These are the Voyages (Star Trek)

I'm curious, without humanity, who will take on the corporate dystopia mantle? While anyone from any species can engage in that sort of behaviour, I would hazard either the Salarians and/or the Asari would be top of the food chain for that sort of assholery. Or are we on a different cycle and we find out that before the Metacon Wars, the Protheans or one of their contemporaries had large swaths of people down for Space Texas.
I'm curious, without humanity, who will take on the corporate dystopia mantle? While anyone from any species can engage in that sort of behaviour, I would hazard either the Salarians and/or the Asari would be top of the food chain for that sort of assholery. Or are we on a different cycle and we find out that before the Metacon Wars, the Protheans or one of their contemporaries had large swaths of people down for Space Texas.
Andromeda is BIG.
Even in ME canon The Council deliberately did not investigate most of their home galaxy, and the Milky Way is half the size. By not using the relays we are basically guaranteed to run into systems noone else has, and there must be SOMETHING there.
So this crossover, if not using humans that came through the gate somehow, will likely use a place holder. Either OC or a race taken from another setting and repurposed to fit here, like using Neimodians from Star Wars.
I'm curious, without humanity, who will take on the corporate dystopia mantle? While anyone from any species can engage in that sort of behaviour, I would hazard either the Salarians and/or the Asari would be top of the food chain for that sort of assholery. Or are we on a different cycle and we find out that before the Metacon Wars, the Protheans or one of their contemporaries had large swaths of people down for Space Texas.
Conservation of worldbuilding makes a different cycle unlikely. It would mean vastly more work for the GM than using the canon races.

As for who owns Halcyon? Probably no specific race. Corporations have no incentive to be mono-species.
I'm mentally debating on whether the Ferengi would view Halcyon as the epitome of their philosophy, or if they'd look at the exploitation of a planet that the head honchos actually live on and can't leave and reference some Rule of Acquisition that roughly translates to "Don't shit where you eat."
I'm mentally debating on whether the Ferengi would view Halcyon as the epitome of their philosophy, or if they'd look at the exploitation of a planet that the head honchos actually live on and can't leave and reference some Rule of Acquisition that roughly translates to "Don't shit where you eat."
Ferengi are all about sustainability in their profits right?
Halcyon is like what happens when you don't follow any of their rules and greed runs rampant.
I'm mentally debating on whether the Ferengi would view Halcyon as the epitome of their philosophy, or if they'd look at the exploitation of a planet that the head honchos actually live on and can't leave and reference some Rule of Acquisition that roughly translates to "Don't shit where you eat."
Relevant rules of acquisition,
23 Nothing is more important than your health… except for your money.
45 Expand or die.
75 Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.
95 Expand or die.
Episode 3 'Satisfaction Guaranteed!' - Part 1 - Arriving in Halcyon
"If there is anything other than these adverts, they've been drowned out to the point of being pretty much unfindable. I'm not seeing any news, I'm not seeing any entertainment. Just adverts for guns, adverts for food, adverts for ammo, and adverts for guns."

"You mentioned Guns twice." T'Makk says, and Delon snorts, nodding.

"That's because it is by capita the biggest thing that these corporations seem to be selling. Even the Star Empire at it's height had a sprawling industry of movies and holoplays, dramas and comedies..." Delon says, leaning back in his seat, eyes far off as remembers the past. "The only thing I've found even slightly similar is adverts that mention something called Tossball. There is just... something about all of this that unnerves me Captain. There's something not right about all this."

"I can only hope you're wrong, Commander," You say from the Captain's chair. "Still, this is a reason to be excited. This is our mission after all. To find new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. We've done the first and the last, now it's time to find some new life." You can't help but grin, turning back to T'Makk.

"Helm, take up to the edge of the system, and then to Warp 9. Destination..." You start to say, glancing over towards Delon.

"The Halcyon system." Delon says, his eyes flicking to where the Lead Science officer normally is.

Perhaps it is the weight of the situation you are leading your ship into... The first contact with an actual people of the Andromeda Galaxy... But it seems that the hours that it takes to cross the void between systems drags on and on and on.

And maybe it's just you, but it seems that the rest of the crew is just as restless as you are. Down in the ship's dining hall, the people seem to be quieter than usual, their conversations slower and more stuttering, all the while they all seem to shift in their seats more often.

It's almost to the point of being annoying.

