Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

Voting is open
Okay we have confirmation that using our name won't draw too much attention to ourselves. That said Plan Angel Of Life still has the serious issue of borrowing from our dad will most definitely, is in it's outright stated it will happen in the vote, lead to us getting targeted directly and likely our company as well. We really do not need that with all the other shit we are dealing with on top of our dad literally just getting shot and hospitalized. Also having a bit of debt isn't remotely that big a deal here, like Aspiring gets billions of dollars a year these days and our product is flat out better so can easily see us paying it off completely in not too long.

So as a compromise how about this for a name for the Future Corp plan?

[] Levi Future Industries
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ah yes insult me more it will make me agree with you :3. thank god i have two people arguing with me.

I am not saying its original it is still better then future corp as it at the end of the day is named after us. Please name where i said it was original. at the end of the day our name is a unique modifier ATTRIBUTED TO US. not that the idea that using our fucking name before the rest of it is unique. This is the same universe as stark after all. tbh you didn't respond at all to the rest of what i said so im just gonna stop now while you two nitpick and insult me some more.
oh, if it does wonders for your ego to be insulted (even if you consider that an insult says a lot about you)

edit: I got too angry, but I don't think I have insulted you so far and the truth is that I do not want to even read in passing someone who cannot have a somewhat civilized conversation even if it contains "jokes" so please do not respond or react to No comment from me, if possible give me to ignore or something like that (I know I will, I am toxic but you surpassed me by far)

ps: read the rules in that comment you incited hatred
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Goddammit, I come home from work early... and people are still not calmed down.

Like come on guys, it's just a name, not choosing a god damn choice that will decide the fate of the world.

Which BTW, will happen eventually when we reach the 60's.

Note the bolded words. They are important.
Especially since for Pharmaceutical's, that 3.5 is a mistake, and it should have been 4.

As for our skills and powers: Consider the fact you can learn anything without much effort, insanely quickly, and are pretty much peak human in terms of mental ability?

Yeah... I'm totally nerfing you all by basically giving you mastery or near mastery in every skill if you roll high enough.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 6, 2021 at 10:02 AM, finished with 53 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X]Plan Angel of Life
    -[X]Levi Medical Industries
    -[X]Pharmaceutical Products
    -[X]No: You do not need a loan.
    -[X]Yes (DC: 10: Note: Failure means he and his wife will pack their things, and go to a nomad camp in Southern Hungry, near the Border of Latveria)
    [x] future corporation
    -[X] future corporation
    -[X] we are here to bring you the future in the present
    -[X]Pharmaceutical Products
    -[X] Yes, 100,000
    [x] future corporation
    [x] we are here to bring you the future in the present
    [x] pharmaceutical products
    [x] Yes, 100,000
    [X]Plan Medicine
    -[X]Oster & Levi
    -[X]Pharmaceutical Products
    -[X]No: You do not need a loan.
    -[X]Yes (DC: 10: Note: Failure means he and his wife will pack their things, and go to a nomad camp in Southern Hungry, near the Border of Latveria)
For planning for next turn we might really want to invest more in self defense the coming turn. That and maybe business on the side for obvious reasons. For our last action not sure but it looks like time management may be a thing. Will have to wait and see how things turn out since our plans could change quite a bit depending on what happens.

i have one thing to say

If you all calm the hell down, try to remain civil when voting and just remember that I'm doing this quest for fun and don't like people being disruptive... I'll do an update tonight.
Please note: Captain America has a 7/7 in all his skills.
Tony has like 5 in most skills.

And his GEnius just makes him unfair.
So very important distinction I picked up between a superhuman like Captain America and a plain ol 'normal' genius like Tony Stark is that while Steve has skills able to go past humans limits those are skills are limited in number while Tony despite being stuck with a human cap his genius lets him cap out most skills in fields he is good at. Was wondering what the difference between a comicbook genius and a person with superhuman intelligence and it seems like 'normal' comic geniuses are just able to reach the maxed cap in most scientific fields which is next to impossible for most real life science guys.

That said @Magoose Do comic book geniuses like Stark and Richards get any unique traits due to how ridiculously smart they are compared to real life standards?
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Goddammit, I come home from work early... and people are still not calmed down.

