Sealing protocol level 1? Has anyone thought about the Hellsing/Cromwell Invocation jokes we could make about Gisena's powers having sealing levels she needs to figure out how to break?
[X] Always Forward
[X] Sate the Hunger
[X] Aeira
[X] Nightmare Flight

Yeah, I'm concerned about deleterious effects on the Realm. We don't actually know what 'infertile' means for a place like the Evening Realm. Still totally voting for Fisher King though. I'm 23.5K words to my goal!
Sealing protocol level 1? Has anyone thought about the Hellsing/Cromwell Invocation jokes we could make about Gisena's powers having sealing levels she needs to figure out how to break?
Releasing Mary Sue Restriction Systems 3...2...1. Approval of situation S recognized; commencing the Strong Independent Woman Invocation. Suspension of disbelief restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent
@Rihaku if we had Fisher King, would the whole of the Realm of Evening be protected by it, or just the areas and parts of it that Hunger has personally been to and claimed?

... Also, I wonder...

What is forming a Shroud like? Adorie can do it, being Rank 10. Hunger can do it if/when he gets Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera. And Versch can do it if/when healed.

What does being able to form a Shroud -- to sing a World-Refusal, and be orbited by Plane(t)s entire! -- do when it comes to the Realm of Evening, that is? I ask because Armaments were said to be of great utility and logistics and construction use.

Which sounds to me like a Shroud could come in extremely useful and relevant for the Realm of Evening stuff, no?

Dammit. Adorie is the only one of us who can form a Shroud right now. She's the only one we can test this with!

Rihaku, if Plowshares to Swords wins, does that mean Hunger is going to get Adorie to try forming a Shroud and seeing if that helps him with being able to manipulate and craft and work the fundamental essence, of the Realm of Evening? (Or at least, like, be able to travel to anywhere and everywhere within it. Heck, that could be really useful for exploration -- which Aeira ran off to do.)
True Nullification, which we can upgrade if we pick Graces (and that upgrade is the same option that partially fixes the Sword!), is Curse Mitigation. So it would mitigate Decimation. Of course, for some in this thread even mitigated Decimation is unacceptable, so that doesn't matter. But I feel the need to point out that the statement that 'it can't do anything for Decimation' is not strictly accurate.
"What does it do for us while in the Realm of Evening?" -- is basically what I intended with it.

So it's still accurate in the context of what I was intending -- that is, it does not do anything for the Decimator's Affliction while in the Realm of Evening... because, the Realm of Evening reduces all Curses to 1/3rd severity, and no mitigation stacks with that. (But does apply a stage or half stage of mitigation when outside of it.)

A Hunger Sated does something to deal with it in the context of which I meant; it provides us with scores and scores of days of Satiation.

Fisher King does something to deal with it; it lets us turn the Curse inward, and only inflict the Curse on areas outside our territory. (Which... should mean that the whole of the Realm of Evening counts, right? Which effectively means no Decimator's upon the Realm of Evening at all.)

True Nullity doesn't do anything inside the Realm of Evening; because the Curses are mitigated by 66% and can't go any lower.

True Nullity does do something when we exit the Realm of Evening, of course. Which is... erm, whatever that stage or half-stage of mitigation does. Which might be just like 1% less Decimation (counting down from 9.whatever percent remember; hence why it's such a small number), or even longer Curse-free days, or even easier to find targets, or something. (True Nullity also provides mitigation for all the other Curses too of course. But in the context of the topic, we were only talking about Decimator's.) (Or maybe we could take Foremost Blade again for Mitigation, which would be quite worthwhile. Well, we'll find out, if/when we get Stage 3 Mitigation of Curses.)
[X] Aeira
[X] Armor of Midnight

It only took a mystery box with a promise of lore, but it looks like Aeira's day has come. Not sure about people leaving Decimation, even if we use Grail King. Well, I guess one last adventure in the Voyaging Realm can be interesting in itself.
Hunger has an advancement locking him out of Shroud, I think it was OaF? It supersedes Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera.

