[X] "This is Child's Play." - The dueling club is a mere tool for you to explore your magic. This is but one branch of many. You will focus on it only to deepen your understanding. The fun of it will vanish in time, like most of your inspirations do at a point. There is no point in aspiring some trifling activity that might hold you back in other areas.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.

This is a fun activity and we like competing. No need to overthink this.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
Super engaging discussion. Loved it.

Jacob spends a few hours in the Common Room after classes. His peers are either just relaxing, playing games with each other or finishing one of the many after school works they get on a daily basis. All the while, Jacob is scribbling in one of his notebooks, sitting near a window as the rain softly drums against it. Every few minutes a new idea appears on the parchment as to how to proceed, how to invest his time the wisest and what to aim for in the foreseeable future... Well, most of that time was used that way. There also may be a few new drawings hidden between those productive notes; a Dementor pulling his cloak back as the scarred and eyeless mess of his face becomes visible, a young Hufflepuff girl pulling an older boy behind her, a young child with a prominent 'S' on his scarf. All these small drawings center around the clearest and largest picture of a cute white rabbit, as it looks up at the Dementor decending on it.
When he was satisfied (with notes and drawings), Jacob took his time to put a bolded header right under the rabbit: 'Structural Knowledge or specific Spells & Potions?'

-> +8 Experience for an engaging and insightful discussion.
[X] "You guide the way." - You like dueling, clearly, but you don't have any aspiration to it. While trying your very best may be a bit much, you will invest some brain matter into developing your skills to further improve. But this is not an overly important matter to you in the end.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
Okay, with the latest discussion regarding how many actions are needed to learn all our spells and potions for year end here's a revised plan that still aims to get good enough to win the tournament.

Starting status at end of Nov assuming no further changes

Constitution 2 -
Creativity 3
Intellect 4
Empathy 2
Luck 4 -

Charms, P-
DADA Training, P-
Potions Training, D+
Dec: 8 Personal actions
1x Creativity
2x Intellect
2x Dada
2x Spell training (expeliarmus)
1x Potions training (Shrinking Solution)

4/5 classes

Expected status
Constitution 2 -
Creativity 4
Intellect 5[75%]-6
Empathy 2
Luck 4 -

Charms, P-
DADA Training, P+
Potions Training, D+

Spells learned

Potions learned
Shrinking Solution.
Jan 8 Personal actions
1x Creativity
1x Charms (get the patronus requirement)
2x Dada
2x Spell training ( Avifors, Cheering Charm)
2x Potions training (Wideye Potion)
5/5 classes

Potential level up. +2 stat points

Expected status
Constitution 2 -
Creativity 5-6
Intellect 6-7
Empathy 2
Luck 4 -

Charms, P+
DADA Training, A+ (10)
Potions Training, P-

Spells learned
Cheering Charm

Potions learned
Shrinking Solution
Wideye Potion
Feb 8 actions
1x Constitution
1x Empathy
1x Charms
1x Dada
3x spell training (Diffindo, Protego (Deep Understanding)
1x Potion training (Wideye Potion or Blue Wideye)

Expected status
Constitution 3
Creativity 5-6
Intellect 6-7
Empathy 3
Luck 4 -

Charms, A- (8)
DADA Training, E- (11)
Potions Training, P- (5)

Spells learned.
Expeliarmus(needed) [77% Chance]
Avifors (needed) [100%]
Cheering Charm (needed) [70% Chance]
Diffindo [80% chance]
Protego (Deep understanding) [Chance 49.5%]

Potions learned.
Shrinking Solution (Needed) [65%]
Wideye Potion (Needed) [79%]
We may also have more actions during the december month as there is a lot of holiday that happens then and if we stay at the castle we'll presumably get a lot of actions based on the fact that we're not in nearly as many classes. I'd expect 2-4 extra actions.

At this point we can rapidly crash charms, potions or transfiguration upwards whilst still grabbing a bunch of spells every turn and we'll be well placed to grab a point or two of empathy and constitution via training before leveling up becomes a concern to put more stats into intellect and creativity as needed.

I've added probability assessments to the end of the sheet for how likely we are to have picked up the spells at the steps the spell is being learned.
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Do we know Diffindo ? Although we probably can't use it in duels, we could use it offensively in life or death situations.

