- Location
- Who Knows Where
[X] Scared. More humans coming for you means more fights, and sooner or later you risk someone showing up who isn't stupid. Not a good thought.
[X] A wild mouse chase. Make them work for it. Lead them around the Forest by the nose, bedevil and beleaguer them at every step, until they turn around in frustration and give up.
[X] A Plague of Pests. No longer willing to risk the formidable swarms of the deeper forest, wild Pidgeys and Rattata have turned to Viridian City for their food. Crop fields and urban gardens alike are being stripped bare, pantries and larders are being raided, and hungry, feral Pokemon are taking up residence under sidewalks and along rooftops.
[X] A wild mouse chase. Make them work for it. Lead them around the Forest by the nose, bedevil and beleaguer them at every step, until they turn around in frustration and give up.
[X] A Plague of Pests. No longer willing to risk the formidable swarms of the deeper forest, wild Pidgeys and Rattata have turned to Viridian City for their food. Crop fields and urban gardens alike are being stripped bare, pantries and larders are being raided, and hungry, feral Pokemon are taking up residence under sidewalks and along rooftops.