The first great snow came last night. The streets are still blanketed in a layer of white as high as a man's ankle. Hopefully, the last of the harvest has come in, hopefully, there will be enough food for all...but at least there will be no major attacks. No army would dare march in Avlandi winter. Bandits, partisans, treachery, all these may come, but for at least three months they can rest easy. Relatively speaking, anyway. The food supply is still a probable issue. And of course, there are a thousand other problems, warm clothing, and unrest at various rumors, demands for arming the worker's councils, production problems...but for at least a little while, the Committee decided to celebrate.
Stocks of good brandy and vodka that had been found in the Mages' Guild, Stefan had brought some fancy tea donated by some of his friends in hopeful gratitude, and all manner of odds and ends had been scraped together, enough to make an odd sort of feast for many members of the Front.
Someone had brought a weird guitar-thing that they strummed and hit, and people danced to it, and to a piano's song, and to a half-dozen different drumbeats. The halls which once held stately balls were now home to a raucous celebration. Comrade Zenus brooded from a balcony, overlooking all the festivities. Comrade Zandi approached him, wearing a simple dress - a rarity for her.
"Why so morose, Comrade?" she asked.
"People are dying. Farmers are starving, workers are getting crushed under the boots of the capitalist, soldiers are bleeding for causes that despise them, and winter comes. I don't know if we will have enough food, especially if these bandit attacks keep up..." He shook his head grimly.
"I am wasting time. I should be out there hunting them, I would even take reading more of those damn reports..."
Comrade Zandi reached out and laid a hand close to his. "Comrade. Yes, people are dying. We have not achieved final Kammanism, suffering and death are inevitable. Yes, you want to do things. Do you think I want to be at this party when I could be fixing orphanages or breaking the banks so that they stop stealing the gold of the working classes? But this is important for two reasons. First, showing that you are confident enough to relax will help with the morale of those we lead."
Comrade Zenus shook his head so very slightly at the word lead.
"And second, if you relax, it will help you work better. Please, Comrade, find a pretty girl or a handsome man and go dance."
He turned to her. "Well, if you insist. Would you dance with me, Comrade?"
She flushed two different colors, and shook her head, stumbling over her words. He nodded and turned.
"No, wait! I mean...I should dance, I...I haven't danced in many years is all. It's just a dance."
"Of course."
The two descended as the song shifted. The banjo was put away, and the drums and Comrade Stefan sat at the piano along with a few friends. They played an old, familiar song, and people began to dance to it.
The night went on for a very long time. The good brandy and vodka were soon exhausted, so they brought out the rest. And that vanished soon enough too.
The meeting of the Central Executive Committee early next morning featured many groans and bloodshot eyes.
2000 militia, 500 Red Guard, 4000 soldiers, 10 warmages, and 1 light spellblaster in Devrograd
1300 Red Guard, 2000 militia, 1500 soldiers, 15 warmages, and 5 armored landships garrisoning Avla.
200 Maltka Red Guard in Maltka
51 Resources, +8 Resources per week
17 Aether, +1 Aether per week
2 Wealth
Food Situation: Stable-ish, vulnerable to attack or angry peasants. Stockpiles are small.
Manpower: More than needed for current industries
Ammunition: Low, amount is trending upwards
Personal Weapons: Moderate numbers being produced,, damaged ones can be repaired
Heavy Weapons: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Artillery: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Coal/Wood: Supplies are stable for current usage
Steel: Severe shortage
Aether crystals: Severe shortage
Metals: Moderate shortage
Cloth: Excess
Hardliners: The Revolution must be spread to every corner of society.
-Mood: 85
-Power: 50
-Requests: Break the banks completely to more thoroughly destroy the capitalist classes
Softliners: We must fix society without causing undo harm.
-Mood: 70
-Power: 50
-Requests: Preserve the independence of the councils
Democratic-Nationalists: We must preserve the people's right to self-determination.
-Mood: 80
-Power: 15
-Requests: Preserve the independence of the councils
Overall Front Support: 82
Other Groups: The Army: 65.
Popular Support: 85 from the urban workers, 40 from middle and upper classes in Avla, 68 from the peasants, 30 from towns
Council Opinions: More food and coal, drive off the bandits, eliminate corruption
Front Opinions: Punish corruption and rebellion, destroy bandits, spread the Revolution, land reform
The Councils and Committees - 3 Council dice (Council dice have a +5 bonus for Industrial actions thanks to your strong unions), 5 Front dice
[] Request Foreign Food Aid: The existence of the International Forum is a vague rumor to most, but enough have heard about it and its stated mission that an idea has begun circulating: allow the Forum to send missions to deliver food to the cities. This would probably require some sort of compromise, or maybe it would have to be done with other groups like the Silver Crescent, But simply asking will cost nothing but pride. DC 80/160/240. Benefit: Subvote. Food gets sent by international organizations. Additional benefits depend on success and decisions. Cost: Will depend on result, but at a minimum will cost some Front Support.
