The year is 2009. Sixty years ago humanity witnessed the event known as "Day 0" in which roughly five percent of the world population began exhibiting metahuman abilities. Though large swathes of the world are still subject to lawlessness and open fighting, the decades since Day 0 have seen the world coalesce largely under two superpowers – the Warsaw Pact, a communist dictatorship ruled by the Soviet Union, and the Free World, an alliance of capitalist nations spearheaded by the United States of America. The cold war between the two powers affords the world a semblance of stability, but is only maintained via constant proxy wars across the globe.
On the home front, other concerns abound. Nearly 40% of the newest generation possess some metahuman ability, and a flagging economy has sent metacrime skyrocketing. You are a member of the Family, the informal name for the collection of masked crime-fighters that gather around the legendary hero Blackbird. To be a member of the Family is to reach the highest echelon of metahuman society – but within the Family, there is no resting on one's laurels. There is only one goal.
Become the next Blackbird.
On the home front, other concerns abound. Nearly 40% of the newest generation possess some metahuman ability, and a flagging economy has sent metacrime skyrocketing. You are a member of the Family, the informal name for the collection of masked crime-fighters that gather around the legendary hero Blackbird. To be a member of the Family is to reach the highest echelon of metahuman society – but within the Family, there is no resting on one's laurels. There is only one goal.
Become the next Blackbird.