The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

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A lost dawi expedition is about to change the game, alongside a few others's just blame the elgi though it most likely their fault.
The Expeditions Beginnings
South Africa
The Expeditions Beginnings

It is the year 2347, by Umgi reckoning and the empire has grown strong under the leadership of Magnus. This has brought the dawi a minor reprieve from their enemies in some areas while others seek to lead their fellow dawi to reconquer their homes.

Though this is of little issue to you it has provided your part of the clan an opportunity, for your father has joined the clan on an expedition to Lustria to settle and make a new home... Well, that was the plan however elgi magics have lead to problems.

You now lead what remains of your clan in a distant land while the others of the expedition are spread far and wide. You will be tested and maybe you will survive but only time can tell.


You are a young for a Thane at the age of 62 and still a beardling. Your Clan is one of renown though that matters little as your father intended to found a new hold and clan to have a fresh start for your kin.

Though now that you lead them you must come to a decision to hold to the old clan name or that of the one your father and elder council choose.

[X]Write in clan name. (Clan IceHold)

Though the Clan name was one thing your kin were known for being excellent at one thing and that was...

[]Dawi Warriors: Your Clan has through its history shown that it could be depended upon to hold the line and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor. (+10 to melee combat rolls and more warriors at quest start)

[X]Dawi Sharpshooters: Your Clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)

[]Dawi Rangers: Your Clan is seldom seen and when it is well your allies find you amid a field of corpses filled with bolts. (+10 to ambush roll's and an army mostly made up of rangers)

Though as your dawi moved carefully over the beach gathering your belongings you could not help but think of your old hold and where you came from.

[]Worlds Edge Mountain hold: Your Clan left from an ancient hold of the Karaz Ankor with all that it could so that it could finally grow away from its constant threats. (20 Ironbreakers and 150 Thunderers though few dawi of the clan joined the expedition. 1200 dawi at the start of the quest.)(Will have diplomatic and production issues)

[X]The Black Mountains: Your Clan left from Karak Hirn in the hopes of aiding your fellow dawi and founding a new hope and hold with the aid of a good core to keep them safe.(1 Damaged Gyrocopter that needs extensive repair and 3400 dawi at start of the quest)(Will have a few issues)

[] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you sought to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)

Though your thoughts were disturbed by the approaching sounds of hoof's beating, your eyes were drawn to the Umgi that approached their banner flapping in the wind. The sigil that you saw was one that looked like.

[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field. . (House Mormont the North start)

[]A golden lion on a red field. (House Lannister the Westerlands start)

[]A golden rose on a green field. (House Tyrell the Reach start)

[]A red sun pierced by a gold spear, on an orange field. (House Martel the Dorne start)

As you watched the umgi approach your dawi warrior's surrounded those that were unarmed, you could only hope that they were friends, though if they came to spill bloody you would make them pay.


I have had this itch to start a quest like this for a bit and it won't stop bothering me so since I have no idea how it will go I am going to give it a try anyway.

Also, I apologize in advance for my poor grammar which is likely to cause a headache in the future so I hope you guy enjoys.

Edited by Duncan

Edit: This is the discord server that all rolls will be done on.

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
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[X]Plan: A quarrel for you, and for you!
-[X] Clan Ironbow
-[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
-[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
-[X]A red sun pierced by a gold spear, on an orange field. (House Martel the Dorne start)
Dorne has mountains between them and everyone else, perfect for some good dawi fightin'!
I'm honestly stuck between Rangers and sharpshooters but that plus to ranged is just too juicy.
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[X]Plan: A quarrel for you, and for you!

Sounds like a plan. I'm in.
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The mechanics of this quest will be ck2 which seems to be popular.

