Apocryphal-chan only needs to succeed once, we need to succeed every time.

Resurrection abilities could increase that margin for error, but giving the Apocryphal an opening, even a small one, is a bad idea in general. See recent events for an example. We can't afford to burn rerolls like that with any regularity.
Well, yeah, she only needs to succeed once, but my point is that she isn't inclined to throw the same punch in a row for weeks or months at a time. She would probably send a killer in the night at us a couple times but I don't think it would be a constant issue.

Overall, though, this is a good point, and as time progresses my inclination to change my condition vote to Over-Refined continues to grow.
It's also interesting how some the curses Hunger was initially offered line up with the Forebear.

The Geas of Indenture: The Forebear had the Procession.
Affliction of Slumber: The Forebear had his Foresleep.
Brand of the Champion: The Forebear was called a cosmic janitor, and was required to go around "fixing up" universes.
Doom of the Tyrant: Uttermost blocked us from mitigating this, implying a connection of some sort.

No known match for Lunacy, Decimation, Plenary, or Apocryphal. Hunger only had to take 4 curses total so maybe the Forebear was similar? Pretty tenuous though.

So, since this got brought up again, I realized some things.

Plenary=Holy Shit. Very similar abilities, Plenary just has much more downsides.

Decimation=Power of Ruin.

Apocryphal: The Forebear was forced into a constantly escalating war that would kill him if he falls too far behind the curve. Sounds familiar.

Lunacy: Don't have anything for this one specifically.

Anyway, I think it's likely that the Accursed's Curses are based on some sort of omniversal pattern (that happens to crop up again with the Forebear), or that the beings behind the Curses were also behind the Forebear's situation. Maybe both.
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[X] Armory of Night
[X] Over-Refined

Changing to this, to minimize the chance of getting sniped by an Apoc proc immediately before or after RoE, or during a Slumber.
I will not lie.

The most interesting option for me at the time of this post is the string of events that causes Big Sis to Isekai us to a different realm.

It's literally a "Here's your reward! More Death or Glory!" thing if Haeliel fucks up.
[X] Myth and Legend
[X] Over-Refined

I would be much happier voting for this if we had confirmation one way or the other on the future availability of Armory, but I'm shortly going to need to stop browsing for the night.
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Over-Refined/Armory of Midnight(Apocrypha Armament Edition):

  • We lose Refinement of Quickness for one year or if/when a recovery opportunity we're willing to take turns up, whichever comes first. Hunger was Hard Pressed to engage Procyon with RoQ and Procyon was faster than Hunger without RoQ. We also have Nightmare Flight.

  • We lose Artful Thorn for one year or if/when a recovery opportunity we're willing to take turns up, whichever comes first. We have Deathly Star once a day out of the Armament. We get an armament that shoots Deathly Stars and has an Apocryphal Curse themed Ultimate Attack.

  • Verschlengorge's Decimation goes online. Potentially mitigatable if we put the Heroic Upgrade on augmenting people/blood powers to compensate.

  • If we take the ethical hit, we can massively upgrade something else with our heroic upgrade(like the Outer Shadow, or All-Defeating Stance, or Edeldross, or the Opalescent Tower, or Second Stage, or Tears of Winter)

  • We discover the secret cursebearer benefits for Armament pilots.

  • We unlock ginormous Hunger/Letrezia science synergies("However, note that the Ereadhihr have considerable utility applications beyond their might in battle. A second Armament would open up enormous logistical and cosmic terraforming possibilities, to say nothing of its Curse-specific Ultimate!").

  • (Speculative)Doubled inventory space, Verschlengorge is our Inventory right now.

  • We retain the full span of our time(No Foresleep)

  • We retain Adories protection of our holdings from the Apocryphal Curse

  • We do not bait the apocryphal curse again on the heels of the previous proc
To be fair, "And then Hunger was woken up in the middle of the night by Another Astral Beast" would get boring pretty fast, and Apocryphal-chan isn't a fan of being boring.
Certainly, though I'm going to bet a good spread on things like 'event by definition takes longer that Hunger can remain awake' or 'Terminator is hovering outside of range, but knows it just has to wait us out since we can't be roused without steep penalty'
Changing to this, to minimize the chance of getting sniped by an Apoc proc immediately before or after RoE, or during a Slumber.

The full curse of slumber was offered at the beginning of the quest so if chapter 1 Hunger can manage both Slumber and Apocryphal I think our Hunger can too. You even voted in favor of it, you supported "An Immodest Proposal"!

The risks are known, obvious, and can be dealt with. Hit and run tactics? Hunger has praxis, they can only hit and run once. Throw lots of trash monsters against us to keep waking us up? We've got allies powerful enough that this won't work. Lots of significant fights from now on will being with us waking up but this isn't that bad.

"Missing even a single hour will result in severe physiological consequences" good thing all our fights last like 1 second.
"If enemies consistently interrupt your sleep, you will find yourself near-constantly disoriented and enervated", we have powerful allies.
"Your waking hours are the very stuff of life. With this choice, you surrender half your conscious existence, your very presence in the world, upon the altar of a Curse" luckily our version only lasts a year and we don't train.

I think going without the praxis for an entire year is much, much more dangerous.
Man, I don't know. Honestly at this point there are points in favor and points against all three. I wish I could just vote for Not-Lessening...
[X] Myth and Legend
[X] Least Foresleep

Since our Condition really doesn't matter with my choice, let me vote for the one I think is the least bad with Armory. Considering how important the Praxis was in this fight, only have full power for 8 hours seems much better than not having any Praxis for a whole year. We can rely on Letrizia and our other companions to protect us during our vulnerable times, and for those 8 hours should Armory win we'd still be able to meaningfully contribute to Armament-level battles. In a sense it's the least constraining of the Conditions, it just reduces or available time but not our effectiveness in that time like every other Condition. Given how powerful we are, we can work around Slumber better than ever, really.
Some things to consider. We know that advancements grow in efficiency and value the more you spend at any given time. Stranglethorn is more powerful than 4 Echoes, EFBs are more powerful than 3-4 FBs. We also know that things with unlocking requirements are stronger than things that are freely accessible.

From there, the question is simple: how much value would we get from something that costs us 5 picks, 50 Arete and a Heroic Advancement that was only unlocked by spending another 50 Arete on a Lesser Wish proc?
[X] Myth and Legend
[X] Least Foresleep

Will post reasons later, but the main reason for myth is "Considerable in-setting effects" and the synergies. As for sleep, hunger powers up by fighting so power-gain is only minimally effected. We'll get attacked in our sleep but I think that's less risky than the other options.
I just want to note that the Affliction of Slumber stopped all synergies that let you progress despite the sleep such as time dilation, so I don't want to bet on Might's Repose working on it. It's still a Curse and something that is supposed to be a significant drawback on the level of losing Praxis access for a month.

Admittedly not an issue if Myth or Legend wins, but I feel like the other options are less risky because they don't risk power gain.
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Actually screw it, I want to know what's behind the mystery box!

[X] A Hero's Reward
[X] Least Foresleep

My people, we will never get an opportunity to get 5 picks, 50 Arete and a Heroic Advancement lined up like this ever again. It's now or never. We will have other opportunities for Saber, Oath of Winter and even Refinement of Purpose; but it's hard to conceive of any other situation where we might get this offered again. The relative opportunity cost of passing up something like this here is just immense. So, let's go for it.
[X] A Hero's Reward
[X] Grievous Exertion

This, this is the path, cast off the weaknesses of petty sorcery, and seek the truth of self.