Like come on guys, it's just a name, not choosing a god damn choice that will decide the fate of the world.
When something like this happens, only two things happen
1. We will all agree
2. I will be banned at least temporarily (I am still surprised by how few, soft and bland insults are in English)
That said @Magoose Do comic book geniuses like Stark and Richards get any unique traits due to how ridiculously smart they are compared to real life standards?
They do in fact, have unique traits that add a ridiculous +50 to all their rolls in certain skills.

And they can blatantly do insane shit, like invent new elements.

we, unfortunately, have... not that stuff.

We are technically an eternal youth, so that's something.
They do in fact, have unique traits that add a ridiculous +50 to all their rolls in certain skills.

And they can blatantly do insane shit, like invent new elements.

we, unfortunately, have... not that stuff.

We are technically an eternal youth, so that's something.
Imagine when Heinrich meets 'normal' super geniuses.

Heinrich: Is born a mutant with a power that makes him a super genius. Is proud of that since out of all the potential powers he could have gotten like telepathy, magnetism and laser eyes he still feels like he got a decent power that makes him unique. Then meets 'normal' geniuses who are smarter then him despite his power literally making him a super genius. Now feels cheated that his supposed super power doesn't even make him smarter than 'normal' geniuses and now regrets he didn't get any of the fancier super powers like freaking laser eyes.
To be clear I'm not knocking on the power since it is an amazing power and un-ironically it's among the exact kind of powers I would choose over most others including the flashier ones if given the option. It's just really funny to think about it from an in-universe perspective. It would be like being born with a power that makes one better at aiming things and then running into Bullseye or Hawk Eye.
The Future is Now:
The Future is Now:

Future Corporation
we are here to bring you the future in the present

January 5th, 1949​

"Future Corporations?" The Old Man stated, with a growl in his tone. "Seems a bit pedantic? Why not come up with something a bit more… you know, interesting?"

You frowned. "Not you too."

"The point I am making is that, your name is terrible, it does not inspire, it most certainly does not give a great deal of what your product actually is? And it is?" He asked.

Pharmaceutical Products

"Medicine, Pharmaceutical Products, things that help people in need." You replied. "People always need health, and much more, they need hope, that only the future can bring."

THat made the Old Man stare off wistfully into the streets of Berlin, looking at that the setting sun he could not see with his eyes. "I knew you would try to help heal the world, than be like me, making things worse. Gives this old man hope that eventually, we may finally change the world for the better."

"You already have Old Man." You replied with a simple gaze at his face, as he turned to face you.

"My offer still stands. I can give the starting capital you need out of your inheritance?" He stated. "You'll use it better than it will be sitting in the vault waiting for me to die."

You shook your head. "I know, but still, I need to do it myself. Without you Old Man."

The Old Man smiled. "You have grown up so well my boy."

"I know. Do you know a good bank?" You asked.
-[X]Yes Rolled: D100 => 21

Eric was sipping on some coffee as he tried to think through your plan. "You want me to be a head of security, for a company without property, without equipment, with only you as its sole other employees… Why?"

You shrugged. "To be honest, I like you Eric, and I understand that our mutual… past, can possibly allow us to have an understanding that we may both profit from."

Eric froze before you showed him your arm. "His name is Shaw… What was your power?" You asked.

Eric stopped for a moment and looked around, the cafe empty. "Is this a trick?"

"No Trick. He shot me in the head when he believed I was not strong enough, not like you Eric." You stated as you looked out the window. "I do not hide who i am from those who I trust Eric. Consider it an honor that I do."

Eric took a breath before he shook his head. "I don't trust you." He replied.

"Than don't." You replied. "I'm not asking for your obedience, just your trust and your ability to keep me safe. Nothing more."

"What makes you think I can keep you safe?" He asked.

You frowned, was he really making such a tall tale. He must be uncomfortable. "Lies won't get us very far. You've been hunting them for the last two years. My father has you as a person of interest, and I know for a fact Mossad wishes to recruit you."

That made Eric relax. "So you know?"

