Hunger threw the unconscious boy back into the Realm of Evening. That the Apocryphal Curse had turned Aobaru against him by dint of a mere lack of faith was disturbing; but there would be time later to dwell on such things.
Hunger finds Aobaru's lack of faith disturbing? If not for his fragmented recollections and the thought not being spoken aloud, you could mistake this for a reference! Though the roles of Tyrant and Hero have ontological import here, Dien's dichotomy was excessively reductive and any system of moral thought that justifies his actions is questionable at best. That said, it's still worth thinking about how the Doom has changed Hunger: he's gone from dying as a result of attempted democratic reforms (itself staggeringly ironic for the Forebear) to an unstoppable steamroller of conquest (again).

Aobaru's not as useful a mirror in that regard as Catherine would've been, but the concerns dismissed here are at least understandable. Many might choose to kill Hunger if faced with the twin threats of Decimation and the Apocryphal Curse. Hunger didn't use Fisher King over the timeskip, despite Fault-Defeating Stance automating growth of the chosen domains, presumably because protecting his territory no longer covers enough of his Decimation radius to be worthwhile. Novakhron's supposed to have synergy with Fisher King, but further investment in that mitigation track may be necessary. Satiation only buys time and has proven unsustainable with Hunger's scaling, and the Realm of Evening's not a resource he can afford to sacrifice.

Recent events prove that Apocryphal mitigation especially is of paramount importance, so I'm going with Unending Hunger despite strong competition from Imprisoner True. This is likely Aobaru's Chains of Fate enemy, arriving in the Epistolary Realm for their Geas task as Hunger himself did in the Voyaging. Appearing as a wound in the world is concerning, as it's a reference to AST 0 regarding how Seram appeared from the perspective of Jotarun's forces in the Orcwaste. Using Imprisoner to seal the Epistolary Realm off from the Human Sphere entirely's one strat that comes to mind; throwing more troops in may only feed the engine of our enemy's hypothetical Progression.

[X] Refinement of Battle: The Best Defense
[X] The Unending Hunger

As for the other part of the build vote, an always-on Refinement of War would be amazingly strong. I don't think anybody's denying that. But keep in mind that if War follows the same upgrade track as Quickness, that may be possible through alternative means in time: Subordination for passive benefits at fifty percent power, Attainment making it permanent at full strength. Upgrading the Power of Ruin through engraving Battle is a much saner use of the Imprisoner's Refinement. If the Iron Fist's anti-mitigation removes the Doom's exception for the Accursed, that could be disastrous in the long run.

Though we're in the endgame of the quest, its conclusion is only the beginning of Hunger's journey. Now's the time to start steering for epilogue outcomes; we should see to it that our protagonist is well-equipped for the eons to come.
The new value relative to baseline is in parentheses if that somehow wasn't clear.

If each plus represents a 1.61x multiplication of the attribute over baseline, and baseline is somewhere between 1 and 3 +s, then your Protection stat of 11 is either
(1.61^11)= 188x,
or (1.61^11)/(1.61^1) = 1.61^10 = 117x a baseline human
or (1.61^11)/(1.61^3) = 1.61^8 = 54x an olympian elite human

As I recall you came into the thread pretty hot ready to talk about exponential growth; Aab's system is explicitly exponential!
This summary will often include attributes +s, each of which represents a multiplication of the associated attribute by a factor equal to the golden ratio along its conceptual axis.

I have a few questing builds but the most effective one seems to have just replicated Hunger 😅

Hero Without Fear
Ring Magic Initiation
August Ring
Father's Mask
Blood Magic Initiation
Blood Scion
Questing Magic Initiation

This build has Progression + (Father's Mask) / ++ (Blood Initiation) / ++ (Questing)

I'm not convinced that we should be adding the different plusses as though they are interchangeable. The mask rewards development of the Prodigal Son narrative, Blood Initiation rewards mad-Science on monsters & fauna, but the two advancement pathways don't necessarily overlap... unless your dad was a monsterslayer. In every Questing build I've come up with, most of the potential depends on how the narrative plays out.

But anyway, at the end of the day this has +9 All stats, so even my baseline ability is fifteen times better than the best IRL human. (And my best stat, willpower, is 786x better)
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I don't know if anyone noticed this yet, but 9 months, in other words 9 visits to the RoE, in other words 27 weeks within the RoE, has gotten us significant benefits.