[] Eat the Rich: Not literally, of course, but the wealthy and middle-class citizens have gold and jewels and fine art and a great many other riches. Taking a portion of these, based on how much wealth they have, and using it for the benefit of the workers, farmers, and laborers would be an undeniably popular decision. DC 25/80/150/300. Benefit: Subvote. Gain a medium boost to Wealth, with a smaller boost when a new area is conquered. Potential additional benefits. Cost: Will severely cost popular support among certain segments of the population, will have additional or mitigated costs depending on results
[] Arm the Workers: The workers of the city largely stayed out of your way, only a few of the most enthusiastic joined in the Uprising, but that was less because of their attitudes and more because of their relative lack of organization and sheer surprise. Now they are determined and motivated participants in the growing Kammanist state, an essential and determined pillar of support. Should the city come under attack, having them already familiar with arms would be extremely useful. 0/100. Benefits: Worker's councils/unions gain access to more centralized weaponry, can act as purely defensive militia. Very popular with some. Costs: Will require lots (and lots) of weapons, very unpopular with some, lots of armed people.
[] Council Reform Measures: There are two sets of measures proposed to reform the corruption councils. The more moderate option sets increased penalties for bribery, provides a minor stipend to members of a council to hopefully make them more resistant to it, and dissolves and recreates the most troublesome councils, hopefully with an improved and more equitable distribution so as to prevent the feeling of disenfranchisement. This is a fairly controversial measure, given that it will provide the capitalists and bankers, those same groups who had first instigated this corruption, but it is favored by many as well. DC 0/25/50/75/100. Benefits: Councils are reformed to be hopefully less corrupt. Will improve Mood of Democratic-Nationalists and Softliners. Can gain Front or Popular Support among various factions. Costs: Wil upset Hardliners, can cost Front or Popular Support among various factions.
[] Anti-Corruption Trials: Gather evidence for those who have committed crimes against the Revolution by corrupting the democratic institutions of the people. Then arrest and sentence them to appropriate punishments. This will be the biggest test yet of your new police and judicial system, both of which are still young and not entirely reformed. But if we wait, it is entirely possible the guilty will have escaped our least until the Revolution spreads across the world! DC 10, 0/40. Benefits: Gather evidence through reasonable, legal efforts and then have a trial which will almost certainly find those responsible guilty. Gain Front and Popular Support. Cost: None
[] Crackdown on the Families: The crime families, a persistent thorn in the side of the Imperial state, have made themselves an enemy of the Revolution by attempting to subvert the councils. We know some of their fronts and operatives, and they have likely committed some degree of criminal actions. Through investigation and interrogation, find what and arrest as many as we can. DC 20, 0/40. Benefits: Gather evidence through reasonable, legal efforts and then have a trial which will almost certainly find those responsible guilty. Gain Front and Popular support. Cost: Make an enemy of crime families.
Chairman of the Central Committee of the United Kammanist Front - 4 Chairman dice
[] Walk Among the Workers: See the results of the Uprising for yourself, which should prove very satisfying. It will also provide a different perspective on potential issues or solutions. Lastly, it will allow you to personally address grievances. Some might say it's reckless or risky. What are such things to you? DC 0/?? Benefits: Satisfies your desire for action, ?? Cost: ??
[] Recruit the Peasantry: Even as they feed your workers, you are aware there is more they could be doing. Ask them to fight for you, to join your cause, to take up the warcaster against the coming men who will ravage their farms, steal their crops, and turn them back into serfs. DC 40/80. Benefits: Boost to militia size. Cost: Less peasants working
[] Put on a Show: The victory you have won has attracted a playwright, who has decided you seem secure enough to make a viable patron for his art. You also have several theaters that are currently unused, and a popular tradition of street acting. Work with the playwright to make plays suitable for both to increase it will be very interesting, it's been a long time since you did something like that. Hopefully, there will be no incidents with donkeys this time. 0/60. Benefits: Morale and propaganda, satisfies your desire for action. Cost: Potentially viewed as frivolous.
[] A Grander Festival: You might not like going to parties when you could be fighting, but you are aware of the potential morale benefits having such a feast could bring. Declare a public holiday, give out increased food and drink, give some fine speeches detailing what progress you have made and what you will make next. There will be dancing, and drinking, and's not that bad of a time, you suppose. Especially not if you are doing it for the Revolution. It might upset your guards if you act true to your character and start dancing with farmer's girls picked from the crowd. Oh well. 0/30. Benefits: Morale and propaganda, increase to popular support, satisfies your desire for action. Cost: Will require lots of food.
