Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 2, 2021 at 11:44 AM, finished with 20 posts and 18 votes.
HeroCooky threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: May His light shine upon your Total: 677
32 32 42 42 56 56 79 79 15 15 84 84 20 20 73 73 10 10 96 96 82 82 88 88
HeroCooky threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Efforts Total: 55
29 29 26 26
HeroCooky threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Internal Happenings Total: 350
98 98 73 73 68 68 20 20 91 91
HeroCooky threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: External Happenings Total: 71
4 4 32 32 35 35
Dice gods! Fill us with the power of comfy hawaiian vacation!

EDIT: Looks like internally, things are going swimmingly, and our progress was well above average in aggregate, Reason (Whatever that is) was mediocre though, and the less said about the area around us the better it seems.

Still, looks like it's a step towards Comfy Hawaiian Vacation World! That being said, not a lot actually seems to have finished this turn, unfortunately--that morale bonus is a real killer.
Last edited:
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 2, 2021 at 11:44 AM, finished with 20 posts and 18 votes.

I counted Dice rolled for plan and we are missing one for Services action.
Turn 2 - Return Of The Choices - Results
[x] Up and running
-[x] Flood Channels (0/50) - 1 Dice
-[x] Villages and Townships (Stage 1) (-2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 People (0/150) - 3 Die
-[x] Orchard Mine (Stage 1) (-1 People, +2 Metal per Turn (0/100) - 3 Die
-[x] Promethium Prospecting (23/75) - 1 Free Die
-[x] Flora Exploration (Stage 1) (43/50) - 1 Free Die
-[x] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1) (-2 Metal, -1 People, +3 Food per Turn, +1 Money per Turn (0/175) - 3 Die
-[x] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1) (-1 Money (0/100) - 1 Die
It was an excellent day to be a bureaucrat, Lord Haku found, as he reviewed the reports from his subordinates and the progress made in various projects occurring in and around the colony. The Beastmen were only a slight torn in his side, but the conflicts their presence had sparked were, ultimately and in the greater picture, inconsequential and overblown. The Literalists and Purists had started another fight over who was the holiest, with everyone going away from the fight with no clear winner and no losers. There was even greater news on the way, as the first shipments of materials and tools he had bought years earlier, which were to be delivered in staggered waves, had been added to the inventory sheets that morning.
(You gain +2 Free Dice. In addition, you will gain an extra +1/1/1/1 on Turn 4 and +2 Free and 2/2/2/2 on Turn 7.)

There was only a slight problem with Site 68-C and Alaxa Inuras currently eating his hidden pudding. Damned Psykers.

"I can hear you grumble, you know?" She said, waving one of her treat-stealing hands towards Lord Haku, horse skull skilfully concealing her face and amusement.

"And you should know that I already provide you a pudding; why do you insist on taking mine?" He shot back, glaring at the woman lounging on the plush armchair before him, as he continued writing a report on the current achievements of the colony.

"Well," the woman said, sitting upright, prim and proper in her yellow gown, "they taste better if they are stolen. But enough of our chit-chat, I have the news to deliver." She added with a tilt of her head in lieu of a wink. "Local News: Mad Baron has lost his lawsuit after genetic tests have revealed his 'sister' to be his daughter; the marriage is once more happening," she said with faint disgust in her voice. "Sector News: WAAAAGH Thunderhook has finished trashing the mining world and is now hopping over to Hive World Öjuklabna II. The Navy has sent several nearby patrols to reinforce the systems Defense Monitors. Galaxy News: The Emperor is currently doing something," Alaxa said, her body noticeably stiffening. "And that something is accompanied by Ultramarines Iconography."

Haku stared at her for a moment, brow scrunched together in thought and confusion. "Ultramarines, Ultramarines, I heard that before. Are they the Guard Regiments levied from Jubilee? No, wait, Spacemarines from Macragge, right?"

"Yes, sir," Alaxa nodded, sinking back into the plush once more. "Something is currently happening there which has a lot of Astropaths drumming the networks like crazy. I have no idea what, but whatever is happening, the Spacemarines are not the ones the Emperor's focus is directed against."

"Troubling news."

[] Villages and Townships (Stage 1)

Having decided on a plan for your future cities and towns, you now need to start building and creating them. And while making a single city would reduce strain on you laborers, various installations like mines, farms, and manufactorums need to be staffed with people, some of which won't be in convenient transportation range.
(-2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 People (159/150))

"When Sasha and I had both won the lottery for a place on the ship here, we had scarcely believed our luck. I mean, what are the odds that two Hive Scums like us were drawn, independent of another? But the moment we boarded the ship was beautiful, even with all those Abhumans running around near our section. We had five square meters to us and only one other person! And the water was only mildly contaminated; our filter lasted the whole trip! But when we landed, things stopped being so great.

