The question is whether, in addition to doing my best to present argumentation for it at the next opportunity, should I get back into trying to generate omake power, or should I sell some of my bitcoin to get another month of Nameless to bribe the thread with?

It's a tough question...


I don't know what you are talking about. My sober hands are shaking, need to get some cofee into them
I don't know what you're talking about! /s
The question is whether, in addition to doing my best to present argumentation for it at the next opportunity, should I get back into trying to generate omake power, or should I sell some of my bitcoin to get another month of Nameless to bribe the thread with?

If you're willing to go as far as the latter, you can probably just Wish for Hunger to have a guaranteed opportunity to build the Apocryphal Armament at an appropriately dramatic time. Considering the wishing well properties of the Cloak, it's unlikely we'd get another such chance through the Signs specifically but I don't think that's our only possibility.
I voted for Armory of Night, and I'd be perfectly willing to vote for it again. No bribery needed.

The rest of the thread, on the other hand...
I am sober, but don't expect it to last long.

Still the long term plan is still in effect and I am selling my vote for ring for two actually make it four Zampano T3 vetoless markers
honestly i thought about it for the price of 2 markers

but then i realized that if I call markers to make Crimson Flare happen, then Fonts of Myth get defeated, and I'd be sad.

but then i realized that if i help King of Winter happen, then Architect of the Age gets defeated, and I'll be sad

Your trap is fiendish in its simplicity, Sharkboy.
If you're willing to go as far as the latter, you can probably just Wish for Hunger to have a guaranteed opportunity to build the Apocryphal Armament at an appropriately dramatic time. Considering the wishing well properties of the Cloak, it's unlikely we'd get another such chance through the Signs specifically but I don't think that's our only possibility.
It feels wrong to have the Accursed Himself take some of his precious time just to give Hunger a toy. I want it to be something Hunger does himself.
It feels wrong to have the Accursed Himself take some of his precious time just to give Hunger a toy. I want it to be something Hunger does himself.
I mean, we still have the defensive wish. It wouldn't be unreasonable imo to talk to big R about reallocating your benefit...
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
So much for the "genius" of the purple bitch. The most powerful being in the multiverse* had to intervene (and a guy had to pay 1k) to make her stop being a complete scrub.
Oh this made my day.
... mitigation is still important, and a buffed Gisena is our most viable pathway to stage 3 mitigation for the Apocrypha
We should follow the wisdom of the inestimably wise Wolber in this. Therefore one of our most important priorities is buffing Gisena.
[X] The Tears of Winter: King of Winter

bah. Do not give up comrades, the winter king can still win. Everyone's favourite park will be restored one day! This is the first step.
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Winter King is a good bookend to this arc. And Seasons Greetings is timely, almost the holidays.
What can I do (other than sell more markers, which I doubt anyone wants from me) to convince anyone to switch from Ring to Tears?
I unfortunately can't double much money, I've only got a couple thousand stored away and I'd rather than spend more than half of that, which I'm already thinking of directing towards another month of Nameless for December.
There's also the Edeldross singularity if that whale of mine ever reappears

Y'know what the wildest thing would be? I don't think Elixir would be stronger than the Noble Praxis as a magic system. Which means that it would be a viable (and extremely powerful) target for Philosopher's Wreath! Considering just how massive the benefits we'd get would end up being, you'd get a lot of power out of the synergy between what seems like two of your favourite advancements...

So, what are the odds that without the spare the innocent expansion and lack of pacifying the arcanist that it's going to end up as a Apocryphal Proc if Ring wins?
Vote for Winter King if you don't want to imagine Apoc boosting the Shard the way it made the Rotbeast and Ber relevant again.

Shard can be boosted regardless, I'd surmise, but it'd require more Apoc Energy if under the effects of Winter King. Probably.