyed, perhaps forever.

The ZP leaves the Grand Coalition.
The Zentrum dissolves.
Potential Leader of Germania under the ZP, Palis Retrikovsky, permanently retires.

The Sozialistische Arbeiters-und-Bauern Partei (SAuBP) is formed - it goes in OPPOSITION and becomes Hostile, with 13 seats.
The Germanische Freiheitspartei is formed. It goes in OPPOSITION but remains Neutral, with 27 seats.
The Germanische Demokratische Partei, due to defections from the defunct ZP, gains 13 seats.
The Germanischnationale Volkspartei, due to defections from the defunct ZP, gains 2 seats.
The Yggdist-Partei Germania, due to defections from the defunct ZP, gains 14 seats.
The Restaurationsverein, due to defections from the defunct ZP, gains 2 seats.
The Reformistischeverein, due to defections from the defunct ZP, gains 2 seats.
Seven seats become largely Neutral until the next election.

[X] Begin Discussions with Opposition Parties
- [X] The GNVP
DC:40. Roll: 49.

With the Zentrum having vanished overnight and replaced by four parties of dubious political value, talks with the largest non-overtly hostile opposition party have been more important than ever. Luckily for the Grand Coalition, and the Chancellor in particular, the mood in the GNVP towards the government has been shifting ever so slowly towards a mixture of cautious neutrality and reluctant cooperation: This is perhaps best exemplified in the leadership as party leader Nicolaas Haefter has agreed to step down in favour of Peter Ernst Ahnsicht, a former functionary within the government and a centrist between the various streams that make up the larger GNVP.

Negotiations have proceeded smoothly, and despite a series of street battles between the paramilitaries of the Communists and the GNVP near the location of negotiations, have concluded in a favourable agreement for both parties. The GNVP has agreed to halt direct offensives, both paramilitary and politically, against the members of the Grand Coalition, and to support a set of government initiatives in the Imperial Diet, breaking the present deadlock there. The Grand Coalition has agreed to agree on some issues that the GNVP wants adressed, primarily regarding the military and society at large: The powers of the chancellor, and his office, are to be increased, religious education and schools is to be fostered - and in a surprise alliance with the YPG on this matter - a focus on finding descendants of the Valkyria.

The GNVP withdraws from the Vote of No Confidence. Current maximum possible votes in favour of a Vote of No Confidence: 80.
With 3/4ths of the Imperial Diet at least Neutral, and 228 seats not in favour of a Vote of No Confidence, new options and categories will open up next turn!

Military Investments

[X] A refurbished Navy
- [X] The First Naval Reinforcement Programme - Lohmeyer
DC: 0. No roll needed.

Compared to only a single decade ago, Neustadt had undergone gigantic changes, some for the better, some for the worse. The Imperial flag no longer flies over the city hall, replaced by the standard of the Kingdom of Germania, while the inner city now stands surrounded by a modernised outer layer, with wide streets, promenades, tram and train stations the norm: Shipyards and drydocks now no longer built ships for the Imperial Navy, but instead maintained the meagre fleet of the Kaiserliche Reichsmarine. But as much as things changed, some simply remained the same. The shipyards built small fishing boats for the fishermen and cargo ships for the trading companies, the city hall and the mayor within continued to administer the city as best as they could, and the people living in the city continued on with their lives.

One day however, this quaint silence and monotony in the Neustadt shipyards was broken by a pair of missives from the capital, bearing the seal of the Chancellor and of the Reichsmarine High Command. The Reichsmarine was interested in building a pair of capital ships, together with a small flotilla of smaller ships, ranging from heavy cruisers to destroyers, and was now putting out a tender for companies to supply the vessels: It would not take long before the two largest shipbuilding companies in Neustadt responded, and a week after the tender was put out the responsibilities were already laid out.

Germaniawerft, historical builders of destroyers and cruisers for the Imperial Navy, would build the twelve Type 1948 destroyers and the four Admiral Reger heavy cruisers, while Polikopf Shipyards was to focus on the two Hessia-class light battleships: With total expenses amounting to 540 million, this would be the most expensive shipbuilding programme for a post-East Europan Imperial Alliance state, and matching the expenses incurred by the Alliance when it started construction of the Crystal Sea fleet in 1931 - a fleet which included the Lophius special purpose vehicle and the Orcinus Magnus submarine.

