The package of options are as follows:
[ ] Evening Sky - Opalescence -
The soft light of evening before which all attacks falter.
+Protection, improving defensive parameters.
[ ] Evening Sky - Iridescence - 2 Arete -
The sharp light of the stars before which all malice is lessened.
+Protection, +Charisma. Expands the range of effects subject to the Evening Sky, allowing it to passively weaken almost all forms of magic. Even Nullity itself can be once withstood before the Sky recedes. Requires Opalescence.
[ ] Honing -
2 Arete - The swift sharp blade that frees blood from body. Requires 3x Fierce Quickening (presently have 2x).
+++Agility, ++Wits. Add half your Wits to your Intelligence for purposes of combat.
Opalescence is... okay let's be real. It's the smallest and weakest part of the option yes. Of course it was going to be, it's a 1 pick 0 Arete option that continuously lost out for near the entire quest so far. Almost a meme at this point. But it does the heavy lifting as a gate keeper to the rest of the Evening Sky advancement tree, much like how Echo needed to be picked up to unlock Undying and such. There's not much to say here aside from the press that what Opalescence unlocks honestly is worth it, and that is was better that it was split off from Iridescence if that was supposed to take two picks. We honestly should have bought this whole package piecemeal a long time ago, but here we are.
Iridescence is where the ball
really gets rolling though! Protection is our biggest number stat base at the moment thanks to picking up Tower. At a base of 60 it's not only larger than our Agility, Strength, and Con +s, but it's outright more than our WIS, INT, LUCK, MANIP, and WITS
combined . Expanding the number effects that our big 60+ Evening Sky can defend us and those around us from is a no brainer when we're faced with a Lord Protector of unknown but significant magical capabilities who we were warned about being able to tailor summon someone we'd have even more trouble against than the Astral Cat who could maul us so bad the Accursed would have to actually try to heal us.
Not only that, it's explicitly
anti-magic once we pick this up. We're in the Realm of Myth! The common foot soldiers have swords that literally hum magics that would be befitting on a nobleman or king outside of the realm. The fried food stand was magical in some way. When we turned on the blue cutting power of Cut Through in the Tower, simply holding the blade still was nonetheless snapping wards and magics in twine because the air was so saturated with them and we didn't really notice. No matter what force of arms the Lord Protector levies against us or our buddies, we can count on the fact that it will be magical in some way and we can also count on the fact that Iridescence will have helped against them thanks to it's passive anti-magic buffs.
Now, Nullity. Rather, the Tide of Nullity. What saved our bacon in the Temple of the False Moon and we only didn't use against the Rotbeast because we wanted more safety against Ber's upcoming fight and the knowledge that using it too quickly in succession would burn out Gisena's capabilities to use it for said fight.
Now though the safety margin has been passed by through travel and investigation, and Ber was slain without too much trouble. And we are in a realm that's literally bursting to the gills with magic, no better time to take them away all at once and watch them flounder. That's the trouble with equipping even your foot soldiers with magical swords. Once they have to suddenly use just mundane ones their effectiveness tanks. This pattern should repeat because even taking into account everyone's inherent lethality and rank, it's built on a
foundation of magical buff assumptions. The one man army might still be formidable, but take away his equipment and he'll lose against what was supposed to be a peer opponent while he had all of his stuff on.
We're hardier now, but even then I'd very much like to go into a Tide of Nulity'd battlefield with Evening Sky running at full capacity. With Sten we were playing Rocket Tag, a single hit of his was enough to tear off our limbs or put a hole through Hunger's heart despite the Nullification simply because Hunger's defenses were also shut down. This is similar to what happened to the Armament Fish, though it's not readily apparent because we happened to roll high. We could kill it in five Artful Thorns, but it could kill us in two hits because our defenses weren't enough even with all of the multipliers we had. In fact it should have been able to kill us in a single hit, we just have the vestigial Second Form hanging around in our build.
Unlike Sten and the Fish though the Lord Protector is described as very intelligent. I don't want to play Rocket Tag with someone intelligent. I want to play 'hit me the normal amount of times, but I will hit you with rockets' which is a more unfair in our favor game. And the first step to that is getting our 95% damage reduction cloak with us past a Tide of Nulity, so that when they hit us with a blow that's supposed to slay us it just doesn't.
Evening Sky, or rather the entire Empyrean Mantle, defending it's home against the usurper instead of being sidelined in the final fight despite it's use because it was simply the more tactically sound decision to do so.
Finally, Honing. Our final +progression blood advancement on the tree. We've put this off for so long (though not as long as the two other options in the package!) and it's finally up for grabs again.
Let's start with the unlocking tree. We got 3 Vigors, and that unlocked Vigor Itself. We got 3 Quickenings, and that unlocked this Honing. We know that to get the next level of blood options we have to clear out requirements. We also know that the options unlocked by picking up smaller options are more powerful than equivalent options for often a cheaper amount of Arete despite their utility or power. The cost in picks or Arete is 'defrayed' through the effort we had to do to even get the option in the first place. Taking into account how useful and cheap Vigor Itself was with 3 prereq picks, there's some favorable assumptions to be made about what the next tier with
eight prereqs is going to be as the ninth option in the pick tree. Especially since we have + Progression boosting the value of all of these picks as well.
But now let's talk about the option itself, because we shouldn't say that the real prize is in what comes next. I've avoided talking about the +stat options in all of the things so far because with our numbers and our recent acquisition of +++++All Stats, they're not as impressive as they might have been a while ago.
However the
real value lies in the final sentence of Honing.
"Add half your Wits to your Intelligence for purposes of combat."
I can not stress this enough, effects that 'feed' our stats into each other like this, even partially, are absolutely fantastic. We saw this with Cut Through. For the longest time the biggest argument against Stranglethorn was that despite doubling our strength and willpower, the 20% malus to Agility would really harm our combat style which relied on being light on our feet. With Cut Through feeding an Willpower +s back into Agility, Stranglethorn's only negative (-20% Agility) was morphed into a positive (+80% Agility) through the power of stat feeding.
Honing is not as big as Cut Through's feeding. Which, duh, it's a 1 pick 2 arete option and Cut Through was an EFB and a lifestyle choice. But it does feed! And this works great with two multipliers we have.
One, Edeldross boosting. We currently have a 60% constant all stats boost and a 90% time limited all stats boost. Honing's ability to feed half of our Wits increases into Intelligence in combat means that in combat we'd have an additional +30% INT and when pressed an additional +45% INT. Picture being smarter in fights so we take less damage or finish things cleaner without conditions. Could you even imagine?
Two, +++++All Stats. We just got this, so it's relevant to talk about. Whenever we get 2+s of All Stats, we get an additional +INT. That's a great value honestly, especially when we're so focused on martial might. Frankly put we want to take as many +All Stats as possible, and making the thing we want to take as much as possible even more useful and valuable is a
great bargain for 2 Arete.
Fisher King's pretty good, but it puts us 8 Arete in the hole for no immediate benefit since none of the actual benefits of it (rank gain bonus, stats, Grail decimation mitigation, even Accursed Favor) will be unlocked until we're 12 more Arete and 2 more picks in. And considering the fact that when we smash into the Lord Protector's defenses we are probably going to want to spend on relevant boosts/rare unlocks that come from slaying something so mystical, that's a long way off if not something that's going to take us until after this whole business is squared away. The Lord Protector knows we're coming and is tailor making an enemy encounter more dangerous than Astral Cat the maiming genius. I'd like to come back to the fight with Arete under our belt but also more resilience for the Evening Sky, and I believe that the Sharpening the Blade package is a holistic bundle of picks that allows us to achieve that.