[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

I for one am looking forward to getting baited and trapped. What's the worst that can happen really?
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Man, imagine if we steal the Tower and Augustine responds by stealing another companion like she did Versch. The first time wasn't enough for our boy to learn his lesson so he goes back in for another bite. Perfect read, great play by Augustine. Almost hope she'd win or at least force us into a tie at that point, if only because she'd deserve it for dunking on such an overwhelming opponent.
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I'm voting for for Tower of Earth (at least in part) because I want to see Augustine play one of if not her strongest single card,

and lose.
Man, imagine if we steal the Tower and Augustine responds by stealing another companion like she did Versch. The first time wasn't enough for our boy to learn his lesson so he goes back in for another bite. Perfect read, great play by Augustine. Almost hope she'd win or at least force us into a tie at that point, if only because she'd deserve it for dunking on such an overwhelming opponent.
Man, that sounds so interesting. She might force us into negotiation or something with that move. It's about time Hunger loses because of his greed and recklessness, might be an impetus for change.
Turn the cloak back into the Opalescent Tower and put it on top of the Earth Tower, this is how towers display dominance in the wild.

To attract the Earth, you must be a star. Aobaru, pls lend us your glorious incandescence.

Has anyone asked how the Tower feels about all this? Maybe if we're polite, it will come with us of its own volition.

This one's serious, we're trying to Inherit the World, so Outer Shadow might not do nothing. Imitate the Worldbearer, and give it a huge hug.
Man, imagine if we steal the Tower and Augustine responds by stealing another companion like she did Versch. The first time wasn't enough for our boy to learn his lesson so he goes back in for another bite. Perfect read, great play by Augustine. Almost hope she'd win or at least force us into a tie at that point, if only because she'd deserve it for dunking on such an overwhelming opponent.
She will steal Hunger himself and do the classic "Bathe her him and bring her him to me". Perfect time for our boy to show his social skills and bring her back to the light
[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

Thanks for absolving any responsibility I have to fight against this future shitshow, @ImperatorV, I actually really appreciate it. On a totally unrelated note, you should probably be more strategic with your markers; calling them at the start of the vote with no plans to astroturf support is very inefficient; there's a high chance this call will be wasted.

Honestly, I just did it because you called me out recently, and it made me feel bad. So it's very much a "You complain about me never using markers, so HA" thing. It's not really about winning, although winning would be nice here. I very much agree with Aabcehmu's take that we need to recognize that this is risky, but that we want to do it anyway.
HUNGER: My power is unchallenged. Play your last pathetic spell so I can end this, Augustine.

THE PHAROAH LORD PROTECTOR: My grandpa's deck mother's book has no pathetic spells, Hunger! But it does have the unstoppable, Mondo Bait!
HUNGER: I play Cut Through at TWENTY Mana! It cannot be countered. It is unstoppable. All your counterspells are for naught now. And with Artful Thorn in play, you can't prevent damage. It's over, Ausgustine.
AUGUSTINE: And all your lands are tapped out. I end the turn. Time Stop.
HUNGER: Oh shit-
Man, that sounds so interesting. She might force us into negotiation or something with that move. It's about time Hunger loses because of his greed and recklessness, might be an impetus for change.
I really don't want to lose to Augustine. First because I think losing on purpose is just bad strategy that might cost us a lot more than we are willing to pay, especially if what we want to change is OOC decision making. But more importantly, we might never be able to make fun of the Royalists again if we lose here, and that would be really sad, and the worst thing ever. We'd never hear the end of it.
[X] Cut Through

Wow, people are voting for Tower explicitly because it is the Trap Option. Wanting to directly head into a trap born of tactics and cunning while she is the underdog, right after Hunger notes that is how he overcame his worst challenges, with him now being in the opposite position. Just... wow.

Man, I really regret ever getting Sky if this is kind of recklessness it breeds in Hunger. Totally ruins his character by inundating it with the infinite GREED of voters.
Cultivation Realms in Rihaku Verse

1: Post Condensation
2: Argument Establishment
3: Brine Formation
4: Nascent Writer
5: Vote-Severing
6: Omake-Seeking
7: Writer Realm
8+: Like 7, but with increasing escalation of superlatives.

Just a tangent my mind went off on when Microwave mentioned he, Priest and Addio were in Vote-Severing realm.
So I spent a while thinking about this, and have decided to change my vote. I still like Tower of Earth, and don't think that it's ludicrously risky. I'd go for it against any other opponent. But we aren't here to accumulate power, and we don't need more power right now anyways. Well, we do need iridescence, but that ship didn't sail because people have fucking terrible judgement and wanted Fisher King, despite knowing that we just accumulated a bunch of Protection and would benefit greatly against the LP with it. Sigh.

Anyways, we aren't here like this to grab more power. We're here to kill this ~megahitler maniac and save Versch. There will always be more power on offer with less risk than this, and our talent for abduction really isn't being neglected even without trying for Tower of Earth. It's far harder to fix the situation if our allies are killed than it is to get offered comparable chunks of power with only risk to ourselves.

[] Slow and Methodical

Of the other approaches, I'd rather utilize some wisdom by methodically dealing with the problem. We know that Augustine won't liquidate Versch while taking this route unless we roll catastrophically badly, and it offers better odds than coming to the fight tired.


Changing to
[X] Cut Through

in order to consolidate against Tower.
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Cultivation Realms in Rihaku Verse

1: Post Condensation
2: Argument Establishment
3: Brine Formation
4: Nascent Writer
5: Vote-Severing
6: Omake-Seeking
7: Writer Realm
8+: Like 7, but with increasing escalation of superlatives.

Just a tangent my mind went off on when Microwave mentioned he, Priest and Addio were in Vote-Severing realm.
Also, Micro and Priest are on the heterodox Artist path rather than the conventional Writer path.
Cultivation Realms in Rihaku Verse

1: Post Condensation
2: Argument Establishment
3: Brine Formation
4: Nascent Writer
5: Vote-Severing
6: Omake-Seeking
7: Writer Realm
8+: Like 7, but with increasing escalation of superlatives.

Just a tangent my mind went off on when Microwave mentioned he, Priest and Addio were in Vote-Severing realm.
I'd like to break through the barrier from Brine Formation into Nascent Writer, but the thought of writing dialogue for any character just makes me cringe with every iota of my existence.

i get tired of hearing my own voice; there's no way I can write multiple characters
I'd like to break through the barrier from Brine Formation into Nascent Writer, but the thought of writing dialogue for any character just makes me cringe with every iota of my existence.

i get tired of hearing my own voice; there's no way I can write multiple characters
This is also more commonly known as a bottleneck, a bane of many cultivators, not just those in the Rihakuverse..
Adhoc vote count started by runeblue360 on Sep 16, 2020 at 12:17 AM, finished with 61 posts and 21 votes.


Vote seems like it will be split between Tower/Non-Tower folks, so us non-tower folks will probably have to back one option if we want to win.
Cultivation Realms in Rihaku Verse

1: Post Condensation
2: Argument Establishment
3: Brine Formation
4: Nascent Writer
5: Vote-Severing
6: Omake-Seeking
7: Writer Realm
8+: Like 7, but with increasing escalation of superlatives.

Just a tangent my mind went off on when Microwave mentioned he, Priest and Addio were in Vote-Severing realm.

I recall that the Discord glimpsed a vision of the Metaverse-Relinquisher...