The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

Ten minutes till vote close

Adhoc vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 7, 2020 at 3:09 AM, finished with 79 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dig Deep and Greedily
    -[X] Clan Goldbeard
    -[X] Dawi Warrior's: Your clan has through its history shown that it could be depended upon to hold the line and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor. (+10 to melee combat rolls and more warriors at quest start)
    -[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
    -[X] A golden lion on a red field. (House Lannister the Westerland's start)
    [X] Plan A King In The North!
    -[X] Clan Icehold
    -[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
    -[X]The Black Mountains: Your Clan left from Karak Hirn in the hopes of aiding your fellow dawi and founding a new hope and hold with the aid of a good core to keep them safe.
    -[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field
    [X]Plan: A quarrel for you, and for you!
    -[X] Clan Ironbow
    -[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
    -[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
    -[X]A red sun pierced by a gold spear, on an orange field. (House Martel the Dorne start)

You also happen to be tied.
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Vote Closed.
1 - Is for Plan dig deep and greedily
2 - Is for A King in the North!

I guess it is off to the north it is.
Mad0Slayer threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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I am actually legit confused as to why so many people voted for that plan like I can understand wanting the quarreller bonus or wanting to start in the north but not taking the grey mountains option which gives you the most dwarves which we are going to sorely need? Just why.

Edit: Also we're starting on Bear Island so we legit might be stuck here for awhile as the North does not have that many ships both military and civillian.
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Bear Island is terrible place to start I agree, makes us totally reliant on humans to get near any mountains, but I guess people wanted to roleplay as Stark friends.
Bear Island is terrible place to start I agree, makes us totally reliant on humans to get near any mountains, but I guess people wanted to roleplay as Stark friends.
Look at the bright side, we can use our connections to expand into the interior mountains soon enough.
I am actually legit confused as to why so many people voted for that plan like I can understand wanting the quarreller bonus or wanting to start in the north but not taking the grey mountains option which gives you the most dwarves which we are going to sorely need? Just why.

Edit: Also we're starting on Bear Island so we legit might be stuck here for awhile as the North does not have that many ships both military and civillian.
Because it would be a real chore to deal with the Southern Lords (especially Lannisters and their bannermen); the climate; room for expansion; a readily availably niche without any competition (metalworking, stone works, rebuilding all the ruined Northern fortresses/castles/settlements...); and untapped resources that the Starks will welcome someone actually interested (and passionate towards) mining/extracting for them (for a fee).

Also the Dawi are fully capable of moving themelves to the mainland. Bear Island may be a suprlus of farmland and lumber for a few decades, but I mean, they're not Elgi...

Essentially the North is the easy mode, free roam option. Not that it will be easy, especially if we choose the Aegon's conquest starting point (one id recommend, with each turn a year or two, outside of wars, or important times)
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Thane Creation
Thane Creation

As you make your way warily to the Umgi in the distance as they travel through the snow in hopes of them been friends and that of knowledge on where you were. As the chilly wind blew in your face slowly.

Though as you look back on your life you ponder on how things could have been different. You are (Write in your Thane's name) and leader of the newly named Clan of Icehold. You just hope that the past you had been trained enough.

(Choose One)

[X] Trained from young. You have always been the heir for the clan since birth, you have been trained to lead your clan and ensure it's safety. You have been taught the way to navigate the Dwarf political landscape and your clan's finances and trained by some of its finest warriors in your free time.

Trait: The upbringing of a Thane's heir. Raised to lead after your father should he perish.
(+2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship)

[] The second son. You were never meant to lead you people but aid your brother should your father fall, your training was meant to help the clan build its new halls and lead the Throng, He has been lost within the maelstrom that your father perished in and now the clan looks to you. While you mourn their loss you must now show your clan the way, even if it is not what was expected.

Trait: The Purpose of a second son: You were meant to help the clan in war and combat the shadows that would harm it while smoothing over the minor matters when they appeared.
(+1 Stewardship, +2 martial, +1 Intrigue)

[] The path of a warrior. From young you did not have the patience nor will to learn pointless tasks that your teachers expect of you, instead, you focused on your physical abilities and pushed them to the limit. Though now your family lies dead or lost to the clan and only you remain so you would lead your clan to a prosperous future, even if you were not the best for the position.

Trait: A born warrior. You did not see the point of the finer points of ruling and instead focused on being the best warrior of the clan.
(+3 martial and an extra weapon proficiency and higher Combat Prowess, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)

Though maybe you would not struggle too much as you looked over your shoulder one of the elders of the council still lived, you knew they would help though you just hoped that you would not disappoint them so as you looked back at...

(Choose one)

[]The Old Rekoner: Elder Tornir has seen much in his long life while also ensuring that all dawi grudges be settled properly with the appropriate recompense, stories of old even tell of a time where he brokered deals with little but his word to help the clan and in some cases with the clan's ancestral hammer when it was needed.