Commissar of Diplomacy - 3 Diplomacy dice
[] Make Contact with Friends: Send word to your friends in foreign countries, see what they have heard about you and about what the international response will be. And what help they can offer. DC: 20/40/60. Benefits: Contact with foreign ideological allies, find out what the international reaction is, what aid can be offered. Cost: None
[] Educate the Workers: The workers of the city have demonstrated great enthusiasm for Kammanism, even if their knowledge on some things is lacking. Take advantage of the many theoreticians to help educate them through seminars and lectures. 0/50. Benefits: Greater support. Cost: Potential backfire.
[] Recruit for the Militia: The militia will likely compose the majority of your forces if you have to fight anytime soon...which you certainly will. The people are with you, direct their impulses in a constructive method by having them join your militia and shed blood for the cause. DC: 0/30/60/90. Benefits: Steady increase to militia size. Cost: Manpower
[] Request Foreign Food Aid v2: The existence of the International Forum is a vague rumor to most, but you know it in far more detail than most. You are also very familiar with several alternate organizations. Allow the Forum to send missions to deliver food to the cities. This would probably require some sort of compromise, or maybe it would have to be done with other groups like the Silver Crescent, But simply asking will cost nothing but pride. DC 80/150/220. Benefit: Subvote. Food gets sent by international organizations. Additional benefits depend on success and decisions. Cost: Will depend on result, but at minimum will cost some Front Support.
[] To Trokograd: Trokograd is the larger and more prosperous of the two cities in the Anarchist-Syndicalist-Kammanist Ukortic Free State, and even if it's not actually the capital it's likely to have someone who can get your emissary there. They seem like they would make a viable ally, even if their ideology is...unusual, from what you have heard. DC 30/??. Benefit: Open contact with the Trokograd/Devrograd faction.
[] To the Sejm: The Wloski are basically Avlisi too stupid and full of themselves to realize the only reason they didn't get conquered by the steppe empires was the brave sacrifice of the true Avlisi. Unsurprisingly, they are trying to rule themselves once more. Still, the reports of those red flags may be promising...send an emissary to them. DC 40/??. Benefit: Open contact with the Wloski faction(s).
[] A New Church: Some young men and women who heard the Patriarch's announcement have come to you with their own idea: a state-sponsored umbrella church focused around the many intersections of Kammanist principles and the principles described in various holy books. These new theologies (they have proposed them for several different religions, including two you never heard of) seem interesting, but it's an unorthodox approach. Give them official permission and assistance and see what comes of it anyway. 0/100. Benefit: A new religion to preach, ??. Cost: This will upset a lot of people in a lot of different ways.
Head Political Officer - 2 Politics Dice
[] Check the Mood: The Front's mood is likely to be jubilant, as is that of the workers. Have a few trustworthy individuals go and make sure this is true, and see if there are any potential concerns that need to be addressed. DC 0/?? Benefits: Better assessment of the Front's mood, access to local rumors. Cost: ??
[] Political Officers: The new army is apparently very moderate politically. You are confident they will understand more about why they need to fight for Kammanism if they are given better explanations. Find the most impressive members of the Red Guard and appoint them as political officers to provide support and education to the army. DC: 0/50/100. Benefits: Army grows politically radically, increases morale. Cost: Potential backlash.
[] Push the Hardliners: The hardliners are currently the dominant faction, which means many of the reforms they will demand could provoke a severe backlash, both among the Front and among the people under you. Push them to be a little more moderate, to tone in some of the more bloodthirsty rhetoric. They may acquiesce. They may not. But you are confident you can help de-escalate any problems. DC 0/60/120. Benefits: Softliners appeased, more moderate reform options introduced. Cost: Potential backlash.
[] Factional Investigations: The Front currently has three factions who have split over a variety of issues. Of course, there are also a large number of individuals who have no particular stance, or are only concerned about one or two specific points...the problem is getting an idea of who and what. Take advantage of your reputation to make some conversation and get a better understanding of what the different factions are. DC 0/40/80/120. Benefits: More information on factions. Cost: Potential backlash.
[] Speeches to Sell It: You can't make pamphlets or posters right now, and quite a few people aren't literate, something you know all too well. So to gather support, have people go and speak, it worked for you quite a few times, and a lack of Imperial Police trying to arrest the speakers can only make it work better. Send out fiery young men and women to the towns and the villages, have them tell the truth of Kammanism. 0/50. Benefit: Increased popular support and understanding of your principles. Cost: Potential backlash.
