Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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I've been looking into some options because I really don't like a build that relies on an animal companion. how do you feel about retraining Courtly Knight into Tactician, getting cavalier 3, and then taking some Exemplar Brawler levels? I think it would fit the character concept because the description is literally "A versatile soldier who inspires her companions with her fighting prowess, an exemplar is at home on the front lines of battles anywhere". I also don't much like taking paladin levels because I like the whole faith broken because of the atrocities of the crusade thing we have going on and I feel that being a paladin would undermine that.
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So, First we found the Seacat, and I guess now we found the Coseacat? Where's the Cotangent then?
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I've been looking into some options because I really don't like a build that relies on an animal companion. how do you feel about retraining Courtly Knight into Tactician, getting cavalier 3, and then taking some Exemplar Brawler levels? I think it would fit the character concept because the description is literally "A versatile soldier who inspires her companions with her fighting prowess, an exemplar is at home on the front lines of battles anywhere". I also don't much like taking paladin levels because I like the whole faith broken because of the atrocities of the crusade thing we have going on and I feel that being a paladin would undermine that.
I dislike mounted combat builds. It's one thing to be able to fight from horseback, but it's another entirely to build a character around it. There are far too many combat situations where your mount isn't available.

Whatever direction we go in for Roland, I will definitely support one that doesn't focus on mounted combat.
I dislike mounted combat builds. It's one thing to be able to fight from horseback, but it's another entirely to build a character around it. There are far too many combat situations where your mount isn't available.
The situations where your mount isn't available decline sharply if you have a smart mount though.
A Horse like Bonebreaker, able to carefully choose its steps, is vastly more capable of supporting the rider under difficult circumstances.
Well, dungeon crawling, for one.
Probably won't be doing much of any aerial or underwater fighting, so that shouldn't be as much of a problem.
Indoor fighting in general will preclude a mount…
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Arc 1 Interlude 1: Upon a High and Bloodied Perch
Upon a High and Bloodied Perch

Day Eleven, Year Unknown

The breath of the wind is upon my hair and the heat of the sun upon my lips, Zaia thought, as he looked upon the field of ruin, the bodies of the dead already corrupted by time broken again upon the blade of the Frankish knight and the claws of the sea beast. For almost three decades he had traveled the world seeking its secrets and that of the flesh, an exile made by a brash youthful vow which had ripened into the joys of maturity. Yet in all those days he had met no sorcerer whose works could not be counted trickery or explained by some natural law. Many there were who claimed to have power by word over nature for there was much to gain thereby in the fear of the high and the low, but none had he met in darkened alley or emir's palace who could match the claim with deed.

All that had changed in in instant, like a bolt of lightning from the blue, and now as ever he was left to ponder why and how.

The girl, Inge, set herself unsteadily to her feet, patting the bloody hide of her beast before holding the stone she had called 'ukota' and striding confidently towards the three towers. She did not look particularly strange; dark hair, almost black cut just below her shoulders and left to flow loose, framing a heart-shaped face and a complexion that would not be uncommon to see from Constantinople to Cairo. True the color of her eyes when she met one's gaze was odd, blue-green like the roiling seas, but he had seen stranger. Once he had learned herb-craft from an old Tatar who had one eye blue and one black, and made more coin off pretending to see the future than he did making poultices and tinctures.

As he passed through the row of houses beside the girl he noted again how strange it was to see such fine stonework all unmortared, each block placed with uncanny skill to make up for the lack. It reminded him more than a bit of the pagan temples baking among the sands. The fact that their witting was of the same sort led his mind on strange paths. Zaia shook his head. Now is not the time to ponder and to muse, but to observe that you may have more to build upon when the time comes...

It was clear as soon as he passed through the arch of the door into the cool interior of the tower that this was not a structure meant for defense. The door might hold off a few men, provided none of them had an axe at least, but against a determined assault it would fail swiftly. What he saw within only strengthened that impression. The furnishings were light, wrought of bleached reed and driftwood, fastened with bone and shell. Vivid frescoes covered the walls in what at first seemed to Zaia to have the abstraction of Islamic art, though at a closer look held more concrete meaning, shells and spirals and fish upon the waves.

Delicate blues and bright greens, reds vivid as blood... He could not be sure at a glance of what those paints were made, but he would stake his beard that such a variety did not originate on this small island. The names of cities put in his mind by a monster taunted him with their obscurity. It was as though the Marcella had fallen wholly off the edge of the map. Of course it was clear that no matter where they had fallen it was not so unlike the lands and seas Zaia knew. The stench of death hung over the tower and corpses marred its fine floors. He could make up two sorts, one lightly armed and unarmored, though far more numerous, and another garbed in scales of bronze. There had been a battle here, a battle of the living.

The deeper they walked into the tower, the higher they climbed on the narrow steps, the more they found other bodies, of those who had never been warriors; women wearing linen kilts and tunics fringed with yellow tassels and a men in now blood drenched veils woven with the patterns of nets.

His young guide did not seem surprised at the sight of the carnage, recoiling at the sight and smell certainly while doing her best to avoid the rooms with the worst of the reek, but there was nothing of the sorrow she had show in with regards to 'Ilfa', if that was indeed a proper name. There was a part of Zaia that desperately wanted to linger and to study the bodies of the dead and the accoutrements of the tower. There was so very much to learn here, but the stone still in the sorceress' hand drew him as surely as it was itself drawn to some hidden source.