Really, the most telling thing is the way that the whole of the hall goes still as a chime rings from above. "Captain." The acting Comms officer calls down, "We will be arriving in system in approximately fifteen minutes."

Just that one sentence manages to rack up the tension in the room massively, until you lean back, stretching your arms high up over your head.

There is no more time to worry about what is going to happen once you get there. After all, you are already here. By the time that you reach the bridge, the Hestia is coming up on the edge of the system. Delon is already sitting at the Comms console, a stern look on his face as the ship drops down out of warp.
"Scanning the system, Captain." Delon says the moment that the ship slows to sublight speeds, and it is only a handful of moments before the Romulan man speaks up again. "The star is a Type-G main sequence star, Captain. Slightly hotter than the average, but nothing out the ordinary there. System is definitely inhabited, though we already knew that." He mutters the last part, and you can't help but chuckle softly at his words. "There are six primary planets in the system. Closest is a Class B planet, which appears to have an active mining presence." You nod, watching as T'Makk quickly crosses the bridge making her way to the Helm.

"Second planet in the system is a Class N. And again, evidence of a colonization attempt of some sort on the planet, seems to still be active." Delon explains as Ӕtho next arrives on the bridge. Following that is the third planet, a Class M planet." Your comms officer pauses for a moment, one hand coming up and rubbing at his chin. "The homeworld perhaps?" There is a moment, before the man shakes his head. "No, not enough infrastructure."

"Following the Class M is a class J gas giant. There are signs of high atmosphere stations of some kind, but more interesting is that there seems to be a Class M moon orbiting the Gas giant, with again signs of colonization. Captain, I think we're not looking at a home system, but a full Colony system."

"We can only hope." T'Lainia says as she slides into her seat next to you. "If the race is not Faster than Light capable, there will be the Prime Directive to account for."

Delon makes a noise at the mention of the Prime Directive, but it's hard to tell exactly what kind of noise it is. "And finally we've got the outer two planets of the system, past a relatively distant asteroid field. The closer of the two, both to us and to the star is a Class P ice planet. Scans aren't picking up any signs of colonization on the planet, of course that might have something to do with the massive ship just beyond the planet's orbit." The Romulan continues to manipulate the console in front of him, focusing the holographic image of the ice planet such that it spins around, before a green indicator circle appears out in the distance above the planet.

"It's hard to get much of a reading at all on the ship. I can just barely pick up a power signature, but it's so low that I doubt the thing can even move as it is. Without a stronger signal, I'm not going to be able to pick out anything more from this distance."

"That is very odd." Ӕtho says from where they sit, one hand rubbing at their chin. "Why have a ship all the way out there with no power?"

"That is a very good question." Kyyrecht agrees.

"I'd say that the only way that we are going to be able to find out is to go and look ourselves." Delon says, raising an eyebrow. "Finally," The image floating in the center of the bridge changes, "we have the last planet of the system. Another class J gas giant, and again, there are signs of High Atmospheric stations."

Really, it seems that you aren't going to be able to learn anything more about this strange civilization just sitting here and watching them. You are going to have to go and get a closer look if you want to have any idea about them.

But, where will you end up going?
One thing to note and remember - The more inhabited a planet is the more likely that this space faring race is to notice you, and the further into the system that you go the more likely this race is to notice you.

[ ][Planet] The First Planet
- A Type B planet, close to the star and heated by it. Likely to have a thin atmosphere if one at all, and EV suits will likely be required. Planet has active mining installation that dips down into the planet's crust
[ ][Planet] The Second Planet
- A type N reducing Planet. Surface temperatures are extreme due to greenhouse effects, and water only exists as vapors. Planet has a single massive installation on the planet. What its purpose is is unknown
[ ][Planet] The Third Planet
- A Class M planet, perfect for sustaining life without any environmental aids. Planet is covered by approximately 5% cities and towns. Far too low for a homeworld, but easily the most filled planet in the system.
[ ][Planet] The Fourth Planet
- A Class J gas giant, the larger of the two in the system. Is obviously not entirely habitable, it's a gas giant. However, there are stations up in the very upper regions of the planet, practically orbiting in space.
[ ][Planet] The Fourth Planet's Moon
- An M Class moon in orbit of the Gas giant, it seems to be habitable in no small part due to the heat given off by the Gas giant. There are signs of colonization, but no where near as much as the other M class. Not yet half a percent of the planet is covered in cityscapes.
[ ][Planet] The Fifth Planet
- A P Class Ice world. There are no signs of colonization here, but there is that ship in orbit of the planet that might be interesting. Or it might just be a scuttled wreck.
[ ][Planet] The Sixth Planet
- Another J Class gas giant, but definitely smaller than the one about halfway through the system. Again, there are signs of high atmospheric stations over this planet, and notably more of them than around the other one.

