It must be raining somewhere else!
Some ideas:
Unbound Severing directed towards the Astral might cause a similar instakill effect to what Augustine tried on us.
A relatively short cast of Cold Light might still be able to extend the range of our blade, which makes Cut Through ranged.
Now is a pretty good time to ramp up scaling modifiers, whether it be RoB or Imperial, since we'll be needing it against Terminator man!
Consolidate Power + Regency is a really good mix. Consolidate Power + Intensive Research is another one (since Intensive benefits from +Adorie Rank). Sightseeing + Mentor's Duty could bring us to the elusive Aobaru EFB (#DoItForHim).
probably not, but that would be cool.
calling him a beautiful vessel, while fitting for his charisma, probably has some implications for his agency in the story (unless of course i'm totally misreading it)
in light of recent developments in pick science:
[X] Study the Blade
[X] Study the Blade x2
[X] Study the Blade x3
[X] Cursebearer's Strain
Unbound Severing directed towards the Astral might cause a similar instakill effect to what Augustine tried on us.
A relatively short cast of Cold Light might still be able to extend the range of our blade, which makes Cut Through ranged.
Now is a pretty good time to ramp up scaling modifiers, whether it be RoB or Imperial, since we'll be needing it against Terminator man!
Consolidate Power + Regency is a really good mix. Consolidate Power + Intensive Research is another one (since Intensive benefits from +Adorie Rank). Sightseeing + Mentor's Duty could bring us to the elusive Aobaru EFB (#DoItForHim).
This is ominous. It might literally mean that Praxis is getting closer to breaking the 4th wall, but also that Arete is toxic?? are we killing our boy, are we the hidden ones pushing him into tragedy for our enjoyment?The digital waterfall has so much to offer, a copious stream of new ideas and experiences, but it must be balanced by the concrete and reified lest the toxins of overreach contaminate this beautiful vessel.
probably not, but that would be cool.
calling him a beautiful vessel, while fitting for his charisma, probably has some implications for his agency in the story (unless of course i'm totally misreading it)
in light of recent developments in pick science:
[X] Study the Blade
[X] Study the Blade x2
[X] Study the Blade x3
[X] Cursebearer's Strain
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