It's more for the potential 19.375% Rank boost, as well as the resistance to stamina loss and exhaustion penalties, I believe. Not needing to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, immunity to most poisons and diseases all add a lot of benefit. Imagine all the training we could do if we didn't need to sleep.
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Hunger has an advancement locking him out of Shroud, I think it was OaF? It supersedes Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera.
I was assuming Super Juggernaut supersedes OaF 2. Otherwise, literally half of that Defining Advancement is defunct. Well, other than "halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him" but that seemed to be there mostly for the purpose of making it easier to keep a Shroud up, because manifesting a Shroud is straining...

[ ] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera - 25 Arete

Defining Advancement. If chosen, you may have no more than five Defining Advancements.

Super Juggernaut - The character may manifest an Armament Shroud even if they are not Rank 9+. His Pressure has no influence outside the Shroud. Within the radius of the Shroud, the character's effective Pressure is massively intensified, massively increasing the difficulty of opposition to him and allowing for the manifestation of character-unique effects.

If the character is already Rank 9+, halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him and double his Shroud's effective radius and any numerical values in his Shroud effects. Manifesting a Shroud is taxing to the will.

Undead Chimera - Gain the memetic benefits of undeath without the penalties. Immune to most poisons and diseases, not hampered by the loss of most internal organs, no need to eat, breathe, drink or sleep. For each type of undead the character can be said to represent (no more than five), choose one Attribute to apply a +100% bonus to, or increase his current Rank by 10%. Attribute bonuses affect present and future levels. You may stack choices, but each consecutive stack reduces the value by half. Thus, choosing AGI twice yields +150% AGI, and choosing Rank twice yields +15% Rank.

... I guess SJUC could instead do something other than grant a Shroud? That is; maybe the first half of it, instead does something entirely differently. Due to interfacing with OaF 2 in some way. So that, instead of manifesting a Shroud, the character instead... ... does more of whatever OaF meant by "Separate the human from the role ... and allow both to unfurl like a standard in the wind, unbound by limitation or custom."

... Maybe it doubles the effect of "The character becomes unable to manifest a Shroud. In exchange, elevate all the character's Attributes and abilities by +0.1 tier along the Infinite Singularity Husk, +0.2 tiers in matters military." ? Since that's what OaF 2 says it does in exchange for being unable to manifest a Shroud. In which case, it's... +.2 ISH Attributes and abilities, and +.4 in matters military. So we get another +.1 ISH, and +.2 in a fight.

That would be kind of weird, to have an Advancement and a Defining Advancement interact like that, but okay.
It's more for the potential 19.375% Rank boost, as well as the resistance to stamina loss and exhaustion penalties, I believe. Not needing to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, immunity to most poisons and diseases all add a lot of benefit. Imagine all the training we could do if we didn't need to sleep.
That doesn't seem worth it anymore though; literally half of the Advancement is "you can manifest a Shroud! Even before Rank 9!" (Yes, there's stuff if you reach Rank 9. I know. I mean that that half of the Advancement is about a Shroud. "You don't get tired/exhausted as easily" boost at rank 9, seems to be for the purpose of making it easier to maintain said Shroud. As it also talks about doubling the Shroud's range and any numerical values. Nobody's looking at the "Super Juggernaut" part of SJUC and going "Wow, half off on Tiredness and Exhaustion! How awesome!" :V Unless they're doing it ironically.)

If only half of the Advancement works -- and Hunger hardly needs the huge Rank boost, when he is instead comparatively lagging behind in Stats and Utility severely, though applying it to his stats instead would be nice -- why would it still cost the full 25 Arete and a Defining Advancement slot to get?

How many Undead stereotypes can he be said to represent anyway? Ghoul, Vampire, Ghost (sometimes) or maybe Revenant instead... mmmaybe Lich if you consider the Ring his phylactery, but. Maybe Zombie if he started wearing all wraps around him. I'm not sure how many he can be said to represent. Probably... maybe no more than 3 at most, I think.
If only half of the Advancement works -- and Hunger hardly needs the huge Rank boost, when he is instead comparatively lagging behind in Stats and Utility severely, though applying it to his stats instead would be nice -- why would it still cost the full 25 Arete and a Defining Advancement slot to get?
But Rank is literally more value the more you already have. The value of + 10% our current rank is way more value than +10% of rank 5 or whatever. That alone makes it top tier among all the EFBs we've seen so far.

