Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

Voting is open
[X]Help the Old Man: You are going to help the Old Man, even though you have a very bad feeling about this.
@Magoose What about East Prussia and Silesia? I hope they stay German.

[X]Help the Old Man: You are going to help the Old Man, even though you have a very bad feeling about this.
[X]Help the Old Man: You are going to help the Old Man, even though you have a very bad feeling about this.
[X]Help the Old Man: You are going to help the Old Man, even though you have a very bad feeling about this.
[X]Help the Old Man: You are going to help the Old Man, even though you have a very bad feeling about this.
I'm hoping we can find a way in the future to get more prominent ex-Nazis exposed. And also to ensure they at least don't end up getting elected to political office like quite a few did in West Germany.
Well... We are still working with Dear old Man who is an Anti Nazi due to the core.

Sure he also hates commies, but we can live with that.

So... maybe?
Sidenote are you going to update the stat info page

That takes some time, especially when I work 6 days a week.
@Magoose What about East Prussia and Silesia? I hope they stay German.
Germany has its modern 1989 reunified borders. They lost lots of territories.
Will the more scummy folks who participated in the July 14 plot (Stauffenberg, Nebe, and Rommel to name a few) along with lesser-known ex-Nazis be attempting a rebranding of the far-right in Germany to make it more palatable to the post-war consensus?
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Will the more scummy folks who participated in the July 14 plot (Stauffenberg, Nebe, and Rommel to name a few) be attempting a rebranding of the far-right in Germany to make it more palatable to the post-war consensus?
Yes, and for some part, they have succeeded into become a much more anti communist block.

But for them, it's pretty easy to do that, because they killed Hitler.

Once again, I will reiterate this, they are scum.

Scum, unfortunately, with a good reputation in Germany.
[X]Go to London: You are going to go to London and see those models of… What exactly? Something from the body itself?

I really don't want to miss this, but considering how the vote is looking at the moment, I don't really expect this to win.
[X]Go to London: You are going to go to London and see those models of… What exactly? Something from the body itself?

I really don't want to miss this, but considering how the vote is looking at the moment, I don't really expect this to win.
I think the main reason why more people do not vote for that is that it is something that I think we can always see or read later
[X]Go to London: You are going to go to London and see those models of… What exactly? Something from the body itself?
Also, we will finally be getting into...

Economics and money.

You are running a business after all.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 5, 2021 at 1:04 AM, finished with 28 posts and 17 votes.

January 3rd, 1949, 1 AM, Berlin Time​

The Old man was wearing a very big coat. One that hid a shotgun under it, his finger quietly fingering around the trigger as he saw the army jeep show it, with two men inside, one wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora, the other, a US Army Colonel. The Colonel was the one you were focusing on, as you saw a very distinctive eyepatch covering a missing eye, and he was built like a tank.

He also radiated the energy of the experience. And his sole eye was gazing right at you.

"Minister Oster." The Colonel stated. "It's nice to meet you again at short notice. And I see you brought your son as we agreed."

Your blood froze, as you looked up to your adoptive father. "I'm changing the agreement, Colonel Fury. We will not be moving him to the United States." He stated. "His is safer in Germany."

The Colonel looked at the other man. "Really now. We have reports from Soviet Intelligence, KGB. They've marked you and your family as persons of interest. We know what they will do if they come to you. They won't be as friendly."

You gulped as The Old Man turned away. "You know, when the American's agreed to reunify Germany, with the soviets, I thought you were mad. You would never allow a unified Germany. Notwithstanding The West needed a strong military ally… Which the Soviets would not allow." He paused, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, trying to stop your digiting before he continued. "Then I discovered from my contacts in the American Government that you were rescuing Nazi War criminals from facing German Justice, as I have and many of my allies have been clamoring for… and purposely allowing men like Speer to sit in jail, even planning to release him on good behavior, to start another secret rearmament of Germany."

"You must understand that we are looking out for Germany's interests." The man in the fedora stated.

There was a sound of gritted teeth, and the only reason you did not scream was because of The Old Man. "Germany's interests, are not the concern of the American Government. Only of the Germans."

"You can see why Washington fears such talk." Fury replied.

"Perhaps. But my government is not Hitler's. We do not desire war."

"Yet the people feel humiliated for another lost war. The occupation made the republic feel weak, and despite your government's desire to never wage war again, you have an angry populous that feels defeated." The Fedora man replied. "They do not feel the Republic has allowed them to be prosperous."

"They will see that war is not the answer." The Old Man replied. "And they will be rich knowing that we will never be the ones who start it."

"You believe so highly in your people's willingness to break the Prussian military tradition? A tradition that has formed Germany since the beginning?" Fury asked.

"Why wouldn't they? It made us into monsters." Oster replied.

You looked to the old man. "We will never be anyone's monster. Not the soviets, not the Americans… We will not allow ourselves to fall down that path."

There was silence, as the two men traded glances. "Very well." Fury replied. He then threw over a canister. "Remember when I told you about the Infinity Formula?"

"Yes." Oster replied.

"We found out there was another test subject. One who was immune to its side effects due to something within his body." Fury replied.

"Who?" The Old Man replied.

"Ask your son." Fury replied. "His name came up two hundred times."

The two men walked away, back into the Jeep. And back to where they came from.

The Old Man shook his head. "Heinrich, I have no idea what they are talking about, but do you?"

What do you say?:

[]Yes: April 4th, 1941… That was the day the men came to me, to test on me. To kill me. And… remember that your parents sold you to them to save their own lives.

[]No: I don't. I promise. It was a lie. But you wanted to be seen as his son. Not as a monster.

You have three Actions:

[]Peace and Hope: You look to your FAther and felt his presence. You needed to speak. So you shall.

[]Writing a Story: You feel the need to write, to create something beautiful.

[]To Save the World (Curing a disease!) You are going to discover a cure for a disease or make medicine to heal the sick.

[]Start a Business: You want to found your own company. Peace means opportunity. And maybe you can help people.

[]Wander Berlin: You want to see the City, see the people, the places…Feel Something?

[]Pray: You feel empty inside. Perhaps God can help you feel whole. To stop feeling so sad.

[]Take up a Hobby: You wish to have something to spend some leisure time. (Write in the Hobby you wish to learn and line tail below)

[]Look for your Family: You are going to find your parents.

[]Leave Berlin: You are going to leave this place, go someplace else? (Linetail Where you wish to go)

[]Play: You are going to have fun, and just take part in being a child again.

[]A Magnet of a Man: You looked at the man and his wife, and were happy for them. And then you saw the numbers on his arm, and hers. They could understand… maybe.

AN: Yes. enjoy and vote in plan format.

As for why skills are off for the next few turns...

Lets just say I want you to do other things then grinding right now.
[X] Plan: To be young
-[X]Yes: April 4th, 1941… That was the day the men came to me, to test on me. To kill me. And… remember that your parents sold you to them to save their own lives.
-[X]Peace and Hope: You look to your FAther and felt his presence. You needed to speak. So you shall.
-[X]Take up a Hobby: You wish to have something to spend some leisure time. (Write in the Hobby you wish to learn and line tail below)
--[X] Jewish Theology
-[X]Play: You are going to have fun, and just take part in being a child again.
If this takes place in the MCU, why does Fury have his eyepatch when he only got it in 1995? Also, how is Fury even alive during this period when he was born in 1950 according to the MCU wiki?
Voting is open