Head of the Reform Commission - 2 Reform Dice
[] Push for Greater Democratization: The councils exist. That is all well and good, but they have little formal power above the local level. Really, they are nothing more than discussion groups, ones which frequently turn raucous and enthusiastic. In some cases, too enthusiastic. Begin encouraging the formation of higher-level councils, begin giving these councils some powers like managing the policing of their sections of the city. DC 30, 0/100. Benefits: Councils gain power, more Council dice, increase in popular support, subvote. Costs: Potential factional problems, ??
[] Expand the Councils, Peasants: The peasants deserve representation of their own. They have contributed just as much to the success of the Revolution with their donations and sale of food, and they will need to be kept onside. While even less organized politically than the workers, and with additional logistical difficulties, they do have their own existing organizations which can be used as bases to build local councils. DC 40/80/120. Benefits: Expanded democracy, greater peasantry support. Costs: Potential factional problems, ??
[] Land Reform, Stage 1: The peasants need land to farm. The aristocrats own enormous tracts of it, inefficiently farmed or often used for all sorts of petty pleasures. Claim that vital land, give it to those who labor it in the form of collectives. It is too late in the year for them to plant or harvest, but for the future, it will be immensely productive. 55/100. Benefits: Increase to agricultural production, peasants (and others) happy. Cost: Will make some people very unhappy.
[] The Wealth Tax: Gold and silver that have been hoarded for the pleasure of the wealthy capitalists were purchased with the blood and sweat of the workers. You will not take all of it - they will be allowed to keep family heirlooms and a few other keepsakes - but the majority of it will be taken for the use of the Front and the benefit of the people. It is not currently industrial useful, but you may find some gains to be had, if only by trading it to other capitalists. 11/50. Benefits: Moderate gain to wealth, minor gains to wealth when new areas are conquered/integrated. Cost: Will make some people unhappy.
[] Break Open the Banks: The bankers are an instrument of capitalist oppression and control, and a potent source of wealth. While the rural debts owed to landholders have been declared invalid, many are still burdened by oppressive loans. Furthermore, the controllers of the banks have favored the wealthy with their financial policies. Taking over and destroying these banks will allow for greater control of wealth by the workers, and offer many new opportunities. DC 0/30/60/?? Benefits: Subvote, Front Support, potential to appease various factions.
[] Government Replacement: Many vestiges of the old capitalist and aristocratic government systems remain, in ways subtle and severe. Decorations, positions, procedures...these reforms will be concentrated in the towns, where the worker councils have not been able to remove the majority of the scraps. You will formally disarm and disband their police, remove the mayors and aldermen from their positions, and abolish their government structures to be replaced. DC 0/50/100. Benefits: Front Support, popular with the Hardliners. Costs: Will greatly upset the towns.
[] Full Council Reforms: It is clear that the current system of councils is not as effective in propagating Kammanism as we would like. Begin a massive electoral reform, starting by outright disenfranchising those who are not workers, then redoing the council elections with stricter standards for who is allowed to be a delegate. DC 0/60/120. Benefits: Popular with Hardliners, fully reforms councils, more ideological councils. Costs: Will probably upset people.
[] Concentrated Anti-Corruption Trials: Target the most guilty, the most egregious, those who have for far too long lorded their wealth and power over the workers. Punish them for their crimes, great and small. Those individuals who gave bribes, those who accepted them will do for a start, but they will have had allies and supporters of similar temperaments and attitudes. Through interrogation, find them. 0/60. Benefits: Publicly try and punish those responsible for corruption and their supporters and allies. Gain extensive support. Costs: ??
[] Worker's Policing: While the People's Police Force is effective at keeping order, they are not as ideologically sound in structure, being an instrument of the Committee instead of the Council. They shall remain, but their role shall shift into a combination of trainers, internal investigators, and elite teams. In their place, responsible for ordinary crime and lawkeeping will be the Council Police, made of part-time workers trained and educated for the task and given additional support in a variety of forms. 0/100. Benefits: Gain a more decentralized and community-based police force, one that will certainly be more popular. Costs: They may be less effective due to reduced professionalization. Will require weapons. 1 Resource per die.
[] Encourage Collectivization: With winter upon us, the peasantry will have relatively little that needs doing on their farms, which makes this the perfect time to begin preparing and encouraging collectivization. Through a variety of methods, from giving collectivized farms greater political power to offering agricultural autocasters to collectivized farms first, persuade them to begin establishing more efficient and ideologically correct farming systems. 0/50. Benefits: Gain greater support for collectivization/land reform. Front Support. Costs: Potential backlash, 1 Resource per die
[] Establish Farmers' Associations: The peasantry has typically had it's organization based around the local landholder and church, and only rarely had other movements like the Granges some other countries had. To help with their political radicalization and organization, send Front members out to establish Farmers' Associations and begin preparing the ground for further action. 0/50. Benefits: Gain better support, more organization, and more information about the farmers. Costs: Potential backlash.