The undead restriction may require some roleplay, but that's all good fun.
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I was assuming Super Juggernaut supersedes OaF 2. Otherwise, literally half of that Defining Advancement is defunct. Well, other than "halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him" but that seemed to be there mostly for the purpose of making it easier to keep a Shroud up, because manifesting a Shroud is straining...
The power of SJUC is the +1.43 Rank (with 3 points) and also have 2 selections to apply +100% modifier to stat. More than 3 points in rank hits the hard diminishing returns. Remember that Rank system is hyperexponential - with SJUC we would be at 11.5 Combat and 12.5 Blood. Also we get one more slot for DA
The power of SJUC is the +1.43 Rank (with 3 points) and also have 2 selections to apply +100% modifier to stat. More than 3 points in rank hits the hard diminishing returns. Remember that Rank system is hyperexponential - with SJUC we would be at 11.5 Combat and 12.5 Blood. Also we get one more slot for DA
I know what the "Undead Chimera" part of the Advancement does. I'm wondering purely about the first part of it, the "Super Juggernaut" part.

As for Rank, Rihaku's been sorta implying that we've got way too much of it. =/

But, anyway... ... I've actually been assuming that SJUC would let us manifest a Shroud despite OaF 2 disabling the Shroud thing. (The idea being simple; a person "normally" can manifest a Shroud at Rank 9+ or 10+. SJUC lets you cheat and manifest a Shroud 'despite not meeting the pre-requisites'. OaF disables normal Shroud manifestation... But SJUC is a backdoor into getting Shroud manifestation, and so works by doing it that way. So goes the logic to me, anyway.)

It has 2 abilities; Super Juggernaut, and Undead Chimera. Super Juggernaut is Shroud, and stuff related to using a Shroud better, or better being able to bear the exertion of using the shroud. If OaF 2 disables that, then... that means half the Advancement does not work. Is this really such a worthwhile advancement that you'd literally still pay full price just for half of it? Why pay 25 Arete when only getting half of an Advancement? Why not buy another EFB that you would get the full usage out of? Heck, why not get Ruling Ring instead then?

... Or maybe the "Super Juggernaut" part will be replaced by something other than Shroud manifestation ability...

If so, I'd want to see what that is!
Eternity and an Hour second half justification - 1046 words

[X] Always Forward
[X] Plowshares to Swords

This is my personal preference, but I can be argued for and against about it. So long as we don't diminish our own pocket universe I'm fine with the outcomes. I'll likely whip up another post talking about the pros and cons about these, but for now lets focus on the other half of this vote.

[X] Aeira
[X] Nightmare Flight

This however, is a combination of options I think are well worth it and am willing to fight for.

Aeria versus Adorie is simple A team math.

Getting closer to Adorie's next EFB might seem tempting, but there are two drawbacks.
1) Now that we're presenting ourselves as Adorie's bodyguards, there's likely going to be plenty of options to gain further Adorie +s especially when one looks back and sees how like half of our Adorie +s come not from us choosing to socialize with her but rather her socialization happening to accompany options we liked and thought were cool. In contrast poor Aeria will almost certainly not have the same opportunities, especially as the scope of war widens.

2) Is that for once we have an abundance of picks and not that much Arete comparatively. EFBs tend to be low pick high Arete, which is the opposite of what we want if we get a dozen picks. I imagine the thread doesn't want to blow all of our Arete on one to two of them, and thus leaving us forced to get 10 no Arete picks.

For the positives of Aeria, her place in Hunger's retinue is somewhat fluid at the moment as her charges eclipse her in power. This would be a good place to solidify it, however it turns out to be.
Not only that but she's the one whose been actively poking around the Realm, her power seems to have a mysterious interaction with it, and her power was such that our Cloak of Evening could consume to empower itself way back before we got the Opalescent Tower. There's probably something really cool that could happen if we chased that thread, and thankfully its an option that doesn't consume vital resources, instead rewarding us with the largest burst of +s we've ever had with her as well as mechanical power benefits.

