[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

The Intrepid Little Drone dashed through the thick foliage, and towards the crystalline realms. Trees and grass would bar his way, but he was adept at circumventing such obstacles.

The enemy was coming, and he wished to pay as much tribute as possible to the Motherland before the attack's arrival.

And as he was given gifts and glory to bring back, he only thought one thing:

May it be enough to push back the forces of the enemy.

DawnOfBoom threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 14
4 4 10 10
DawnOfBoom threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 10
10 10
DawnOfBoom threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
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you know, having a group collective might be an adaptation to avoid dark templar assasinations, as if it targets the soul, then there are too many of us bouncing around and throwing off their focus for it to hit one of us.

Like two planets orbiting each other, the center of mass will be the empty space between the two.

[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

I am wondering, just how many memories do we have of the swarm in general?
we are here, harvesting resources and other biological beings, but why are we even so small in the first place?
It feels like we should be across many worlds and the space between them. That we should have more options and forms beyond this.
Even with exponential growth once we are more secure, we still have to get beyond one star system, if I can even comprehend it at the moment.

(Edit: even if it was one queen giving a boost, that is still +10 minerals instead of +8, which is rather good.)
Zavvnao threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Minerals Total: 8
1 1 7 7
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109 Minerals 39 Gas. We can get three more falcons, or if there's a drone that hasn't gone yet they can become a Spore Crawler and we can get one more Falcon.
Drone Ki is going to keep mining. The drone needs to mine for the Queen. Being useful is a that matters. Must mine forever!
[X] Mine minerals
KRISF threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 10
10 10
KRISF threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
KRISF threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Exploding dice! Total: 8
8 8
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OOC: I kinda wanna become a Queen, not gonna lie. Not right now, we've got a lot more immediate things to worry about. But. On the other hand, that sexy, sexy research... Anyhow!

[x] Become a Spore Crawler (Cost 75 Minerals will automatically protect the base from flying threats)

The drone deposited a final piece of the sharp cold, and shuddered a little. It was warm, here, in the hatchery. But it knew that could not last for long. It knew it had a duty, that the flying sharps would attack, that the swarm was in danger. It emerged into the cold, and set its claws in the warm, nourishing creep. Another shudder, and it felt the creep extend over it, a warm, liquid cocoon. The drone knew its final duty. For the swarm.
DHDragon threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 10
2 2 8 8
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OOC: I kinda wanna become a Queen, not gonna lie. Not right now, we've got a lot more immediate things to worry about.
Actually, queens not that bad against air units. But if you want it, maybe you can become a Spore Crawler that turn, to not lose 50 minerals of your drone-body.

Drone Ki is going to keep mining. The drone needs to mine for the Queen. Being useful is a that matters. Must mine forever!
You rolled one basic dice, and one for an omake. But you didn't rolled "explosion" for rolling 10. (Shut up, that way you have better chance for heroic bonus)

Also, you both forgot to add vote in your post.
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Whoops, thanks for the reminder! And I dunno, I kinda feel like we need the minerals more than a Spore Crawler, no?
I don't think so. We have enough minerals for a Crawler, and with incoming attack, we need as much protection as possible.
edit: Well, without your roll and with new Falcon we will have a small negative, but that should be doable.
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Yeah, alright, I think I'm gonna go ahead and change my post to help in the defense. Hopefully a friendly Drone can make up for the negative?
[X] Join a Queen led attack (1d10)

Hide and go seek was a fun game! First, you hid a dead bird somewhere near a trap. Then, other birds would go seek their lost fellow bird. And after that, you had more dead birds, to hide near more traps! Truly the best game a zergling has come up with so far.

The hard part, of course, was making sure the birds never found you.
Derpmind threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 27
10 10 9 9 8 8
[X] Mine minerals

This drone carefully monitored the hivemind, and recently it noticed something. There was a singular emotion flowing through the entire connection... dread. Nothing has changed recently, aside from the failed attempt to get the gigantic swarm to attack the birds that still ended up killing a decent amount of them. Perhaps a few units were being grown and spore crawlers made, but the swarm was still doing that. While little of note happened in the near past, all the minds knew what would happen in the near future. Soon the birds would descend upon the hive, and the swarm will see if the defenses they made were enough. This drone did not think the battle would go in the swarm's favor, but it did think that their efforts might allow them to survive it. Regardless, this drone kept mining, as the defenses would always need more minerals.
KSn5Ynoh threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 6
4 4 2 2