The Kaiserliche Reichsmarine is expanding to a fleet of the following:
2x Hessia-class light battleships (Hessia, Hanau),
4x Admiral Reger-class heavy cruisers (Admiral Reger, Admiral Ackermann, Admiral Sachs, Admiral Ebert), and
12x Type 1948-class destroyers (Z1 through Z12, with names from fallen sailors of the Second Europan War after their numerical designation).

The Hessia-class ships are predicted to be completed in late 1952.
The Admiral Reger-class heavy cruisers are predicted to be completed between late 1949 and 1951.
The Type 1948-class destroyers are expected to be completed between early 1949 and late 1950.

Destroyer Z-38 is redesignated as T-1 'Hebert Epp', a torpedo boat leader.

Admiral Hochlichte protests lightly, but is gracious in defeat, and is continuing his work within the Reichsmarine.
Admiral Lohmeyer is noted to have celebrated a little, before plunging himself back into work.

[ ] The need for new tactics
DC: 20. Rolled: 100 (CRITICAL)
Future options bypassed: The Investigation of Corruption within the Reichswehr, A New Minister of the Reichswehr

When one thinks of the Germanian General Staff Office, and the General Army Staff in particular, it is tempting to imagine hundreds, if not thousands, of well-dressed men in field-grey and khaki uniforms wearing leather gloves and peaked caps, donning daggers and ornate swords, commanding absolute respect and planning massive offensives against the enemies both present and future of the Kingdom of Germania, while behind those paragons of military virtue march a caste of excellent younger cadets, well on their way to become the future cream of the crop of the Kaiserliche Reichwehr: Aided by a carefully managed and cultivated image of an elite and specialist army capable of offensives and defensive operations at a moments notice, and protected by a cadre of influential ex-officers, it has managed to avoid any blemish - at least, until now.

The image of a clean and spotless General Army Staff is a persistent myth, one that was created when the East European Cooperative Council of Military Staff was established in 1789, but in 1948 it has done nothing but create a false visage which has long been a tool for officers and soldiers to maintain influence and a network of contacts and corruption. This network was perpetuated by the now ex-minister of the Reichswehr Thormund Hencke who is under criminal investigation for corruption and grievous misuse of government funds after being exposed by Generaloberst Bernhard Jolfre Ilgard von Schwerin: And out of this exposé now comes an investigation that is shaking the very foundations of the Reichswehr as a whole, with men of all, including the highest of, ranks resigning en-masse to avoid the fallout of the gigantic scheme coming to light.

This scheme has been, according to discovered documents after a raid on the home of Generalfeldmarschall Joself Meerwacht, responsible for the majority of the funding for a variety of paramilitary groups, the chaos in the Imperial Diet due to bribes, and the poor state of the Reichswehr in the last several years with the Navy in particular being a victim of unmatched greed and political power plays, with devastating end results for the nation at large from 1939 to now. This turn of events and loyalties is in particular surprising because of the statements and oaths made by the Reichswehr during the founding days of the Kingdom of Germania, where they proclaimed non-interference within the political processes of the state, but it seems that these lies have been exposed for what they are: But from this disaster too, grow boons.

The massive corruption scandal has resulted in most, if not all, of the conspirators fleeing the armed service like rats on a sinking ship right into the hands of the Feldgendarmerie and has made an reform of the officer corps, which could have, perhaps, been enactable after adopting the doctrine of Deep Battle, an inevitability. Career officers from the landed nobility have made their triumphant return en-masse, raised primarily from what remains of the Germanian aristocratic stock, to replace disloyal - and dare we say it, treacherous - ex-officers, while a clique of reformers, Second Europan War veterans, and anti-corruption crusaders have assembled under the patronage of the Generaloberst who put all of this to light in the first place: Bernhard Jolfre Ilgard von Schwerin. Together with Generalmajor Schöffer and Generalleutnant Otto Geule Remister, they have already prepared to destroy any chance of a potential military coup, which fortunately, has not occured.

The new tactics and strategies championed by von Schwerin have, as a consequence of the new blue blood and old soldiers alike returning to service, seen universal adaption. In fact, most within the administration like the officer who is a member of the landed gentry, married to a former princess of the East Europan aristocracy with two sons and three daughters - the former of which have both joined the military, sharing the rank of Captain - but there are some who would prefer a different reformer take the lead, seeing the monarchist affiliations he has as...politically unreliable. For now however, Generaloberst von Schwerin has nothing to worry about, and his position is not under threat. But with Thormund Hencke dismissed as Minister of the Reichswehr and him refusing the position, a replacement needs to be sought...

