Mythological Summoner (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

Voting is open
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)

ROAD TRIP. But lets ensure Danny does not die like in a shitty fanfic for artificially produce Drama first.:grin:
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[X] Say that if the Simurgh is right that you want to see Ashbeast on the way back. And ask for her opinion.
We can best case scenario we take out the an S-class threat on the way back home and gain some good will. Worst case scenario we flee the Ashbeast isn't very fast from what I've heard. Maybe we can use as target the Ash beast as practice.

[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[X]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[X]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
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[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)

This may be the only thing to convince Taylor.
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)

Let it be done. The entire point is to broaden Taylor's narrow perspective and free her of her delusions. As expected, the Cow Ear by itself was not enough.

Instead of regeneration, it may have been more efficient to simply partake of immortality and eternal youth. Perhaps it can be reserved for another time.

As to the summoning queue, well, it seems that another one has been moved upward in priority, for good or ill. Given Taylor's inquiry about her mother, Asclepius will need to be next after Leviathan. Asclepius probably does not need an intact body to revive the dead in question.

Hm, even with Annette revived, it cannot hurt to summon more teachers in the form of Genbu and Ose for Taylor. Multiple advisors and teachers with multiple perspectives, each with their own wisdom to impart, such as it is.
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[X]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[X]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
Wonder how much hair danny has. Good thing Taylor is already a known parahuman . So danny doesn't need to explain his new hair implants XD
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)

I really like the fact that the PRT labeling Taylor a villain is biting them in the ass. She wouldn't currently be flouncing the law so much if they didn't. The laws around parahuman crimes are so sever that once someone is labeled a villain, there is no reason to follow the law. It is also easy enough for people to breakout of jail transport that there is no real consequences. A villain even made a business of breaking people out of Birdcage transport. Not to mention Independents and Rouges being forced to join the PRT for any mistake.

I'm sure this is all as planned by Cauldron. Something something, More Parahumans, something something, Villain Caused Triggers, something something, Stable Spiral Down.
[X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
-[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
--[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
Voting will close in 3 ~ 12 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 16, 2021 at 4:36 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
    -[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
    --[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
    [X] Say that if the Simurgh is right that you want to see Ashbeast on the way back. And ask for her opinion.
    [X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!

You can change your votes whenever you want on this duration.
It is also easy enough for people to breakout of jail transport that there is no real consequences.
…it's not that easy or often, and the only people that are known to have escaped at least in canon is Hookwolf because they guy was strong enough to do so or they had outside help. Hookwolf is the only one that is canonically known to do so while the rest try to avoid being arrested. Because there's the fact that Bakuda and Lung couldn't escaped at all despite recovering enough to be able to at least attempt a break out which failed.
A villain even made a business of breaking people out of Birdcage transport.
…you mean Madcap aka Assault who was arrested and switch to being a hero and rebranded into a new identity, after given the choice between imprisonments or becoming a hero.
Not to mention Independents and Rouges being forced to join the PRT for any mistake.
Ok where do get that from? That never happens in canon at all, heck if that was true then Vicky would have already been force to join the PRT or Sere would have force too for his brutal take downs on some E88 members(tho he does eventually join on his own free will because of the limits of being a independent). Also if that was true with Rouges, someone like Scapegoat would have been immediately arrested for healing villains and the PRT wouldn't have willingly cooperated with someone like Uppercrust to build them those shields of his, despite being part of the Elite.
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Okay. Voting time is closed. Please wait for the update...
Scheduled vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 16, 2021 at 12:16 AM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
    -[x]Before going, ask Simurgh to give your Dad a Cow Ear, preferably something that will keep him safe.
    --[x]Regeneration (Just like Taylor)
    [X] Say that if the Simurgh is right that you want to see Ashbeast on the way back. And ask for her opinion.
    [X]Go to Iraq with Simurgh. Your already a villain so it doesn't matter what you do!
Miracle 2.8
"Sorry Dad. But I will go with her." Taylor said with conviction.

Danny seems like he still he wanted to stop Taylor from doing it, but he took a step back before sighing.

"Okay... just be careful and come back safely." He said in resignation.

"Thank you, Dad!" Taylor said before recalling something. "Oh right, before I forget. Simurgh, can you give him that weird plant that made me healthy?" Taylor requested.

"Of course." Simurgh complied without any contest.

She took something within her wings and handed it to Danny.

"This is a part of the Tree of Life, the Cow Ear. The effects of the Cow Ear depends on it's type, and this particular type can give you inhuman regeneration. It is up to you whether you wanted to acquire a body that is difficult to die or stay as a mortal." Simurgh advices to her Master's Dad.

"... So this is what my little girl took that night..." Danny muttered while taking the weird looking plant in her hands.

"Now that it is done. It's time for us to leave." Taylor said before looking at Bahamut. "Please take care of my Dad while we are gone."

Seeing Bahamut nodding at her strongly, Taylor is satisfied before gesturing for Simurgh that they can leave.

They left the house with Danny and Bahamut following behind them.

When they got to the front yard, the Simurgh presented her back to Taylor.

