[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]

Looks like a fine day for a reaction!

If an EFB only offered the ability to intercept Apocryphal procs I would consider it strongly, but this one is just packed with goodies. That it makes me reasonably confident we can duo the would-be assassin further down the line is the clincher though.

As far as diplomacy is concerned, I loved Orms Q&A style post! If diplomacy wins, or even if it fails, I do hope we get some dialogue with her. Aligning ourselves against the shard is a path I'm more than willing to walk to bring an end to the conflict without too much more bloodshed. Adorie would be very impressed if we not only managed to restore her place, but do it with so many of the Realms assets still in tact! Certainly some relationship+ are on the table since we have chosen to bring Adorie with us.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit
Alas, the write-in doesn't seem to have gotten much traction. Going to switch to this, and continue to demonstrate my loyalty to the SAVE gang.
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[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]

I've seen the resolve of the miners for it, and I'm convinced. Very well then. Alongside the power of Aabcehmu's Arete-Doubling Stance, mining 13 Arete is well within our reach. (After all, we mined 22 right after the Nilfel EFB vote. We just need a little more than half of that exuberance.)
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Is that quote 'dismal science' a reference to something? It's a pretty memeworthy phrase, but whether spun whole-cloth or prefab, I'm liking it. There's something heartless about reducing human life and liberty to a number on a sheet of paper, like a kind of dark magic that leaves the world dull and colorless as its price for passage. I guess this answers my earlier question about what Black magic does, too.

Economics is traditionally known as the dismal science! It comes from the Malthusian era, but still has applicability today on the largest scales. Zoom out far enough and all the accessible resources in the universe can be catalogued in finite quantity, and thereafter remains only the allocation.
Phew, glad I never used this word wrong in the past. I always knew it was revenge themed from context, but didn't know what it specifically implied. After a brief consultation with the locale dictionary, i.e. google, I learned this is specifically revenge for family related killings. Or a prolonged and bitter feud, which is more akin to what I had in mind. Quite apt how both versions apply to our Lord Protector.

Not much need for color theory today, could it be anything but crimson?

Hunger frowned. Losing Verschlengorge was a possibility they'd only briefly accounted for, the Armament of all things considered more than capable of taking care of himself.
I'll be first to say I didn't see this coming. I'm impressed Hunger and Gisena had even 'briefly' accounted for the possibility, Armament-napping was honestly the least of my concerns before this moment. It's surely blasphemous for me to say so, but I'm also least concerned for Versch, in general. It's not to say he isn't a big hunk-o-awesome, I just don't think I've developed as big a bond with him as the rest of the cast. I have a hard time placing him in the companion tier list because in many capacities I see him as a piece of equipment! I'm sure I would feel much differently had we ever sat in the cockpit ourselves, or made any moves to wield Versch ourselves.

In general though, while losing Letrizia herself would be unacceptable, Versch falling in her defense is inside my wheelhouse. The biggest downside to Versch falling for me, was the big hit to Letrizias relationship with us if we exacerbated things and got him killed by calling a bluff we shouldn't have. My apologies to all the Versch fans, and don't get it twisted, I'm not interested in seeing him go down by any means. Just that on a totem poll, Versch is at the bottom holding everyone else up.
Their lack of knowledge of the Lord Protector's true capabilities was crippling them in this contest. Without any data on the limits of his sorceries, it would be risky to proceed further.
Looking back at this statement, Glimpse was exactly what Hunger was musing to himself about. Though I'm not sure we learned of any real limits per se, more so that we learned they were capable of just about anything given enough time and resources. Perhaps learning that not even being cast outside of time and space are outside of the Lord Protectors purview will end up worth the cost, even if we don't go for diplomacy. I can easily imagine Hunger deciding to just tank a few traps in the alternate timeline, wheras now he will be greatly wary of anything he doesn't know the full remit of.
The Cloak of Sky had given him dominion over sorcery, and its theoretical power over magic was as vast and encompassing as the heavens themselves. The prototypical arcana it'd provided were the means by which he'd transported himself and Gisena to the location of the Armament-Fish. Could he draw upon those predecessor magics to bring forth a solution to this matter? Conjure some Astral Entity with knowledge of the Lord Protector?
I always like how Rihaku weaves in votes with reality, even though the options are incredibly varied, the results update to update never really strikes me as jarring. It's never really in question about how Hunger came to a decision in character, enough breadcrumbs are usually sprinkled about for any of the options to be the natural conclusion.

The vote for our cloaks magic was a few updates ago by this point, but until Hunger actually called upon the magic such capabilities were still locked in a haze for him. Sort of like his knowledge that he could bring forth more of the Forebears might by way of the All Defeating Stance, the Signs sort of sit in a ball of potential until such need arises.

I like this much more than Hunger merely cocking his head and saying, oh yeah, I can totally summon an Astral to talk to about this! It looks like it helps Rihaku pull off the above as well, keeping the idea of potential waiting to be drawn on as an actual plot device helps mid battle power-ups and the like from feeling cheap.

Just noting again how the last two sentences of the above quote are basically the conjuration of the vote below Whichever the voters decide was already hinted at as a real possibility, so both would feel fine update to update.
Focusing his Pressure, he channeled it through the Cloak of Sky as he had the Ring, when first he'd drawn forth those tatters of shadow into the Mantle of Evening. Pulled through that vestment it was no anglerfish lure, but the maw of the abyss itself, the Void Above like a reflecting pond mirroring the void below.
Let me think for a moment, is this calling back to the Ring update just before we had arrived back to the Temple? Or is this talking about when we very first acquired the Cloak? I'm not sure, I don't recall us channeling the ring when we first got the cloak, I'll have to check later.

