She does not have a name right now, just the name of an odd country no one has heard about before. As for why I included the location well if she knows enough to ask about her agents it is certain she knows which island you are on. You guys picked up someone else's call.
Fair enough, it didn't read that way to me because I thought "his place" in the first question was a typo.
My position is still the same though. Sorry that she's screwed, but we don't even have our own shit under control yet let alone the bandwidth to handle someone else's.
[X] When in Rome
-[X] Rather than tell the full truth or actively lie, warn her that the fey of the island have been unusually active lately. Some men have gone missing entirely, and recently bodies of strangers were found by those sent to investigate the state of the area by a local priest.
-[X] It may be best for her to plan for the worst.
I don't see any reason to lie right now. Our Bluff skill is solid, but this lady probably has max ranks in Sense Motive, having been the princess of a prosperous realm beset by rivals and likely populated by stereotypical nobles, greedy and dishonest more often than not. Even if we could pull it off, it wouldn't be the right way to go, IMO. We inadvertently screwed up her plans, so the least we can do is let her know. Maybe she can give us enough information to let us know whether or not we even have time to come up with something to help her.
[X] Tell the truth about the fate of the southerners
Just giving people information is dangerous, especially when we don't really know anything about them or their capabilities. Doing so screwed us a few times in ASwaH.
Frankly I don't see how we could possibly help her. If the problem could be solved by a few goons and a low level caster then she'd have done so already.
That basically leaves us with questing on her behalf, which we probably don't meet the level requirement for even if we wanted to dedicate that much effort to helping her. As evidenced by how we nearly lost one person just walking in the door, and did lose one the moment something unexpected happened.
Is there really an ethical responsibility on our part to run face first into a situation we don't understand in an attempt to change something we likely can't effect?
One we did nothing to cause and only influenced by stopping someone who was unambiguously doing something wrong even if he may possibly have had good intentions?