Monster (A Star Wars Imperial Navy Defector Quest)

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My uneducated personal opinionated guess on what each option might mean.

[ ] -Perseverance and Hope.
Bide time, build strength, see which way the wind blows. Wait and see who comes out on top and how will Vaere respond to them. No attachments to tie her down, no commitments.

[ ] -Unity and Order.
The empire can still work! Vaere's going to be an obedient minion. Blackmail and career advancement only works if there's an empire to advance in. Someone might be able to restore order, it's not safe to strike out alone. Too much initiative might step on someone's toes.

[ ] -Duty and Sacrifice.
Looking out for the only person that matters, Vaere! Claim the Bormea sector and secure a powerbase there, whatever happens will happen elsewhere. Worry about the rest of the galaxy when they come to Bormea and not before then.
[X] -Perseverance and Hope.

I'm voting for this because its the option with the greatest connection to the Old Republic. I think this sets us up nicely for Vaere and the Fleet to be in the right head space to justify defecting to the New Republic.
[X] -Perseverance and Hope.

I want to vote for Duty and Sacrifice. Securing the area against petty bandits, raiders, mafia, and other Criminal Scum would be a good way to raise our credibility.

Problem is, we denied ourselves a base of operations by antagonizing Snopps. If we were to take the fight to the disreputables of the galaxy, we would attrition ourselves away with no way to replace our losses.

Caution and build-up is the way to go.
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I want to vote for Duty and Sacrifice. Securing the area against petty bandits, raiders, mafia, and other Criminal Scum would be a good way to raise our credibility.

Problem is, we denied ourselves a base of operations by antagonizing Snopps. If we were to take the fight to the disreputables of the galaxy, we would attrition ourselves away with no way to replace our losses.

To be fair, with the navy Vaere can issue ultimatums from the ultimate high ground. She also has the reputation for Base Delta Zero'ing "unruly" planets.
[X] -Perseverance and Hope.

Thin grey line really turned me off from the sacrifice pick but it comes down to how it talks about the Emperors laws and putting down insurrections. Best to wait for a legitimate (NuRep!) government to help raise up.
The last two days of Vaere's life had been defined by that phrase: "And then, somehow, it got worse."
*wheezing old man cackle*

On the other hand, who THE FUCK is Sate Pestage? Some faceless bureaucrat that barely anyone's ever heard of.
Pestage is actually pretty badass when you read his backstory. He puts on a persona as a snivelling functionary, but is very handy with a blaster when need be.

Just seven hundred or so of Palpatine's closest friends and associates. Vaere is certain that this particular batch of fractious, self-interested, and greedy politicians will govern the Empire better than the old Senate's fractious, self-interested, and greedy politicians did.
*wheezing old man cackle*

Bureaucrats and self interested politicians. Eugh.
I feel convinced that Anakin/Vader is giving Vaere a thumbs-up from beyond the grave. While Padme looks at him disapprovingly. :V

Even in Vaere's own operation area, somehow, things got worse.
*wheezing old man cackle*
[X] -Duty and Sacrifice.

Better to make sure we have a solid power base first, which puts us in a better position to negotiate in the future.
[X] -Duty and Sacrifice.

PR is everything. We have shit PR due to being both a member of the Empire and due to our bombardment history.
So hearts and minds by bring stability and killing pirates is a good way to start to counter that.

With good PR, the NR won't be able to just kill us off without pissing off anyone who lives in the area we protect, if we try to join them.
We did not though.

Aquire Bote won, which means we did not make Snopps our enemy (though not our friend either).
Very well. I stand corrected.

We lost the opportunity to make Snopps our friend and get a planet as a base of operations.

Which means that if we take the fight to the disreputables of the galaxy, we would likely attrition ourselves away with no reliable way to replace our losses.
PR is everything. We have shit PR due to being both a member of the Empire and due to our bombardment history.
So hearts and minds by bring stability and killing pirates is a good way to start to counter that.

With good PR, the NR won't be able to just kill us off without pissing off anyone who lives in the area we protect, if we try to join them.
I doubt the NR really care about pissing off everyone living in an sector just because we protect them, look at how they defeated their imperial enemies and taken sectors, that kind of PR is worthless since combating piracy, from corruption, and insubordination could very easily jump to rebels or civilians protesting considering her order mindset.
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The pirates are mostly rebels, corruption is somewhat rebels and insubordination is mostly rebels. We won't be fighting for justice here, we'll be putting down rebels and civilians.
I enjoy the idea of Prequels because they had interesting ideas and thoughts on the universe. George failed to execute well on them, but he had a vision, and sense of a universe outside of what he'd already created. (I will also maintain that Revenge of the Sith was a genuinely good movie on its own merits, if clearly imperfect)

There is much of interest in the Prequels, and almost nothing to think about in the Sequels. Again, they're a fucking waste. I welcome being able to use this quest as opportunity to do a better take on the Post-Endor period by doing jazz with Legends, my own ideas on the setting, and the few good parts of DisCan that I find here and there.
It's true and you should say it.

[X] -Perseverance and Hope.
Very well. I stand corrected.

We lost the opportunity to make Snopps our friend and get a planet as a base of operations.

Which means that if we take the fight to the disreputables of the galaxy, we would likely attrition ourselves away with no reliable way to replace our losses.
Okay, we lost this opportunity.
But I think every planetary/system governor would be happy to have his planet protected from piracy and other threats out there.

We can make friends or at least allies among those, including Snopps, by selling security from outside threats or local criminals (if they are active with ships).
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