There was no ceiling, and more than one person and Abhuman laughed at me and other Hivers from the lower levels when we were pushed out of the ship, and a few fainted while many panicked at the open space. I am happy that I merely froze up at the sight of this 'sky' and that burning lumen in it called a 'sun' by the guardsmen and women here. But then, the same Guard rounded a lot of us up and told us that we were now the Labor Corps and responsible for building everything for now. As Sasha and I were a Family Unit, we had been assigned to the same division of the Corps.

It... honestly wasn't bad. Ten hours with no break wasn't the back-breaking labor I thought we would do, they even allowed us a break after five hours for food, and nobody was beaten for drinking water! Some were screamed at for eating the fruits (apparently they grow naturally, who knew?) without approval, though nobody was executed as I thought. But the thing which threw me really off was the places we were building. They were enormous houses and rooms, with channels between and under streets mapped and dug; there were boxes with 'dirt' (as it was called) for 'planting' by the new inhabitants. I had no idea what that meant, but whichever bigshot got that much luxury had to be pretty far up the pole! Somebody even joked that we were putting in the plumbing for Lord Haku. Some clashes with the 'Beastmen' occurred, as the Abhumans are called, assigned to the same division, but I remain doubtful about their 'impurity' as some priests call it. They have thrown a festival they call a 'Lantern Night' the week before we finished the last houses, in which they were celebrating the God-Emperor and his Sons, which made some other priests pretty happy calling it a pious show of faith. I guess I'll side with those who give out free booze for now.

So, we were finishing up the last houses of the town for a nearby mine when we were told to report to the forewoman to get our new permanent rooms assigned. There were many official-looking people with her, and some really old man (which I am told was Lord Haku, but that can't be right, why should he care about us?), who all gave long speeches. Finally, the old man got on stage, congratulated us for our speedy construction, then walked off the stage and told someone to 'get on with it before I die of old age' before driving off. His part took less than a minute and was my favorite.

After a few seconds had passed, a bunch of guards began handing out little packets about the size of four balled fists before we were separated into groups and told to follow. They then brought us to the very same houses and rooms we had built. Can-can you believe that? They assigned Sasha and me a room with enough space for a dozen people, and only we two now live in it! Of course, there is rent, but that is covered thrice over by my salary alone! And the packet they gave us had seed packets with instructions to grow the plants, and when it was safe to eat the very same in what way! I have no idea who managed to give Lord Haku the idea to do that, but whoever it was, God-Emperor watch over you!

This is paradise!"

-Audio Diary of Layin, Labor Corps Worker #4-561

"Despite the high morale of the population after being assigned their Class-7 dwellings, projected crime-statistics by, and unrest created due to, Abhumans will nullify any gains made in that direction. Therefore, it is my official recommendation that separate communities will be created for Abhumans to ensure the reduction of friction and interaction between pure humans and beastmen."
-Overseer #36

[] Create Separate Communities For Beastmen
The loss of efficiency incurred by allowing the intermingling of Beastmen and Humans far outweigh the benefits gained by not doing so. Several sites for permanent habitation have been chosen, which will ensure that the costs incurred in their creation can be offset within the century.
(Gain Project: Beastmen Habitations (0/200))

[] Decline
The Administratum sees no need to provide specific habitations for labor that does not require it for their biological needs. The proposal is declined.
(-1 Morale)

[] Flood Channels
This planet is verdant mainly due to the abundance of good soil and water. The latter is a problem while raining, as too much can quickly flood your settlements, so building channels to re-route the excess water away is prudent. (9/50)

Initial estimates for the rapid completion of the Flood Channels have proven lacking in forethought and planning, as many topographical features included in planning were either missing or not accounted for. Chosen patterns have likewise proven inadequate for their assigned flow-through. As a result, many channels are flooded by typical rain, with the beginning monsoon rains showing the full extent of the planning failures. Still, the gained experience will likely accelerate the construction of the Channels and, barring disaster, will be completed in the next few months.

[] Promethium Prospecting

Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (101/75)

"Rapid clearing of the vegetation blocking our path and boring sites has occurred after the arrival of several assigned Beastmen cadres, allowing us to properly gauge the depth, grade, and viability of the promethium fields we have access to. As a result, sites A 1-3 can be tapped without any problems with standard tools available and will likely not run dry for several decades, even with full exploitation. However, sites B 1-2 and C 1-4 require specialized tools to tap, as their depth and various geological anomalies have made even experimental borings difficult, to say the least."
-Prospector #194

[] Orchard Mine (Stage 1)
There is a spot not far from your landing site where a collection of trees grows with fruit, all edible by humans. This 'Orchard' is also home to several deposits of zinc, copper, tin, iron, and others, which require little in the way of clearing or excavation to unearth.
(-1 People, +2 Metal per Turn (85/100))

The clearing of the Orchard has commenced with commendable speed, allowing several excavation teams to begin their work two weeks and three days early. However, due to the nature of our population and several agoraphobia-induced breakdowns by former Hivers, work on tapping all deposits has stalled. To date, only 43 sites have been completed, with 68 still requiring some effort to fully start exploitation. Yet, morale remains reasonably high among the workers, and despite several alterations with Abhumans, work proceeds smoothly. Even a lackluster effort will see the last mines and the Orchard Mining complex finished in the coming months.