+27 Wisdom/Luck/Might/Agility/Willpower is neat and all, but surely the strongest effect is finally getting our base Rank to 10.

Now that it is, with OaF I, we have Rank 12 Military rank. That's a serious boost in effectiveness, since IIRC we've entered a tier past the High Ranks past Rank 11.

In other words, a difference of 0.1 is enough to be Overwhelming, not 0.5. Though, beings at this tier do tend to have a lot of anti-Rank, as Hunger himself does, so perhaps it's not as a big of a deal as I thought.
there's also the fact that 0.1 is overwhelming, all else being equal.

Different magical systems/powers, incredibly high stats, ISH elevation... all of this can compensate for the difference in rank.

And, presumably, Apocryphal would likely send either something with higher rank than us, or something resistent/immune/with a counter to it.

Epistolary means composed of letters. The entity is described as a blot of disinformation, as distinct to a lack of information. Thusly, Rihaku has received a copyright notice in incomprehensible legalese. An ISH 4+ threat!

We're truly approaching the limits of what is understandable by mere humans then...

I know right? Having Pittaro react to Lost Realm gave me a similar feeling.
This Pittaro sounds like a smart guy, I'd like to talk to him sometime. :p

eh, I have fun with my reactions, and they help me put things in perspective for when I then make a build, though it takes me quite a bit of time.

I really got into it after trying for the Furthermost Reaches. I suppose Rihaku corrupted me.

Really, I think the first time I REALLY got fascinated with character building, though, was when I went through Even Further Beyond. All the various options for Nameless, the HUNDREDS of pages basically spent only on arguing between this builds...

Fun fact: While I think I had already read a few of Rihaku's quests from SB by then (mostly Jounin quest, and a skim of Bleach and Madoka quest), that was the first time I saw a mention of cursebearer, and I was VERY confused about this strange Accursed fellow coming out of nowhere with little to no explanation to what and who he was the way, for my build there I was honestly tempted to go for a Fake x2 (True Legendary) Overwrite for 8 inherent memories (+ whatever else I could afford), but then I decided to spread around, hoping synergies would compound more than a single focus. What do you think would be more effective, that, or the "reality+unreality+opposite working better together+jailbreak+skill+divination" that I got by getting the various Nihilus+Overwrite+white+black+orange+blue (with various levels of fake)?

Permanent 0.7 ISH elevation, combined with Seraph's Favor ensures that Hunger's Might, Agility, Wits, Prowess, Luck, Protection, and Wisdom (Combat) are all operating in the neighborhood of almost ISH 2.0 or maybe even above. Refinement of Quickness was a massive step up over Hunger's peer-level enemies at the time. This would be a dramatic upgrade.
mh.. on that note, shouldn't this indirectly boost our progress in our domains by a LOT?

AFter all our speed growth would take into consideration the now higher permanent stats, multiplying a HIGHER base rate of growth. Wits and Luck would be relevant, with Luck also synergizing with Rank.

Imprisoner True helps us with mitigation in two ways. First, by having access to more stuff we also gain access to more natural Hunger Sated mitigation. Hunger complained that there are no valid Hunger Sated mitigation targets left within the Human Sphere, but with Space domain we can look outside to find relevant enemies or fishing spots to get the mitigation we need. More importantly, Space gives us opportunity to conquer more stuff, allowing us to match our Grail Keeper range with our Decimator range. Ultimately, our goal is to have Grail Keeper running for years, and Space gives us a headstart in that endeavor.
To be fair there's a chance there are no more targets in our whole universe, and Indenture won't allow us to leave for other ones.

..Did Hunger try visiting the Astral Realm? Maybe there's some Rank 11+ beings in there that might be suitable...

What happened to Catherine? I know it's mentioned in the update that her Armament was cut down, so was she cut down with it? Kinda grim for her; she resolves herself to avenge her friend only to unleash a biological monstrosity that causes immense harm to countless people, only for that monster to be killed by the original enemy she sought vengeance against, who is now totally beyond any hope of being harmed by her.

Would have liked to have an insight into what she was thinking throughout the whole situation.
...wait, it was HER armament that rebelled?

...I might have mixed them up then, I thought it was the Tyrant Armament, which I THINK was mentioned to be the armament of the Imperial family.

