[X]Leave the Boat Graveyard alone until Danny can work around the issue of it being criminal to clear out. With the clear-out being a bust, best focus on other ways of being productive, ask Bahamut if she's capable of creating anything material/food...etc seeing as she can supposedly turn into the land, there must be a connection with what "land" can provide.
I'll change my vote to make things easier. We don't immediately have to go to Parian and Taylor deserves an easy day.
[X]Leave the Boat Graveyard alone until Danny can work around the issue of it being criminal to clear out. With the clear-out being a bust, best focus on other ways of being productive, ask Bahamut if she's capable of creating anything material/food...etc seeing as she can supposedly turn into the land, there must be a connection with what "land" can provide.
[X]Leave the Boat Graveyard alone until Danny can work around the issue of it being criminal to clear out. With the clear-out being a bust, best focus on other ways of being productive, ask Bahamut if she's capable of creating anything material/food...etc seeing as she can supposedly turn into the land, there must be a connection with what "land" can provide.
Scheduled vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 10, 2021 at 7:41 PM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.
[X]Leave the Boat Graveyard alone until Danny can work around the issue of it being criminal to clear out. With the clear-out being a bust, best focus on other ways of being productive, ask Bahamut if she's capable of creating anything material/food...etc seeing as she can supposedly turn into the land, there must be a connection with what "land" can provide.
Danny looks a bit guilty not being able to help his daughter. While he also wanted to take care of the garbage and abandoned ships in the Boat Graveyard, the city wouldn't let him because it was not his property or he'd need approval from someone that was not present in the city.
"Anyway, I don't have anything else to do here. So I think I'll be going back home then," Taylor said.
"What are you planning to do next?" Danny asked curiously.
"Hm? Well... the plan to clear out the Boat Graveyard is a bust so... I don't know. I'll ask Bahamut what else she can do."
"Why don't you talk in the other room. No one is using it just yet." He pointed at the door just a little further down from his desk.
"Is that alright? What if someone heard us?"
"Don't worry. Only people from the Union are here. I always make sure that no outsiders get in here," he said, before continuing, "Also, I already told the people I trust here and they're the only ones who come in my office, so you don't need to worry."
".... Okay, I'll take your word for it." She then hesitated for a second, but managed to push through and speak again. ".... Thank you, Dad..."
"... It's fine," Danny said with a smile.
The two of them smiled at each other. After a while, Taylor decided to call Bahamut so they could talk to each other in the other room. As they got comfortable in their seats, Taylor decided to get started.
"Okay, so taking care of the Boat Graveyard is a bust. Do you have anything else you can do?" Taylor asked before continuing, "I recall you said you can turn into land. Are there any applications for that? Like, can you create minerals or food from that Land?"
"Oh! This Bahamut can show you if you desire so! This Bahamut's body must be taken apart first before mine body turned to land!"
"No... I don't want you to harm yourself!" Taylor quickly stops her. "Is there anything else? You know? And please tell me it doesn't involve self-mutilation!" Taylor warned in alarm.
She frowned, "Hmm... I can call upon the natural elements, though This Bahamut's not proficient in the way of the elements."
"What do you mean by elements?"
"Hm? I meant what I meant though?" She answered in confusion.
"No. What do you mean specifically?" Taylor asked before continuing. "Do you mean elements like fire, water, wind, and earth, or is it something else?"
"Ah. It's the natural elements that God created. This Bahamut can manipulate all things in nature!" She boasted in a proud manner.
"... So, what about minerals?"
"If the bounty of earth is what you desire, then this Bahamut will conjure it for you!" She declared.
After that declaration, she spread her arms wide before a bright light suddenly permeated the surroundings. Not long after the light dimmed, and Taylor heard the sound of something hard falling to the floor.
"Look, this is the bounty of the earth!" Bahamut said proudly.
Taylor looked at the floor and saw a variety of raw minerals. All of it seemed to be of high purity.
And there was a lot. It was a pile of gold and gems that reached up to their stomach.
"... Wow..." Taylor could only utter in amazement.
"This is just a fraction of my power. The God has bestowed this upon me to protect the land!" she stated.