"Hop on, I will carry you to get there." Simurgh suggested.

Taylor felt it inappropriate to ride a little girl. She was slow and a bit reluctant as she tries to get to her back.

Simurgh seems to be unperturbed by it as she turned to her Dad.

"Well then, we will be going now." She said with a nod to his way.

After that, she jumps. In that single jump, she has already got to the skies.

A split second after that, Taylor suddenly found herself riding on her wings. To be specific, it's the Simurgh's wings that suddenly turned big.

Her wings are too large that Taylor can't see what's below her. It seems like somehow, she was moved by Simurgh's wings.

In the far distance where the human body of Simurgh is located, Simurgh simply let herself glide on the air. Letting the wind do the work for her.

It is still fast. Impossible for the wind to exert a force like that. Still, she can somehow move in a straight line at a speed that easily outmatches jet planes.

Weirdly enough, Taylor can somehow take note of her balance. It's like she is just standing on the ground, albeit it's soft and feathery.

G Force and air pressure seems to have been totally ignored. It's like she is just on the land and can still breathe normally.

"How is this happening!?" Taylor asked in surprised and a bit of excitement.

"My wings will protect you from any harm. You don't have to worry about anything. Just leave it to me, young girl." Simurgh explained.

It seems like even when Simurgh's human body is pretty far from Taylor's location, she can still hear her.

"Wait, where are you? How can you hear me?"

"Of course. You are currently standing on my wings. I can hear you from that." Simurgh explained.

"... How can I hear you?" Taylor asked in curiosity.

"The same way I can hear you despite our distance." She simply answered.

"I see..." Taylor said before taking on the scenery.

It's all just clouds and the sky. And she can't see below her other than the feathery ground that she was stepping on.

Still, even with that, it felt liberating. Flying to the sky without any regards to physics. Just moving through the clouds and seeing the beauty of the horizon.

It was mesmerizing. Taylor can't help but sigh in contentment.

'Well, I'll try to enjoy this while waiting for us to get to our destination.' Taylor thought before she notices something within her wings.

She can see a bundle of fruits hidden within her wings.

It seems like the Simurgh can see her too because she suddenly speaks.

"If you want, you can eat what's stored within my wings as you wait for us to arrive at our destination." Simurgh said with a tone of amusement.

"... Okay." Taylor took her offer and take a sit on her large feathers.

She took one of the fruits in there and take a bite of it.

"... Sweet!" She said in surprise.

Then she took those round fruits and feast on them with a happy expression.

Simurgh can only shake her head in amusement. Though she is also happy that her young Master seems to be cheerful for this experience.

They spent the whole trip with Taylor going around and eating things that she was interested in while the Simurgh just flies through sky, and occasionally greeting the flock of birds that they passed through.

As they got near to Baghdad, Iraq.

Simurgh managed to passed through some of the countries and see it's situation with just a single glance.

She is sad when she saw that some of them are being terrorized by some empowered humans. Then, there are uninhabitable areas and lands that were sunk deep in the ocean.

Simurgh now have an inkling just how bad this world is coming to be.

When they got to Baghdad, she notice that some people are pointing in her way as she descends.

Well, she already anticipated as much.

A girl with wings that easily spans the whole city is going to descend on their city. In her time, that would make people suddenly kneel and either be honored or ask for forgiveness.

The people here are weird though. There are some costumed people who are gathering on one place. It is where she is planning to land.

"Young girl, are those costumed people the ones you call as Parahumans?" Simurgh asked.

"H-huh!? Yes..." Taylor said before looking around. "Wait, where are we right now? I can't see the ground..." She said.

"We have arrived at our destination. Though it seems like these costumed people are going to stop us." Simurgh said.

"... Uh... I think you should turn your wings smaller..." Taylor said.

"... I understood." Simurgh complied.

In a moment, Taylor suddenly found herself being carried by Simurgh's back again. Her wings are now small and only covers her waist.

As they descended, she can see that there are three costumed heroes who are getting closer to them.


Now she can't understand what the costumed hero is saying.

Simurgh is surprisingly well versed on their language though as she replied to them.

"Greetings, people of Baghdad. I apologize for the sudden intrusion of your city."

The guy in the costume still looks at her warily while Simurgh just continue with her explanation.

"I assure you that we don't mean ill on this city."

While they are talking, Taylor is looking around. She didn't know what they are talking about. She can't understand their language.

It took awhile until Simurgh finally turned to her.

"Young girl. The people here seems to be separated from the PRT Organization. They are asking for a tribute before letting us go." Simurgh said.

"Wait? What?" Taylor asked in surprise.

"It seems like they are short on food. It might because of their neighboring country." She explained. "They would prefer giving them food than material wealth." She stated.

Taylor didn't know that. She is sure that this country should have contact to the PRT. It's pretty far to China and she thinks the group on India can give aid here.

Now that she thinks about, maybe the groups on India can't really give aid to this country. She vaguely recall Iran being attacked by Behemoth and some of it's cities turning uninhabitable.