We do not know it yet. It's DC50 so it's a spell we could learn in one action right now semi reliably, but it has limited utility in duelling because we can't use it with out risking severely hurting our class mates, you're right that it's probably a good spell for outside the castle though. It could probably be worked into the plan earlier by switching out the cheering charm.
I am not really a fan of using so many Personal Actions to increase our attributes in the next two months, I would rather try to get Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy to P- to take advantage of our Ravenclaw advantage and push all those skills to P...

Afterwards we can focus on Attributes and learning spells and potions...
I tried to draw Jacob, here's the result :

What do you think ?

I like it, especially his hair. :)

We do not know it yet. It's DC50 so it's a spell we could learn in one action right now semi reliably, but it has limited utility in duelling because we can't use it with out risking severely hurting our class mates, you're right that it's probably a good spell for outside the castle though. It could probably be worked into the plan earlier by switching out the cheering charm.

Yeah I agree. Looking at the list of spells available to us, waddiwassi seems like a more powerful version of Wingardium Leviosa. We seem to like chucking things at our opponents. So with waddiwassi, instead of levitating, we could shoot objects at our opponents.

I think this spell would be really hard to protect against since I don't think you can dodge an object thrown with waddiwassi, meaning you have to defend with a shield.

So, this seems like a promising spell to add to our repertoire.
I am not really a fan of using so many Personal Actions to increase our attributes in the next two months, I would rather try to get Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy to P- to take advantage of our Ravenclaw advantage and push all those skills to P...

Afterwards we can focus on Attributes and learning spells and potions...

Is there anything you want to do with those skills at that level? I'm just trying to understand the motivation for wanting to get those classes up.

Also the quick plan I've thrown together doesn't have that many attribute training actions.

The plan I've thrown together has six actions for attributes across three months. 2 actions of training in attributes a month. That's not an attribute focus, that's a balanced push between attributes, skills and spell learning/potion learning. It also assumes a level up taking plan for 2 free attributes.

An Attribute focus would have much more.

if the desire is due to Training actions being more difficult after P upwards being 75% keep in mind that's before attribute bonuses and with a moderate number of actions in attributes and level ups we'll be more like 85% chance of success on skill training actions until A+.
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Is there anything you want to do with those skills at that level? I'm just trying to understand the motivation for wanting to get those classes up.
Well, first of all because I would like to take full advantage of the Ravenclaw automatic level up, so that all those free attributes that we earn are not "wasted" auto success level ups.

Besides that, we need higher skills before attempting any of the most interesting projects we have, and the DC decrease if we have higher skill level rather than attributes.

And for these classes in particular... Well we know that Arithmancy and Magic Theory makes learning and creating spells easier, Acient Runes is necessary for the most esoteric uses of magic, and it seems useful to have herbology and potions at the same level for obvious reasons...
Well, first of all because I would like to take full advantage of the Ravenclaw automatic level up, so that all those free attributes that we earn are not "wasted" auto success level ups.

Besides that, we need higher skills before attempting any of the most interesting projects we have, and the DC decrease if we have higher skill level rather than attributes.

And for these classes in particular... Well we know that Arithmancy and Magic Theory makes learning and creating spells easier, Acient Runes is necessary for the most esoteric uses of magic, and it seems useful to have herbology and potions at the same level for obvious reasons...

Well on the auto level up front keep in mind that with attribute training as even a moderate focus, I'm proposing an average of 2 per month. That would take us from 75% to 89% for P-A+

I don't think it's worthwhile to worry about an 11% chance of action failure and getting skills to 10 would take a lot of actions of its own by the time that becomes an issue we'd probably have another level up any way. Throw in the perks and it's actually back to automatic success.

P-A+ 75% Assuming only 5-5 on the relevant stats. That's 85%. +20 to Charms, Transfiguration, DADA So 100% to those three. 95% for Ancient runes.

Magic theory providing a DC reduction on learning or creating spells is something that is interesting to consider.
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So that we don't have more problems later on?

If we never push ourself to use at least some of our actions there, we will probably develop some regrets over it later on due to the caps.

I don't think so. We can train those slightly later, if we're going to try and actually win the tournament we need to have at least a temporary focus on DADA, Charms and such.

I would love to train those other skills, the automatic advancement isn't relevant to long term plans in terms of lost opportunity cost because until waaay later on it doesn't impact plans to get those skill up to 10+ as class perks make a lot of the 75% range stuff less relevant. (in terms of concern of lost actions) The difference between training now and in 4 months time doesn't impact plans two years down the line. if you're worried about wasted actions.