".... Can you tell me more about this?"
"Of course. Everything for my Master!"
With that, Taylor asked her more about what else she could do. It had been a few hours since Taylor started asking Bahamut about her capabilities.
She learned that Bahamut can control every imaginable element, though it seemed like she couldn't manipulate manmade elements.
Based on her description, Taylor was becoming more and more convinced that she was truly the First Endbringer.
She said it herself. She could use any natural element. Radioactive elements are also part of the naturally occurring elements in the world.
Taylor didn't want her trying to use that. Bahamut had said that she was not really proficient in her use of elements.
Taylor, inevitably, made a horrible misunderstanding after hearing Bahamut admit as much.
'I read on the wiki that Behemoth has a close proximity kill zone they called the Kill Aura. Is this because she can't use her Dynakinetic powers correctly so she's always releasing it?' She rationalized.
Regardless, this fact made her more determined.
'Endbringer or not, she is the only one who supported me when no one else would. Bahamut is my friend now and as a friend, I also have to guide her and make her see that killing humans is not the only way!' she thought.
"What's wrong, Master?" Bahamut asked.
It seemed like Taylor had been too preoccupied with her thoughts. She quickly tried to dismiss Bahamut's concern.
"Don't worry, I'm just thinking of something."
"If you say so..." Bahamut shrugged and left it at that.
They decided to finish up with their talk and tell her Dad that she was going to go home for now when she felt something within her.
'... Wait, this feeling...!?'
It was a familiar feeling. An unknown energy that only she can sense within her. It felt like she could use it again.
'I can feel it. I think I can pull this mysterious feeling again!' she thought. 'Is it really alright to do it here and now though?'
[]Don't pull at it for now
-[]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut created and let him take care of it before going back home
Hm, one has argued for Genbu and will continue doing so. One new point could be that Genbu may possibly help clear this misunderstanding about Taylor thinking that Bahamut is Behemoth, preferably sooner rather than later.
Mithra is the one we need. She has the following advantages. I have posted it before so I spoiled it here too.
1. Good PR/Communications .
She is the Forger of friendships and human interactions. Her associations are Truth, Justice and the American Way Contracts. Meaning not only is she VERY good at making lifelong friends, she can easily tell if people are bullshitting her. She would be a much needed face to our Rogue Business. Especially with her Preview over contracts and Preview over Truth.
A major problem with Worm is that People who should be allies are not due to bad communication or misunderstandings. Mithra fixes this.
2. Heavy Hitter.
She has "Promised Victory" in Combat and it does exactly as it sounds. Her powers are up there along side the likes of Bahamut. She is not that strong being a Paladin to Bahamut's Barbarian. But she is the Archtype holy warrior complete with Divine Blessings that she can hand out. Put simply, she can reasonably be expected to fight anything short of Scion and walk away from it with all her limbs intact.
3. Contract enforcement.
Mithra guards over contracts so we would not have to worry about people signing up to us only to break them later as that just evokes divine retribution
4. Protection/Blessings
Mithra is associated with Protection. Not to the extent as Aegis but has the ability. It is not her Primary focus but combined with ablity to give Divine Blessings of Health etc, she makes for a Good Guardian. Especially if her Association with Truth allows her to see through Stranger powers.
As the Divinity of Contract, Mithra is undeceivable, infallible, eternally watchful, and never-resting. Mithra is additionally the protector of cattle, and her stock epithet is "of Wide Pastures." She is Guardian of the waters and ensures that those pastures receive enough of it.
5. All Rounded with Very Strong Combat powers.
Mithra is a all rounded Character with very good Combat and PR abilities. She hits many of our immediate needs and Shores up many of our weaknesses.
tldnr: She helps us deal with the PRT and may get us delisted as a villain, helps in our business, cannot be fooled, Promises Victory in combat so is around Bahamut in terms of Power level, is a guardian, can grant blessings, has powers over contracts and makes friends really easily.
Let me tell you a bit about the Simurgh and what the myths say.
First, she is super knowledgeable. It is said that she is old enough to have lived through the destruction of the world three times and therefore has the knowledge of all ages. This age also makes her super wise.
