+++Only For The Eyes Of Lord Haku+++
Several Eldar structures have been located near Site 68-C.
Due to "dangerous geological characteristics," access has been restricted, with several patrols assigned per contingency 92G-8F.
Investigations are still occurring, but the Eldar settlement was either attacked while unprepared or the defenders wholly overwhelmed due to several Spirit Stones being located (and locked away for Inquisitorial retrieval) near and within the settlement.
No bones could be found.
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[X] Decline

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[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks

Perfectly balanced morale movement. Love it

Dammit, @HeroCooky, this was supposed to be a *peaceful* planet!

It is peaceful for 40k standards

It will be only 1 total war scenario with genocide for one side as likely outcome of the conflict wich could last for decades

wich still better than a multiple front war for centuries across the entire system with multiple factions with in wich every dead soul will be used for unspeakeable things
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[X] Create Separate Communities For Beastmen

[X] Sharpen Standards
[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks

god moral is going to freaking tank after this turn. We're really going to need to prioritize moral gaining actions next turn or we're going to be facing riots.
not to worried about morale it fine right now and if the current plan wins will be the same and their a bunch of actions we can take to get it up real fast like churches for one. Also the malus goes away
Seriously though, Sharkdoggos. We need, Need to get us some Shark Doggos!

Good for both Morale and Warfare! Fun for all ages!
Anyone opposed to Arbites getting 4 Dice (3 Free + 1 Service) thrown at them next turn ?

I know were tight on dice right now, but i want to do finish Arbites fast, especially since we have such low morale.
kind of want to emergency responders but I be fine with throwing service and 1 other die at it but 4 seems like over kill
kind of want to emergency responders but I be fine with throwing service and 1 other die at it but 4 seems like over kill

I can agree on just throwing 3 Dice at them, but not any less then that.

I want Arbites quickly not only for Morale, but also to make sure that any criminal and heretical elements have harder time doing anything.
Can we throw one or two dice at the Shark Puppers? We spent character creation points on them, it feels wrong not to unlock them and get those bonuses to both defense and morale they would so obviously bring!
Can we throw one or two dice at the Shark Puppers? We spent character creation points on them, it feels wrong not to unlock them and get those bonuses to both defense and morale they would so obviously bring!

I'm planning on throwing 1 Dice at them next turn.

I also want to finish metal mine, get more power and start extracting Promethium.
[X] Create Separate Communities For Beastmen
[X] Sharpen Standards
[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks
not to worried about morale it fine right now and if the current plan wins will be the same and their a bunch of actions we can take to get it up real fast like churches for one. Also the malus goes away
Agree, feels like people are overacting and failing to think long term. As mentioned the Malus is going away and we would even gain an extra morale. Long term things like segregation seems like it wouldn't help with the racism issue. We can just get start focusing on improving morale next turn since we are nearly done with setting up the basics.
We don't have the money for it. We are at +1 per turn, responder are -2 per turn. Too expensive upkeep.

They just cost 2 Money to build, nothing more.

[] Emergency Medical Responders
With this being a new world, without any infrastructure for people to access, injuries and death will be all too common. Using a few landers and building some small clinics will reduce mortality by a small margin and see a great increase in Morale. (+1 Morale, -2 Money (0/125))
Why is it going to tank? The malus is about to go away so morale will increase actually.
It's still going to be at 2/10 and with the flood ditch action blurb of how apparently floods are common and what we learned in the news segment about nearby orks makes me worried of what happens if we face a natural or unnatural disaster. Plus the eldar thing also has me worried.