Diplomacy - By Oath and word was the Karaz Ankor made great.
Military/Martial - The power of Az and Shield were used to carve out the greatest empire the world has ever seen. This is your knowledge of military matters and such. It is not your close combat stat. Read further for that.
Stewardship - How good you are with your Gold. This attribute is used when rolling for actions that involve finance.
Learning - The knowledge of the Karaz Ankor is beyond priceless. And as a Thane, you got a valuable education.
Intrigue - A most un-Dawi skill, but one which is acceptable when used against the enemies of the Dwarfs.
Combat Prowess - This skill starts at the same level as your Martial, but will change depending upon your skills. It should stick very close to your martial stat, unless you are crippled and/or maimed. In which case, your prowess will drop, while your Martial stat stays the same. The skill represents your basic competency in fighting in combat. Do note that this doesnt take equipment into accounts.

In regards to stats:
8's are normal for humans.
10 is normal for young Dwarfs. And human officers.
15 is great and standard for most Dawi and Elgi who have lived a fair bit.
20 is exceptional. (Note this is the Cap for most people)
25 is the hard Cap on skills and can only be achieved by elves and dwarfs of extreme age.
above is legendary. And only reserved for empowered champions.
Combat Prowess- Note this will be separate from Martial and can rise slowly with training further though there will be a hard limit. But equipment will make a difference. Note Armor will have a DC to see that when you are hit to determine how bad it is. This will only ever be used when the PC is in combat.(martial skill will effect the army)

Traits: Traits are granted or removed by story actions, and they influence your stats.

Hold Actions and advisors: Each turn, you will receive a number of actions. The number of actions available to you for each category is one, which is increased depending on if you have an advisor for this subject, and what their bonuses are, the number of clans in the hold will also add an action and a small bonus depending on said thanes clan skill. If a roll failed in the first throw, and your advisor pushed it over the edge to success, it will mean they salvaged the project, but that it effectively failed.

Personal actions: Each turn you get two actions for personal actions. These use the Attributes of your Thane.

Omake's: Writing an Omake will give you a bonus to non-combat rolls. (This helps develop a slight bit of extra story so gonna keep it.) I will decide what is canon and what is not.

Hold management.

The Clan's holdings are split into two areas. The holdings above ground, which are either temporary in anticipation of you moving underground, or have to be above ground. In the bowels of the earth, your hold has a limited amount of space, but it is also the natural environment for the Dwarfs, and your people will feel at ease. If you stay above ground for too long, the rest of the Karaz Ankor will start getting concerned about you being out in the sun too much. It might even result in you getting a negative reputation. (I will actually make this a trait if your clan sticks above ground too much)

Most above-ground infrastructure is going to be defenses or farming and if you are crazy enough an Umgi town.

You are Dawi. You will uphold your oaths, settle your grudges, and bring death and ruin upon the forces of destruction. And should there be a grudge expect some boosts or penalties to target groups.
[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field. . (House Mormont the North start)
More place to expand if we go to the north. If i remember correctly, a lot of the northern mountains is untapped territory. Starks never bothered prospecting the mountains.

Dont care what unit dwarves are composed of cause its a fresh start. We need to pretty much build from ground up anyway.
[X] Plan A King In The North!
-[X] Clan Icehold
-[X]Dawi Sharpshooter's: Your clan has shown in the past that to fight you they first have to get close to you, though your enemies never could quite get close to you in large numbers. (+10 to range combat rolls and a larger core of Quarraler's at quest start)
-[X]The Black Mountains: Your Clan left from Karak Hirn in the hopes of aiding your fellow dawi and founding a new hope and hold with the aid of a good core to keep them safe.
-[X] A black bear in a green wood on a white field
The reason why I didn't pick the north is because it has its own mountain clans who might take issue with any of our claims and the fact that I've never seen a dorne based quest before. That and Dorne will be great for trade and actually connecting to other people.
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[X] Plan A King In The North!

