Shino is the new Rock-type gym leader in Pewter City unless I misread, Brooke is the Cerulean Water-type Gym leader.
@Aleph Who's in charge of the Viridian Gym, and the other Gyms if you care to share?
From what Trixie has heard, the Gym Leader (whatever a 'Gym' is) of Viridian City is some Human called "Gary Oak", who may be indicative of a broader pattern of Humans naming themselves after trees. He is apparently "a merciless newbie-crusher" and "a cranky old man".
If there are other 'Gyms', she hasn't heard of them (or at least she hasn't bothered paying enough attention to remember the names).
Also, uh, I should probably remind everyone that while "Scared" is a completely valid choice and choosing it
will mean Trixie is worried about these new Humans who are coming into her home specifically to target her, she is still
the Devil of Viridian Forest. We have seen how Trickster reacts to fear. This is the Pikachu who decided that the best way to take out a ballistic Geodude immune to her lightning was to
tackle it head on and who responded to a Machop fracturing her ribs by
taunting it so it would lunge at her and crash into a Pidgey nest. This is the demonic zappy gremlin whose response to Ash Ketchum releasing her from a wire trap was to electrocute him and then spend the next year and a half setting up a series of intricate traps for the poachers who had put the trap there - poachers
she was scared of, because they had hurt her - and methodically torturing them by pushing them over tripwires into beds of stinging nettles and thorny branches and keeping them there until they were more welt and rash than skin. This is the maniac who learned Quick Attack as a Pichu, before she was a year old, and immediately started using it to parkour between branches thirty feet up and ding-dong-ditch Beedrill hives.
What I'm saying here is that Trixie is not necessarily going to react to being scared by backing off and being more cautious, and is in fact rather more likely to double down in order to prove she's not scared at all, how dare you make such an accusation, she'll show you, just watch. Just like she'll double down with Pride because holy shit, she's such a problem that people are coming in from miles away to try to stop her, that's awesome, clearly she needs to do more of what she's doing. Just like she'll double down with Angry because what the fuck, you think you can come into
her Forest on the day of her sister's evolution and ask her to stop messing with people, she'll show you some goddamn respect for her territory and send you off with your tail between your legs, assuming you actually have a tail under those pelts, she's not actually sure.
It's not a question of
whether she doubles down, it's a question of
why and