The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

Quick question did anyone see where the vote deadline is at?
I don't think one has been set yet, though knowing MadSlayer and his insane update rates (until the last quest went deep), probably 24 hours-48 from the vote start.

Also another thing in favour of the north (and Vale, sans littlefinger)...

They wont be such little s**t's/backstabbing weasely bastards that our ancestors will dragthemselves from their halls to attempt to stop us from purging the entire 'kingdom', of the manling 'Elgi'; because one of them decides to insult us, because thats just how they behave. At least with the North they attempt to be courtious/dont care about keeping up their 'reputation'/image.
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ImperialBriton I have perfectly sane update rates. (Maybe)

Though ya all things considered am gonna wait another 25 hours before I close the vote

Adhoc vote count started by ImperialBriton on Dec 5, 2020 at 10:36 PM, finished with 23 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dig Deep and Greedily
    -[X] Clan Goldbeard
    -[X] Dawi Warrior's: Your clan has through its history shown that it could be depended upon to hold the line and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor. (+10 to melee combat rolls and more warriors at quest start)
    -[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
    -[X] A golden lion on a red field. (House Lannister the Westerland's start)
    [X] Plan A King In The North!
    -[X] Clan Icehold
    -[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
    -[X]The Black Mountains: Your Clan left from Karak Hirn in the hopes of aiding your fellow dawi and founding a new hope and hold with the aid of a good core to keep them safe.
    -[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field
    [X]Plan: A quarrel for you, and for you!
    -[X] Clan Ironbow
    -[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
    -[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
    -[X]A red sun pierced by a gold spear, on an orange field. (House Martel the Dorne start)
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[X] Plan Dig Deep and Greedily

It's different and it sets us up to be a real mover and shaker in Westeros, combining good 'ol Dwarf know-how with the Lannister ability to throw money at shit until it goes away.

Besides, being in the North is kinda blase for a GoT quest, kinda cliche to always help the 'good guys'.
Gonna be disappointed if this is only set in canon asoiaf, doesn't really give time for the dwarfs to really do much. 7400 dwarfs or less is really not a whole lot, and probably not enough to make a huge difference with such a limited time frame imo.
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More than that when the others come a-knocking, the wall is the best defensive position in all of Westeros. Keeping that safe and still standing would be on hell of a boon. None of that horn of winter BS destroying the Wall.

Yeah, that's probably the best point for the North, but in that case it really depends on when in the Timeline we appear, if it's anywhere close to the War of the Five Kings than it's probably too late to do anything of note to improve it, aside from sending troops.

If we're back in Aegons Conquest or earlier however, then we could probably do a lot more.

Still, I'm all for making us and the Lannisters proper allies, they're probably the best to have outside of their incestuous members, which hopefully shouldn't be an issue if we start early in the timeline.
You guys will have a vote coming up on when you landed. The current options I am toying with are.
the conquest
dance of dragon's
the Ninepenny king's or around the time house Reyne was destroyed
I'm inclined to the conquest if it doesn't start the year the conquest begins, if it does then I'm not sure.
to note we probably wouldn't have nearly enough dwarves to defend that wall, its way too massive even if we had time to grow a bit. Even the bits left over of the Nights watch wouldn't be enough to supplement the wall.
It might be a tough as heck fortification but its not really worth much if they can just get around it where were not at.
I know nothing about GOT or ASOIAF, but I do know that the Dawi can be pretty fucking strong outside of Warhammer Fantasy considering...well the fact that they're the industrious dwarves trope turned up to 11.

So, exactly how much of a OCP (Out of Context Problem) are we going to be?
I know nothing about GOT or ASOIAF, but I do know that the Dawi can be pretty fucking strong outside of Warhammer Fantasy considering...well the fact that they're the industrious dwarves trope turned up to 11.

So, exactly how much of a OCP (Out of Context Problem) are we going to be?
If we don't get ganked immediately before we can dig into a mountain, and depending on the clan makeup we have, (I'm really hoping we have a runesmith), then a pretty big OCP. It depends heavily on what kind of dwarves are actually in the group we are in though, for instance if we only have some warriors, miners, and basic blacksmiths then while decently strong we probably aren't actually that dangerous considering our limited numbers.
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I know nothing about GOT or ASOIAF, but I do know that the Dawi can be pretty fucking strong outside of Warhammer Fantasy considering...well the fact that they're the industrious dwarves trope turned up to 11.