Does that mean the Tyrant Armament is still alive and we could potentially link to it, and boost it in the same way we could boost Verschle?

again, I'm very sad that the Indenture Armament either never existed, or decided that A cursebearer visiting was a good excuse to leave for somewhere a few dimensions away :V

Attramemnar was the one to be cut down, not the Etrynome. Attramemnar was the Imperial Armament, the bearer of Tyrant's doom and chief Armament of Empire. Due to nature of his curse it was impossible for him to accept our rule.
ah, I was right.

Still, I thought we could link to it to "absorb" its curse... Maybe our Tyrant's Doom is "different" enough that it wouldn't work?

@Rihaku seriously what does Gisena say if/when Hunger tries to ask about why she doesn't mitigate this? I'm interested in her excuses

So a lot of people seem to be forgetting one important thing, our Geas tasks are orders from the Accursed.
Our geass tasks are very specifically NOT orders from the Accursed. We're not sure who decides our targets/who benefits from it (behind a generic "the curse", assuming it's as sentient as Apocryphal seems to be), but we have been told it's not the Accursed that decides.

After all, who would decide the ACCURSED'S TARGETS in that case?

presumably though the quest target from the geass is equivalent to an instruction from the Accursed, otherwise he'd simply be able to ignore it.

I still agree that boosting Tyrant is risky. we'd get it to 105% (or 102.5 if All-Defeating Stance applies, which I'm not sure if it does), which doesn't sound like much... but we don't know what that means.

Amorphous Blood generally doesn't play well with Imperial Blood. One is sacred, the other is heresy. But with Amorphous Countenance to smooth things over, I'd imagine "Alex Mercer++"-type shapeshifting, capable of transforming into arbitrarily large creatures (so long as biomass as available) with arbitrarily complex biological features, or designing new life-forms/bacteria on the spot. It'd also be capable of affecting others with this power.
so it would basically jailbreak the ability to get around the "no von neumann swarm" limit?

I was thinking we'd eventually deal with the Ring training malus but maybe that's just unnecessary. The training malus doesn't apply to the Praxis, and in the long term the Praxis is the most powerful magic system we've got, so why bother? I'm sure we'll fix the malus eventually, probably right around the time the malus becomes irrelevant.

there's still the fact that Praxis is also NOT boosted by our various +progression.

Basically the only thing that we know of that can actually boost the praxis directly is TSH.

Generally speaking, I imagine that, once we fix the ring's malus, Hunger would get a LOT of strenght in the first few days/weeks/months after the start of a new indenture quest, simply because he'd get access to new magical systems. After that (and mastering them as much as possible), it's back to the praxis for general training.

Note that the Master of Myths bonus to the Power of Ruin is not small; it's more on the order of 10,000x than 5x!
mh.. Master of Myths + Power of Ruins is a pretty tempting combo then... and it gives me an excuse to vote for Gisena ++

Once we unlock her second EFB we trigger the romance flag, right? That's what RPGs taught me!

Hm, that build is pretty much exactly what I'd use myself. You mind if I use this as a base for the Greedy build I am at this point obligated to make for CYOAs? I'll link yours, obviously.
eh, I still have to read the various Chihiro omakes (I'm trying, I don't have the time! I'm getting multiple quest updates per day recently!), but I know I'll enjoy them.

...I'm still on page 1808 in terms of omakes, but I've read everything up to that point (except a few reactions)!

...actually, everything except Bard's CYOA. I just got intimidated by that one, there were a bit too many choices to make 😅

As for the Life domain, I think we have to admit that investments into civilizations are basically wasted. They grant us morality points, and maybe they feel good, but Hunger is already talking about the Human Sphere being too small for him. We aren't going to be spending wordcount on the intricacies of rulership - Rank 11 just paves over all those complications. Instead, we're going to spend wordcount on the Apocryphal proc that has twelve months worth of "credibility" charged up.
yeah, for all that I'd like that it's just not efficient to focus our valuable domain-time on the HS.

At least we'll get to that in... 6 years at the latest. Instead of focusing on them, they'll get the accidental benefits of our other advancements/domains, kinda like, say, Aeira and Letrizia got boosted by Companions, basically as a side-effect of boosting Gisena/Aobaru.

(Also: Did you see Aab's CYOA? There are some neat options you should check out!)
it's on my list :cry:

Hunger finds Aobaru's lack of faith disturbing? If not for his fragmented recollections and the thought not being spoken aloud, you could mistake this for a reference!
oh, a reference? Do you remember who loved to make references?