[] Orphan Protection: You grew up in one of the best orphanages in Avlandia. All the same, you remember the harshness of the teachers, the rampant bullying and theft of the most helpless by those who should have loved them, the degrading has marked you. You will not allow it to mark one more. Enforce a suite of laws protecting children, improving the standards of their caretakers and living spaces. As a side benefit, you have to acknowledge that it will help gain future support for your policies. 0/30. Benefits: Popular support, make Zandi happy, and protect children. Costs: 1 Resource per die.
[] University Reform: The universities of Avlandia are...small. Relative to other lands at least. Both your magical and your non-magical studies have had their most advanced and innovative ideas come from other countries. But the universities still exist, and students are often a powerful body of support for your policies...or for other ones. They also teach subjects such as history, art, and politics. Being reforming the universities to lower or eliminate entrance fees, to make them more equitable, to have them teach the truth of Kammanism. 0/40. Benefits: ?? Costs: None
Chief Economic Commissar - 6 Industrial Dice
[] Institute Rationing: While it may be mildly unpopular, it is also likely to be a necessity, even the most stubborn can see that. Your stores are not enough to last the winter assuming anything goes even the least bit wrong, especially with how devastated Maltka is. You will need to set limits on how much people can eat and use personally. You will make sure the Front obeys these limits too. DC ??/60/?? Benefits: Decreased risk of starvation. Cost: Somewhat unpopular, risk of overshooting.
[] Restart the Printing Presses: Pamphlets and posters were very useful for recruiting people to the Front before the Uprising, they will be useful after as well. Get the printing presses going again. DC: 0. Benefit: Unlocks new Diplomacy, Reform, and Political Actions. Cost: 1 Resource per die.
[] Expand the Kitchens: The food kitchens have proven helpful, and the free clothing has kept many warm. Now is the time to capitalize on this, to spread out your reforms to show the benefits of Kammanism to the peasants as well. DC 50/80/110. Benefit: Boost to popular support, Front Support. Cost: 1 Resource per die.
[] Integrate Female Workers: Women can work just as well as men. Equality is a tenet of Kammanism. So, as unpopular as it may be, you will encourage the women of The City to join men in the factories for equal hours, equal pay, and equal work. DC 0/20/40/60/80. Benefit: Front Support, small bonus to industrial actions, potential popular support. Cost: Potential popular support.
[] Horses and Carts: If you want the army to be able to move efficiently, they will need horses and carts to carry their supplies if they are going anywhere away from the Aetherail. Begin collection and organization of both for when they will be needed. 0/30. Benefit: Military logistics improved. Cost: 1 Resource per die, peasant support.
[] Securing Fuel, Pt.2: There's enough wood and coal now that no one should freeze to death, assuming nothing goes wrong. But you could really do with more so that you have a surplus against things going wrong and spare coal to send to other places that will have less. The only thing keeping you from actually mining more coal right now is a lack of safety equipment. 46/50. Benefit: Fuel supply improved. Cost: 2 Resources per die, manpower.
[] Launch Airships: The army had a few airships stockpiled in their barracks, but the pilots had to be imprisoned and they have no fuel. Begin fixing both those problems so that you will gain a powerful asset - though they are light ships, only really suitable for scouting and a little bombardment, they are likely to be more than what anyone else has right now. 0/30. Benefit: Gain 5 light airships. Cost: 1 Aether per die
[] Identify Mages: While not as ideal as an autocaster (they can't go as long or cast as precisely), mages are extremely useful industrially. And you have a way to identify those with the potential to become them. Use the new dowsing tools to identify those among your populace with the necessary gifts. 0/?? Benefits: Will gain new mages at intervals, unlocks new industrial and military actions. Cost: 1 Aether per die.
[] Agricultural Autocaster Construction: Agricultural autocasters could be used for a variety of functions, depending on the design. They could pull a plow, harvest, thresh, propel pests...the possibilities are limitless. And you have designs for several different kinds. Begin the construction of a factory for these. 18/35. Benefits: Improved yields, popular support. Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.
[] Light Warcaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern personal warcasters, which will be essential for equipping the surely enormous armies you will be fielding. Though expensive, it will be vital. 0/40. Benefits: More weaponry (Rifle and pistol equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.
[] Heavy Warcaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern heavy warcasters, which will be essential for improving the firepower of your troops. Though expensive, it will be vital. 0/40. Benefits: More weaponry (Machine guns, rifle grenades, and sniper rifle equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.
