Welcome to the Family (Sidekick Quest)

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[X] What here is the biggest threat?
[X] What here can I use to bail Charlotte out without exposing her connection to the family?
Don't they know she's family? Isn't that part of the point for this meeting?
My understanding is that she's offering them an "in" to the aerie, but she made the offer out of costume. Hence why she's going to the meeting out of costume, and why she didn't want the Family to simply buy the jewel. I could be wrong though. Could you clarify @Gally?
My understanding is that she's offering them an "in" to the aerie, but she made the offer out of costume.
Costumes and callsigns are supposed to be well-known. She likely made her offer as one of the personnel employed by the Family (she mentioned a promise of "insider access"), but not as Dissent, the potential Blackbird. No one would be stupid enough to make a deal with one.

She didn't want the Family to buy the jewel because it could expose her lie/legend of a corrupt employee.
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[X] What here is the biggest threat?
[x] What here can I use for extraction if thigs so south?

Ultimately the information we get is going to be from Wyatt's perspective and there's only so much he'll be able to tell. Identify the biggest threat and the best way out. I'm divided between how to end this quickly and extraction cause I think they're similar in this situation.

I went with the extraction because I feel if things go truly south getting Dissent out and escaping is the best way to end it quickly.

Edit: Also if things get to the point we have to bail out Charlotte, I don't think it'll matter that we hide her connection to the family. I think at that point it's too late and we should be more worried about her safety. I'm also skeptical that Wyatt will be able to see a way to do it, unless he's going to take off his uniform and try to involve himself in the con.
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[X] What here is the biggest threat?
[x] What here can I use for extraction if thigs so south?
I'm also surprised that Wyatt got influence over Charlotte and not the other way around.

The Legacy gives influence to all teammates but we're sort of in the process of that happening. I don't think we've hit the point yet where it really clicks for Wyatt that he cares what Charlotte thinks.

Charlotte's character sheet will be provided at the end of her introductory arc, but Wyatt's choice here fit her playbook's influence give

My understanding is that she's offering them an "in" to the aerie, but she made the offer out of costume. Hence why she's going to the meeting out of costume, and why she didn't want the Family to simply buy the jewel. I could be wrong though. Could you clarify @Gally?

Costumes and callsigns are supposed to be well-known. She likely made her offer as one of the personnel employed by the Family (she mentioned a promise of "insider access"), but not as Dissent, the potential Blackbird. No one would be stupid enough to make a deal with one.

She didn't want the Family to buy the jewel because it could expose her lie/legend of a corrupt employee.
Charlotte has presented herself as an aerie employee, yes.
So skimming over the story posts so far...

-"The Family" is basically a codified, possibly even officially deputized group of non-powered superheroes, anchored around a hero known as "Blackbird".
-The Family is known to local law enforcement, to the point it sounds like they can collaborate at crime scenes and such.
-They have extensive resources that allow people like Cardinal to be raised as an orphan without fostering them out.
-Many, but not all, of their associated hero names are bird-themed (Heron, Cardinal, etc).
-They have a Mission Control Person, Augur, who's basically Oracle.
-The Blackbird mantle may not be up to the sole province of the current bearer, in terms of "who gets it next".
-It's unclear how democratic vs hierarchical the Family is.
-It's unclear how public vs private their civilian identities are; the mass-murder of many members may have been by the equivalent of the League of Shadows (who in Batman lore typically follow a handful of people who know Batman's identity) or the Talons/Court of Owls.
-It sounds like the Family has a fairly large array of employees, although how public/private this sort of job and working relationship is, is also unclear.
-Their main base is the Aerie, but it sounds like it might be...semi-public? in that people don't just vaguely know it exists, they specifically know it exists.

Do I have the right of it, @Gally ?
I am not the QM, but I like speculation, and can't let this opportunity pass...
-Many, but not all, of their associated hero names are bird-themed (Heron, Cardinal, etc).
I think the only one we've seen who doesn't follow the theme is Dissent. The reason is self-evident.
-The Blackbird mantle may not be up to the sole province of the current bearer, in terms of "who gets it next".
Why? The opening post has the following quote:
Blackbird grimaced. "It might take a good while longer yet. I have to be sure of this. I have to."
It hints at certain traditions and procedures, but a large part of selecting the successor seems to lie on the shoulders of the predecessor. It is possible that the next Family head is selected so that they would follow those traditions, because the Family coasts on reputation just as much as it does on ability.

