Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

[] Create Golron. An impish, cruel, creature created inside the hottest volcano of the hotlands. It has significant powers over magma, but is virtually powerless without a volcano nearby or underground magma. Delights in demanding tribute, whether that be valuable items, or sacrifices of the local people. (Demi-act)

I think I'm going to use this for my authored act. Get a minor villain to mess with the sentient races and any future heroes.
Here's two suggestions from me. Can one of us adopt the whole Northern Continent act so that I don't have to put the Druyul on an already crowded continent?

[] Raise the Northern Lands (Grand Act)

After much deliberation on what their next work should be (proposals included a weaponized perfect stone and an entirely new species), the Abraxas and the Architect have decided to work together on their next great and wonderful project; a massive continental formation in the north that's twice the size of the Hot Lands. This will most likely be the final geological change made to the world as of now, and will also create a brand new home for any new potential species to dwell in.

[] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)

The Abraxas and the Architect have decided to work together on their next great and wonderful project; an entirely new sentient reptilian species called the Druyul, a humanoid reptilian race The average height of a Druyul is 5 foot 10/11 inches, and each and every Druyul has reptilian wings attached to their back, giving them the capability for short to medium-range flight along with a tail that can be detached and grow back, an ability shared by lizards. Druyul are an omnivorous species, and prefer to feed on tough vegetables or meat from birds or fish or larger animals. Hunting by divebombing targets from the air is a common practice, and fishing is common among the coastal communities.
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I don't know, because of how it described them, it gave me the feeling that this law did not apply to them.

also never delved into that law, which means what causes more narrative intrigue, is too much to personal interpretation.

I mean look at warhammer, it's interesting but it's horrible for mortals and anyone without power

Here is it as currently written in the latest writeup:
Law: Narrative Satisfaction. All laws of reality may be broken and bent for the purpose of narratively satisfying outcomes or for the pure of heart and will.

And here it is as I originally authored it:
The Grand Law of Narrative Satisfaction - The laws of reality are not absolute, and can be bent or defied either to suit grand enough narratively satisfactory outcomes or in the presence of a sufficiently strong display of pure will and pure heart. (Cosmic Act)

It's not meant to be a pure reality warping power that events will happen in a given way. It doesn't mean all events will happen like it's a story. It doesn't start or cause narrative events.

The first version ensures that if the only thing standing in the way of a narratively satisfying outcome is some pesky rule like the law of physics, said law can be ignored to ensure that the final outcome happens in a way that's satisfactory from a narrative outcome.

Like say the narratively satisfactory outcome of a story would be a hero slaying the villain, but to reach the villain the hero has to leap further than gravity would allow. By this law, the hero could leap far enough to reach the villain, slay the villain, and end the story on a satisfactory note. What it doesn't say is that the villain will suddenly die out of nowhere in order to ensure that good wins.

The second version is effectively 'heroic willpower' or 'villainous willpower'. If you're a pure individual and you express strong enough will, you can project that will into acts that would defy the laws of reality. An individual of pure evil could will himself not to die even if he should be dead. A hero of pure good could will himself to defy gravity. An individual of pure love could will himself to shout loud enough to call out to his beloved who would otherwise just be beyond reach (which might also satisfy the first version).

What it doesn't do, however, it allow someone to say, will a hamburger into existence out of thin air, or kill someone just by wishing it so.

There's also the consideration that it doesn't lean towards good or evil. The first version only ensures a narratively satisfactory outcome - but doesn't specify whether the outcome is a good or bad one.

The custodian situation, for example - Imagine an narrative outcome where we - the makers - first create the Custodians. Then we create these 'outer gods'. The 'outer gods' then drive the Custodians to distrust us. As result, the Custodians turn on us, secretly plotting to allow the 'outer gods' to destroy us, and then successfully destroying both the makers and the outer gods while those two parties are weakening each other. The Custodians then take the Makers place.