Regarding Nightmare Flight, I actually consider this way more important than the other votes for how it shifts our decision making capabilities.
1) We should not be relying on Armor of Midnight for most fights. The Rank Burn, bluntly, hurts a ton. Even if we want to cast it while we're near Adorie, the fact of the matter is that its base cost was on the order of 40% the base Rank gain we had for slaying an Armament in a 5 pick fight. Yes we can mitigate the cost by being near Adorie, but we're also not going to be pulling off the hat trick that let us gain that much Rank in one go any time soon, especially considering how Rank dries up the higher you go and we've peaked past 10 already.

2) Being able to transport our whole party manifestly changes our travel options. Once we leave the Realm of Evening, if we don't have an upgrade to Nightmare Flight we just plain won't be able to use it for party travel. We're certainly not gonna leave someone behind, let alone two people. Even if we were of mind to force it into the role, it would mean splitting the party and leaving several people vulnerable for days. We'd be stuck in this awkward juggling of having to take three days to travel some place properly so as to ferry everyone, one day to drop off people, one day returning, a final day to bring the remainder over.
Being able to travel with the whole party will shave days off of travel until its properly instant once more! Not only that, but imagine we don't pick a Hunger Sated option for this vote. Highly possible! Without upgraded Nightmare Flight we'd have to do a repeat of what got Versh stolen from us, teleporting to a Hunger Sated target with only part of our group and being forced to wait a day before returning. With Seasons Greetings I don't expect that to result in the same salt inducing consequences, but its going to be pretty annoying timeline wise anyway, especially since we'd be having to wait for another day to actually leave since Nightmare Flight is going to be on cooldown upon returning.

1 day getting Hunger Sated and waiting around afterwards, 1 day returning and waiting around for cooldown, 1 day bringing over half of our party, 1 day leaving that party alone in Voyaging City as we return to pick up everyone, 1 day finally bringing over everyone.

At best 5 days doing nothing much more than killing time while waiting for travel to unlock again, at worst even longer since it might not be that simple dealing with Hunger Sated and making sure whoever we leave behind in Voyaging City doesn't get Armamented since the beserker one is still there IIRC.
(As an aside there's some logistical concerns if we bring over half of the party without the upgrade. Namely if we bring Liz then the political situation ignites upon her return and we'd have to leave her alone during that time while an enemy Armament could hunt for her. It was implied that one of the most dangerous and easy to provoke Armaments was stationed there, and a Republic Armament to boot that would have cause to slay and/or capture her. But if we don't bring her then...)

Contrast that to our travel time if we could move everyone at once.

1 day of getting Hunger Sated while bringing everyone, then right after traveling right from there to Voyaging City. No extra day waiting around wasted, since we're likely not going to be using it right after we arrive. No leaving anyone behind in the Realm of Myth, and much more importantly no leaving anyone behind in Voyaging City. 4 extra days to get the lay of the land at worst, even more time at best.
Pleasantly surprised Aeira is winning.
Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Dec 10, 2020 at 1:37 AM, finished with 139 posts and 47 votes.
The only reason I'm voting for Aeria is because her power is resonant with the pillars realm and I want to open the ??? mystery box. Otherwise I barely count her as a companion. She's just hired muscle.
Not only that but she's the one whose been actively poking around the Realm, her power seems to have a mysterious interaction with it, and her power was such that our Cloak of Evening could consume to empower itself way back before we got the Opalescent Tower. There's probably something really cool that could happen if we chased that thread, and thankfully its an option that doesn't consume vital resources, instead rewarding us with the largest burst of +s we've ever had with her as well as mechanical power benefits.
Here's a thought: maybe a Conjunctional power-up with both the Evening Sky and the Outer Shadow?