Regardless, I do like the visuals here. The maw of the Abyss is probably one of my favorite phrases, and I always love when it shows up in different places. As I try and imagine what is going on here, I think it's saying rather than a beacon to draw an astral towards us, we ripped open a chasm into the Astral. The cloak of sky must be extended at least to the length of the tear we wrought, and I can imagine the tear of Edeldross at the centerpoint.
It was uncertain, even at so mighty a Rank as his, to achieve exactly what he sought with so vague a methodology. The Cloak flared around him, encircling his impromptu ritual grounds, a halo of rushing darkness that formed runes into the earth. Directed by his will it enacted some primordial sorcery that matched the form of his desires, the stars of its pattern arranging themselves in the forgotten language of that magic.
Now this is my kind of magic. Some people like measured, calculated gestures. Precise measurements of reagent calculated down to the granule to achieve their desired outcome via the weighted calculus of mathematics and reason... Not me! I'm more of a fan where you point your finger at reality and tell it whats up. Flashing sigils, runes of power, and cloak flaring about without any wind are all very much appreciated while administering your version of reality to the magic at hand.
He felt some internal reservoir deplete, possibility itself caged and reified; it would be some time before he could call upon the Cloak for arbitrary tasks beyond this. Teleportation and Astral Summoning were the sigils it had adopted, and boons of a different flavor were now past its remit. The constellations, once set, could not be trivially shifted.
Once again Rihaku just setting the stage for this and future updates, letting everyone know why this bout of 'make it happen' worked, and why such flailing would not be successful in the future. I really like this whole paragraph though, it made a 'boring info dump' into a really cool passage that I enjoyed reading.
Had he been careless, to exert his mastery so totally, adhering the Cloak to a purpose towards which it was now fixed? But with its basic abilities unaffected, he did not find himself overly perturbed by this. For its power over sorcery to be employed, it first had to be delineated, and a tool unused was as good as useless.
I can't disagree with Hunger here. Potential is all well and good, but if you die with cards with a bunch of gas in the tank because you were so hyped on possibility, oof. Certainly different effects would be better at different times, but that will always be the case and is a fools game to play. Might as well play the cards you have in hand rather than worry about what you could have possibly drawn, especially when there are not take-backsies when it comes to moments like these.
Even with the Cloak facilitating his spell, the process of summoning was neither quick nor easy. It would take an hour or more to call forth a being of appropriate power and stature, runes of the sigil like a starry net interposed between the Astral and the maw of his Sky, harmlessly sifting and releasing those beings inadequate to his purpose, ensuring the spell's potency was not expended on an irrelevant subject.
Oh interesting. I had missed this on the first read, but it's actually a really cool picture. So the astral net that we had created had, a perhaps visible, filtration system in place! I don't know the specifics if anyone could see out or in, but it's a really neat image either way. Filtering a bunch of eldritch monstrosities via such abstract idea of 'usefulness in this situation' is perhaps the most busted application of rank ever. Absolutely bonkers, but I like it.

The fated hour though, It really didn't seem like too much when arrayed against the twenty four previously spent. Truly a grim cost, the expense of one of our vaunted get out of jail free cards. I don't begrudge the loss though, just as well the roll could have turned against us in an equally dire way had we rushed in for the rescue. Though with more players at stake who knows if one roll would have been sufficient to save everything, or would have a Wish been needed to rectify the situation?

Much in the same vein as above, speculation on what-ifs aren't something I'm too interested at discussing in depth. Things are happening, best to just keep playing your hands.
"I'm going to summon something that can help deal with the Lord Protector," Hunger said, hand upraised to stabilize the array. "It'll consume the majority of my Pressure and attention, so fight defensively until I'm finished."
I didn't realize that the enemies forces would continue their assault into the next update, I though it would have mostly petered out as they regrouped and evaluated the new situation. Based on the latest update though, with Aobaru proving his valor and courage in the defense of Letrizia, I was obviously mistaken. It's pretty plainly laid out right here though, and we did pick up Vanguard at last. So no harm no foul I suppose.

"Understood!" Aeira said, intercepting a straggler before its suicide charge reached Adorie. "Your arrival has cleared out most of the enemies in the vicinity. We should be able to hold on from here."
Rare Aeira sighting! And my Accursed, I can't believe the balls of steel on that madman. Charging his own princess, deep in enemy lines beside the Lord Hunger who is in the midst of literally shaking the foundations of the reality with the tidal surge of his Pressure. Then he gets ganked by Shadowcord. A+ for effort, but he probably should have stayed in school.
Adorie bowed. "I apologize for relying so heavily upon you, Hunger. I'm usually a bit more useful than this! When you go to confront him, let me come along to help. I can lend my Pressure to your own to bend matters in our favor."