For us, this would be a bad outcome. But from an outside perspective, it would be a narratively satisfactory outcome in a story about the maker's hubris and the Custodians as protagonists who overthrow their irresponsible creators to institute a better reign over the universe.

In other words, if you set up the right narrative, the law of narrative satisfaction would enable our own destruction if we are careless about such things.

Honestly though, the Might of the OutSlayer sounds like a cooler and more mythical version of the Sacred Gear from Highschool DxD, and a version that actually works against gods (looking at you, Longinus). I would say to give out multiple versions of the Might of the OutSlayer (twelve in all) to other mortals, with the Hero being the first, but that can be done later in the future.

Also, you've freed up space for my Lizardmen race!

You're welcome!

And one of the elements I put in place for the 'Might of the OutSlayer' concept is that there indeed can be future wielders of the power, and that future versions could be tailored to specific threats as they come up.

In some ways, I think more to the Arbiter from the Halo franchise in the role the individual takes on, though without the expectation that the wielder is intended to die but rather gets the enjoy the rewards of the power after the threat is neutralized, and then the power goes back away until it's needed again.
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Collected what should be most of the acts everyone suggested in this epoch for ease of voting later.

Outer God-dealing acts:
[]Enshrine the Law of Glass into the Cosmos. (Cosmic Act)
[]Law of the End Times (Cosmic Act)
[] Shatter the Outer Gods into lesser creatures. (Cosmic Act)

[]Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the Outslayer (Grand Act)
[]Create the Claíomh, an object capable of slaying even Gods (Grand Act)

Non-Outer God acts:
[] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act) or [] Raise the Northern Lands (Grand Act)
[] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)
[] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic. (Grand Act)

[] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)
[] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[] Empower a wise White Ant with mastery of the World-Sea's magic (Lesser Act)
[] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
[] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones. (Lesser Act)
[] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Mont Sol.(Lesser Act)
[] Chu-Wog, Deceiver of the Deeps (Demi-Act)
[] Create Golron. (Demi-act)
[] Curse an umbral banished into the underground. (Demi-act?)
[] Infuse animals unusually filled with the power of Evolution, to spread and fill the ecosystem, and create new opportunities to exploit (?)
[] Create the Merchant of Hope (?)
[] Creation of the Elemental Magics (?)

Outer God-dealing ideas:
-Outer God Prison
-Trailblazer Valhalla

I'm worried that acting directly against the Outer Gods would turn the Outer Gods viewing us as their enemies narrative into a self-fulfilling prophecy, so I'm gonna vote for the Claíomh and Rolen's Law if he's authoring it when moratorium ends, I like the Outslayer but showing our hands directly by stating ourselves as one of the Makers might turn the Outer Gods against us.
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I'm worried that acting directly against the Outer Gods would turn the Outer Gods viewing us as their enemies narrative into a self-fulfilling prophecy, so I'm gonna vote for the Claíomh and Rolen's Law if he's authoring it when moratorium ends, I like the Outslayer but showing our hands directly by stating ourselves as one of the Makers might turn the Outer Gods against us.

Don't the 'outer gods' already see us as the enemy? I don't see how taking direct action against them changes the status quo on that front.
Don't the 'outer gods' already see us as the enemy? I don't see how taking direct action against them changes the status quo on that front.
The enemies that they have on their forefront of their minds are their counterparts and the Custodians. They may threaten us if that balance is tilted, but if we give them no reason to bother us, I think we can coexist.
And how does our creation of their counterparts and the Custodians play into things?
I'll concede the point of coexistence being possible without more gives and takes from either side, but I still think that acting indirectly or subversively is more beneficial than going straight at them. Less reasons for them to unite and act against us in the short term afterwards.
Would this be a Grand or Cosmic Act?

