A Kammanist Uprising: Fantasy Communist Revolution Quest

[] [Prop] Protecting religious freedom and allowing any religion to practice freely. You will promise not to interfere in religious matters
[] [Prop] Universal religious protection, so that all religions are protected by the government. You will promise to make sure every faith and creed is safe in the new state you are building
Do you suppose having these two together is possible? We refrain from interfering but if they experience discrimination on our end they have protection to practice their faith.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Feb 16, 2021 at 3:19 PM, finished with 28 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] [Vote] Go and vote and don't worry about it.
    [X] Plan Separation of Church and State
    -[X] [Prop] Religions shouldn't interfere in the political sphere, neither for nor against Kammanism or any other political creed. Let the bodies of men be rendered unto men, and let their souls fall into the custody of religion.
    -[X] Universal religious protection, so that all religions are protected by the government. You will promise to make sure every faith and creed is safe in the new state you are building.
    -[X] [Prop] While religions can do what they wish in general, that doesn't allow them to violate the rights granted by the state.
    [X] Plan Democracy On All Levels of Society
    -[X] [Prop] The democratization of the Church - change the structure to function similarly to councils, with priests electing their bishops.
    -[X] Universal religious protection, so that all religions are protected by the government. You will promise to make sure every faith and creed is safe in the new state you are building.
    [X]: Plan out of our hands
Week 5 Results Pt. 3
Vozhd Pudin, of a house most ancient and noble, straightened his tie in the mirror before marching out to meet with the people he was confident would kill him. His noble blood had not given him much in the way of wealth, but it did give him enough respect that his well-to-do compatriots always took care to tip their hats to him and it got him into a university so that he could become a lawyer.

Which probably didn't increase his odds of survival. He departed the house, and the two guards who had been sent to accompany him, their faces cold, marched behind him. One man's gaze swept across the town, sending the other good citizens scampering, while the other glared at the back of his head.

He instinctively reached into the pocket of his coat to toss a kopeck to the beggar who sat at the edge, but the man of course wasn't there. His guards had gotten very tense at the movement, and he carefully moved his hand away.

"I am unarmed, as agreed."

"Whatever you say, comrade," one of the men behind him mocked.

The vozhd stiffened and was silent for the rest of the journey as he was led to a filthy cart and helped into the back and driven along a rutted road towards the agreed upon meeting place - a church whose priest had offered its usage for the sake of peace, supposedly.

Waiting for him there are a small group of men and women, all as unarmed as he. He vaguely recognized two of them from wanted posters.

"I am Comrade Zandi," one woman said in tones as cold as the winter.

"I am Comrade Stefan," said the only man in the group who was decently dressed.

"I am Comrade Kylis," said a man with a laborer's broad shoulders, a gentle smile on his face.

Kyls continued after a brief silence.

"We understand you have concerns. We cannot promise to address them, but we will at least hear you out."

The vozhd nodded and began to choose his words.

"Many of those who I represent, the women in particular, are concerned about some of your...intentions. Not just to our property, but to things we hold more sacred. Our faith, our selves, our lives...we wish for guarantees that all be safeguarded."

There was again a silence, this one almost malevolent.

After a time he regained his courage.

"What I believe to be simplest is our property. Having read your manifesto and seen your actions, we do not intend to ask for anything you would find unreasonable...we simply want a guarantee that I would be able to keep something like my signet ring or a brooch a man bought for his wife to ask her to marry him. Heirlooms. Surely that is acceptable?"

[] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
[] [PROP] No. All they have belongs to the people. Does the hungry worker get a signet ring? If not, why is his pride worth less than the vozhd's? Perhaps through labor he could earn it back.
[] [PROP] Negotiate. His demand is not entirely unreasonable, but there's something you take issue with. He's in no position to do anything to accept whatever you give him, the only limit is how much resentment you are willing to risk. Write in what your position is.

With that matter handled, the vozhd seemed much more confident. He had made a demand and hadn't gotten shot.

So he made his next ones. He demanded the vote be restored to priests, that they be allowed to emigrate with a portion of their property if they chose to, that they be allowed to form a limited security force to protect themselves, all designed to soothe the fears of the once-powerful.

[] [VOTE] Ha ha ha no.
[] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
[] [VOTE] You make a convincing argument. Very well.
[] [VOTE] Negotiate. You have all the power here. Write in what you will give.

[] [EMIGRATE] No. Those who will not contribute to the people will not be allowed to flee with their ill-gotten gains.
[] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
[] [EMIGRATE] You will not chain them down. If they wish to flee they may. But the revolution shall find them eventually.
[] [EMIGRATE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.

[] [SECURE] No.
[] [SECURE] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
[] [SECURE] You will be allowed small numbers of men integrated into the more regular policing forces. This will go over very well if you localize them.
[] [SECURE] You will be allowed to form a force of no more than twenty men.
[] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.

[] [ENFORCE] You have given your word, that should be enough
[] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
[] [ENFORCE] Have a neutral third party act as a witness to this agreement.
[] [ENFORCE] Write-in

The vozhd left, wishing he could have done more. There was silence in the church.

Comrade Zandi spoke. "We may have set a dangerous precedent."