"I'm not one to turn down assistance, but you'll be expected to take care of yourself," Hunger said. "If all of you are in danger, I'll prioritize saving my companions over you."
Poor Adorie, I pray her time will come soon. I'm a bit glad she whiffed on her negotiations with us, but I'm sad her defense performed so poorly in our absence. With her coming with us, I'm hopeful that her star will yet shine. I do have to agree with Hunger on his sentiments at the end, While she's a soon-to-be companion, she isn't quite there yet. Good on him to let her know where things stand should the sky start falling.
"That's only to be expected," Adorie said simply. "I wish there were more I could tell you of his capabilities. The Lord Protector has always been a mysterious figure, and his Patron Spirit even more so. I'm afraid none of my followers have successfully initiated the inner circles of his... cult. He is a powerful sorcerer, but even the laws of magic don't seem to apply to him!"
I'm so excited about this part. Adorie learning the true identity of the mysterious enigmatic leader, the Lord Protector. All along it was family, in a way she's not alone anymore, and in other ways, is she anything but? I'm absolutely giddy with the possibilities of this fallout. Will she be happy, sad, thrilled, despair? Will she want us to use diplomacy, want to speak with her? or will it all be too much, and she prefer her 'sister' be confined to oblivion without a final farewell.

I have a feeling she will be... interested in at least hearing her out. Especially if we fill her in on any of the details. It's possible she doesn't know anything going on herself and will want to get to the bottom of her sisters suffering. In truth what could drive an eight year old so far, with such conviction? Until the full details are known I don't think I could ever truly be satisfied. I'm so greedy for lore, it's like an addiction. Even at the cost of %success I'm willing to pay the iron price for insights into the world.
"Sounds like a challenge for my Nullity!" Gisena said happily. "I've always wondered at the limits of the Maidengrace. Perhaps here it will finally meet its match!"

"Magic for me, but not for thee?" Hunger raised an eyebrow. "I see Lady Nullity lives up to her reputation."

"It's Princess Nullity now!" Gisena corrected him.

"Don't make me regret giving you that title."
I do like their banter back and forth, and I forgot who mentioned it, but I too would like to see a bit more serious conversation between the two. It feels like it's been a good while since they had what could be considered onscreen non-banter, and I'm curious if it doesn't exist because of fronts they've put up for each other, or if this is just more engaging to write.
"Do you regret not doing all that paperwork by yourself? Perhaps I should defect to a nation where my services are better appreciated."

"Ah," Adorie raised a hand. "I'm sorry, but Nilfel cannot afford bad relations with the Elixir Kingdom at this time. We're too dependent on our military alliance at the moment..."

Hunger grunted, feeling strength drain rapidly from his limbs. "Someone get Aobaru over here. He needs to refresh our Vigorflame augments."

"On it!" said Aeira.
Then again, if we can get a third wheel Adorie in on the banter, that could spice things up well enough. I suppose variety is the spice of life, and I wouldn't mind if others intrude upon their banter if that's the route they have chosen with eachother.
oh shit, sequence break baby. Past this point is the perspective of a most interesting character!

The mask and robes of the Lord Protector weighed heavily upon her.
This changes everything. Or does it? I am at least 1% less likely to want to kill her now that I know it's not a man, sexist? I suppose so, not sure how deep it runs but there is some mitigation involved. Besides, how many female tyrants even are there? Killing her might be assaulting a protected class of worker and bring the Fates down on us for upsetting some great balancing act they have going on.
Her present form was protean, a protoplasmic mass of cells with strength enough to core mountainsides; and yet, they weighed heavily still, for the fact of their heft did not arise from mere mass. Finally the last of her advisors departed her command tent. She slumped quietly in relief. Dispelling the transmutation she assumed her true form. A strand of hair fell across her eyes, candyfloss-pink against the mask of iron.
Whoa hold on back up, I gotta break out the google-fu for this one and decipher what a protean protoplasmic mass of cells is. Hmm okay, back. So it's a constantly shifting cell, sort of? I'm picturing a gray ooze, formless with great mass that kind of congeals and shifts as directed, roughly keeping the form of the robes.

Interesting that such a thing is physically strong, she really has the total package. Magic, Strength, perhaps rank? Seeing as she is both revered as a 'God' and the leader of the state, one would assume she is among the highest ranked individuals here. The only counter to that is her brief life, having only two decades at most means her stats may have far exceeded her Rank.

Man I'm in love with the evil villain shtick she has going on, the single strand of hair falling down is just absolutely compelling for me. Perhaps it is in the fact that it's a somewhat 'stereotypical' sort of reveal, but by the Accursed I'm happy it's here. The once thought imperious, unassailable villain is, gasp, more than meets the eye.

Interesting that for all her power she still knows the power of specialization and delegation, smart to still have advisors even in her genius. It's easy to come to believe yourself to be all-knowing compared to those below you in her situation, but she isn't lost for their value.

Man, every time I scroll back up and reread that strand of hair across the mask of iron I can't help but smile. That's the good stuff right there. Not sure why it tickled me so much!
Augustine shifted uncomfortably below the robes, sweat of her body drowned out by the smoke and soot emanating from her form. Field work was onerous as always. It was unproductive to dwell upon the merely physical, yet she felt uncharacteristically hesitant to contemplate her plans. But she could not afford to lose sight of the bigger picture. Her vengeance had been forestalled but this latest obstacle would fall like every other. She had come too far to fail now.
I can picture myself in her place, the last of your advisors shuffling away as reality sets in around you. Your brave exterior you exuded for your underlings dripping precipitously from your forehead, tangibly losing her cool as she is forced to reconcile the plans she gave her forces to the realities of the situation at hand.

