[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
The Dhar matrix is gone, that's why he's not actually dying. The vamp dispelled it, and we ambushed the vamp before he could actually replace it.

Not training wolf, while knowing what size he grows to would be a mistake imo. Also, while i'm not for being Gung ho with Wolf's life, having combat training and not needing it, is better than the other way round.

[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
@kingreaper: since mastery lets us cast without motions and words, would it be possible to integrate the dart into our combat style? Does the mastered dart have to come from our hands? Could Mathilde train herself to cast it from other parts of her body?

I'm thinking of the Mandiblaster from 40k Striking scorpions, as a supplemental attack. Casting a missile to inflict a minor injury, or even just to startle them, before following up with the sword.

We can already cast it while we're closing in. The question is, can we cast it while we're engaged? Or does it require too much concentration?
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[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
This is WHF, Wolf won't always have us around to protect him. He needs better training.

[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
Oh, Warhammer. Never change. That's apparently a priestess of Verena in the back with the owl, sword and scales. But the scales have flaming skull-bowls. :rofl::jackiechan::V:thonk:

[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

No strong opinion on Wolf, he can get a spiked collar either way to do horrible things to creatures trying to tear his throat out.
Spoiler: Another picture of the vampire special
I'm presuming that the Witch Hunter having his arm slung over the Verenan's shoulders is supposed to mean he's injured and being supported or whatever. But I much prefer to imagine that this is actually just what date night looks like for a Witch Hunter.
[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

My reasons for the Wolf vote:

1: Wolf is indirectly in danger every time Mathilde puts herself in danger anyway. I have no idea what happens to a familiar if their Wizard dies, but at the very least it's going to be emotionally devastating to them.

2: This is a dangerous world, even if we don't want to put Wolf in danger: A Wolf that fights alongside us but also actually can defend themselves is at more risk, but not as much as one would think at first, I reckon.

3: Having Wolf be able to go with us on our more dangerous missions gives Wolf a lot more potential screentime, probably over twice as much.

4: It's a change from OG divided loyalties, which is fun!

5: Respecting Wolf's agency.

6: Battle Wolf is just cool?

7: It's an interesting character development for Mathilde, having been put very near death because of recklessness and trying to do things by herself before she was ready. And now she has to begrudgingly admit that perhaps she needs Wolf's help.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

First is just more interesting, second more thorough.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
Options to train Wolf and equip him for combat will become available - Wolf will join you on missions where either stealth isn't needed or the presence of a wolf won't be noticed. (i.e. travelling through woodlands)
Oh, Warhammer. Never change. That's apparently a priestess of Verena in the back with the owl, sword and scales. But the scales have flaming skull-bowls. :rofl::jackiechan::V:thonk:

[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

No strong opinion on Wolf, he can get a spiked collar either way to do horrible things to creatures trying to tear his throat out.

I like to think the reason there are so many skull elements to the faiths of warhammer is because they want to sanctify the very idea of a skull so much that no necromancer will be able to raise one into unlife. :V
I'm presuming that the Witch Hunter having his arm slung over the Verenan's shoulders is supposed to mean he's injured and being supported or whatever. But I much prefer to imagine that this is actually just what date night looks like for a Witch Hunter.

The couple that slays together, stays together.

[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
Considering the feedback received on my "interim Flaming Greatsword of Rhuin" idea (namely, that fire is unconducive to stealth and that it would be extremely difficult or outright impossible to later upgrade such a sword with Mindrazor), I had a thought for an alternate route. Namely, we could look into whether we can get Reaping Scythe enchanted into a greatsword. Altering the form factor of the spell might up the CF cost, but the base cost is literally just 2 CF.

Combat in this quest isn't really too literally based on the RP, but if it was then Reaping Scythe would actually be a better match for a greatsword anyway; Flaming Sword gives Impact and Damage 4, but Reaping Scythe gives Fast and Damage 5. Impact is great, but greatswords already have Impact, and they also have Slow. So a Reaping Greatsword might have Impact and Damage 5, but without Slow (completely switching that to Fast is probably too much to hope for barring a crafting crit by the enchanter or something). Is any of that relevant? As aforementioned probably not, but it's the kind of thing I think is fun to consider anyway.
[X] [Maltor] Question him while he believes he's dying, then inform him and continue.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
Now, remember from OTL that the vampires' spies are slaves thrice over:
-They were born and raised under vampire rule. They are not happy about it, but resigned to the belief that nothing will change that. They believe the vampires will know immediately when their contingency triggers i.e. their families will be retaliated against immediately.
-Their families are under the control of the vampires and used as hostages.
-They have a very literal dead man switch embedded inside them.

[ ] [Maltor] Inform him you've successfully saved him - for now - then question him.

This fails Point 2. If he believes he's not busted he's more likely to try to cover his bet.
Its a honest strategy, if you want to rely on gratitude.

[ ] [Maltor] Question him while he believes he's dying, then inform him and continue.

This lets him assume the vampires already killed his family, he has incentive to tell all he can out of spite. THEN let him know he's going to live and his family is still on the hook and now their continued survival relies on his cooperation
Might be a possibility to recruit him as a double agent?

[ ] [Maltor] Question him while he believes he's dying, then kill him.

This would be Mathilde the Ranaldite believing that anyone who's fed people to vampires should die as expediently as possible. Principled if pointless.

[ ] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

So the most complex play:
1) Play on gratitude and let him talk. He will withhold whatever he thinks would endanger his family or his life.
2) Mindhole him and via our Mastery, rip out exactly what he's specifically withholding - because he'd have thought about those as Things I Must Not Tell The Scary Grey Wizard.
3) Interrogate him and cross reference his 'dying' words with what we ripped out. We can use what we ripped out of his memory to cross-interrogate him and leverage some kind of false omniscience.
4) We may or may not tell him we saved him afterwards, but without continuity of memory he's not likely to believe us if we said we did.

This maximizes information on our part and misinformation on his., though

[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.

Seemingly overly complex at first, but makes sense when you reason it out.
We got the favors to give him his own equipment this time.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you've successfully saved him - for now - then question him.

[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.

I don't want to see him killed, but the way to do that isn't not to train him. Sometimes he will not have the choice. We won't always be able to protect him.
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.

[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.