So, exactly how much of a OCP (Out of Context Problem) are we going to be?
Think of it like this, Dwarves are the best craftsmen in a fantasy world, are almost incorruptible(both magically and in the more normal sense), are as strong(if not stronger) as a man while being a smaller target, have fancy rune magic that can do all sorts of stuff like make golems or enchant weapons, live for centuries, and have smatterings of very advanced tech like helicopters and guns. The only reason dwarves aren't an "I win!" Button is because their stubborn idoits and because they can't seem to have kids in any respectable amount of time.
Edit:Oh and they take a couple of decades to mature, means replacing even a normal soldier takes decades.
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Thanks you two.

@Mad0Slayer, exactly how far will these Grudges go once we, inevitably considering we're literally in a new world that doesn't know our culture so they have no clue what presses our buttons, get some?

By that I mean are we going to have stuff like, "This Umgi accidentally cut in front of one of our merchants today. To settle the Grudge, we need to kill his entire family and salt his lands." or no?
If we go conquest...

Well that makes the North, the Vale, and the Stormlands really viable... especially the former and latter of the three.

The North, due to being an ancient autonomous empire with a lot of cultural similarities to the Dawi, also terrain and lack of political squabling as advantages

The Vale: Mountains... Mountains a plenty... Well that and the First Men of the Vale still know some Runelore, which while the Dawi may not be able to teach them Ruhn Lore, may actually lead to the two guilds/House Runestone kicking off a 'rune-race' like the Engineers Guild and Nuln.

The Stormlands: They're essentially Tall Dawi with a little emphasis on the grudges; less dangerous terrain (pretty much the Black Mountains), and a large market of non fanatic Umgi.

That however also rules out the Westerlands, Riverlands (not exactly dawi terrain regardless); Dorne or the Reach.

The westerlands is extremely overpopulated no matter the timeline, and all major lords make their holds in the local mountains that they also mine for gold. They are the dwarfs of GOT, just with an Elgi complex; and regardless would be both prejudice and concerned by us.

The Riverlands is a basket case ruled by a poor mans norscans with no viable mountains...

Dorne is not just prickly in this timeline, they are far too unreliable, scheming, and not to forget livid - that the Valyrians are attempting to take over westeros, much like they tried to do to the Roynar. They don't have Doran to keep them in line; only the fear of dragons. They're essentially the border princes, going to war with anyone because of grudges and spite they have with their neighbors; something we dont need.

The Reach is ruled by fanatics (even if the Gardners are sane, the Faith is not), and have no viable mountains.

And for anyone thinking of working with the Targs regardless of timeline...

You know Aegon's mandate/demands. And Dawi, do not kneel!

Actually, one option that I'd really like would be Beyond the Wall. I know it would be basically rollplaying as Kraka Drak, but it certainly wouldn't be static :)
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I think dorne would work if we can get them to let us use the absolute unit of a mountain range between them and everyone else. Would also keep us from being pressured on all sides by one force not to mention the trade benefits.
Plus they are probably more accepting than the people worshiping the Seven along with actually being willing to work with women, since dwarves are fairly egalitarian and that would mess with both the north and the Andals.
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@LinkOnScepter when you eventually do get a grudge because you will it will likely come down to what happened to cause the thing a minor grudge related to a dawi is likely to not make it up to you since your the Thane though if someone starts to chop off beard's or kill dawi then it will likely be a problem. Also, chances are your dawi are gonna have more grudges with people who cheat you also Oathbreakers are going to have big problems if they try to make a deal with you.

Chances are you can settle most grudges with gold or blood. Hopefully this quest won't go down the route of genocide the Umgi though because that will be hard. There are a lot of them also you guy's are only picking your landing depending on how thing's go you could end up anywhere on the continent.

Also, you guy's are not the only ones new to the world there are other dawi groups who will establish their own hold's alongside yours and maybe one or two other factions that could pop up(Not sure if I will add them yet or not.)

Overall there are going to be something like 30 000 Dawi spread out into the world
[X] Plan A King In The North!

Plenty of untapped stone for any good Dawi to enjoy mining side benefit is that there are no Thaggoraki to worry about.
[X] Plan A King In The North!
-[X] Clan Icehold
-[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
-[X]The Black Mountains: Your Clan left from Karak Hirn in the hopes of aiding your fellow dawi and founding a new hope and hold with the aid of a good core to keep them safe.
-[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field