They can't afford to put a wrong man at the top. That implies a certain dearth of checks and balances, and a hierarchical structure.
-It's unclear how public vs private their civilian identities are
It is speculation, but the identities of the aspirants at least are not known; or else Dissent wouldn't have a gambit to play. They've been at it a while, which to me suggests their identities are hidden. The one place that doesn't tolerate a mistaken identity is a jail cell, and Dissent was put there in full costume.
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I am not the QM, but I like speculation, and can't let this opportunity pass...

I think the only one we've seen who doesn't follow the theme is Dissent. The reason is self-evident.

Why? The opening post has the following quote:

It hints at certain traditions and procedures, but a large part of selecting the successor seems to lie on the shoulders of the predecessor. It is possible that the next Family head is selected so that they would follow those traditions, because the Family coasts on reputation just as much as it does on ability.

They can't afford to put a wrong man at the top. That implies a certain dearth of checks and balances, and a hierarchical structure.

It is speculation, but the identities of the aspirants at least are not known; or else Dissent wouldn't have a gambit to play. They've been at it a while, which to me suggests their identities are hidden. The one place that doesn't tolerate a mistaken identity is a jail cell, and Dissent was put there in full costume.
I can't put my finger down about the thought re: passing on the Blackbird mantle. The Info post for Blackbird himself makes it sound like there are other people, adult people, expression opinions re: who gets the mantle next.

Though at this rate it may be that Cardinal gets it, and then later on he's the one making that decision.

Oh, also another thing that sticks out:
-There is apparently an informal, or even formal, "competition" for the honor of being the next Blackbird. A sort of codified, or at least semi-codified, Battle For The Cowl. Which is...a thing.
Yes. They pick the people, and then have them duke it out in a series of tests, making the selection meritocratic. This part may be out of the Blackbird's hands. But he still has a say on who gets to be an aspirant and thus who has a chance to replace him.
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I always get really excited when people start digging into the setting, seriously such a great feeling.

To start thoughh, this is one of those things that I ran into trouble with on previous quests - the balancing between the quest as a story and the quest as a game. The story demands I don't bog readers down with worldbuilding infodumps, but the game demands that I make sure players are informed enough to make choices that are true to the character. I remember sticking some important backstory into informational posts in DPOC and then forgetting to include that information in the story proper, which of course led to people missing out. So that's something I'm not trying to repeat.

That being said, I don't really see a better way forward here, except to be more careful about ensuring that lore dumps are (eventually) properly integrated into the story.

I'll write up a more official quick and easy guide to the setting, but to respond to your discussion...

-"The Family" is basically a codified, possibly even officially deputized group of non-powered superheroes, anchored around a hero known as "Blackbird".
Yes. The exact manner in which meta-heroes interact with civilian law enforcement will be covered in depth in the quest, since it's kind of a big deal, but the Family is a little weird even amongst the larger meta-hero community. They sort of straddle that line between legitimate law enforcement and private contractor/vigilante.
-The Family is known to local law enforcement, to the point it sounds like they can collaborate at crime scenes and such.
-They have extensive resources that allow people like Cardinal to be raised as an orphan without fostering them out.
Very much yes.
-Many, but not all, of their associated hero names are bird-themed (Heron, Cardinal, etc).
I think the only one we've seen who doesn't follow the theme is Dissent. The reason is self-evident.
There are a couple, though they haven't appeared in the story yet. In "The Protege" prompt, for example, Wyatt's potential mother is named as Solitaire - that has carried over to Kennedy, who took the playbook when you didn't. And Isaiah separates out the concept of "legacy" names from "theme" names, which implies that the overlap isn't a perfect circle (it's close, though).
-They have a Mission Control Person, Augur, who's basically a blatant copyright infringement of Oracle.
Wow, ok, I thought we were friends.
-The Blackbird mantle may not be up to the sole province of the current bearer, in terms of "who gets it next".
Why? The opening post has the following quote:

It hints at certain traditions and procedures, but a large part of selecting the successor seems to lie on the shoulders of the predecessor. It is possible that the next Family head is selected so that they would follow those traditions, because the Family coasts on reputation just as much as it does on ability.

They can't afford to put a wrong man at the top. That implies a certain dearth of checks and balances, and a hierarchical structure.

I can't put my finger down about the thought re: passing on the Blackbird mantle. The Info post for Blackbird himself makes it sound like there are other people, adult people, expression opinions re: who gets the mantle next.