Start with a Diplomatic advisor: +1 Diplomacy action

Diplomacy- 18
Martial- 14
Stewardship- 11
Intrigue- 8
Learning- 4
Combat Prowess-Dwarf crossbow -15, Dwarf ax and shield -19, Hammer – 22

(You will have a bonus to hold Stability)

[]The Urk Breaker: Gartin Truehammer who has yet to fail in his duty even though his beard has begun to grey he has broken many of your clan's enemies both in body and in spirit a warrior born and raised to do one thing and do it well he has no equal among the clan. Both in combat and at the drinking table.

Start with a martial advisor: +1 martial action

Diplomacy- 10
Martial- 19
Stewardship- 10
Intrigue- 6
Learning- 8
Combat Prowess-Dwarf crossbow -22, Dwarf ax and shield -21, Dwarf az-25, Dwarf guns - 19

(You will learn to use weapons faster and your hold's Dawi will be better fighters)

[]The Shipwright: Mogrin Stoutheart is a living ancestor and one that has seen much in his life as he witnessed many a vessel and structure built with his one eyes and that of his own work. Though he is old now he still knows much and is more than happy to show the young their place and also new tricks in construction.

Start with a Stewardship advisor: +1 Stewardship action

Diplomacy- 10
Martial- 11
Intrigue- 11
Learning- 14
Combat Prowess-Dwarf crossbow -14, Dwarf ax and shield -13, Dwarf az-2, Dwarf guns – 5, Hammers- 25

(You will gain a boost to the construction of harbor based projects and also a boost to naval roll's down the line.)

[]The Shadow: Garrom shadowbolt is both a legend and mystery to your clans as little is known about him but his deeds are large, he is only seen when needed and more than up to the task of learning what lurks in the shadows and even more likely to end it.

Start with an Intrigue advisor: +1 Intrigue action

Martial- 16
Intrigue- 17
Learning- 11
Combat Prowess- Dwarf crossbow -24, Dwarf ax and shield -19, Dwarf az-25, Dwarf guns – 3

(You gain access to a master of sabotage and scouting to deal with your enemies)

[X] The Archiver: Tystin Sharptongue has organized your clan's history for as long as you have lived and those of your forefathers. She knows much and could teach a young dawi much if she was not archiving the works of your clan. Though as long as you have known her you have never seen her wield a weapon.

Start with a Learning Advisor: +1 learning action

Diplomacy- 9
Martial- 7
Stewardship- 15
Intrigue- 6
Learning- 19
Combat Prowess- Dwarf Guns and crossbow-13, Dwarf ax and shield- 14, Dwarf az -14

(A boost to discovering lost dawi work and the history of your clan.)

Though as your eye's refocused back to the Umgi who were rapidly making their way to you. The few events that had defined you so far in your life came to your mind.

[X]Rallied your old regiment: A patrol you were on was ambushed by foul Beastmen who managed to scatter and break apart your party, you took charge that day and managed to ensure victory. (+1 to Martial +1 to Diplomacy)

[]Formed your own Regiment and trade Convoy: You may have been young but you were productive and formed your own dawi regiment so that you could trade with the other holds while keeping an ear open for a good deal of course. (+1 to Stewardship +1 to Intrigue)

[]You are a Ranger: Your Father could not stop you and while it was uncommon you choose to train as a ranger and learn how to be one. You have scouted your lands for threats and learned the art of information gathering even if it is not very dawi like. (+2 to Intrigue)

The sounds of hoof's crunching into the earth drew you from your thoughts as you finally could make out the Umgi clearly as they moved towards you, their brown leather armor dull in the sunlight as they approach you and before you can say a word.

The head of the Umgi's party shout's out "In the name of".

(Chances are there are gonna be time skips)

[X] King Torrhen Stark (3 Year's before Conquest)

[] Cregan Stark Warden of the North (10 Year's before the dance of dragons)

[] Beron Stark Warden of the North (6 Year's before the first Blackfyre rebelion)

"Lower your weapons travelers, and identify yourself, who you serve and where you come from. I have already sent word of your host." The Umgi spoke with authority as his grim face stared at you. With only a raised eyebrow from what you could see.

You answered confidently and calmly, glad to see the Umgi was at least friendly enough though you only said that you were travelers now lost in a maelstrom while also introducing yourself, though he seemed to be a rather cold fellow he pulled his party further back their eyes on you. As you made your way to your people you could even see the small group of...



[]Elite Rangers

Still, as you made your way into camp you knew that something was coming you just did not know what but you had your trusty.

(Choose the weapon you trained in)
[]War Hammer
[]War Az
[X]Az and shield

at your side and that should hopefully get you out of trouble Still this was a new land and you would lead in it not matter the challenge.


Vote will be open for the next 36 - 48 hour's

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[X] Plan: Diggy Diggy Hold
-[X] Trained from young
-[X] The Archiver
-[X] Rallied your old regiment
-[X] King Torrhen Stark (3 Year's before Conquest)
-[X]Az and shield

I view this as pretty much an all-rounder/minor diplo build, with the added bonus of having engineers and discount Loremaster for the establishment of a proper Hold.