Then, despite the absurdity of the situation, resolving to move forward. Sometimes that's all you can do. One of the reasons I like her.
Her half-sister's forces had crumbled beneath the initial assault, but the arrival of the Interloper had halted their momentum completely. According to her scouts and telescopic observation, his power had grown considerably since he'd departed.
And this, my dear, is just a taste of Progression. Though to be fair, I believe this is something like three and a half EFBS? So perhaps in fairness this is a full helping of Progression, with seconds.

Probably the single strongest point in our favor if/when we got to negotiate with her. The concept that time = power, it's a very simple equation. The idea that not only is it foolhardy to try and force the battle with us on its own, but why bother? Such a foe as the Shard is a enigma we are probably happy to impale. Why bother slaughtering eachother when we can both get what we want.

For us, it's merely the completion of our deal with Adorie, the return of her Kingdom. In return for the Realms of Myth, Hunger can turn his blade towards the Arcanist. She has already expended her childhood and any semblance of a normal life in the puruit of her vengeance, if she believes in not only the strength of Hunger, but his resolve and the promise of Progression, I think we can work something out.

I really hope the dice favor us should diplomacy win, but sometimes those are the beats.

Was it a consequence of consuming the Opalescent Tower, or had Adorie's dreamt-for hero completed some monumental quest for strength? His Rank alone now brushed full Legions aside like dust from his linens. What abilities unrevealed could the Interloper boast in addition? The very prospect was unsettling.
The most concerning thing, is that Hunger often doesn't even know his limits, are the full or even the half-extent of some of his abilities. Until he's pushed and at the precipice of life-and-death he doesn't usually know the full extent of his limitations, often because it's at that moment they are broken without ceremony.

Even if she could scry us, It would give her a picture that is hazy at best, but if she read it as truth it would be her downfall for certainty. As it is, she is smart enough to know to be wary of the unknown. Given the monumental strength of his Rank she is going to be breaking out her big guns now, no holding back should it come to blows.

I do love the visuals of the dreamt-for hero. The Princess in her ivory Opalescent Tower pining for the Realm that should have been hers. Her sister in the shadows letting her play-saboteur by having her loyalists meet her in 'secret' through tunnels she provided. Only, somehow, the Hero did show up. Through some confounded sorcery of chance or design an enigma had joined her merry band that she had been carefully allowing her sister to cultivate.

Luckily for our 'Lord Protector', Hunger doesn't have to win by cutting through. Though such is well within his remit, so to rings the words of his beloved. 'Win, no matter the cost' Such could also be interpreted as no matter the means, and this doesn't need to end in death for the girl if she plays her cards right.

Specifics mattered. His immunity to divination cast a pallor of uncertainty upon all her calculations. Even the minds of his companions were secured against the possibility of profile-building, and the Purple Bitch was properly immune!

For the first time in twelve years she felt the possibility of defeat looming. What mattered guile or adroitness in the face of such power, such sheer unfairness, as this?!
A full sequence of childish thoughts and fancies, from a girl denied her childhood. I think this is where I really decided I liked her. For all her genius and power, this is all too human. Sheer annoyance, childish denial in the face of unforeseeable events, appeals to fairness.

It all just adds up to me that she drew a bad lot. This could easily be our protagonist in another Rihaku quest, given an absurd objective and a narrow means through which to accomplish it. She has done awful things but somehow I'm willing to look past it far enough to give her a chance to bend her will towards more noble goals. Whom does her death bring back?

The 'Lord Protector' can die, his patron spirit banished, but if we could bend her will to a greater purpose the girl Augustine need not perish.

Augustine steadied herself, breathing deeply of the smoke that wreathed her. The taste of ash settled her mind and calmed her racing heart, as always. Her memories of the crucible were not dear to her, but they were familiar, and familiarity was the anchor of her vengeance.
Another point in her favor in my book. I like the human moments of losing yourself, equally so I praise those who can reign it in. Her means and method of doing so are heart breaking, but that has been her world since before most children were learning to read.

I feel bad for her that she hasn't even really had a life, a pursuit, but not a life by any means. Always wearing another mask, I doubt anyone even knows she exists beside us. Had we struck her down sans Glimpse the world may have never known Augustine existed.

I hope Hunger can take a lesson from this, if nothing else. That even if he gets his vengeance, if he built nothing to happy with along the way, what was the point of it all if he never takes the time to live?
From the age of eight she had ruled the greatest nation in the world with a fist of iron. She would neither falter nor yield. She would buy off the Interloper with the Armament her hostage, or banish him into a void beyond time, or catch his remaining companions in a trap, send him chasing phantasms and increase her leverage.
Absolutely bonkers. It's probably my human ideas of time and inability to peg the Foremost to anything concrete involving childhood-adolescence-adulthood timescale, but It's super hard to wrap my brain around this one. I do know the endgame though, and for me, I find it hard to really get infuriated over the actions of an eight year old. If we had found her at ten, everyone would be all about rehabilitation, I believe. Is at twenty, when she merely followed the path of her cut and was never offered an alternative, reason to withdraw our aid?

I don't know, perhaps I'm all wrong about this one but I do feel sympathetic. And if I'm being pragmatic, then I know she is a valuable ally to have in our pocket for a myriad of reasons. I don't doubt for a second her loyalties if we should slay her mother, for afterward she would really be a blank slate. Her personality and purpose has been molded for the completion of one insane task. I want to know who she is afterward.

