Diffindo – DADA. The Severing Charm is a charm used to precisely and accurately cut something. It is taught in second year charms classes, and if used inappropriately can cause death or injury. DC 50.
Expelliarmus (Needed for exams at the end of the year) - DADA. The Disarming Charm, is a defensive charm which forces the victim to release whatever they were holding at the time. It is common to see this spell used in duels, to make an opponent release their wand. (Requires Charm and DADA skill of at least D+), DC 100
Expecto Patronum - What stops an unstoppable force? - DADA. The Patronus Charm, is a ancient and mysterious charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring (Requires Charm and DADA skill of at least P), DC 500, DC 300 + New trait if learned while Lupin is Professor.
New Spell Research, Protego (Deep Understanding) – DADA. Stronger version of the Shield Charm. Protego is a term applied to several varieties of charms. They create a magical barrier to deflect physical entities and spells, in order to protect a certain person or area. Conjurations may sometimes rebound directly off it back towards the caster or in other cases, may ricochet off in other directions or dissipate as soon as they hit the shield. Requires DADA Skill of A, gives a +15 to defending rolls. DC: 150