Also, shield because getting Angri Lizard fire on us would suck, not that it would do much imo.
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Because it would be a real chore to deal with the Southern Lords (especially Lannisters and their bannermen); the climate; room for expansion; a readily availably niche without any competition (metalworking, stone works, rebuilding all the ruined Northern fortresses/castles/settlements...); and untapped resources that the Starks will welcome someone actually interested (and passionate towards) mining/extracting for them (for a fee).

Also the Dawi are fully capable of moving themelves to the mainland. Bear Island may be a suprlus of farmland and lumber for a few decades, but I mean, they're not Elgi...

Essentially the North is the easy mode, free roam option. Not that it will be easy, especially if we choose the Aegon's conquest starting point (one id recommend, with each turn a year or two, outside of wars, or important times)
Sure it would be a chore to deal with Reachmen, Riverlords, Westerlanders, and Dornish. But the Valemen aren't that bad especially when compared to the human factions of Warhammer Fantasy, and Stormlanders are just southern Northmen with more of a martial bent.

The climate isn't much of a good thing or a bad thing dwarves have lived all the way up to the chaos wastes in the north in Karag Dum, all the way to the South near Nehekhara and Araby in the Desert, and even in the deadlands east of the Worlds edge Mountains.

Again the North has One mountain Range of decent size thats it and if we want to move down south we'd have to sail or go through the Neck where as if we start in the south there are 3-4 major mountain ranges down there and we can choose any of them and if we fill up our first Mountain Range we can easily get to the others.

No man could ever match dwarven metalwork or stonework why would we have to worry about competeing with them We're THE DAWI known for our amazing metalwork, and stonework hell the Empire which has way better metalwork than anything in westeros barring Valyrian Steel still uses thousands years old dwarven made swords for the elector counts and a dwarven made hammer as the symbol of the Emperor just as old if not older as it was used by a dwarf before it was given to Sigmar.

Again the Stormlands, Vale and Dorne all have major mountain ranges and none of them are described as being as thoroughly mined as the Westerlands mountains so there either barely used or not used at all.

The North is not easy mode nor is it free roam as we'd be relatively confined to the Mountains near the wall, would have to deal with the Mountain Clans, Wildings raids and invasions, Ironborn Raids, and the Starks haven't been interested in using them for the thousands of years they've had them why would the kick out some of their most loyal vassals to give the land to magical beings not beholden to them whatsoever, and the Starks are very ruthless in eliminating threats to their rule as seen with Theon the Hungry Wolf and the Greystarks being wiped out despite being related to the Starks.
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[X] Plan: Diggy Diggy Hold
[X] Name: Thorin
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I would say the north is a harder start for a few reason's since the south would be more than happy to take advantage of you I would say it is a more independent start also you could probably go beyond the wall if you wanted I get the feeling that is filled with opportunity.
[X] Plan: Magical dwarfs
-[X] Trained from young
-[X] The Archiver
-[X] Rallied your old regiment
-[X] King Torrhen Stark (3 Year's before Conquest)
-[X] Runesmith's
-[X]Az and shield

The long winters and the resulting deaths might be the reason that large parts of the north are not under the control of the Starks with more land them population to use it they picked the best parts and lack the numbers to control the rest. If for example the existing iron mines produce all the metal you can sell why travel deeper into the mountains for a new iron mine.

I went with runesmith's as there is not a lot of magic users in this word so they can give us an advantage that is hard to match.
[X] Plan: Magical dwarfs
[X] Name: Thorin

Engineering is something we can collect from the other dispersed Dawi. However Runesmiths, paired with an archiver will definitely feature the better long term results (being able to trawler through our own clans history/lore for lost runes/techniques/crafts). At least Engineers teach their apprentices what they know, and advance their craft...

The only issue may be with lacking magical ingredients/agents for the runecraft, although if we go by ASOIAF logic, all a runelord/smith would need to do is slit their wrist and pour some of their blood on the runes - they are all descended from the Grungni, the first high king of the Dawi. However it is likely many of those creatures (trolls, goblins etc) have also been carried over, although in actually manageable numbers (especially Grobi)


If the Stormlands or Vale were options/plans id have gone with them, especially seeing how the Durrandons are in a state of decline and thus would be really intrested/happy with having a super advanced race of 'small folk', that love crafting and building things that put their honoured ancestors from the Age of Heroes to shame.

The Vale would be facinated by us, partially because of House Royce, but also because of the age of their King (who'd probably think its like his nursemaids stories come to life, much alike his dragon flight); and our ability to make something of use of their mountains aside from as a detterant from invasion, and a longterm pain, due to entrenched First Men clans.

Personally my favored option for start would have been the Vale (the North as a distant, but still strong second), but that wasn't available as an option (that I know of); partially because of House Royce. But also because nobody would care if we kicked the Moon Clans out/the mountain range is perfect for us.
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The Reason The vale was not in the options was mostly because I think that the vale had little in the way of available areas that were safe to land on. Keep in mind you guy's can still move to a new location you just selected the north as a landing