Even in the face of overwhelming power, there were always options. There was always a way forward, even if the path did not run straight. To disguise the form of her strength she'd invented Claumngor. To conceal the form of her weakness she'd created the Lord Protector. All things were possible with ingenuity and will.
She really is impressive, though as I mentioned before, she has basically concealed all parts of herself using these disguises. I'm just reiterating the point but, damn, if she were to die now it's like she would have never existed so much as the world was concerned. At least as far as the girl 'Augustine' is concerned.
She would delay, distract, obfuscate, demoralize, play dead - do whatever it took to buy time, then develop a solution to this latest challenge.

Never forget what they took from you.
This is also what I like in a protagonist, the resolve to not leave anything off the table. I don't believe there is anything she wouldn't at least consider, she just needs someone to pull her back from the more awful solutions she comes up with. But this is the type of attitude that you need in the face of overwhelming adversity, something we are well acquainted with.

Never forget, but we are so lacking in specifics. I'm pretty sure she's referring to all her siblings and the experiments, but who knows what else they may have endured. I suppose it's empathy at play, because if some foe slaughtered our companions, is there any length, any depravity I wouldn't vote for to see justice done? If it were the only way, whatever lie upon the path it would be the way.

Hard for me to condemn her when I see myself after all.

The House of her father had paid in blood, Adorie the only innocent spared. But the clan of her mother was more culpable by far, and she could not rest until her siblings were avenged. It was regrettable that her father had slain himself before she could extract all pertinent information. Had he truly been ignorant, mere unwitting accomplice to her mother's experiments? A hapless genetic donor ensnared by her seduction?

Despite his faults she still wanted to forgive him, to make excuses for his ineptitude. As if her mere posture of good-will would somehow bring forth a parent that cared for her.
As if that would alter the situation in any way.

It didn't matter anymore. She had had her vengeance on him. He was the past. She could only look forward now.
I wonder if she had him, her father, in her hands before he killed himself. Was she able to get some answers, then? Was he unable to look at her, or was he unable to bear her look upon him? Why would he not just confess the reality of the situation as late in the game as I imagine he was captured. I'm not sure, and compared to reviving our own family I'm not to concerned about this one.

Man, again with the +sympathy points. Whoever you are, you can probably imagine not having a parental figure. Harder to imagine a parental figure that betrays you and yours. Harder still to imagine living not only on your own from the age of eight, but conducting a quest for vengeance against your own mother who so callously used you and can't even turn her attention to witness your efforts towards her demise.

I know some people don't care at all for this Lord Protector, but Augustine is a sad lot, to me.

Playing dad for this girl may be a bridge too far, but someone reliable isn't too much of a stretch. How nice would that be for her, I wonder. If Adorie welcomed her back despite everything, could they still be family? Come on B movie plot activate! Sappy power engage! Ritualists of contrived get-togethers, begin letting the goat blood!

I'm surely going to be disappointed when my dreams don't come true in this regard, but I am hopeful for such a result. I'll steady my own resolve to see her cut down should it come to pass, or worse, she turns the tables on us. Imagine should my compassion be our downfall, it would be a bitter pill to swallow. Still worth it.

Forward, but her view was clouded by the Interloper's presence. Nothing for it but to work on further contingencies.

Spells to strengthen her Legions in case his strength was not truly insurmountable. Spells to conjure attendants to observe and ambush any companions undefended. Spells of layered protection, to shield her from all manner of power and displace her beyond his reach. Spells of illusion and concealment. Spells of destruction and disjunction. Spells of influence and contamination targeting vectors beyond the spirit and mind. Spells to stretch the moment, thread of time spun clean from the aether. Spells of noxious poison. Spells of virulent flame. Spells of impossible color. Spells of malice undying.
Gisena is more of an engineer, or a saboteur , than a mage to me. A specialist with great abilities, but not a 'mage'. This is a mage. Uncompromising magics in all schools, a beautiful spell list to make and mage-gang enthusiast wet themselves I'm sure.

Even if Hunger is never the spell boy, we can finally have someone on board who epitomizes the archetype! Except for the whole super-strength thing, she really does do it all.
Smoke filled the chamber, ash and fibrous dust, bubbling molten steel as work after work emerged from her forge. Her power was to Build, shadow of a shadow that it was, and if her mind saw no path forward at least she could occupy her hands. Would it be enough?
Interesting. Not just the blood of the builders, but she inherited its use as well. Even the remnant of a remnant of the Builders key talent is enough to still challenged us. I can scarcely imagine them in their prime, curious if the Voyaging realm in its totality is their prime. If so, color me impressed.
She would not hope. Hope was the province of the powerless, the falsely-sweet daydream which sapped the will to action. The mighty had no need of hope. They simply enacted their designs.
Hey now! I just spent several thousand words backing you up, can you not trash my wistful hoping for a gosh darn minute!? ...Well, I mean she's not entirely wrong. And merely hoping would not be generating Arete such as this, so perhaps this is in a way enacting my designs. Alright, perhaps I was too hasty, it's not like what she said was even wrong. Just painful.
The power of her father's blood was the abatement of all waning. The power of her mother's, was the very sorcery that once had raised the Walls of Myth. She was no trueblood, her awakened strength but a fraction of Adorie's potential, but some part of her was Foremost still, and no Interloper would stand against her vendetta, no matter how conveniently placed-

All at once she made the connection. The presence of a hostile Armament, the Interloper's impeccable timing, his improbable immunity to divination, the Purple Bitch's resemblance to her mother... She could scarce see the skeins, the barest outlines of the plot, but this was very possibly one of her mother's schemes.