Consider that automatic advancement wont work if we don't have the attributes to allow for it as well. That's something that could become relevant if we skill and spell focus and ignore attributes very quickly. DADA for instance is locked to skill rating 8 until we get creativity past 4. That's A- we're three DADA bumps from that happening now and one of those will be happening automatic in January. Assuming we want to focus on trying to win the tournament those limitations are likely to be relevant.

What I'm trying to say is that there's no worry about not being able to bump our magical skills up high enough later on to continue to meet threshold targets. Especially if we're making a moderate focus on getting action boosting potions earlier rather than later.
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@Tabula Rasa How many turns until Christmas holidays start?
Christmas holidays is next month. You'll have a decision to stay in the castle or head home. But I'll address that, so don't worry.

@Tabula Rasa Could you have a differnent tab for the character sheet and future informtion pages?
Done :)

Didn't have time to comment on the last chapter so I'll do it now.

Definitely hope to have something like this in the future. Would probably require some insane Legilimency & Occlumency investment though so I will be a while. But being able to have a familiar of some sort and see through their eyes and feel their thoughts sounds all sorts of useful.

This doesn't sound like it will be a happy story either. Glad we didn't overburden Jacob this month, sounds like the Book has given him enough stress.

This is the best Binns I have ever read. When he gets excited about a subject he can share some insightful commentary. I also like how you didn't go for what most people would consider the obvious solution, which would be to 'raise Goblins up'. Binn's said that you could do that, but that in doing so Wizards would also lose their supremacy and that there are costs in either scenario. Truly a great teacher in that he is trying to get his students to think.

Sad, but not unexpected. I honestly think we shouldn't really try to train Attributes that need a DC 40 to pass. To much chance to waste an action. Thoughts on this? Should we switch to training the lower rated attributes and stick to level-ups to raise this attribute now? Or should we give it one more shot? Personally, it is too close to a 50-50 chance for me to put an action on it.

Glad Jacob had time to bond with his year mates. He needed it after the week he has had. It also shows his fellow Ravenclaws that he isn't that distant. ..well maybe he is, but that he doesn't bite if you approach him.

Nice. Glad we got it down. Though I don't think we will finish it this year. Our basic defense is good enough for now. If we tackle the other spells on our list then we can see where we are at then and if we have the time for it later on in the year then I say go for it. I would rank this after the Patronus in priority though.

Regarding the vote, for me it is between 2 or 3. Tracey seems open to having a friendly rivalry, and I would like to oblige her. Our relationship with her is unlike any other one we have with a fellow classmate and I would like to cultivate it further.

[X] "You guide the way." - You like dueling, clearly, but you don't have any aspiration to it. While trying your very best may be a bit much, you will invest some brain matter into developing your skills to further improve. But this is not an overly important matter to you in the end.

Edit: Changed to this. BeepSmile convinced me. I like their reasoning.

I really appreciate this kind of insight. Thank you very much!

[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.

She wants us to walk this path of attempted greatness with her...so why not. Also getting those deep understandings of Draconifors and Expecto Patronum is my goal. I'll vote for whoever aims for that.
Even if I do not specify it, if you think there may be more to a spell, you can always vote to gain a deeper understanding of any spell. We can then see if there is more Jacob might find out or if it only gets more potent.

I tried to draw Jacob, here's the result :

What do you think ?
This is so very great!! It fits superb to show what Jacob was up to these last few months. I am in love!! Thank you very much, this is going to be posted in the story if I find a good moment. I really appreciate it!
[X] "You guide the way." - You like dueling, clearly, but you don't have any aspiration to it. While trying your very best may be a bit much, you will invest some brain matter into developing your skills to further improve. But this is not an overly important matter to you in the end.
[X] "This is the Road to the Top" – Tracey's goal seems to be clear. She wants to rise in ranks, however long it takes her. Her fierceness inspires you as well; this is something you can do. You will aim to win the dueling tournament at the end of this year, however farfetched that goal is. Because this feels like something that could be a lot of fun.
Vote still open. Current tally:

Adhoc vote count started by Nurgle on Sep 29, 2020 at 6:47 AM, finished with 123 posts and 51 votes.