[] Light Spellblaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern light spellblasters. Though expensive, and not as potent as the truly enormous spellblasters used during the Great War, they will be a significant improvement in the firepower of your troops. 0/60. Benefits: More weaponry. (Mortar and field artillery equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.
[] Wardstone Production: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern wardstones. These are unquestionably vital for making your forces capable of standing up to a modern army. 0/30. Benefits: More wardstones. Cost: 5 Aether and 5 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.
[] The Aetherail Facilities, Pt.1: The Aetherails provide you with a connection to your allied cities, and to several other important towns. The trains which ride it are absolutely essential to your success. Producing more will be vital, as will be repairing existing ones...especially since there are enough similarities in the production lines that they could be used to repair landships, if not make new ones. Begin restarting the facilities, starting by resuming interrupted supply chains and ensuring there are enough workers for full shifts. 0/60. Benefits: Trains produced, new Aetherail, and landship options. Cost: 5 Resources and 5 Aether per die, will cost Aether and Resources per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems
[] Individual Autocaster Workshops: The production of autocasters is probably the most indirectly important factor in your success: more autocasters means more that can be made. Unfortunately, the mage guilds disliked them enough to keep any major facilities for producing them outside The City, so you have nothing but scattered, small-scale workshops within the bounds of your territory. Get them producing, at any and all costs. You have the mages for this, although not much more. 0/80. Benefits: Increase to all industry, new actions. Cost: 8 Aether per die, will cost Aether per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems.
[] Handbomb Works: The handbombs were very useful in the trenches, providing a terrible shock to your opponents and being capable of going around corners or over fortifications. The combined magical and physical explosions were also devastating to wardstones. They are already produced on a small scale, but every soldier or Guardsman seems to want more. Establish more shops in The City that will produce these. 0/60. Benefits: More handbomb production. Cost: 3 Aether and 3 Resources per die, will cost Aether per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems.
[] Aether Mines, Pt.1: The Aether crystals are extremely vital for every conceivable task in modern society. The mines are all run by the towns, which likely means there are all sorts of problems, both in how the workers are treated and in how the mines are run. Send in workers and managers to reorganize and improve the operation of these mines to gather more crystals. 0/80. Benefits: Increased Aether income. Cost: 4 Resources per die.
[] Maltka Reconstruction, Pt. 1: Maltka was so badly damaged during the siege and fight that they effectively have no industry left, nor any substantial leadership beyond a few dozen surviving Front Members. As such they have completely subordinated themselves to you without even making a whisper of complaint. In turn, you will need to begin repairing and restoring the city, starting with clearing away the worst of the rubble and corpses. 0/60. Benefits: New actions. Cost: 1 Resource per die, manpower.
[] Of Iron and Steel, Pt. 1: Steel is unquestionably the most vital metal for any industrial society. From plows to swords to autocasters, large amounts of the metal are needed. You have functional blast furnaces and smelters located in a couple of complexes by some of the towns, and access to both iron and coal mines. Reorganize workers to begin production again. 0/50. Benefits: More steel. Cost: 2 Resources per die, manpower, coal.
[] Hunting In Mass: As a stopgap measure, you could order some of the workers and peasants who have experience in hunting to enter the remaining aristocratic forest and begin massive hunting operations to catch and kill the various beasts, rabbits and deer, and probably other animals...surely you will get at least something from it. 0/25. Benefits: More food. Cost: 1 Resource per die, manpower.
[] Alcohol Production: While some would think this would cut into your food supply, you happen to know a few methods of alcohol production which primarily use ingredients that aren't human edible. The results are not particularly excellent, but being able to add an alcohol ration to people's diet and making it universal will have a great impact upon morale. The hard part will be getting all the equipment set up and organizing the gathering of the hulls which are usually discarded... 0/45. Benefits: Small quantities of alcohol produced and distributed. Cost: 2 Resources per die.
[] Put Prisoners To Work: You have a relatively small number of prisoners-of-war, some petty criminals, and you will certainly soon have more serious ones as well. Honest labor, when treated with dignity, is supposed to be good for the soul. Put them to work, most likely in farming tasks or perhaps clearing rubble. Backbreaking, to be sure, but you will have to feed them either way. DC 0/25/?? Benefits: Manpower.
Chief Commander of the People's Military - 4 Military Dice
[] City Fighting: You have never fought in a city before. You will need to work out what sort of tactics will work best. Some possibilities come to mind, some more gruesome than others. DC: 0/50, partial progress provides partial benefits. Benefits: Develop doctrine and tactics for urban fighting, unlocks new military and industrial options. Cost: None
[] Political Officers, Bejen's Version: The new army is very moderate politically. They will understand more about why they need to fight for Kammanism if they are given explanations and examples. Find the most impressive members of the Red Guard and appoint them as political officers to provide support and education to the army. Now that they have fought beside the Guard, that will make it easier to identify suitable candidates. DC: 0/30/50. Benefits: Army grows politically radically, increases morale. Cost: Potential backlash.