Though at this rate it may be that Cardinal gets it, and then later on he's the one making that decision.
-It's unclear how democratic vs hierarchical the Family is.
This might be something I choose to take my time on explaining/revealing because the structure of the Family is kind of in a weird spot. Blackbird I was one of the victims of the massacre that took your mom, and the Family is only now really recovering from that night, so it's kind of the wild west out there.
-It's unclear how public vs private their civilian identities are; the mass-murder of many members may have been by the equivalent of the League of Shadows (who in Batman lore typically follow a handful of people who know Batman's identity) or the Talons/Court of Owls.
It is speculation, but the identities of the aspirants at least are not known; or else Dissent wouldn't have a gambit to play. They've been at it a while, which to me suggests their identities are hidden. The one place that doesn't tolerate a mistaken identity is a jail cell, and Dissent was put there in full costume.
The kids all have secret identities, although yours is the least secret amongst those.

Amongst meta-humans who are not actual, not-approved-by-the-government-at-all vigilantes, the Family has always been known for a fondness for secret IDs - though Blackbird's was public knowledge across multiple iterations, most of the Family was still officially masked. This was beginning to change up until the massacre, but that changed priorities, for reasons that should be obvious.
-It sounds like the Family has a fairly large array of employees, although how public/private this sort of job and working relationship is, is also unclear.
If you want to get technical, the Family operates a multinational corporation worth billions, so it has a whole bunch of employees.

Anybody working with actual members of the Family - so nurses and surgeons, Wyatt's nannies and tutors, even the cooks and cleaning staff - are very, very heavily vetted and paid a massive premium for their strict confidentiality.
-Their main base is the Aerie, but it sounds like it might be...semi-public? in that people don't just vaguely know it exists, they specifically know it exists.
I've been sloppy in my use of the name - using it to refer both to the Wayne Manor analogue (a Manhattan skyscraper) and the Batcave analogue (a war room near the top of said skyscraper). It is public.
Oh, also another thing that sticks out:
-There is apparently an informal, or even formal, "competition" for the honor of being the next Blackbird. A sort of codified, or at least semi-codified, Battle For The Cowl. Which is...a thing.
Yes. They pick the people, and then have them duke it out in a series of tests, making the selection meritocratic. This part may be out of the Blackbird's hands. But he still has a say on who gets to be an aspirant and thus who has a chance to replace him.
Semi-codified. We'll get more into this later.
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[x] What here is the biggest threat?
[x] What here can I use to bail Charlotte out without exposing her connection to the family?

Dissent takes a seat at a table and orders a whiskey neat.

"Seriously?" You ask, your voice carried to her by the commlink hidden deep within her ear. "You're drinking? Now? Do you think that's a good idea?"

Dissent tosses the drink back in one go and signals the waiter for another. You sigh and begin the process of scanning the bar and surrounding buildings. Your goggles automatically adjust for distance, highly sophisticated computers tracking minute changes in the lenses of your eye to determine where your focus is. "No weapons on your contact that I can see," you tell Dissent. "Could be hidden. Could be a meta."

The woman sitting across from her doesn't look like an international fugitive – though you suppose that's kind of the point. She's somewhere in her mid-twenties, with a face, hair, height, and fashion sense that can really only be called nondescript. You could pass her in the street and she'd be out of your mind before you looked away, just another one of the faceless millions drawn to the allure of the Big Apple. She takes a sip of her drink, a tall martini with too much coloring to be very alcoholic and a blackberry on a toothpick, and watches Dissent over the rim of her glass. "You're late."

A flash of metal near the bar catches your eye, and though it's gone in an instant you've marked it. "The two men in grey suits, at your three, have knives in their jackets."

"Amy, right?" Dissent asks. "I thought the meeting time was more of a window." There is no trace of the southern drawl in her words – only a flat affect that could be from any major English-speaking city from across the Free World. "What have you got there? It looks good." She knocks back her second whiskey, then a third, and covers a burp with the back of one hand, and signals the waiter again. "I'll have what she's having."

"Just have mine," Amy says, sliding the martini glass across the table.

Dissent beams and raises it in salute. "Cheers," she says before taking a sip. "Ooh, sour."

A shadow through glass. "Sniper in the window at your eight. Forty-second floor. Twelfth from the left."

Amy doesn't wait for Dissent to finish taking her sip. "My employers don't take very kindly to lateness-"

"Then just tell them that I showed up exactly on time, and we got along like a couple of old friends," Dissent says. "Come on, I'm not stupid. I know how this works. When I pan out, you take all the credit with your bosses. The least you could do is buy me a few drinks."