As they crossed the causeway rain began to beat upon the stone loud and fast, thunder again called in the distance. When they reached the top of the eastern tower Zaia cursed under his breath, though in awe and not dismay. They were standing in an oratory, like onto the one of the Pharos in Alexandria, though not even a third as tall. In the place of mirror or flame was a single shard of the strange crystal about eight feet tall and four feet wide at the base, though tapering to a sharp point, and in its side a hole of a familiar shape.

The girl started to press it in then hesitated, and for the first time turned to him to ask a question.

Zaia shrugged and added in his native tongue. "You did not get any easier to understand."

She sighed and pointed out the western part of the tower, not towards the village at its base as he had first suspected, but something else. "Otinilu," she made a beckoning sign with her hand.

Time for that long accustomed habit of any interpreter, blind guesswork, Zaia thought with an edge of self-deprecation. "Men, Orinilu, will come here if you place the stone." He mimed men rowing across the sea. "And you do not know for certain if that is good or safe? For us or for you?"

Another frustrated shrug was his only reply.

How does one mime wait for later until we can speak? Zaia wondered looking around the room. He craved a crude sun dial into the floor and using a stick of incense for the main post. Pointed at where the shadow was now then shook his head then turned his finger around and around and tried to get across maybe with yes, then no, then yes.

They might or might not be talking gibberish at each other, but the girl did not move to put the stone back into the larger piece.

What do you do while the wounded attempt to heal in the tower?

[] Clear out the bodies
-[] Bury them
-[] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them

[] Talk to the strange girl, you are no scholar, but you are no fool just the same

[] Search the towers for anything of interest

[] Search the towers for anything of interest or value and loot them

[] Send an expedition to the southern shore of the island to see if there are people there

[] Write in

OOC: And here we are, some clues, but plenty of questions still.
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[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
-[X] Send two men back to the ship to report what happened, and have them inform Antonio of the harbor where the Marcella should be able to dock. The sooner they reach us, the better.
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[X] Talk to the strange girl, you are no scholar, but you are no fool just the same

If KOTOR taught me anything, it's that charades can solve any language barrier (except blindness).
Learning more would be great, but there is a massive communication barrier impeding that at the moment. There are also a metric crapton of corpses lying around and rotting, but also being potential fodder for more Necromancer fuckery. Those need to be dealt with for health, safety, and sanity purposes ASAP.

Digging dozens or more graves isn't practical, however, so fire seems to be the way to go.

[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
[x] Talk to the strange girl, you are no scholar, but you are no fool just the same.
—[x] Order the unharmed men to search the tower for clues.

That should keep them out of Zaia's way and from crowding the kid.
[x] Talk to the strange girl, you are no scholar, but you are no fool just the same.
—[x] Order the unharmed men to search the tower for clues.

That should keep them out of Zaia's way and from crowding the kid.

You can do this. but keep in mind they are not what you would call skilled investigators. Also it is likely that most of them would be more inclined to loot it for valuables than look for clues since that is such an ubiquitous part of war in the age Roland and company are from.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
-[X] Send two men back to the ship to report what happened, also to fetch anything Zaia might need for his work on our wounded.

We need those bodies gone before all our remaining men die of diseases.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
-[X] Send two men back to the ship to report what happened, also to fetch anything Zaia might need for his work on our wounded.

We need those bodies gone before all our remaining men die of diseases.
Couldn't we instead have them sail around the island to the harbor adjoining the walled town? That's bound to be faster than having them turn back around and lug anything else back overland.

[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
-[X] Send two men back to the ship to report what happened, and have them inform Antonio of the harbor where the Marcella should be able to dock. The sooner they reach us, the better.
[X] Clear out the bodies
-[X] Try to ask Inge how to deal with them, but if that is unsuccessful, arrange a pyre and cremate the bodies after checking them for valuables and clues.
-[X] Send two men back to the ship to report what happened, and have them inform Antonio of the harbor where the Marcella should be able to dock. The sooner they reach us, the better.
[X] Goldfish

This place has a harbor?
Must have missed that in the description.
We might even use this as our base, since everyone seems to be dead and we might get away from here with a crystal that always points to this place.
Perfect retreat, if it isn't particularly well-known.
[X] Goldfish

This place has a harbor?
Must have missed that in the description.
We might even use this as our base, since everyone seems to be dead and we might get away from here with a crystal that always points to this place.
Perfect retreat, if it isn't particularly well-known.
I assume so, based on this passage from several chapters back.
On you stride under darkening skies until at least you can hear the sound of waves in the distance. A narrow gulf ringed by black stones like the teeth of some titanic beast open into the sea and among them, built of the same substance, are squat round towers linked by causeways surrounded by a wall perhaps twice a man's height, a keep perhaps to guard the anchorage.
...okay, but would the men be believed @Goldfish?

Literal walking dead.
They'd better have some proof on them, if only something written on a paper with MC's writing (or the doctor's, who's actually way better educated than the MC), or something.

Just anything giving weight to their words.
People of the period could be superstitious, but they would likely just dismiss stuff at best...
Or try and steer the ship clear of the island immediately at worst (assume crit fails on rolls) and leaving MC and the men stranded.

[X] Goldfish
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