Due to the amount of untaped land and mountains in the north. That and the religion would not try to screw us over or attack us.
[X] Plan Dig Deep and Greedily
-[X] Clan Goldbeard
-[X] Dawi Warrior's: Your clan has through its history shown that it could be depended upon to hold the line and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor. (+10 to melee combat rolls and more warriors at quest start)
-[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
-[X] A golden lion on a red field. (House Lannister the Westerland's start)

Ok so my reasons for these options are as follows:

1. Goldbeard sounds kinda cool and fits with the Westerlands.
2. The other quest by this QM started as a clan of rangers I believe so I don't want the quarreler bonus or the ranger bonus as I kinda want a traditional dawi heavy infantry line plus if we do actually fight above ground this will help us hold against cavalry charges.
3. I chose this one as we are most likely to be the only dawi in Westeros and Planetos we need as many dawi as we can get cause we do not reproduce fast at all, plus the implied internal issues intrigues me and sounds for an interesting start to the quest.
4. I chose the Westerlands cause I feel like the dawi would not like the dornish at all, and there aren't really any mountains in the Reach plus they would remind them of the Bretonnians, and I didn't choose the North as the Mountain clans are already there and there are very tame norscans plus they already live there. Though I would honestly like it if the QM switched the Reach option with either the Stormlands or the Vale though I would prefer the Vale. That and Dawi loves gold and rare metals so the Westerlands seems like a good place.
Just realized I messed up my vote, so I went with the same thing as the Lannister vote logic and having alot of dwarves.
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[X] Plan A King In The North!

I support this, because the Dawi really don't like the heat/humidity outside their holds (there's a reason they spread north aside from wealth).

Also the North does have a lot of mountains, and is very very sparsley populated, so less issues in expansion/support from the Umgi. And if we get involved in Dorne, we'd be dragged into the Martells grudges. (which while Dawi, is not somethign we need right now).

Also if we involve ourselves with the North, we may be able to actually arm/supply them to the point that they could rival the Lannisters in terms of 'army strength'.

the problem with the westerlands is that the noble houses already live in, and have carved out most of the wealth in their mountains. They'd consider us major rivals and even threats to them (espeically if Tywin is in charge, he would not support us, due to Tyrion/his own bias/pride/his bannermen/cousins spite).

The best mountain ranges would be the Stormlands, the Vale, or the North. the former has lots of mountains and is largely monster/wildmen free, the second while likely mineral rich and a large market of umgi to sell to, is covered in First Men clansmen and monsters that make the Norscans look cultured (which is dumb when you look a historical examples; even the britons that fled the romans still retained at least some level of culture); and the North while likely having the lowest concentrations has the lowest level of competition and means for expansion/increased trade.
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[X] Plan Dig Deep and Greedily
-[X] Clan Goldbeard
-[X] Dawi Warrior's: Your clan has through its history shown that it could be depended upon to hold the line and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor. (+10 to melee combat rolls and more warriors at quest start)
-[X] The Grey Mountains: Your clan was tired and like others alone, your fellow dawi slowly flocked your clan and bolstered its rank's and it was because of this that you saught to start again. (Your dawi will be divided in opinion and location they will also be hard to lead as they will number 7400 Dawi in total) (Will have other issues)
-[X] A golden lion on a red field. (House Lannister the Westerland's start)
[X]Plan: A quarrel for you, and for you!

It was that or the North and I have already done quests in the North, but I only played one quest in Dorne.

If the quest started before Aegon Conquest I would have chosen Westerlands, but I'm going with the idea we start at best start of Robert's reign at worst at the start of the TV show and I don't want to deal with Tywin.

Found this cool map about the geology of Westeros while looking for a good place to put our karak.

Second edit:also does the map appear?
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If the quest started before Aegon Conquest I would have chosen Westerlands, but I'm going with the idea we start at best start of Robert's reign at worst at the start of the TV show and I don't want to deal with Tywin.

Found this cool map about the geology of Westeros while looking for a good place to put our karak.

Second edit:also does the map appear?
Well we don't know what year we're starting in though since the Tyrell's are the Reach start we are most likely after Aegon's Conquest so anywhere from 1 AC to 300 AC though I hope we're closer to the start of that calendar as it would give us more time to prepare and Dawi are very long lived so we will most likely be alive by 300 AC if we start at 1 AC.

Also yeah we can see the map and that is actually pretty cool nice job in finding that.

Edit: Also a note we don't necessarily have to settle in our starting location which is why I chose the Westerlands so we have options to settle there or go the the Vale or Stormlands, hell if the if we're under Jaeherys I he could want us on Dragonstone seeing us as a major benefit to the Targs by being there in the future.
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