"You're very confident in yourself, for very little reason I can see," Amy says. She rests her chin on her fist, looking Dissent up and down. "Are you not worried at all about what you're doing?"

No weapons on the man and the woman in the corner booth, but for two people on a date they're sure throwing a lot of looks at Amy's table. You tell Dissent as much, then about the woman peeking out from behind the bathroom door. You frown. "They brought a lot of muscle for a meeting with a Family employee. Augur?" No response. You ping her, high priority. "Shit."

If Dissent shares your concern, she doesn't show it. "I don't exactly plan on getting caught," she says, taking another sip of the martini. "And if you guys are half as good as everyone says, I figure I don't have to worry about you either."

"But we worry about you," the woman says. "Especially when you show up to our meeting late, looking like Blackbird himself just worked you over."

"My boyfriend likes it rough," Dissent says, "and I just can't say no to the guy. Terrible for me...but you know how it is, obviously."

Amy blinks, clearly unsure of what to say. "Let's try to stay on topic."

If Dissent could smile without giving the game away, you're sure she'd be beaming from ear to ear. "I can't think of anything more relevant," she says. "Truth is, we're both in position to do this thing tonight and you know it. All that's left for us to do is figure out if we trust each other." She slides the blackberry off the toothpick and pops it in her mouth. "So why should I trust you, Amy?"

Amy clears her throat. "I'm not the one who has to prove my value here."

"Dissent, I see a gun at your five. Something is wrong. Lean forward if you need a distraction." Your eyes dart from one corner of the bar to the next, looking for anything you can use. "Do you see the fire extinguisher behind the bar? If you can impair visibility, I can help you out without blowing your cover." If it isn't blown already.

"Really?" Dissent leans back in her chair. "You realize I'm the one with access, right? I can go anywhere to get what you're offering. Where can you go to find another me?" She points to her pocket. "If I put my hand in my pocket, are your well dressed goons at the bar going to shank me?"

Amy taps her finger against the table several times before nodding assent.

"Like I was saying, I have access," Dissent says. She pulls the sapphire ring from her pocket and sliding it across the table. "I have the guts. And I have options. Your bosses aren't the only ones with a grudge, you know?"

"There's no grudge here," Amy says. "We're professionals. And we're the only ones to get inside their building since last century. You think you have options, but we're your only real chance at success." It takes her a moment to realize that she's pitching the KMA, and a scowl rolls across her face like a thundercloud.

Your eyes widen. As far as you were aware, the KMA hadn't made it inside the aerie since the eighties. "Augur, please tell me you're there."

"I'm here, Cardinal." Her voice is calm, precise, submerged in the rhythm of her work. "This is news to me too. I'm running Amy's face through Cavalry databases but not getting any hits. I'll try her voice next. Dissent, just keep her talking."

"What about the muscle?" You ask. "Another gun, Dissent. Far end of the bar. Fuck. This a trap."

"One she can't move without springing," Augur says. There is none of the anger you expected in her words, not even any satisfaction at being right. "Stay the course. Be ready to move."

"Eh," Dissent says, shrugging and swirling what remains of the martini in her glass. "Half the criminals in this city have their story about the time they got the better of the Family. What they don't talk about is all those other times they got their teeth kicked in."

Speaking of kicking, you notice that several of the girls in what looks like a bachelorette party are wearing steel-toed boots. "Dissent, the party girls."

"We're in public, the woman snaps. "Show some discretion."

Dissent only shrugs. "Fine then, Jesus," she says. "I'll be very discreet. Very low profile. I hear that's your modus operandi." She drains the last of the martini and sets it down on the table.

She's getting to the woman, you can tell. Dissent has a talent for pushing buttons, one that's far easier to admire when you're not on the receiving end of it, and it's obvious that the woman is not used to being on the back foot in these types of conversations. Every time she tries to assert control Dissent throws her off balance again. Conversational judo. You wish you could admire it more – you wish you didn't just spot another knife, masquerading as an avant-garde hairpin.

Amy takes a moment to gather herself. She checks her watch. "This is getting us nowhere,"she says. "Not one thing you've said since sitting down has given me any reason to think that you're serious about this."

"If you ignore the ring," Dissent says. "I think that demonstrates my dedication and my skills."

"The ring was cost of entry," Amy says. For the first time since the conversation started she seems to settle into herself, leaning forward. "You know, part of me was hoping that this you were actually legit. We're always looking for ways into the aerie. But...this is why God invented contingencies."