[] Militia Drill: You don't have the spare weaponry to improve the equipment of the militia, or to train them in shooting, but you can teach them the most basic parts of being a soldier: how to work together, how to march, how to move. 0/80. Benefits: Militia training and morale improve. Cost: None
[] Red Guard Shooting: The Red Guard are skilled and experienced, by and large, but they cannot match the trained veterans of the Imperial Army who have joined you. Have them share some experience, have the Guard practice shooting, turn your most determined troops into your most effective ones. 0/80. Benefits: Red Guard training improves. Cost: None
[] The Protclow Protocol: Signed in the capital of the Doytch Empire nearly sixty years ago, the Protclow Protocol is an agreement between all civilized nations in how to conduct war, especially in regards to noncombatants and prisoners. Agreeing to follow it will win you some approval with the former Imperial Army, plus it's the right thing to do. The hard part will be drilling it into your soldiers, especially the militia. 0/80. Benefits: The moral high ground, the approval of the army, ?? Cost: Breaking your word has consequences.
[] Expand the Militia: You need more manpower. That is undeniable. Through speech and encouragement and example, recruit as many as possible to join the militia and join the fight. The mood in the city suggests that this shouldn't be too troublesome. DC 0/20/40/60/80/100. Benefits: More militia. Cost: Manpower.
[] Expand the Red Guard: You need more manpower. That is undeniable. Through speech and encouragement and example, recruit the most enthusiastic and determined to join the Red Guards and join the fight. The mood in the city suggests that this shouldn't be too troublesome. DC 0/20/40/60/80/100. Benefits: More Red Guard. Cost: Manpower.
[] Integrate the Militia: Rather than recruit directly, General Alexei wants to integrate the militia into the army, using them to fill holes first then creating new units of mixed militia and veterans. This process will be followed for all militias in the future, bringing them directly into the army as its numbers expand. 0/60. Benefits: Army size increases. Cost: No more militia.
[] Coordination With the Revolution: The armies of the Revolution must come together. Unity is strength. Not only do you have the largest forces, but yours are the best trained and equipped and you have the political authority as well. It will be a simple matter to reorganized the disparate commands of the Kammanist cities into a more cohesive force, although you will need a staff to manage it. 0/40. Benefits: Control of all Revolutionary armies, more Military and Operations dice. Cost: Front support.
[] More Uniform Uniforms: You have some breathing space now, enough that you can begin thinking about making your forces more like a proper army. You have enough cloth as well that the first step is obvious: uniforms. What exactly it will look like is a matter of some debate, although it will probably include a lot of red. But having one, especially if you make sure to include good shoes and a warm coat, will do wonders for the morale of your men, no matter what it looks like. And should foreigners visit, having uniformed troops will make an impression. 0/40. Benefits: Troops gain uniform with rank insignia, increase to morale. Costs: Cloth and manpower.
[] Establish a Training Cadre: You have some professional, experienced troops. You have a ragtag band of militia, hardened by their experiences but still overall untrained and undisciplined. You have the Red Guards, fierce and nigh unbreakable but also of...arguable competence when it comes to the finer parts of fighting. And you will need to recruit many more. Have a few hundred of your troops remove themselves from fighting to take on the permanent task of training and drilling new units. 0/50. Benefits: New troops will come in with better training. Costs: Recruitment will be slower, 1 Resource per die, 500 soldiers removed.
[] More Regular Recruiting: You have an actual staff now, which means you can put someone in charge of handling recruitment. Tell them to put people on street corners to persuade young men (and women you suppose) to sign up and join your ranks. You will gain a constant trickle of new recruits for the militia and Red Guards, although they will need training and equipment before they can be really called soldiers. 0/20. Benefits: Gain steady trickle of recruits, recruitment actions improved. Cost: None
Office of Operations - 2 Operations Dice
[] Expand Devrograd Fortifications: Devrograd has been fortified. The troops there have not been idle. But it is your northern border, arguably your most exposed given how little you know of who controls the central plains, and the sight of your first great victory. Losing it would be a blow. The current fortification efforts have focused on effectively reversing the directions of the High Duke's, but now you will begin expanding them, digging firing pits for spellblasters, communication trenches, establishing wardstone strongpoints, and taking other measures to make yourselves impossible to dig out. 0/?? Benefits: Increase in fortification, will have diminishing returns. Cost: None
[] Anti-Bandit Operations: The greatest priority now is to secure what you have. To those ends, you must stop these bandits. They are clearly operating with support from somewhere, but the main advantage is that you have not yet been able to commit to hunting them down. It will be a long and frustrating effort, but as long as you have the support of the peasantry, you will be able to find where they are hiding and destroy them, especially since they seem to have relied upon the stolen gunpowder for their best weaponry. DC 0/?? Benefits: Begin hunting down the bandits. Cost: 500-1000 Red Guard, 1000-200 militia, 0-1000 soldiers.