...yeah, I'm still a bit annoyed at that, mostly because it came out of nowhere.
Also, did you see DSB's CYOA? It's got some neat options you should check out! 😈

Though we're in the endgame of the quest, its conclusion is only the beginning of Hunger's journey. Now's the time to start steering for epilogue outcomes; we should see to it that our protagonist is well-equipped for the eons to come.
Respectfully, we aren't guaranteed an epilogue at all. A twelve-month Apocryphal proc deserves at least as careful preparation as Hunger exercised in the RoE before fighting Dien. That means that the opportunity to permanently set all our Stats to >2 ISH is something that we should think twice about before walking away from. Similarly on the Domain choice, Syncretic Foundationalism was going to triple the ISH effect of Seraph's Favor against anybody who closed the distance against Hunger. That advancement was possible within three days. Twelve months of advancement with Space + Law is enough to impose that effect with new "metaphysical rules" (aka a new ontology!)

I think we need to treat each consecutive Apocryphal proc as a mortal threat, particularly those with so much buildup time. RoW + Imprisoner seems like the combination that pays the most respect to the threat posed by our Crowning Curse.
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@Pittauro Well, it depends. If you had Fake*2 Overwrite, you'd be able to affect an entire multiverse at once, but you'd there'd still be the issue of needing to know about that multiverse. True would lower the information requirements significantly, but you'd still need a pretty strong information-gathering apparatus to change things faster than one universe at a time. You'd also start to be able to make stronger versions of yourself, though not ridiculously so, and you'd, again, be limited by what you knew, so, much like Hunger, you couldn't prep for a lot of potential threats because you didn't know they were a thing.

Additionally, Overwrite's big weakness is that it's a tool, it does not provide any direct benefit to you without clever exploits. You can make yourself a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but you still have to use it. You can make megaprojects on a whim, but you have to know what those are, etc. It provides no protection against getting ganked like Inksky, nor does it provide any sensory boosts like Exavolt. It is very much a 'end-game equipment, low-level character' sort of deal if you lean into it too hard. Blue and Orange do a lot to cover your weaknesses, Blue by patching the information gap, Orange by leveraging Overwrite better. Nihilus also allows for things outright impossible, and can be combined with Overwrite to allow for effects similar to Ascendancy Halo translating Rank across realities. After all, Rank not working in a different universe would, logically, be the result of incompatible metaphysics, the Astral Realm being an impossibility. What does Nihilus do again? That's probably Overwrite's biggest weakness. It's easy to do anything that's possible, and with Legendary True Overwrite, that ceiling is moved upwards beyond normal bounds, but things like 'sew an entire new set of physics into reality that were incompatible before' is not one of them. In theory, you could do it piecemeal over, like, a month, but getting anything wrong could go very badly, very fast. In ways similar to or worse than the vacuum collapse event the Association threatened.
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That reminds me. I know I didn't really give much analysis for my own Lost Realm build, but can I ask what sort of things CMYK-Paper could achieve, ilbgar?
Also, did you see DSB's CYOA? It's got some neat options you should check out! 😈
As I think I mentioned before, I gave it a quick look but found it too intimidating to completely go through.

That was also before I got into cyoa through furthermost reaches.

I'll probably go back to it at some point though, probably after I complete the other 500 pages of images I still have to read :p
I'm not sure where this idea is coming from - Geas tasks are not instructions from the Accursed, they come from a Curse.

Certainly Imprisoner True - the blurb mentions imposing metaphysical laws (aka an "ontology") that hinders the enemy and aids Hunger. That sounds like Hunger has improved upon Foundational Syncretism's ISH Bonus (& symmetrical Penalty). Foundational Syncretism triples the bonus of OaF2. Imprisoner True likely does even better.

If your description of an "infomorph" is correct, then conceptually enhancing Hunger's INT and LUCK stats is likely to be hugely effective. In addition, further elevation of Hunger's spellcasting might be needed to prevent the infomorph from propagating damage to the Realm of Evening. Perfect mastery over Space can help to prevent contamination when Hunger superimposes the RoE onto the infomorph to cast Archmage spells.

These are some of the reasons that I think Imprisoner True is the best option right now.