So maybe Iraq is truly isolated?

'But why did the PRT not helping. It's not like they can't reach this place or something?' Taylor thought in wonder. '... Ugh, I don't want to think too much. I don't know anything about foreign areas!' She then asked Simurgh. "Wait, are they heroes?" She asked in curiosity.

"They said they are a part of the Alhuriya."

She is not familiar with that group. It seems like it was a local organization on this country.

She wonders what she should do next.

[]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
[]Ignore them and get to planting the Tree of Life. You have Simurgh with you so she might be able to protect you if something happens.

Voting time will end in 16 ~ 720 hours.

Yes... I just made up a new organization and scenario because nothing is written on Iraq.

I read somewhere that Behemoth attacks some part of Iran, so I think it might be a good plot point to say that Iraq can't get any help from the groups on India.

I also made it so that the UN and the PRT is not giving any help from Iraq.

If this is unsatisfactory, I might have to change this...

What do you think?


SP : 5
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[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.

I don't see the harm of giving people food unless it going for a bad cause.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.

"Be generous and share your food with the poor. You will be blessed for it." - Proverbs 22:9
"When someone ask you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him" - Matthew 5:42

We are currently wealthy with food, so we should be generous with it. I do not think that these people want to use the food for bad, since they refused any sort of wealth, but it is good to verify.
Edit: Also, drowning someone with generosity is a long standing religious tradition.
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[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
One would go one step further, in addition to being generous with food.

Amongst the food that can be given, would bread and salt be available? If so, then Simurgh should share bread and salt with the present people. By doing so, she and Taylor would invoke hospitality. It is important in Arab culture. Bread and salt would not simply be a welcoming gesture in this case; it would be forming a bond between those who share bread and salt, an alliance, so to speak.

[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
--[X]If bread and salt are available to be given, then share bread and salt as well to invoke hospitality and form a bond.
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[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
Hm, thinking ahead, just with Bahamut, Simurgh, and Leviathan alone, there is much that they can do not just for Brockton Bay but for the world entire. Between two or all three of them, they can surely raise all the places that were sunk beneath the ocean. Furthermore, they can restore those places and the areas ravaged by Behemoth or simply pollution in general to pristine conditions that are suitable for habitation. Restoring the entirety of the planetary biosphere, air, land, and ocean alike to a verdant state, should hopefully be within their abilities, perhaps with others like Ent, Flora, and Mizuhanome to help, certainly in cases where a more precise touch on a smaller scale would be more appropriate.

Speaking of which, even if Taylor and those she summons are more along the lines of helpful rogues, in order for the good to last and propagate, it means that they will need to remove certain obstacles and dangers eventually, perhaps sooner rather than later. The Endbringers, including the 17 dormant ones, Zion himself, to say nothing of those like the Slaughterhouse Nine, the Butcher and the Teeth, the Fallen, the Eagleton swarm, Heartbreaker, the Blasphemies, Sleeper, and so on.

One can think that no few of the summoned ones will actively wish to address those obstacles to a better and brighter world, of their own volition and desire, in which case Taylor should be supportive of them.

To address such matters, in addition to the three of Bahamut, Simurgh, and Leviathan, some others would be needed to complete the set to ensure victory over all those threats. Aegis for an impenetrable defense, Indra for an offense that can cut through all special powers, Asclepius for healing and resurrection, and Mithra for promise of victory in battle. Vaisravana is not a war god that promises victory, but she instills courage and determination, purifies evil spirits, and confers spiritual and material happiness, so while not strictly necessary for that particular purpose, she would be a very welcome addition to the set.

Finally, there is a need for foresight in order to plan and prepare, which leaves Amy and Flauros. One might prefer to have both. Flauros is the best, knowing past, present, and future, but the problem about Flauros is that description of telling only lies if the summoner is immature.

@Levelgap, in regards to Flauros, the Ars Goetia states that if the conjurer compels Flauros to enter the magical triangle, he will speak wonderfully and truly about past, present, and future, along with the creation of the world, divinity, himself, and other fallen angels. In this case, since Taylor is not exactly mature, could Flauros be made to enter the magical triangle, or is there some other means of ensuring that Flauros answers truly and honestly in all things other than waiting until Taylor is mature enough to summon them?
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in regards to Flauros, the Ars Goetia states that if the conjurer compels Flauros to enter the magical triangle, he will speak wonderfully and truly about past, present, and future, along with creation, divinity, himself, and other fallen angels. In this case, since Taylor is not exactly mature, could Flauros be made to enter the magical triangle, or is there some other means of ensuring that Flauros answers truly and honestly in all things other than waiting until Taylor is mature enough to summon them?

If you summon Flauros, she will obey Taylor and will tell her the truth, but the only things that she will answer are questions that she asks of her.

She will tell the truth, but will hide important parts of the answer. By giving her specific questions that only needs one true answers, she will be forced to answer truthfully.

Of course, this is only applicable to Taylor. Anyone else, she will lie unless the person manage to discern that she is lying or they manage to put her in an appropriate Magical Triangle.
Voting is open