No one disagreed.
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[] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.

The whole point was to calm them down I see no reason not to humor this request.

[] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.

We're already looking into this, so I'd choose this or straight up allow them.

[] You will not chain them down. If they wish to flee they may. But the revolution shall find them eventually.

Restrictions on emigration never ends well. So long as they haven't committed any crimes there's no reason to try.

[] [SECURE] You will be allowed small numbers of men integrated into the more regular policing forces. This will go over very well if you localize them.

As long as we dilute the volunteers among our more numerous brethren, we should have no problems with this.

[] [ENFORCE] Have a neutral third party act as a witness to this agreement.

If we're confident in our ability to upload our end of the deal having it witnessed should be a problem.
that they be allowed to emigrate with a portion of their property if they chose to
Hmmm and avoid the wealth tax? Fishy.

Leaning on taxing those who are eligible for the wealth tax. Tho maybe combo'd with allowing "small amount of sentimental value" to be kept

[] [SECURE] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
Leaning more on this. We haven't implemented the Prot-smth protocol right?
[] [PROP] Negotiate. His demand is not entirely unreasonable, but there's something you take issue with. He's in no position to do anything to accept whatever you give him, the only limit is how much resentment you are willing to risk.

I'm fine with this as long as we can look over what each thing is first, and approve the request for it back or reject it on a case by case basis

[] [VOTE] Ha ha ha no.

[] [EMIGRATE] No. Those who will not contribute to the people will not be allowed to flee with their ill-gotten gains.

[] [SECURE] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.

[] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
[] [PROP] Negotiate. His demand is not entirely unreasonable, but there's something you take issue with. He's in no position to do anything to accept whatever you give him, the only limit is how much resentment you are willing to risk.

The negotiate options are write-ins. I've edited the post to clarify that. But given the power difference in this, you can choose to meet or not meet his demands in whatever way you please.

Voting is open now.
[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
-[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.

[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
Might as well, it's not completely unreasonable. I'd say we should do it on a case by case basis, perhaps tying in to priests who don't say anything political.

[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
[] [EMIGRATE] You will not chain them down. If they wish to flee they may. But the revolution shall find them eventually.
Both are good to me on their own merits, but I don't want it to seem like we're giving in too much.

For Secure, I'm honestly not sure, and some arguments and explanations for the varying options would be appreciated.

[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
[] [ENFORCE] Have a neutral third party act as a witness to this agreement.
Either of these are good, again, though I want to make clear that these are not concessions. This man has made his arguments, and because we Kammanists are rational actors who do care for all our people, we have tried to be understanding.
Allowing our policing forces to be influenced by literally letting nobles/priests implant men into them is a terrible idea. We should review conduct, but anything further is a mistake, in my opinion.
Allowing our policing forces to be influenced by literally letting nobles/priests implant men into them is a terrible idea. We should review conduct, but anything further is a mistake, in my opinion.
As long as their presence is heavily diluted by loyal breathen, it shouldn't be a problem and it will likely be well received by the town's having familiar faces they trust among the police.
As long as their presence is heavily diluted by loyal breathen, it shouldn't be a problem and it will likely be well received by the town's having familiar faces they trust among the police.
I'd be down for a compromise where we select locals, but allowing the nobles/priests to do it is a bridge too far. Maybe not all of them, but some of them will insert those who are personally loyal, leading to corruption, or seeding a potential uprising in the ranks.
As long as their presence is heavily diluted by loyal breathen, it shouldn't be a problem and it will likely be well received by the town's having familiar faces they trust among the police.
It would be quite literally inserting a counter-revolutionary element into the security forces, I cannot think of a worse idea for us to do with relation to the police
[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
-[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.
[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
-[X] In addition, their remaining property and wealth within the country will be seized, rather than held in escrow. If they wish to flee, they surrender their stake in the livelihood of the nation as well.
[X] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.
-[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
-[X] We will also integrate local men into our more regular policing forces, but they will not be selected by priests or nobles.
[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.

Here's my tentative plan. I'm doing my best to integrate some compromise elements, without compromising the integrity of the revolution.
Here's my tentative plan. I'm doing my best to integrate some compromise elements, without compromising the integrity of the revolution.
Not perfect, but It contains just enough for me.

[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
-[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.
[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
[X] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.
-[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
-[X] We will also integrate local men into our more regular policing forces, but they will not be selected by priests or nobles.
[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
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[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
-[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.
[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
[X] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.
-[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
-[X] We will also integrate local men into our more regular policing forces, but they will not be selected by priests or nobles.
[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.

Not 100% sure I agree on the subvote for Emigrate, so I removed that, but other than that, this seems good.
[X]: Plan down with Reaction
-[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
--[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken, in addition, all items chosen must be reviewed by the Revolutionary authorities, and may be denied if sufficient cause is found.
-[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
-[X] [EMIGRATE] No. Those who will not contribute to the people will not be allowed to flee with their ill-gotten gains.
-[X] [SECURE] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
-[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
-[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.
[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
[X] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.
-[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
-[X] We will also integrate local men into our more regular policing forces, but they will not be selected by priests or nobles.
[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.