So, I don't think Geas Tasks are instructions from the Accursed, indeed, I checked my post and I didn't say that anywhere. (I think it's unlikely, even, since why would the Accursed give two shits about us conquering the human sphere?) I believe they're tasks, and that some measure of mitigation went towards allowing us to obey them. We know that the Tyrant can proc on curses - there was a note not to take it with Champion, for example, way back in chargen. As funny as I think it would be to have hunger die because he unmitigated his curse like a greedy little boy, I don't think it's a risk worth taking. Even if being like ISH 2~ in everything is incredibly attractive.

I do think Imprisoner true is probably a better idea for this proc though, that's fair. I do really want Tree of Liberty, but it could be left to the future, when there isn't a 12-month Apocryphal Proc bearing down on us.

At the same time, though, if the enemy just has the ability to erase information rather than being a purely non-physical foe, a lack of raw strength might cripple us. It's entirely possible that they don't even really care about local metaphysics. Operating with so little information makes it a difficult proposition to prepare either way.
The only bit of mitigation on the Doom of the Tyrant that I'm aware of is here:
Enemies that are aware of this can provoke you via reverse psychology, though this can only cause you to attack them - you aren't compelled to do the opposite of whatever they order. This Curse comes pre-mitigated in that it does not affect the Accursed, but is very difficult to mitigate further.

It's inadvisable to take this alongside any Brand effect if you intend to ever work with others. Example:

We are only specifically warned about taking the curse alongside a Brand effect; why would that warning omit the Geas of Indenture?

In conclusion I do not think that the option to slightly unmitigate the Tyrant will affect the Indenture tasks at all.

Also, Gisena has 2 stages of Curse mitigation potential that she just hasn't bothered to apply to the Doom of the Tyrant. It might be that poking this dragon finally invests some wordcount into what is going on here.
The only bit of mitigation on the Doom of the Tyrant that I'm aware of is here:

We are only specifically warned about taking the curse alongside a Brand effect; why would that warning omit the Geas of Indenture?

In conclusion I do not think that the option to slightly unmitigate the Tyrant will affect the Indenture tasks at all.

Also, Gisena has 2 stages of Curse mitigation potential that she just hasn't bothered to apply to the Doom of the Tyrant. It might be that poking this dragon finally invests some wordcount into what is going on here.

That warning omits the Geas because it already was mitigated not to effect the Geas.

And I'm pretty sure it's not that Gisena "just hasn't bothered" to apply mitigation to Tyrant, it's that it can't be mitigated, what with Uttermost preventing it.
Rihaku asks and I answer after double checking that no one else has yet.
Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Jun 13, 2021 at 12:48 AM, finished with 131 posts and 37 votes.
I still think that The Iron Fist is best, but The Best Defense is also quite good.
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[X] Refinement of Battle: The Best Defense
[X] The Master of Myths

I like them all, except Iron Fist. Worse than unmitigated Curses, never ever.

Preparation for a Lost Realm Build:
qwolfs threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Inklings Total: 72
72 72
qwolfs threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Opinions Total: 14
14 14
qwolfs threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Memories Total: 2
2 2
[X] The Imprisoner True

[X] The Tree of Liberty

[X] The Master of Myths

[X] The Unending Hunger
3 way tie for domain preferences:

One good argument for Tree of Life is that it gives Hunger the maximum amount of time to iteratively improve his body & Soul via adaptive regeneration. Also, SJUC

Master of Myths grants a boost to Ruin that's "closer to 10000x than 5x" according to Rihaku. Now, technically that just means that the boost is a multiplication of at least 5003x. But even the most dismissive poster (Wolfy) would find it difficult to downplay the benefits of Ruin multiplied by 5003x.

Unending Hunger stretches to grab another inch of mitigation, which is very fulfilling. And if the new fusion can be reused as a trump card against the Apocryphal Proc, even better. (Recall that 'I'll form the Head' had a cooldown time on the order of years...)

I just can't see anything here that outweighs the argument for Imprisoner True: it's literally granting Syncretic Foundationalism with over nine-thousand times more development time than the blurb we saw a few weeks ago.