And finally, how are your plans for handling your approach?
[ ][Approach] By the book
- You may be in another galaxy, but you are still Starfleet, and that means handling things by the Prime Directive. Until such a time that you have evidence of them having faster than light travel, do everything you can to avoid actually encountering the people here
[ ][Approach] Within the rules
- You are in another galaxy, with new issues and new situations that you may not have encountered before. This species is clearly space faring, so while you still want to keep things on the downlow, it wouldn't be entirely problematic if they discovered you.
[ ][Approach] Play it Loose
- You are in a whole new galaxy, and these are the first intelligent people that you have encountered. Surely there isn't any major danger in playing things a little loose when accounting for the Prime Direction
[ ][Approach] Go Loud
- There simply isn't enough stuff in here for a full on homeworld. This has to be a colony, and the only way for a colony to make sense is if they have some kind of faster than light travel. You aren't going to meet people unless you are willing to talk. Try and hail whichever planet you head to.

Mleh, I am not entirely happy with this update, but I couldn't figure out a better way to get things moving than this, so it will have to do.
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[X][Approach] Within the rules
[X][Planet] The Fourth Planet's Moon
[X][Planet] The Fifth Planet
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Picking a bit blindly, but the third world sounds like the most likely to have so kind of authority... even if it is only the local corporate branch offices. And probably be best to be flexible with the rules without going too far.

[X][Planet] The Third Planet
[X][Approach] Within the rules
More population means more chances to figure things out. And I'd rather avoid being noticed given what we've seen of their society so far, even once we do find their FTL capabilities. However, that's probably unfounded paranoia.

[][Planet] The Third Planet
[][Approach] Within the rules
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[X][Planet] The Fifth Planet
[X][Approach] By the Book
Let's start our captaining career without causing an inquiry into us. Also, we have no IC reason to need to be hasty as we don't detect anything threatening. I recommend we gradually find out more until we have enough information to bend the rules. That ship sounds like a low-risk way of getting information.

[ ][Approach] Go Loud
- There simply isn't enough stuff in here for a full on homeworld. This has to be a colony, and the only way for a colony to make sense is if they have some kind of faster than light travel.
Recommend against this as we don't have enough information to know if going loud will be a PD violation.

Does Starfleet and the Federation teach anything about STL interstellar travel? If yes, then we have an IC reason to believe that the inhabitants could have arrived without FTL.

I am confident that Kirk encountered and contacted at least one STL civilization.
Does Starfleet and the Federation teach anything about STL interstellar travel? If yes, then we have an IC reason to believe that the inhabitants could have arrived without FTL.

I am confident that Kirk encountered and contacted at least one STL civilization.
That's probably a bit of a bad description by me, I'm just not sure how to better describe it.

Given how wide spread everything is in the colony, and yet how little is actively colonized, there isn't enough to sustain such a population as it is. They'd need shipments of foodstuffs from the homeworld at the least, possibly getting other goods as well.
[X][Planet] The Fifth Planet
[X][Approach] Within the rules

Edit. I feel that Investigating a, to all appearances, abandoned ship near the outer limits of the system is the best way to gather information about the system without upsetting the Prime Directive.
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So… is that map from Outer Worlds? Like, I'm not entirely sure what to make of this, I was vaguely under the idea this was like a stealth Mass Effect crossover. Will other settings factor into things later on? Though I'm kind of wanting to see if the Humans from Mass Effect & Outer Worlds would exist here.
So… is that map from Outer Worlds? Like, I'm not entirely sure what to make of this, I was vaguely under the idea this was like a stealth Mass Effect crossover. Will other settings factor into things later on? Though I'm kind of wanting to see if the Humans from Mass Effect & Outer Worlds would exist here.
Yeah, its the official Outer Worlds system map.
Though the systems inhabitants are likely to be either human lookalike aliens or rubber forehead aliens.
[X][Planet] The Fifth Planet
[X][Approach] By the book

Check the mystery object first. If it is derelict, we can deep scan it's drive systems.