I remember reading that in the 50's Stalin was willing to allow German reunification if they would become a neutral nation, not able to join any sort of millitay or economic alliances with the West or the East.
The West did not accept because that would mean they would be disarmed, and the East did not accept because a unified Germany would dominate the European economy.
Could be wrong though
You know one such country, divided into two parts by the occupation zones of the West and the East, whose capital is also divided into two parts, however, as a result of diplomacy, the country was united, and also still the country does not participate in military blocs and has an article in the Constitution guaranteeing the neutrality of such a country.
Everyone always forgets Austria. However, in fact, the unification of Austria is part of the USSR's foreign policy program "to turn the client state into something better." And although the plan went with varying success in 1947-1950, because Western Austria had many problems with the economy, with the death of Stalin, the process quickly led to a neutral country.
To which the Chancellor of West Germany said that he would "send Hitler's remains home" (which is quite difficult, given that his ashes were scattered, and a piece of the skull is in Moscow). The GDR has never been, and especially until the end of the 50s, a particularly good country for the USSR (unlike Poland), so the question "let's exchange the GDR for something" constantly surfaced in the Foreign Ministry and the Central Committee. The question is that it was politically very difficult because of the personalities.
Beria offered, rather like a draft, a rather banal "independent Germany for a billion dollars", simply and banal. So it is not surprising that even under Stalin, Zhdanov or Molotov could raise such a question, but since the dispute over food supplies and machine tools in 1947, the German issue was too painful for diplomacy. If you make a country "radical" and "radical" from other sides, you get Korea, not Austria.