[ ] Otto Geule Remister

Generaloberst Otto Geule Remister is a patriot and a nationalist, and has displayed competence of the field of battle during the waning years of the Second Europan War, with dozens of victories to his name - both in localised skirmishes and the last great counterattacks by the Imperial Army. His opinion on the corruption discovered within the Reichswehr are a welcome relief: The Generaloberst has put his support behind 'any and all measures and means that are enacted by the government to purge the military of this cancer of decadence and corruption', while at the same time moving his command, the 2. Panzergrenadier-Division, into position to protect the capital.

Now, it may be time to reward Remister with the position he has, reportedly, been yearning for for years. As the Minister of the Reichswehr, it will be up to the Generaloberst to find, and purge, all remnants of this great plot of corruption.

Effect: Otto Geule Remister is promoted to Generalfeldmarschall and appointed Minister of the Reichswehr. The GNVP will agree to a coalition proposal following elections if Remister is chosen as Minister of the Reichswehr - GNVP influence within the Army will increase.

[ ] Pyotr Leopold Schöffer

Pyotr Leopold Schöffer is an enigma, but his reputation precedes him. The "Bloody Butcher of March" is known perhaps most infamously for the brutal repression of the 1938 May Mutinies in the Imperial Army, for his measures to combat deserting soldiers in his rear area, and the repression of the March 1938 riots, and it is easy to understand why the Army is...cautious with recommending the officer for anything. But at this juncture, what the Army thinks and what it wants can be rightfully thrown to the wayside - it has shown that it cannot be trusted, and in this case, a man like Schöffer may just rightfully be what is required to return order to the ranks and purge the rot.

Harsh discipline, thorough corruption investigations and court-martials: That is what Schöffer will bring, and that is what is needed. With him in charge, the loyalties of the Reichswehr will never again come into question.

Effect: Pyotr Leopold Schöffer is promoted to Generalfeldmarschall and appointed Minister of the Reichswehr, and will begin the process of purging the rot of treason and corruption. This will lead to a temporary (1 turn) weakening of the ground forces, after which the purges will conclude. The Reichswehr will be completely incapable of opposing the government, both covertly and openly, for three turns.

[ ] Julius Ernhard Terhuve von Bluschvith

Julius von Bluschvith is a curious figure within the ranks of the Reichswehr. A career officer from the shrinking aristocratic stock of the Kingdom of Germania, von Bluschvith has, like Remister and Schöffer, proclaimed his personal loyalty to the State - but his experience is limited, and most doubt his capability to deal with the corruption discovered to lurk within the ranks of the Reichswehr. While willing to learn and an able commander in the field, and politically reliable as a member of the GNV - and subsequently the political coalition of Chancellor Haessler - many doubt if he has the ruthlessness of the other two viable candidates.

Despite it all, the man is reportedly prepared to do everything in his power to ensure that a black mark like this never again marrs the reputation of the Reichswehr.

Effect: Julius Ernhard Terhuve von Bluschvith is appointed Minister of the Reichswehr. While it is unlikely that the black mark of corruption will be removed immediately, Julius has an axe to grind with several people suspected to be part of the complot...

Overal effect:
A wide-spread scheme of corruption has been discovered by Generaloberst von Schwerin, and the blemishless reputation of the Army has now been heavily tarnished, the viel of infallibility broken. A significant number of officers have vanished - or declared their exit from military service. Minister of the Reichswehr Thormund Hencke is removed from his post.

From 3 Army Group Commanders, 2 have retired.
(Field Marshal)
Generalfeldmarschall Joself Meerwacht retires.
Generalfeldmarschall Robin Varendorf retires.

From 9 Army Commanders, 5 have retired.

Generaloberst Fritz Colliani retires.
Generaloberst Erick Polmann retires.

(General of the Branch)
General der Infanterie Jan Eerhuis retires.
General der Infanterie Klaas van der Haan retires.
General der Panzertruppe William Spek retires.

From 19 Divisional Commanders, 9 have retired.

Generalleutnant Ernst Haag retires.
Generalleutnant Julian Speek retires.

Generalmajor Ameland Venier retires.
Generalmajor Oskar Turnister
Generalmajor Heike Eijkenaar

Oberst Elle Weikamp
Oberst Dedirik Verhijen
Oberst Katja Pohl

Oberstleutnant Konradi Loch

The Army Command personnel tab will be added to the informational tab.
New Officers will replace those who have 'retired' next turn.