"I found her," Augur says. "It's not much, but we might be able to use it to track her down. Dissent, you need to get out of there if it's at all possible."

You shake your head. "I don't think she can. There isn't a single civilian in that bar."

"I just need another minute," Dissent says.

Amy stands up. You tense, ready to spring into action, but Dissent keeps her seat. "You don't have another minute," Amy says. "The tranquilizer will be kicking in any minute now. You didn't seriously think you had us fooled, did you?" She smiles wide. "Do you even know how big the bounty on your head is? Nearly as much as we'd be able to make on an aerie job. I don't know who's got it out for you but…" she trails off, frowning. "Seriously, how are you still conscious? You took enough of that stuff to put down a gorilla."

Dissent smiles. "I'll let you in on a secret, since you've been such a good talker," she says. "It's because I took enough to take down a gorilla." She gestures at herself. "My biology is incredibly good at withstanding massive trauma. You could say that it...kicks into overdrive. I'm actually more likely to bleed out from a single stab wound than I am to die from getting hit by a grenade. My biggest problem is usually triggering the reflex."

"You took three doses," Amy murmurs, so low you almost can't hear her through the commlink.

"Thanks for being so accommodating, by the way," Dissent says. She mimes wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand.

"How is this possible?" Amy asks. "I know your stats, kid. You're smart, you're not-" she stops, sudden. "You're meta."

"Please," Dissent says, shaking her head. "Metas...they're all cosmic accident. Synapses firing at random in an evolutionary fever dream. I'm designer, bitch."

She explodes into motion.

"Dissent!" You shout. Your head swivels to the sniper, arm snapping out, activating the laser pointer built into your gauntlet. You had integrated it as a training tool, helping you to aim your grappling hook, but had quickly found other uses for it – particularly as an anti-sniper tool. You swipe the laser back and forth across the window, and are rewarded by seeing the man with the gun stumble back, clawing at his eyes.

You take a running leap and hurl yourself into the glass window, bursting out into the cool night air in a shower of broken glass.

"Dissent!" You shout her name again and see her on the rooftop bar, dancing a flurry of knives and gunfire. Is she slower than she is normally? Her footwork seems sloppy, her blows almost drunken. The tranquilizers might not have put her down, but she's clearly feeling the effects.

"Stop her!" Dissent's voice explodes in your ear, accompanied by crackling static. You see Amy sprinting for the edge of the rooftop, until all the sudden she leaps out into empty space, arms pinwheeling.

[] Defend Dissent
  • Roll 2d6-2​
  • On a hit, keep Dissent safe and choose one. On a 7-9, it costs you – expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation: (i) add a Team to the pool; (ii) take Influence over someone you protect; (iii) clear a conditions​
[] Unleash Your Powers to chase Amy
  • Roll 2d6+0​
  • On a hit, you do it. On a 7-9, mark a condition or Gally will tell you how the effect is unstable or temporary.​
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[X] Unleash Your Powers to chase Amy
Make Dissent's play count, I think is the move to make here.
Way I see it-it's a tense stalemate, but the Family losing a Designed, probably isn't as important as forcing their biggest rival into trying to make up for being the first to get shanked in this knife-fight scenario.
[X] Unleash Your Powers to chase Amy

Trust that Dissent can handle herself.
"Please," Dissent says, shaking her head. "Metas...they're all cosmic accident. Synapses firing at random in an evolutionary fever dream. I'm designer, bitch."
Do we know what she implies (or outright states) by that?
Can metahuman changes be induced in a controllable manner?

As one of the Blackbird's proteges, Dissent is a pretty big deal. I can't get inside her head to see what she is thinking, but I suspect she may only be taking personal risks in consideration; she gets to decide how the engagement goes since she will be the one to pay for it if it goes wrong. This is not strictly true; the Family would be obligated to mount a response to save her or negotiate her release in case of her capture, and it's an open question if Amy is enough of a bargaining chip.

I think that a large part of this insistence is that Dissent wants something to show for her series of decisions that landed her first in jail, and next in an ambush. She can't just cut her losses and back down at this point, or she will be proven wrong and forced to conform.

I would also like to remind ourselves about the promise we made going into this, barely a few hours ago:
"But this is serious, do you understand?" Augur asks, oblivious to your shared celebration. "You keep me informed, you take this slow, and you get out at the first sign of trouble."
I do, however, advocate for individual initiatives over subordinating ourselves to a group.

[x] Unleash Your Powers to chase Amy
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