[] Create the Arts of Shaping

The arts of Shaping is built and draws on the Law of Constant Evolution, and through it a mortal can stimulate and guide the evolution of individuals/species or even create new ones. While endlessly versatile and in principle capable of interfacing with other magical systems, the art is also fundamentally quite dangerous if used carelessly as unintentional results can result from even well-intentioned acts (ex: nutrient depletion from crops that grow too well).

Based on Shaping from Geneforge.
My act :
[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (Grand act)

basically what I'm trying to make here is ki/aura/inner force knowing the people on this site the warrior path is going to be neglected hard as you guys go developed mage and tech so I'm just going to put this in to help future warrior.

other act:
[X] Infuse animals unusually filled with the power of Evolution, to spread and fill the ecosystem, and create new opportunities to exploit (?)
[X]Shatter the Outer Gods into lesser creatures. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Mont Sol.(Demi-Act)
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[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)

Not Authored:
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Druyul (Grand Act)

Not voting for any cosmic acts and only fairly straightforward grand acts.
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[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)

[X] Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the OutSlayer (Grand Act?/Cosmic Act?)
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is a phenomenal power bestowed upon otherwise mortal beings, granting them the means to achieve otherwise impossible tasks. Among the benefits are the ability to utilize temporary, personal Cosmic Gateways to traverse the universe; neigh immortality where the wielder will not die until the wielder feels as though the wielder has achieved a full life and there is nothing left to do so that the wielder can die peacefully; and supernatural speed, strength, durability, and other such power.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals.
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is designed so that it can only be wielded by otherwise mortal beings. So attuned is it that non-mortals are incapable of doing so, attempts by non-mortals to wield the Might of the OutSlayer would result in the non-mortal being torn apart and rendered non-existent by such incompatibility. This ensures that the power cannot be stolen and misused by beings of greater power in a manner not intended.
-[X] Once the wielder of the Might of the OutSlayer has passed on, the Might of the OutSlayer would return to 'the Maker's, where it can lie safely in wait until it is decided that the power is needed once more, at which point it can be reattuned for a new threat and bestowed upon a new chosen mortal.
Well, for now this, but almost certainly when everything is voted I will rewrite my list of votes
[x] Create The Merchant of Hope (Lesser Act)

[X] Awaken The 'Lonesome Tree' as Crataegus, Guardian of the 'Isolated Island' (Lesser Act?)
-A face sprouts from the bark of the tree so that Crataegus can communicate with the other inhabitants of the Island.
-Can control its branches and roots and the growth of its fruit.
-Has a protective, peacekeeping personality.

[X] creates a mineral that absorbs energy passively and that gets better the more it absorbs (Demi-Act)
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[X] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)

Grant it the power to create more of itself by creating something in the likeness of the Watcher's Watcher. Grant it the thought to shape the Unseen beyond the norm of mortals and lesser spirits. Grant it the mind to think beyond their Maker.

Not Authored:
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Arts of Shaping (Grand Act)

[X] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
[X] Awaken The 'Lonesome Tree' as Crataegus, Guardian of the 'Isolated Island' (Lesser Act?)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[X] Empower a wise White Ant with mastery of the World-Sea's magic (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Tyrant of Gold, first of the Solar Elementals and Lord of Mont Sol.(Lesser Act)
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[X] Shatter the Outer Gods into lesser creatures, from their flesh and blood is born creatures feeble in comparison. (Grand Act)

[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] creates a mineral that absorbs energy passively and that gets better the more it absorbs (Demi-Act)

Any acts that can smooth over things with the custodians
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones: Across the length and breadth of the world, great circles of curiously shaped stone monoliths rise up from the earth. Such is their shape that when wind passes through and around their forms, it forms the chords and whistles of serenely beautiful music. Further, the song that sounds out throughout the Seen also resonates within the Unseen, allowing for spoken words to echo from one to the other. (Lesser Act)

Not authored:
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
It was in those days that Nehu Far-Strider was plotting her return to the void, when she was visited in a dream by one of those who had given birth to her kind.