[] Town Garrisons: The towns have been centers of low-level resistance, they clearly do not like you, and you have lacked the ability to cow them. Some suspect them of giving support to the bandits...if that's true, they will be punished. But for now, you will simply station soldiers to keep order and protect your supporters...and make sure nothing suspect is happening. DC 0/?? Benefits: Order kept in towns, potentially weaken the bandits? Cost: 1000-2000 militia, 0-1000 soldiers
[] Food Raids: There isn't enough food in the areas you control. But there are certain to be stockpiled in the land outside it, especially around Maltka. Send men out to buy food, and if need be, to take it by force. Given some of the descriptions of battles in Maltka and the fact that the peasantry clearly supported the soldiers responsible, this will not be too controversial...DC 40/60/100/120. Benefits: More food. Costs: 500-1000 Red Guard, 500-1000 Militia. May upset the army and possibly others.
Assistant Secretary - 3 Intrigue Dice
[] Criminal Contacts: Your "friends" will likely have gone to ground, but you might be able to seek them out. They could be a source of information, equipment, or magic...although none of it will be fully trustworthy. DC 75. Benefit: Contact with criminals, new options. Cost: potential popular support.
[] Balink Support: Revolutionary sentiment still stirs in Balink. If you can fan those flames, you will gain another potent ally. Even if your efforts fail, you will still have distracted counterrevolutionary forces and delayed any efforts at suppressing you. DC 80/160. Benefit: Support for allies in Balink. Cost: ??
[] Into Imprado: Imprado was the other place where the Uprising failed...that you know of, anyway. It seems to be in control of a liberal democracy, or perhaps the military, but in either case it is not in the hands of the workers. Refugees fleeing from Kammanists is a reliable trick, one that you will use again to find out what's really going on and who will support you. DC 60/120. Benefit: Spies in Imprado.
[] Where the Armies Are: The Imperial Army numbered over three hundred thousand at the beginning of the war, and more were recruited near constantly. Sure, lots of them died or deserted, but the High Duke really should have more troops, and there weren't that many in the capital have heard rumors of existing troop concentrations, but that's not enough. Send out spies to visit other cities and try and find where the armies are. DC 90/180. Benefit: Find better information on potentially hostile armies. Cost: ??
[] Into Trokograd: Trokograd and Dedregrad have united into a strange sort of state, but one that seems dedicated to bettering the lot of its people, even if some of their decisions seem questionable. A few well-placed ears could find out a lot more that might explain it, as well as proving useful should you need to go to war against them. DC 50/100. Benefit: Spies in Trokograd-Dedregrad. Cost: ??
[] Into the Sejm: The Wloski (who are apparently different from Avlisi) have declared their independence, which is all well and good, but they seem...sort of Kammanist, you really don't understand what's going on in those cities. Send a few agents into their cities and find out. DC 50/100. Benefits: Spies in the Wloski state. Cost: ??
[] Into the Cities: The Revolutionary cities are probably on your side, but you want to know for sure. What are their workers saying? What changes have they made? What's going on? You want to know. You need to know, can your allies be trusted? DC 40/80. Benefits: Spies in allied cities. Cost: ??
[] Punish Your "Friends": The crime families have made a serious mistake by trying to set up some of their more unsavory operations in your Revolution. Make it clear that this will not be allowed. You have your contacts, and you know rather more about them than they think. A few horseheads, a few knives...they will get the message. DC 30/60/90. Benefits: Curtail the influence of crime families. Cost: Pissing off the crime families.
[] Deal With Them Quietly: The corrupt individuals must be dealt with, they must not be allowed to escape. Depending on the specifics, they will either be taken for interrogation, executed in their own homes, or simply vanish. And the capitalists who remain will learn to watch themselves. DC 0/50/100. Benefits: Quietly punish those who corrupted the Revolution. Costs: ??
[] Anti-Corruption Operations: You have twice found corruption within the Revolution, and not even the Front is safe. Arrange to create a division of the police responsible entirely for finding corruption and reactionaries. They will use a variety of methods, and neither rain nor snow nor the dark of night shall keep them from their duties. DC 0/??. Benefits: Found a division of the police responsible for finding corruption and counterrevolutionary activity. Costs: ??