[x] So, how does he get around without drawing attention?

Admittedly, my social skills are rather poor, but asking Aigis if something is wrong seems like the bad option.

Mainly because there's a good chance of her answering that he 'scans as/like a shadow', which might make things tense.
[x] So, how does he get around without drawing attention?

Admittedly, my social skills are rather poor, but asking Aigis if something is wrong seems like the bad option.

Mainly because there's a good chance of her answering that he 'scans as/like a shadow', which might make things tense.
The issue being that without other input, Aigis reverts to basic programming and probably attacks him outright.

Which is a fair chunk worse than tense
[X] So, how does he get around without drawing attention?

That would (partially) answer a question of what he is - a bishounen! Let's give Aigis some conflicting pretty-boy input.
Now, let's continue...

-Vote Closed!-

At this point, the Investigation Team is inwardly panicking, because the question of Teddie's origins was a thing that they'd never expected to actually have to answer. To say nothing of the answer itself.
"...Aigis-san? Is something wrong?" There's not much that can get her attention, but somehow this adorable little creature belonging to the group from the future has managed it.

"This... Teddie-san. He feels... dangerous." If her normal voice is a monotone, now she just sounds cold.

You aren't sure why. What has Teddie-san ever done to her?
Exist, more or less.
"What are you talking about?" Hanamura-san crosses his arms. "Ted wouldn't hurt a fly!'

Rise-san nods. "Yeah, the worst that happens is he tries flirting with someone he shouldn't, and that's only if we haven't been paying enough attention to him recently. Trust me, he's harmless."

"I would not be so sure," Aigis-san states, as dread begins to pool in your gut. "If he were not dangerous, then why would he feel similar to a Shadow?"

Teddie-san takes a step back, his feet squeaking, and his eyes as wide as dinnerplates. "That- I don't know what you mean! I'm just- I'm just a little bear!"
Oh, Teddie-san...
"It doesn't matter what Teddie is," Narukami-san states, standing up with a purpose. "He's our friend, and if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with all of us."

"S-sensei..." The little bear sounds on the verge of tears.

"So don't pick on him!" Rise-san adds. "Himiko might not be able to fight, but I don't need her to punch your lights out!"

Given how Aigis-san is a robot, you imagine that Rise-san might have her work cut out for her. But you're sure that, with how determined she sounds, there's nothing that can actually stop her from doing so, even if she has to first ask Akihiko-san to teach her how to punch things.

Yukari-san blinks, and sounding desperate to put the conversation back on track, speaks up. "So... your Persona's called Himiko, then?"

"That's right. Lovers Arcana, just like you! I'm the Navigator here."

With this, the others seem to agree on getting the introductions over with as fast as possible. "Naoto Shirogane. My Persona is Sukuna Hikona, and my Arcana is Fortune. I can use... a wide variety of elemental spells." There is no detail provided, and you honestly didn't expect it. The list of what you've seen is too long to feel entirely natural from someone who's not a Wild Card.

"I'm Yukiko Amagi, Priestess Arcana. And my Persona is Amaterasu. We use fire."

"Um... Kanji Tatsumi. Emperor. I've got Take-Mikazuchi... and I use lightning. That's... about it for us, really."

Everything's turned awkward, and Aigis-san has not stopped looking at Teddie-san with suspicion. At this point, you think all you can really do is hope that she realizes it would be a bad idea to make enemies out of an entire team of Persona Users. Even if yours is the larger group, you can't imagine it would be an easy fight to win.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure that we wouldn't just lose. Naoto-san is... not an enemy you'd like to have. It's like she's been taking notes from Margaret-san or Marie.
"So, you said one of the locks was about to fall off?" Yukari-san asks Fuuka-san, clearly desperate for a change of subject.

"Right. Right this way."

There is a lock gone from the doors in the Velvet Room. A lock. There's three more left.

After watching the chains explode- which was actually sort of fun- you all split up to enjoy the festival.

There's a lot that's happening right now, and one thing that you're definitely getting involved in...

[ ] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...

[ ] Despite the immediate rifts between the two teams, Makoto-san and Narukami-san are actually getting along pretty well. It's nice to see.

[ ] Kanji-san is fascinated by the animals on your team. Given as you remember Nemi speaking highly of him in the past, this could be a good chance to get to know each other.

[ ] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.

[ ] Rei has picked up an interest in Chidori-san's art. Their conversation has picked up extremely quickly...

[ ] You have no idea why the prospect of Akihiko-san talking to Satonaka-san scares you so much, but Akihiko-san and Satonaka-san are talking to each other, and it scares you.

[ ] Naoto-san, Morgana, and Mitsuru-san are talking to each other about time travel. You assume it involves the current time travel situation, and not the one that's become basically your entire life, but it's hard to tell sometimes.
[X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...

Let's make sure that the situation doesn't explode from here.
[X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...
[x] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...
[X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...

There are other interesting options, but I feel like Ken is needed here
[X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.
I sorta want to see Ken be a psuedo velvet room attendant through his interactions, plus up that Elizabeth SL
[X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...
[X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other
So, the Investigation Team's Arcana affinities have been noted down in the same place as everyone else's. Feel free to take a look and maybe talk about what they might mean.
[X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.
[X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.
[X] Kanji-san is fascinated by the animals on your team. Given as you remember Nemi speaking highly of him in the past, this could be a good chance to get to know each other.
Wait, Moon? Who was the Moon in P4 again...


Ai? That... doesn't seem right. Is their anyone else in Inaba who could be Moon?
Everything seems correct to me. After all, Teddie is extremely dangerous. Dangerous to the 💕 hearts ❤ of maidens 💘 everywhere.

[X] Naoto-san, Morgana, and Mitsuru-san are talking to each other about time travel. You assume it involves the current time travel situation, and not the one that's become basically your entire life, but it's hard to tell sometimes.
[X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...
The Investigation Team​

Yu Narukami- Wild Card, can use everything.

Yosuke Hanamura- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Chariot, Star

Yukiko Amagi- Fool, Magician, Emperor, Lovers, Chariot, Star

Kanji Tatsumi- Fool, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Star

Rise Kujikawa- Fool, Priestess, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Hermit, Star, Aeon

Chie Satonaka- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Hermit, Star

Naoto Shirogane- Fool, Jester, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Star

Teddie- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Emperor, Lovers, Chariot, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Star, Moon
Hoh! Some interesting things to see here.
1. Everybody likes Yukiko... Except herself. And somehow Naoto, who also doesn't like herself.
2. Double date with Rise and Marie? Yu Playa!
3. Naoto doesn't have many friends.
4. Kanji got very impressed by Margaret.
5. Somehow, Yu seems weirdly protective of Nanako (VIII). Could it be because she's only VI?
[X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.

Someone else can keep Aigis from starting trouble this time.
[x] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...

I'm probably a bit late with this but *shrug*.
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 22, 2020 at 6:42 PM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Aigis-san still doesn't trust Teddie-san. Rise-san and Hanamura-san take offense to this. You should probably make sure this doesn't end too badly...
    [X] This is the first time in a long time that you've seen all of the Velvet Siblings in the same room. It's... sort of concerning, but you'd like to see how they get along with each other.
    [X] Kanji-san is fascinated by the animals on your team. Given as you remember Nemi speaking highly of him in the past, this could be a good chance to get to know each other.
    [X] Naoto-san, Morgana, and Mitsuru-san are talking to each other about time travel. You assume it involves the current time travel situation, and not the one that's become basically your entire life, but it's hard to tell sometimes.