"Nehu Far-Strider, she of Myridna, I come as one who has seen what you have done and am greatly pleased by it."

Nehu knew not whom she spoke to, with her wisdom she recognized him as a being of great power.

"Who are you and to what do I owe this visit?" She asked.

"I am among those known as the Makers, those who have taken the formless existence of your reality and given it form." The presence spoke. "It was I myself who authored your peoples into thought, and with the aid of those like me gave that thought form."

"You humble me, that I should be visited in such a way." She answered.

"I have seen your travels, your fearlessness in the face of the unknown." The being stated. "I am pleased by your yearning to continue your travels, to reject offers of power to embrace a life of exploration and adventure. You will indeed return to the void, but I come to send you off with a far grander purpose."

"When the time comes that you are ready to set out once again, travel to the peak of Mt. Sollaar, the highest peak of the Hot Lands. There, you will be gifted with great power and great purpose, purpose that will enshrine you as not just a hero, but a legend that shall last for all times."

"There are those among my kind that have in their short-sighted ways created beings of great power, beings they call the 'outer gods'. Such beings were created to cause chaos, and chaos they have caused indeed! They seek to sow destruction and disorder, and in such a way as was never intended. They must be accounted for, lest my fellows actions bring about consequences far beyond what has already been allowed to occur."

"At the peak of Mt. Sollaar, you will be empowered with the
Might of the OutSlayer. Such power will grant you the means not only to traverse the universe, but to lead the Custodians in glorious battle and bring about the end of the 'outer gods'. It will ensure you have the power to face them and overcome any means they might try to stop you, and in the end, ensure that their own existence is rendered finished."

"And then, once the threat of the 'outer gods' is finished, your reward will be that of a life far beyond that of your fellow kind, a life long enough to see as much of the universe as you may desire, and with power such that nowhere shall be beyond your reach."

"Do this, and become a Hero, a Legend, a Myth."

So it was that three days later, Nehu Far-Strider set out from her people to make for the peak of Mt. Sollaar and answer the call of the quest set before her and the adventure that would come with it...

-- Excerpt from The Legend of Nehu

[X] Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the OutSlayer (Grand Act)
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is a phenomenal power bestowed upon otherwise mortal beings, granting them the means to achieve otherwise impossible tasks. Among the benefits are the ability to utilize temporary, personal Cosmic Gateways to traverse the universe; neigh immortality where the wielder will not die until the wielder feels as though the wielder has achieved a full life and there is nothing left to do so that the wielder can die peacefully; and supernatural speed, strength, durability, and other such power.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals. It also enables the wielder to traverse and endure the otherwise hostile regions the 'outer gods' normally inhabit.
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is designed so that it can only be wielded by otherwise mortal beings. So attuned is it that non-mortals are incapable of doing so, attempts by non-mortals to wield the Might of the OutSlayer would result in the non-mortal being torn apart and rendered non-existent by such incompatibility. This ensures that the power cannot be stolen and misused by beings of greater power in a manner not intended.
-[X] Once the wielder of the Might of the OutSlayer has passed on, the Might of the OutSlayer would return to 'the Maker's, where it can lie safely in wait until it is decided that the power is needed once more, at which point it can be reattuned for a new threat and bestowed upon a new chosen mortal.

Supported Actions:
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)

[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones: Across the length and breadth of the world, great circles of curiously shaped stone monoliths rise up from the earth. Such is their shape that when wind passes through and around their forms, it forms the chords and whistles of serenely beautiful music. Further, the song that sounds out throughout the Seen also resonates within the Unseen, allowing for spoken words to echo from one to the other. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Vanti of the Rainbow Dream (Lesser Act)
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[X] Empower a wise White Ant with mastery of the World-Sea's magic (Lesser Act)

