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- Chicago
[X] Goldfish
I am fine with your vote being delegated to snowfire if he comes back with a better one
I am fine with your vote being delegated to snowfire if he comes back with a better one
I'm hoping we are carrying more wealth than we really realize, not in looted treasure or arms and armor, but in iron and steel. According to Inge, the stuff is vanishingly rare, so much so that she assumed our having so much of it readily available meant that we came from the sky, the only source of iron known to her people.Now that we're coming into port I'm excited to see how magic and magic ish items are used here.
There's a lot of low level stuff that's really flavorful and only matters in an E6 tier campaign that could plausibly be available to the wealthy. Some of it might even be available as ritual cast sort of things peddled by weak non practitioners.
Those other priests Igne talked about would be prime sources for subtle stuff that is hard to tell apart from simple superstition.
Stuff like Bandages of Rapid Recovery, Lady's Mercy, and Aegis of Recovery type items would be a neat way to allow magical healing back in while giving it a constant material cost and at the lower levels making it vague IC how supernatural any of the stuff is.
We probably won't run into overt effects right off the bat, but things that are just unusually good at their jobs might be in the cards.
I'm hoping we are carrying more wealth than we really realize, not in looted treasure or arms and armor, but in iron and steel. According to Inge, the stuff is vanishingly rare, so much so that she assumed our having so much of it readily available meant that we came from the sky, the only source of iron known to her people.
We might be able to wrangle a Healing Belt out of someone soon by trading mundane iron/steel.
Oh, damn, I didn't realize we were loaded with spices and other rare commodities. Nice!About that more wealth that you think... look at the front page.
Antonio was not just carrying grain to Sicily.
That said it is his cargo
Oh, damn, I didn't realize we were loaded with spices and other rare commodities. Nice!
One question, though; how can the Marcella only be 40 feet long by 5 feet wide? That doesn't sound quite right to me.
Something as straightforward and useful as a healing belt might be a little hard to acquire at first, but I'd bet stuff that comes with complications will be easier to find for it's CL.I'm hoping we are carrying more wealth than we really realize, not in looted treasure or arms and armor, but in iron and steel. According to Inge, the stuff is vanishingly rare, so much so that she assumed our having so much of it readily available meant that we came from the sky, the only source of iron known to her people.
We might be able to wrangle a Healing Belt out of someone soon by trading mundane iron/steel.
I just realized that we have 6 tons of Myrrh in the Marcella's cargo hold.Something as straightforward and useful as a healing belt might be a little hard to acquire at first, but I'd bet stuff that comes with complications will be easier to find for it's CL.
A Shawl of Lifekeeping enchantment on something Roland could wear as a tabard or similar would be pretty good, and fits the feel of a low/limited magic setting's answer to combat healing better in my opinion.
That plus a Headband of Deathless Devotion would be a decently broad set of on the spot personal medical equipment to build on.
Healy Myrrh: When you burn this powerful resin, it fills 8,000 cubic feet with faint smoke that persists for 8 full hours. Any creatures resting or receiving long-term care in the area while the healy myrrh is active regain 1 additional hit point per level. Multiple uses of healy myrrh in a 24-hour period do not stack.
Create: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Heal 5 ranks; Cost 25 gp
Not quite, that base 5 he has is not five ranks, it's 2 ranks plus favored class bonus of 3. In pathfinder you can't have more ranks in a skill than you have hit dice.Since Zaia has 5 ranks in both Alchemy and Heal, he can craft Healy Myrrh once he learns how.
A yes, friendship through the power ofI just realized that we have 6 tons of Myrrh in the Marcella's cargo hold.
Since Zaia has 5 ranks in both Alchemy and Heal, he can craft Healy Myrrh once he learns how. That might require some research and/or experimentation on his part, especially if the stuff doesn't exist on this world. Given some time and a suitable Alchemist's laboratory, this stuff would be an absolute gold mine for us, not to mention something that could likely earn us power and respect if it's an entirely new creation he introduces.
In a low magic environment, Healy Myrrh is damned near the next best thing.
I think it could be argued that Zaia qualifies based on his overall bonus to both skills, which is well in excess of the minimum needed, if not the base rank. Healy Myrrh is actually kinda odd in that regard, since it doesn't actually have an Alchemy craft check DC to create.Not quite, that base 5 he has is not five ranks, it's 2 ranks plus favored class bonus of 3. In pathfinder you can't have more ranks in a skill than you have hit dice.
Apologies for not being around, I had a lot to do. Goldfish vote looks good though.
A DC 22 Diplomacy check is pretty steep to pull off right now, and more likely to fail than succeed. Rejecting the oath outright, however, seems both impolite and ill-advised. We are obviously strangers here, so perhaps swearing to our own god will be enough?
@DragonParadox, what, if anything, have we learned from Inge about the religious tolerance of her people? They acknowledge several gods, but are there any known to exist beyond those few?
[X] We shall swear, but upon our own god
Okay, that makes me feel better about going with Yahweh option.There are in fact many lesser gods in her religion and the idea that foreigners may have their own gods or choose to bow to a one of the lesser gods by another name and face is not an issue. She finds the concept of monotheism really weird though according to Zaia, though he did not explore the topic much beyond that.