[X] Step forward yourself. (Literally nothing good can come of this.)

Dew It
[x] Suggest Shinjiro-san represent the group. (Pros: No risk to Ken's personal safety. Might actually be helpful. Cons: Any relationship development will probably not stick.)
[x] Suggest Shinjiro-san represent the group. (Pros: No risk to Ken's personal safety. Might actually be helpful. Cons: Any relationship development will probably not stick.)
[x] Suggest Shinjiro-san represent the group. (Pros: No risk to Ken's personal safety. Might actually be helpful. Cons: Any relationship development will probably not stick.)
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Jan 10, 2021 at 2:01 PM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.
[x] Suggest Shinjiro-san represent the group. (Pros: No risk to Ken's personal safety. Might actually be helpful. Cons: Any relationship development will probably not stick.)

Honestly I wouldn't mind the other option winning. I just want to maintain my claim of not going after shiny votes
Well. I guess that answers that question. People are still more than willing to press the shiny red button.

-Vote Closed!-

Ken doesn't entirely realize what he's signing up for yet. Nemi does, and is probably going to die of embarrassment.
Group Date Cafe- Part 5 (Question 1)
...Thinking about it, you aren't sure how long it'll take the others to come to an agreement. No one can see what they'll be stepping into, after all, with even the Navigators not being able to offer any help about this.
...Wait, what are you doing?
You take one more look at everyone- specifically, how Narukami-san, Mitsuru-san, and Yukari-san are all trying to convince each other to step up first. None of them are making any headway.

You'll be here forever if this keeps up.

Of course, no one ever ordered you not to step forward.
That's because they thought you wouldn't need to be told about it! There's absolutely no way this can end well, please don't do this to us!
You step forward.
Well. Goodbye, dignity, it was nice knowing you.
Immediately, a panel of light appears in front of you, with a question written on it. Or... maybe it could be described as letters writing themselves into the air in front of you.

Whatever the description, there is a question there, and you can tell without looking back that there's some force holding your friends in place, meaning that they can't answer it for you. You feel a lot of regret right now, most of it coming from Nemi.
I could have stopped this. Literally all I had to do was take control and stop us from moving forward. Why didn't I stop this?
...You have no idea what he's talking about, but you admit that maybe going forward right away wasn't the best idea.

As it is, you now have to answer this question.

Does the length of time that you have known someone matter when it comes to love?

[ ] "Of course it matters!"

[ ] "It doesn't matter at all!"
[x] "It doesn't matter at all!"

Well, while i voted for a different option, at least we will forget about this later. As for the question, i'm in the camp that's more about the quality of time spent together than not.
[X] "Of course it matters!"

Personally, I would say that it varies from relationship to relationship, the events that the pair had to gone through and personalities of the people involved, but I do believe that time is an important factor.

Besides, i think this is more in-character for Ken, I believe.
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[X] "Of course it matters!"

Hey, I like slow burns romances. And while some relationships start immediately with a spark, time does tend to help a person figure out and weed out love versus infatuation.
[X] "Of course it matters!"

It can matter for the positive, it can matter for the negative, but it always matters.
For those of you who haven't played the game, this question determines whether the person you're partnered up with is from your group( The people you've know for a long time) or the other group.( the people you just met.)

[x] "Of course it matters!"
For those of you who haven't played the game, this question determines whether the person you're partnered up with is from your group( The people you've know for a long time) or the other group.( the people you just met.)

[x] "Of course it matters!"
Actually, it's less about that, and more about 'Are you okay with randomly grabbing a kid out of their nice, comfy bed in Tokyo?' But, you know, adjusted into a proper question. Basically, how big of a pool do you want me to draw from for your fellow victim?
Well, if we're doing this then...

[x] "It doesn't matter at all!"

Let's spread the embarrassment around!
Watch as it summons Lavenza

Okay that would be hilarious.

Partially for everyone realizing that yeah, Ken very much is good friends with a Velvet Attendant and can understand them somewhat. (There's a reason translation duty was ours with the Wild Card thing)

Partially due to the Velvet Attendants remembering everything.

Mostly because I can definitely see Ken and Lavenza not getting what happened given how Obtuse Ken is currently.