Had the monster regained coherence enough to plot again? Was the Purple Bitch one of her avatars, steering the outcome towards her ends, breaking Augustine's grip on Nilfel so that the 'Lord Protector' could not consolidate all the Realm of Myth behind 'him'?

Despite herself, she smiled. If that were true, then her mother had finally acknowledged her as a threat. A worthy opponent.

Spin your wheels, monster. Stand against me if you dare. And if you dare not, then run and hide. It will all come to nothing in the end.
Oh geeze. Probably the biggest hurdle in the face of diplomacy, her own flight of fancy and a falsely-drawn conclusion from a hint of evidence and resemblance.

She finally smiles, and not for anything 'good'. She thinks for a moment that her mother is finally paying attention to her, after all these years. She may try to cloak it like her identity, but I'm pretty sure that was the key to her smile. Attention, something she has been denied for over a decade from the only being she has actively pursued.

And that's a wrap! 3900 words of Augustine simping!

Perhaps I'll have another round in me tomorrow.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

If Rennaisance Women couldn't win then I sure as hell won't be supporting giving an EFB to a companion who is only bound to us as a mercenary and is likely to leave us later on to manage the Voyaging realm.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

Hm, I see the arguments against the 25 Arete expenditure, and while it would be genuinely nice to not have to worry as much about babysitting Aobaru by making him a second Hunger-tier combatant, I don't see myself being able to generate much Arete (beyond the one big commish) before this vote is closed. I think a lot of us can agree that A Burning Spirit is a strong second choice, though!
Those were some cool diplomacy write-ins, too bad I'm not interested in Miss Imperialism whatsoever! I thought people preferred going to the Human Sphere, do you all really want to take another detour and waste even more time here in the Realm of Myth? These Royalist folks can't even tie their own shoelaces together, do you all want to keep carrying them or try to move on with our actual task? We have no need to make even more enemies here. Just solve this problem and continue on; the Shard isn't going anywhere, while we will only get stronger. Any esoteric effects Augustine offers can be eventually replicated by Gisena and maybe even Adorie eventually, so I can't say we will be losing much. It feels like another needless investment of time, to pick another fight while we barely escaped the consequences of this one!
[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Chosen Purpose

I'd like to see Gisena get to shine as something other than an anti magic nuke so lets go with diplomacy.

A chosen purpose not only gives us a hunger tier combatant and much better vigorflame buffs, but having super strong companions increases the chances we pick up a retinue type ability later thus indirectly increasing the chances of buffing Gisena!
A Burning Spirit leads by a thin margin, but will you guys have enough Arete to acquire A Chosen Purpose? If the people who vote for it also decide to maximize their Arete contributions this round, it could potentially attain enough omake power to win but not enough to actually generate the required Arete. How strange!
Akashic Palimpsest
1172 words

Your travels were not so much a journey as an endless headlong flight from consequences. Where you triumphed, the victory was bittersweet. Where you failed, catastrophe snapped close at your heels. Each new locale was a chance to scrape clean the canvas and start over. Each step away from the ruin in your past was a chance for a fresh start. Every time you cut ties and flee to a new locational context, you scrape raw the vellum of your life. However, your scars are not merely skin deep.

Some of the lessons engraved into your soul cannot be effaced or escaped. These marks can be revealed in periods of uttermost duress, or painstakingly traced with illumination and introspection. However they are revealed, these markings on the Akashic Chronicle will invariably take precedence over your current abilities.

Your Soul Evocation is the Akashic Palimpsest, which grants you the ability to manipulate a singular page of the Akashic Chronicle: Your own page, specifically. You have access to the karmic record of your life, though manipulation with merely mortal instruments is fraught with danger.

[ ] Nostalgia - You may cite a portion of your Akashic Record from when you lived in a Universe with different ontological parameters. Referencing the record in this way superimposes those ontological details onto your present circumstances.

This allows you to use your abilities regardless of where your travels take you. Used in combat, you also have the ability to disrupt the normal operations of many esoteric phenomena, which typically operate under the rules of the local universe. Used outside combat, you can extract considerably more versatility from your suite of abilities by picking and choosing which laws of physics you want to obey.

Lunellum - You have discovered a crescent shaped knife that can scrape your history from the chronicle of the world. Take up your blade and cleave both lessons and losses from a period of your life. Wipe clean the slate and erase all debts from your ledger.

Clearing your Akashic Record frees you from the unrealized consequences of your past. The ramifications of this choice are wide reaching: the erased actions may have offered rewards along with the reprimands you seek to evade.

Editing the Akashic Record is difficult for mortal hands even with the most sophisticated implements. Any blade can cut indiscriminately. Only the most delicate implements can restrict corrections to a subset of your life or timeline. Describe your blade:

[ ] Amber [2 Arete] - Your Implement is made from cloudy amber, polished to a keen edge. You may neutralize the karmic charge accumulated by all your actions from a chosen point in time until the present. The Amber Lunellum holds a portion of this charge and may not be used again until the charge dissipates on its own.
* Erases all [wounds] and [skills] earned since a chosen point in time.
* Reduces magnitude of personal consequences for your actions since the chosen point in time.
* Frequency of use is inversely related to the scope of actions erased