That warning omits the Geas because it already was mitigated not to effect the Geas.
The only mitigation I've seen mentioned is that the Doom of the Tyrant has been mitigated not to affect the Accursed. Unless you've got some evidence for your position that the Doom of the Tyrant came with some mitigation to ensure compatibility with the Geas of Indenture? ...Maybe a quote from Rihaku?
[X] Refinement of Battle: The Best Defense
[X] The Imprisoner True

This votes hard and I keep changing my mind. Imprisoner true is just too much value, mini nova must wait. All of the archmage options are extremely appealing honestly, but imprisoner true just makes us so hard to fight. I feel like it'll also open up more advancements in line with hungers proper soul evocation. Imprisonment is what he's good at, I'm interested to see where it fully leads.
What about the fact that Tree Of Liberty reinforces the Human Sphere against further attack and that it revives everyone who died to Dien as well as presumably Letrezia's father?

against the kind of enemies Hunger will face, the bonuses we'll give to the populations are not THAT relevant.

Other than popularity and the general "feel-good" that follows from helping our citizens, the thing that would help her the most are the boosted armaments, but in comparison Space-domain might very well allow to go basically anywhere that needs help at will, or close to it.

and, obviously, we can always revive everyone later as we're going to go through all domains anyway sooner or later. As long as we're talking single persons, Gisena can probably use her Make Whole grace. Letrizia's father is an obvious one, but Aobaru's father could also be an option if he wants it.

Or, again, they can wait a year or three and we'll get to it anyway.

Also, it could be argued that a further mitigation of Apocryphal (and, secondarily, of Decimator and indenture) might help the most in the coming conflict, by presumably reducing the amount of support Apocryphal will give to our enemy
against the kind of enemies Hunger will face, the bonuses we'll give to the populations are not THAT relevant
With Rank 12 and 9 months of 100x advancement you'd think Hunger's buffs would be relavent towards the Human Sphere's survival. And besides we didn't pick Leeway so ensuring the Human Sphere's survival is always a concern, and without buffing it its destruction only grows closer to inevitable. Remember Aobaru's concern about Apocryphal procs annihilating the universe because we wouldn't reinforce it against attacks?
And besides we didn't pick Leeway so ensuring the Human Sphere's survival is always a concern, and without buffing it its destruction only grows closer to inevitable
Im personally voting for Tree Of Liberty, so it should be obvious that I don't find the point I'm about to make compelling compared to allowing Hunger to use Fisher King more reliably and stop diminishing the Realm Of Evening, but:

If your primary concern is keeping the Human Sphere safe from being collateral damage and killing Hunger instead of assuming this year and Apocryphal proc won't endanger it before we can vote again, Imprisoner True allows Hunger to shrink it down and carry it around with him inside his personal defenses. In terms of keeping it safe in Indenture terms, that's the best we can do.
With Rank 12 and 9 months of 100x advancement you'd think Hunger's buffs would be relavent towards the Human Sphere's survival. And besides we didn't pick Leeway so ensuring the Human Sphere's survival is always a concern, and without buffing it its destruction only grows closer to inevitable. Remember Aobaru's concern about Apocryphal procs annihilating the universe because we wouldn't reinforce it against attacks?
Im personally voting for Tree Of Liberty, so it should be obvious that I don't find the point I'm about to make compelling compared to allowing Hunger to use Fisher King more reliably and stop diminishing the Realm Of Evening, but:

If your primary concern is keeping the Human Sphere safe from being collateral damage and killing Hunger instead of assuming this year and Apocryphal proc won't endanger it before we can vote again, Imprisoner True allows Hunger to shrink it down and carry it around with him inside his personal defenses. In terms of keeping it safe in Indenture terms, that's the best we can do.

Did we actually get confirmation we CAN do that?

but yeah, generally speaking I think that for the actual PROTECTION of the HS both Imprisoner True and probably the Unending Hunger help more, or at the very least to a similar extent.

You can strengthen the HS defenses outside of Hunger, but Hunger will STILL remain the first and last line of defense. and the kind of threats we expect will likely be ISH >2, which I'm not sure rank 11 armaments and a few boosts from templates will help THAT much against.

You can strengthen HUNGER, in which case Space-law gives us the most raw power and mobility.

You can weaken the threat, which is what mitigating curses does (and we still get some extra power out of it anyway. If we can get Aobaru to help us against this threat, a Close the Fist fusion with BOTH Aobaru, Gisena and the armaments might be a possible last resort.

the magic/essence combo is maybe the weakest, but what it loses in raw power it gains in versatility (we're basically cheating to develop all domains indirectly by applying metamagic to their effects), it strengthens Gisena a lot (and she's by far our most useful companions), and in addition we strengthen Ruin by a LOT, which sinergizes well with the ruin boost from praxis and our recently empowered ruin seal.