[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (cosmic act)
[X] Create the humans Askr and Embla within the godlike-garden in the World Tree. (Grand Act)
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Arts of Shaping (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
[X] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create The Merchant of Hope (Lesser Act)
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[X] Create Vixith the volcanic turtle. (Lesser Act)
(well since people are voting for it)
[X] Create The Arken Lands, a new continent in the north of the world. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Twilight Arc, the weapon of the Last Light (Lesser Act)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones. (Lesser Act)
[X] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Arts of Shaping (Grand Act)

[X] Create The Merchant of Hope (Lesser Act)
[X] Awaken The 'Lonesome Tree' as Crataegus, Guardian of the 'Isolated Island' (Lesser Act?)
[X] Create Vanti of the Rainbow Dream
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[X] Empower Nehu Far-Strider with the Might of the OutSlayer (Grand Act?/Cosmic Act?)
[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones: Across the length and breadth of the world, great circles of curiously shaped stone monoliths rise up from the earth. Such is their shape that when wind passes through and around their forms, it forms the chords and whistles of serenely beautiful music. Further, the song that sounds out throughout the Seen also resonates within the Unseen, allowing for spoken words to echo from one to the other. (Lesser Act)
[X] Form a mortal statue of the Watcher's Watcher out of the stones of the Moon. (Lesser Act)
[X] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic. (Grand Act)
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Acts that directly destroy the Outer Gods (the Shatter one, for example) will need to be Cosmic, as it was a Cosmic Act that created them. The god-killing weapon seems fine as Grand, since it existing doesn't on its own guarantee success.

I suppose the same goes for the OutSlayer thing, but I can't say I'm a fan of how many failsafes it has against being used for anything but its very narrow and Maker-managed purpose. I am a little surprised that people who claim to want conflict to naturally arise from the developments of created races would want something so micromanaging. Unforeseen consequences are an unwritten Law of this universe, it being made by Gods of Chaos. Oh well, there's always the Law of Narrative Satisfaction to nudge its rules if ever necessary...

I would not come into this Quest too concerned with trying to win or even survive as the Makers. It's your fate to disappear at the end of this creation phase, after all! It's of course fair enough to be concerned about consequences to the world itself from Acts.

Actually since I don't see any suggestion for demi acts.

Would erecting a monument on the planet detailing the acts of what the Makers have created count as a Demi Act or a lesser act?

That's just a Demi-Act, yeah.

Question: how smart Sun-Whales are? I intended for them to be sentient and to have huge brain power, but was also vague on that,
So I will understand if they aren't.

Also, what kind of act this will be:

[] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic.

I was vague about it too, but I interpreted them as sentient, just quite alien in their thinking and indifferent of the cosmos outside their home. That Act sounds like a Grand one, as its empowering an entire species.

The reason I am wondering if any of them died is because I want to know if they can die in the first place and if they can if their numbers need to be replenished.

Of the great host that went to battle the Outer Gods, perhaps a third were gravely damaged or perished. Not every Custodian rode out to fight, but a significant number did. We might say they lost around 20% of their total numbers? I'm not going to pin down an exact number, but we are talking about numbers big enough to spread across a vast ever-expanding universe.

They can restore fallen Custodians back to life, but this is a pretty time-consuming effort. You can imagine most of the fallen floating around back at the Sun being slowly repaired as we speak. They cannot currently create new Custodians altogether, but that's more their 'programming' than anything practical - it is after all their mission to maintain the works of the Makers, not surpass them!

Let me know if I missed any questions.
[X] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic. (Grand Act)
Would this be a Grand or Cosmic Act?

[] Create the Arts of Shaping

The arts of Shaping is built and draws on the Law of Constant Evolution, and through it a mortal can stimulate and guide the evolution of individuals/species or even create new ones. While endlessly versatile and in principle capable of interfacing with other magical systems, the art is also fundamentally quite dangerous if used carelessly as unintentional results can result from even well-intentioned acts (ex: nutrient depletion from crops that grow too well).

Based on Shaping from Geneforge.
@Photomajig would this be a Grand or Cosmic act or even Lesser?