[ ] Bone [4 Arete] - A blade of jet black bone, honed to a cutting edge, that whispers through the dark night of your soul. You may use the Bone Lunellum to target the karmic charge associated with your activities in a specific sphere of activity.
* Erases all [wounds] and [skills] earned as a result of your actions in the targeted sphere of activity since a chosen point in time
* Reduces magnitude of personal consequences for your actions in the targeted sphere since the chosen point in time.
* No limitation on frequency of use, but repeated use in the same sphere of activity may cause the substance of the Akashic Record to wear thin.
* Best to be cautious when slicing into the events that shaped your personal growth & relationships

[ ] Aether [7 Arete] - The fabric of space, folded and tempered into a cutting implement. You may use the Aetheric Lunellum to excise specific events from your karmic record. This implement grants fine-grained control over the starting and ending point of the Lunellum's effect on your timeline.
* Erases all [wounds] and [skills] earned as a result of your actions in a targeted sphere of life during a specified period of time
* Reduces magnitude of personal consequences for your actions in the targeted sphere and time period.
* No limitation on frequency of use, but aiming your blade too narrowly risks puncturing the substance of the Akashic Record.

Ghost Marks - The deepest marks on your Akashic Palimpsest can, sometimes, be rediscovered. This phenomenon is restricted to moments of certain doom for all but the most talented practitioners.

[ ] In Extremity [4 Arete] - Even the deepest scouring of an Akashic Record will leave behind subtle indentations, Ghost Marks which linger after your attempt to sever yourself from your own past. These marks can usually be revealed in moments of utmost need. Only when your life-blood is leaking onto the record of your Life will the outline of your previous abilities be visible.

* At the brink of death, unlock and regain mastery of some or all abilities lost to the temporal effects of your Lunellum. You are less likely to recover techniques that have been subject to the Lunellum more than once.
* Abilities remain unlocked for three days and three nights.
* An ability may only be revealed in this way once, after which its memory is indelibly tied to the trauma of your life and death struggle. (You may still work to regain mastery over such techniques in the normal way.)

[ ] In Prosperity [7 Arete] - Rarely, careful introspection and natural aptitude are enough to allow a master to rediscover deep engravings lasting after a pass of the Lunellum. Using a special ink to retrace and gild surviving markings can perfect any technique scraped away by your Soul Evocation, or restore a connection to an important element of your past.

* Includes benefits of In Extremity
* May brew or acquire ink to attempt to trace an engraving left behind on your Akashic Palimpsest.
* It is straightforward but difficult to restore a recently erased engraving.
* Dramatically more difficult to restore techniques that have been subject to erasure more than once
* Minuscule but nonzero chance of misreading the markings of your past and inking along the pattern of multiple techniques. The consequences of such a mistake would be totally unpredictable, as the glyphs representing unrelated milestones in your life may not combine in any coherent way.

I wrote the fluff before the mechanics, and now I think I need to cite BrainInAJar's "Sangria" from "The Words of the Hills" for priming me to think about Karma manipulation.
Edit: I should also thank Horatio for his suggestions on how to tighten the theme up considerably. Any remaining mistakes and shortcomings are my own. This was going to get a little bit more exposition at the start but I'd like to contribute what Arete I have to offer to justify my vote:

[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]
Last edited:
I've been a bit distant recently but I've got a couple I was sitting on

[x]A Burning Spirit

Reaction circa Pursuit to the Utmost. 1014 Words.

Deep Red and Blue? I'm getting flashbacks to the hypothetical Bloodmist upgrade if we had taken Quickmist as our Surgecraft element. Maybe we would have actually voted to train it more that way. No PW singularity that way though unfortunately as far as I know. Also maybe the Ring of Hunger is corrupting the Sky.

Past the summoned feline there were no further interruptions to their passage. In a matter of minutes they reached a second trellised door, this one of marbled stone that glimmered like the opalescent sky.
Googling trellised door I get these fancy doors recessed into archways. As for the marbled stone, I wonder if the glimmer is like the Gankutsuo effect with the Dawn and Noonday Skies? Basically, the Stone looks like a portal to the sky dimension and the sky looks the same no matter what angle you look at it from.

His Cloak of Evening reached out towards its counterpart, gently brushing against the stones, drawing greedily upon their power with the air of a drought-stricken wanderer slaking its thirst at last.
Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor...

"Stop that now," Hunger frowned. As badly as his Cloak sought completion, nonetheless it was poor form to consume the Tower without at least informing its occupant of his intentions.
My guiding sun... *record scratch*. Good for Hunger for managing to hold himself back for that long I guess.

"Having wardrobe issues?" Gisena peeked over, hands behind her back. "Shall I discipline it for you, hun?"
The one needing discipline is the Ring of Blood, this entire quest has been Lord Hunger struggling with his wardrobe issues, particularly with his jewelry, and failing to bring them under his control.

"It'll behave," he said, forcing down the overeager Cloak with an effort of will. He had bound it irrevocably to himself; only by inattention could it ever act against even his unarticulated desires.
I wonder if we'll get a Bloodmoon pick from the Ring corrupting the Sky? Also that wasn't the Sky hunger that was probably your own unconscious desires.

"How convenient," Letrizia laid a hand against her cheek. "You don't know how good you have it. If only Verschlengorge was so complaisant, all the trouble I would've saved..."
Having checked, complaisant is actually a word. "Willing to please others; obliging; agreeable." Letrezia doesn't know that the Evening sky is apparently a truculent nutbar.

"You have a strong bond with him," Hunger observed. "Should you really be complaining?"

