Even after the reboot, I'm still trapped in the wrong anime!

[X] Yes

We did the first thing we could think of. The risks was calculated, but who knows if the math is in our favor.
Just to let you know, whether Dusk remains hidden or not, they are still going to help with this fight.
[X] Yes

This be some like Crypt of the Necrodancer enemy.
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Since there seems to be a general consensus of punching, I'm gonna call it here. Expect a quick update.
This crazy kid appeared and punched a bear!
Punching bear, Dusk remains hidden

You move before you even realize it, running as fast as you can, straight at the undead gyrating beast.
Argus PAWNCH! +2 for rush action: 2,2,3,7,7,8,9 = 4 successes
Bear: is surprised, no defense, simple (1) difficulty
Damage: 4 (successes) + 1 (Rush action) + 1 (Boost) -1 (Bear's armor) = 5 damage
You throw your whole body behind the punch, you can feel it connect, feel the damage you inflict, and it roars in anger and in time to the beat!
Shadow Needles: 2,5,7,7 = 2 needles formed
Launching needle: 3,5,7,8,10 = 4 successes
Bear: is surprised, no defense, simple (1) difficulty
Damage: 4 (successes) + 1 (weapon) + 1 (Boost) -0 (Bear's armor is negated by Shadow Needle's Piercing quality) = 6 damage
The roar is interrupted by a bit of shadow detaching itself from the greater darkness of the area and launching into the bear's face before breaking up and leaving no evidence it was there aside from the damage.

Bear = 12
Argus = 10
Dusk = 9
The bear sees only one enemy, one who is outside the music, one who has damaged it.
shuffling swipes: 1,3,3,4,5,6,8,10 = 2 successes
Argus defense: 2,2,2,3,7,9 = 2 successes
Successes negated, fail.
It swings its mighty arms, but the fight's already started and the engine has been building steam, you successfully dodge the lumbering swipes, and are ready for the pain train to deliver its cargo.

Argus action
[ ] Read the flow (defend and study its movements)
[ ] Wanna see a trick? (Equip combat yo-yo and walk the dog on its face)
[ ] My fists are all I need (keep on punching)
[ ] Run away like a coward NOPE!
Nice, nice, Argus and Dusk are on the roll!

[X] Read the flow (defend and study its movements)

It seems that the dancing people aren't in danger atm, so we should take the opportunity to study our opponent.

Also, on Argus' character sheet:
That should probably be 'Perform*.
[X] Read the flow (defend and study its movements)

We specialize in slow and steady. Let's not keep up the recklessness because of one victory.