Second, super healing ability via Tree of Life. The Simurgh is responsible for spreading the seed of the Tree of Life which became every plant and cured every illness. It is the good type of healing that restores everything. Also land restoration and fertility for a bonus.
Third, she raised a child into a hero. Taylor is still not an adult so she counts. The Simurgh will make sure she gets all the motherly affection and teaching she needs.
Fourth, she is the mediator and representation of the union between the earth and the sky. It sounds like she has grounding privileges, so flyers beware. Could mean more stuff, I don't know
One final note, please get the spelling correct! I already see two misspellings!
Hm, this Simurgh is supposed to be a great sage, so she should be an able advisor.
A notable problem is that Taylor already thinks that Bahamut is an Endbringer. Summoning this Simurgh is not exactly going to help the misunderstanding, to say nothing of a potentially greater and more lethal misunderstanding amongst the greater populace.
Genbu's wisdom specifically focuses upon good judgement and better living, which are things Taylor needs both now and in the longer term.
At the very least, one would ask for the consideration that Genbu be summoned later, as there is supreme synergy not just with Vaisravana but also the rest of the Five Gods, they who protect the world collectively, each overseeing their direction, promoting their virtues and bringing good fortune to the worthy.
I haven't really decided on a summon, Vritra and Asura look badass, and like they would be really interesting summons, but they don't provide much other than pure combat power, and even then I think Bahamut outclasses them (actually, does she? Both Vritra and Asura supposedly can go head to head with divinity).
Simurgh is a good choice, yeah, but doesn't offer much utility other than Wisdom... By which btw I have no idea how that would work? Would @Levelgap give us correct answers as Simurgh? Because at the end of the day all of the choices come from us.
We've got pure power covered, the smart thing to do would be to cover up our backline. In gamer terms Bahamut would be the DPS/Tank (she's such a cheat xD), now we need support (healer, enchanter, tinker...etc), maybe a summon that can enchant a person or their clothes? Give Taylor some survivability and possibly some fighting potential.
Oh, and the fact that Taylor thinks Bahamut is an Endbringer would be overturned the second the Simurgh gets summoned. Because while Bahamut is mostly hidden underground and most people have no idea where he is at any time, the Simurgh is kept track of at all times... I think. There'd probably be an uproar if the Simurgh suddenly disappeared xD
Though we definitely need some anti-master options for Taylor, (again, hopefully, an enchanter that can give her survivability, fighting potential, immunity...etc.). Because at this point, I think Taylor is at that stage where if (by some miracle) she ran into Heartbreaker, well... Heartbreaker would suddenly become the new ruler of the world.
Yeah, since we are most likely to get 2/3 of the Endbringers might as well as get the Strongest of them. Yeah, Levi's strength is higher than Bahamut's.
Hard Disagree. I will admit that I was unfamiliar with Ziz's legend but reading up on it, she is surprisingly balanced. Not the most powerful but up there. She has knowledge, wisdom, healing abilities via association to the tree of life and decent PR abilities (Despite unfortunate associations with the Endbringer).
Mithra would still be a better PR specialist as she also takes care of contracts but I do not mind Ziz winning once I looked up what she did in the legends.
@Levelgap how powerful are Levi and Ziz compared to Bahamut?
Hard Disagree. I will admit that I was unfamiliar with Ziz's legend but reading up on it, she is surprisingly balanced. Not the most powerful but up there. She has knowledge, wisdom, healing abilities via association to the tree of life and decent PR abilities
Kukunochi is a Wood Creature with many healing and curing abilities. Kukunochi can be found in Free Battle and caught at 'Before the Kether Temple'. She can also be found in Stage 1 and 6 of Trial of Destruction. A god of trees that governs growth and life force. She symbolized the great tree...
I'm kind of hoping that the page Fortuna will get filled out soon.
Just imagine it, We've completed the whole set and PRT thinks that we create projections based on endbringers. And then we summon a new projection and everybody shits their pants because there is no forth end bringer yet. And then we can follow that up with I'dunno maybe Chronos, because would be a good follow up to the goddess of fate.