II. Inherit the World - The Worldkeeper's power, yielded to the Imprisoner's. Shattered in mind, whole in body, their spirit given over to the grasp of their successor.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.
*Acquire the Soul Evocation of the Penitent, whose shadow is a thing of stained glass and light, and whose figure can absorb punishment unending yet burst forth with ceaseless might. Ignore wound penalties; the user's body is held together by its shadow and cannot be slain short of total annihilation.
*The Penitent may call forth his shadow in an expunging tide. Those fallen beneath are physically encased and magically suppressed, though some arts of power vastly greater than that of Soul Evocation as a whole are immune to this effect. Overuse may decrease the user's WITS, WISDOM and finally INT, but would require many years of continuous deployment; penalties imposed are reverted once the shadow is recalled.
*Outrageous destruction and sober atonement are writ into the Penitent's place within the cosmos. Halve the social penalty from, and double the effective forgiveness for, escalating to violence in otherwise inappropriate situations. This is bound into the fabric of reality and is treated as a 'natural' social phenomenon, the expected baseline.
*Combined with high Charisma, the above effect is exceptionally useful for those possessing the Doom of the Tyrant. Mechanically it's represented as halving/doubling; in-universe the difference in actual sentiment can be an order of magnitude or greater. Still, a dangerous power to possess - and not to be used lightly, lest one be tempted to abuse it.
*+50% to the value of Might +s.
*+50% the value of Protection +s.
*+400% Health.
*+20% to the value of future Rank +s; you may train Rank manually.
*+++Mental Contamination. The wielder disdains cowardice, has little patience for torturers, and easily flies into a violent rage against those he considers morally repugnant. Willpower + alternate Mental Contamination to resist.

The Evening Sky and Aeira's Surgecraft element allowed for the possibility of Shadowlord. The Evening Sky and Inherit the World allowed for the Outer Sky advancement, in wake of the proto-armor's defeat.
[ ] Evening Sky: Shadowlord - 2 picks, 7 Arete. It's rare that such conjunctions occur, but the cloak of Evening has unusual affinity for the Elements of shadow. By absorbing the power of an Element willingly offered, some of its attributes may be infused into the wearer.

*+30% AGI, +30% Manipulation
*Gain +++++++Stealth, ++++Theft
*Weave of Silence: Immune to sound- and music-based attacks.
*Attention-Deflecting Shroud: +Protection from the Evening Sky now adds to Stealth.
*Assassin's Grace: 100% Critical Strike chance when performed from ambush.

*In exchange for paying Shadowcord a kingly sum of money, she will agree to let Hunger absorb her Element. This is not a permanent reduction; her ability to summon it will return slowly over the course of two years.
*Needless to say it's far more effective to have such capabilities present in Hunger himself than to rely on relatively-weak external sources
*Consumes one additional day as you farm the money needed.
[ ] Outer Sky (7 Arete, 1 pick) - Merges the Outer Shadow with the Evening Sky, resulting in a combined substance with the strength of both. Only available when one performs a feat in which victory was dependent on the Outer Shadow. Dramatically improves the anti-magic capabilities of the Evening Sky and allows the merged Outer Sky to be launched in waves as the Outer Shadow was. When manifesting properties of the Outer Shadow, the Cloak of Evening takes on its stained-glass tincture; else the Shadow resides invisibly in the darkness between stars.

*Improves the Attribute-related bonuses of the Outer Shadow by 20% (+70% Might, +70% Protection, +420% Health)
*Dramatically improves Hunger's overall magic resistance
*The Outer Sky can be launched to trap foes for brief periods with no risk of reduction in Wits, Int or Wis.
*The majesty of starry Evening haloed by the stained-glass glory of the Outer Shadow. ++Protection, ++Cha, +Progression (Outer Sky)

Outer Sky Advancements are only a small subset of Evening Sky Advancements. Do not expect Pearlescence and the like to be upgraded by this. Should you acquire a form of general Progression of ++ or greater, +Progression (Outer Sky) will be removed and you will be refunded 2 Arete.
(Course, both of those required picks and arete, but... we're also in a different place now. Having both Opalescent Tower and Pillars of Creation. So maybe circumstances are different now.)

More likely it's some kind of Pillars of Creation + Aeira bonus...

Maybe something like Pathway to Idyll, as some poster posted. i.e. Maybe Aeira figures out alternate pathways to sneak into the Realm of Evening, due to exploring it, and having an affinity for it. That would be definitely cool and definitely worth it. (I wonder what the other Mystery Box in the social options is though...)