Reward: A +5 bonus to battle rolls is now applied.

[X] To soar through blue skies
DC: 40. Roll: 83

It seems that the Kingdom of Germania still has a glut of experienced and capable former military officials, even with the recent discovery of a great web of corruption and possible treason within the ranks of the Reichswehr, and the Luftstreitkräfte are a proof of that. Less than a month after the call for former fliers, officers and maintenance crews, it has been answered in droves. Former aces and two dozen of experienced pilots have answered the call and returned to service, even more officers have appeared, enough to form a fully functional General Air Staff and a strategic think-tank, and there is an absolute glut of maintenance crews: The air war of the Second Europan War may have seemed small compared to the battles on the ground, but despite the low amount of action, thousands still found their way in the service of the Imperial Luftstreitkräfte. And from these thousands has formed the core of the Germanian air force, bringing with them thousands of combined hours of flight time, and a combined decades of experience with maintenance and repair work.

And despite the chaos of the corruption scandal, the Germanische Luftstreitkräfte are, without a shadow of a doubt, clean. All numbers on the book match, all training hours and expenses are accounted for, allegations and suspicions are diffused with ample evidence to the contrary: The Luftstreitkräfte are, in fact, rapidly becoming some of the most trustworthy brances of the national service, despite the youth of the general concept of an air force in the first place. Filled with capable pilots, flying an excellent aeroplane, led by adaptable officers and serviced by expert ground crews, it seems that the Germanische Luftstreitkräfte can rightfully be called one of the best aeroforces of the post-East Europan Imperial Alliance: An expansion, then, does not seem far off.

And all eagerly await what piece of genius occurs next.

Reward: The Germanische Luftstreitkräfte are established. Due to a great boost to initial numbers, Jagdgeschwader 1 (JG 1) has been estabished at Expert level, led by expert pilot and Second Europan War Ace Wilhelmina von Rosen (19 kills, Imperial Air Victory Badge 1st Class), instead of at Regular level. The next three Jagdgeschwader to be raised will also start at Expert level.

Problems with my crappy battery and a laptop which often says "Fack you, will shut down now" continue, and it is not funny. Internet issues continue to be a problem, and my grammar check kicked the bucket, and it does not work at all now. Nonetheless, this is part one of the turn results, finally finished just after Christmas. I must admit that I am considering to make this an usual feature: The results to be posted in two parts, that is. Still, 3.5K words! Part two will likely be up before New Years, but if it is not, then happy new year in advance!

Glossary entries are being worked on, and will be up when they are done. Feedback is always welcome, and thank you all for your patience and support!

Kindly wait with voting until . Thank you.
Last edited:
DC: 40. Rolled: 35
Event roll: 87
Well damn this sucks but
[X] Begin Discussions with Opposition Parties
- [X] The GNVP
DC:40. Roll: 49.
With this it doesn't matter the Vote of No confidence has failed and we can finally move on past this.
[ ] The need for new tactics
DC: 20. Rolled: 100 (CRITICAL)
Now this is great to see! Shocking to see a second crit in two turns and also shocking to see that the Army was really corrupt instead of loyal like they should have been. Though thankfully we found this now and not later so we can deal with it now.

With all that said I'm inclined to take the first or second generals as our new Chief of the Army.

Edit: After thinking it over I'll be taking the second general as the new Chief of the Army because while I do want the GNVP as part of our coalition I do not want them to have undue influence in the army we literally just purged that this turn. I'm not willing to let it back in afterwards.
Last edited:
Bloody hell, that crit... Now I'm really glad we went with the Deep Battle option. As for the replacement Minister, well, that GNVP coalition offer is really tempting but I'm nervous about letting them get any sort of sway in the army since we just found out about corruption and any replacement officers would most certainly be loyal to the GNVP. I'm tempted to go with the anti corruption guy, the second choice.
I'd go for the first, it solidifies our position politically making our lives easier and didn't use the military to put down (and likely fire on) civilian riots. Putting the second one in charge not only brings along that baggage, fails to secure that political alliance and is also likely to cause us some political backlash from his previous actions.
[X] Pyotr Leopold Schöffer

No point in putting in a guy who would create a military that has divided loyalties to political parties when we just discovered corruption in our army.