"A few dead Nazi's, dead from their own bullets?" You asked. "The rifles and entry point being impossible except for a miraculous or well-planned sniper… or someone who could control metal?" You replied. "Stop me if I am starting to sound psychic?"

"Are you?" He asked.

You smiled. "No. I just am able to learn… to understand things in a way that no one else can." You replied. "Like for instance, that your blood pressure is high right now, you are stressed, and you haven't eaten enough vegetables, and suffering from a few minor deficiencies in Vitamin C. I learned how to diagnose you from reading a book, and helping men at the hospital."

"You are like me, a mutant?"

"Yes," you replied. "But I am more than that. I wish to be your friend."

Eric smiled. "Than here is a friendship."

Future Corporations:

Owner/Proprietor: Henrich Oster.

Head of Security: Eric Lanshnerr.

Main Focus/Products: Pharmaceuticals.

Current Funds: 100,000 Deutsche Mark.

1,000 Deutsche Mark (Eriks Payment)

Morale in Company:
100: This is the start of something amazing! Here's to the Future

Debts: 100,000 Marks, and 2% interest Annually

You are about to turn 13, you must update your portrait that will serve as what you look like until you turn 21.

[]Place new image here!

What is the Goal for the next year?
[]Write in (Note this goal is more a guideline, to really help measure progress)

Business Actions:
(Choose 2)

[]Hire Employees: You need more hands-on-deck, preferably people who are loyal and not Nazis. (Cost 10,000 Marks Note: You do not have any sort of vetting process. This can lead to problems)

[]Perform Experiments: You need to get some product, preferably something that works without killing people or causing them nasty side effects (Cost 5,000 Marks)

[]Purchace Property: You think there is an old munitions warehouse, abandoned after the war, that can serve as a laboratory. Even the City of Berlin wants to get rid of it. (Cost 7,000 Marks Note: Will be in need of repair)

[]Get Equipment: You are lacking in lab equipment. You need some. Perhaps the US Army has some spares (20,000 Marks)

[]Contracts Galore: Your company is a startup, without any reputation. Perhaps it would be best to gain some contacts by being a middle man for a while.

What do you do?:
(Choose 3)

[]Superhero, Vigilante… what is the difference?: You want to stop these Nazi scum who hurt your father.

[]For Fun and Profit: You and Eric need to relax, perhaps just spending a night on the town together, trying to discuss things will make things all the better.

[]A Family Affair: Magda wishes to talk to you, about Eric, and the rage that he hides from the world.

[]Writing a Story: You feel the need to write, to create something beautiful.

[]Wander Berlin: You want to see the City, see the people, the places…Feel Something?

[]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.

[]Take up a Hobby: You wish to have something to spend some leisure time. (Write in the Hobby you wish to learn and line tail below)

[]Look for your Family: You are going to find your parents.

[]Leave Berlin: You are going to leave this place, go someplace else? (Linetail Where you wish to go)

[]Play: You are going to have fun, and just take part in being a child again.

AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format please!
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[X] Plan: To the FUTURE and BEYOND
-[X]Goal: Be financially stable/be making a profit
-[X] Purchace Property: You think there is an old munitions warehouse, abandoned after the war, that can serve as a laboratory. Even the City of Berlin wants to get rid of it. (Cost 7,000 Marks Note: Will be in need of repair)
-[X]Get Equipment: You are lacking in lab equipment. You need some. Perhaps the US Army has some spares (20,000 Marks)
-[X]For Fun and Profit
-[X]Take up a Hobby (Accounting)
-[X]Wander Berlin

Someone else can find a pic for us since I can't find shit.
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[X] Plan: To the FUTURE and BEYOND
-[X] Purchace Property: You think there is an old munitions warehouse, abandoned after the war, that can serve as a laboratory. Even the City of Berlin wants to get rid of it. (Cost 7,000 Marks Note: Will be in need of repair)
-[X]Get Equipment: You are lacking in lab equipment. You need some. Perhaps the US Army has some spares (20,000 Marks)
-[X]For Fun and Profit
-[X]Take up a Hobby (Accounting)
-[X]Wander Berlin

Someone else can find a pic for us since I can't find shit.
Need to also pick a goal for the year!
Voting is open