[] Flora Exploration (Stage 1)

It is imperative that you better understand the native flora than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (133/50)

We have managed to categorize no less than 271 different species of fruits, grains, nuts, trees, vegetables, and roots that can be safely consumed by humans, with 264 of those species rated above 7 in the taste section of blind testers. Thus, the creation of traditional farms and the addition of the same to our Arkologies can now be started. Additionally, 79 different species have been identified that possess medicative, narcotic, or luxurative qualities ranging from sedatives, hallucinogenics, aphrodisiacs, antibacterials, relaxants, and more.
+++Top Secret+++
+++Only For The Eyes Of Lord Haku+++
Several Eldar structures have been located near Site 68-C.
Due to "dangerous geological characteristics," access has been restricted, with several patrols assigned per contingency 92G-8F.
Investigations are still occurring, but the Eldar settlement was either attacked while unprepared or the defenders wholly overwhelmed due to several Spirit Stones being located (and locked away for Inquisitorial retrieval) near and within the settlement.
No bones could be found.

[] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1)
Several dozen species have been identified that could provide adequate amounts of by-products such as wool, fur, and milk, and once they have matured can be slaughtered for their leather and meat. Several farms need to be built to process the resulting food and substances, package it, and then send it to the populace for consumption and refinement.
(-2 Metal, -1 People, +3 Food per Turn, +1 Money per Turn (181/175))

Several dozen farms for equally diverse species have been created in sites 29, 31, 32, 33, and 83, with several expansions and additional farms already planned. In addition, the resulting animal by-products have been sent to further processing plants constructed near the farms to reduce logistical problems, resulting in a constant stream of fresh food and material for clothing or furniture to accumulate. Furthermore, proposals to create luxury variants of the same have been greenlighted for consideration.


[] Law Enforcer Recruitment (Stage 1)

Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of law enforcers. (-1 Money (26/100)

Our effort in recruiting interested people for local law enforcers has run into three different problems: the number of applicants, their nature, and the name of local law enforcement. The first of these problems is that the sheer number of applications has created a feedback loop through the whole populace. The chance to become a law enforcer holds significant sway over many due to the perceived status and salary. The second is that many (proportionally adjusted) Beastmen have applied for the training, creating discussions over whether they should be allowed to enter the lower ranks or be banned altogether. The latter is a mundane task, as a name needs to be chosen for the Law Enforcers.

[] Relax Standards
A large force of enforcers ensures that nothing and nobody can escape the law.
(+2 Morale, Automatically completes Stage 1)

[] Hold Onto Standards
The Administration sees no reason to relax or sharpen standards. If one can pass the requirements, they may be hired at the discretion of the local lieutenants.
(+1 Morale)

[] Sharpen Standards
It is in our best interest to encourage a sense of elitism and sanctity of duty within Law Enforcers. Therefore, only the best will be allowed to enter, and they will be subject to harsh guidelines and suspicion from within to ensure that no corrupt fruit will rot the whole. Additional assets will be made available.
(+2 Morale, Stage 1 now at (26/150)

[] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks
As fully sanctioned Abhumans by the Emperor and as second-class citizens, Beastmen have the right to apply as Low-Level Enforcers. They will be hired if they pass the tests and be judged of moral character like other recruits.
(-1 Morale)

[] Prohibit Beastmen Applicants For All Ranks
The moral integrity of the guardians of law and order is paramount. The introduction of Abhumans into their ranks will create strife and corruption within and cause resentment from the wider populace.
(Nothing happens)

[] (NAME)

AN: I did an oopsie, and misremembered the Arbites as ordinary police officers.
Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: N/A
Traits: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.

(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate as to what it means.)
Purists: 70%
(We need to ensure the purity of our souls by any means necessary.)

Pretty Darn Happy
Demands: Baths

Money: 7 (+1 Per Turn)
Metal: 2
Promethium: 4
Food: 8 (+1 Per Turn)
Power: 3
People: 5 (+1 Per Turn) (Abhuman Settlers, +4 to all rolls)
Morale: 2/10 (-15 to all rolls)(-2 for 1(one) Turn)
I say yes to beastmen in law enforcement/ high standards for law enforcement and segrrating beastmen and everyone else feel like a damgoures path so let not do that

This was a pretty good turn other than redacted
Ooof, as I feared, Maiden World.

Guess we're the walking dead, we just have to hope they give us a polite warning because we're not actively ruining the ecology instead of, you know, introducing themselves with warcrimes even by Eldar standards.


Except our survey forces just butchered a bunch of them offscreen.
I think it wasn't us. Or if they were then it was a very hush hush operation and it would be doubtfull the Inquisition would allow settlers if that was the case.

Yeah, I am also reading that we found an already abandoned Exodite settlement.


Maybe it will go away if we ignore it for long enough. Classic bureaucrat solution to any problem is to sit on it until someone else deals with it.