"T-that's true," Letrizia said, flushing slightly at the unsolicited praise, "B-but it wasn't always that way. And he has plenty of independent attitude even still. Which is pleasant on a personal level, but he tends to be far more aggressive than is tactically optimal, and loves eating people..."
Sounds a lot like us except our cannibalism is less actual cannibalism and more symbolic from the Ring rewarding us with the enemy's power.

"Hey," Aobaru narrowed his eyes. "Have you ever seen that holovid, Neuron Genesis Cathedrelion?"
Aobaru has a point. Versch is essentially in berserker/the Beast mode all the time.

"Shut it, Roller Boy," Letrizia growled. "Not another word."

"Don't need one," Aobaru said, cautiously amused. "That reaction tells me everything I need to know."
You shouldn't probe this issue further though Aobaru.

"At least she didn't call you stupid," Hunger observed.
Shouldn't that be reassuring Letrezia that she didn't call Aobaru stupid given her own issues with when she lapses into anime Tsundere behavior?

"It's not even a holovid," Letrizia grumbled menacingly.
It's older than that by Human Sphere standards then? Interesting.

"Enlightening as this discussion has been, we should consider returning to our task," Hunger said. "Especially if we're forced to integrate rather than destroy the Tower in order to match the Lord Protector. Time will be short before the Decimator's Affliction returns. My bloodsense detects three people behind this door. Gisena, anything unusual?"
*Dominator from Psycho pass starts playing as Lord Hunger starts shadowrunning*

She shook her head. "They could hardly compare to our exalted magnificence! Likely servants or attendants of some sort."
Simplest answer is probably correct I guess.

"There is the outside possibility that the Princess is actively complicit in the Lord Protector's schemes," Hunger mused, "And the Royalist faction merely a convenient means by which dissent is funneled. Stay on your guard regardless."
"But Gisena... that would be boring!" Hunger whined sarcastically as he continued Shadowrunning.

"Um," Aeira said quietly, "I could use Shadowcord to cloak myself, Letrizia and the Chosen One? It might not help by much, but any enemies would be more likely to overlook us."
Yes. We are going to have all the Shadowruns. All of them.

Aobaru blanched. "Whoa, don't go calling me the Chosen One like that! I'm still just plain old Aobaru, Aeira!"
Smart. Being a Chosen One sucks, as Aobaru would have found out had we gone the Long Voyage route.

"But your destiny is to be a powerful theme park manager," Aeira smiled teasingly. "All right... Roller Boy."
When did he get that nickname? Where did it come from? What's up with that?

Hunger nodded at Aeira, giving assent to her suggestion, and opened the door.
Breach and Clear!

They were met by three attendants, each heavily armed. The greeters swiftly apologized for the martial likeness of their dress, explaining that vigilance was the order of the day, and asked the party to accompany them to the Princess' receiving room.
Oh well. There'll be more time for shadowrunning another day.

Senses alert, Hunger decided not to bring up the matter of the Foremost cat until they had a better understanding of the situation. The Evening Sky trailed avidly behind him, swishing across the floor-stones like a calligrapher's brush. Sky-folded opalescence swept into its embrace as it moved, leaving a trail of bleak mundanity behind.

Hunger raised an eyebrow and quelled the Cloak's appetite once more.
Wow Hunger can barely contain himself can he. Or he's having issues wrangling his metaphorical sub-souls.

From the windows he could see that they were at an inimitable height, the bustle and mayhem of mighty Nilfel made minuscule obscurity against the vast landscape beneath.
So it's not just a skyscraper it's the farking Tower of Babel? How did Nilfel sleep with the giant dawn/noonday sky light source?

The perilous open sky occupied much of his vision, with faraway ground and peoples nearly an afterthought against that expanse of cloud and blue. Clearer than ever he could see the Outer Halo which encapsulated the Voyaging Realm, a sharply-limned band of gold like the unlidded eye of a god.
All this for a Theme Park. The Foremost were hardcore.

Sticking his hand out a window, the air was cold and harrowing, sharp contrast to the delightfully comfortable atmosphere within. Some invisible barrier truncated the two realms, despite their lack of physical separation; within and without as clearly divided as the sun and the moon by the sky.
Whatever new Empyrean Mantle picks we get are going to be such utter bullshit.

It seemed the tunnel's exit was far removed from the floor of the Princess' residence, which was even further up than this; they clambered steadily, ascending thousands of flights of stairs, though the air of the Tower held a resplendence of home and hearth that prevented even the teenagers from tiring overmuch.
Was this supposed to be a reference to the Tower of Babel or something? A drill that pierces the heavens made more hardcore by more heavens being what's doing the piercing?

Aeira had shaped their cloaks in the manner of traditional capes, each shroud of shadow clasped at the throat by a brooch of denser shadow-stuff, which shined like lucent amethyst in the light of an occasional sunbeam.
That's an interesting detail. Also, Hunger is wearing two cloaks at once and it is probably super gaudy and hilarious if you have the superhuman perception to notice that.

The attendants paid little heed to the teens, engaging instead in small-talk with Gisena, though neither party disclosed any secrets of import.
Oh well. Maybe more luck would have led to us hearing something juicy here but oh well.

At last they reached the Princess' antechamber, an octagonal room of faultless construction, milk-white stone carved with finely detailed depictions of nature, the floor patterned with runes of Mythic potency.
I wonder where Primordial Rune stand versus Mythic Runes in terms of power levels?

Wide-paneled windows exposed them fully to the sky, thin bands of ivory holding up the ceiling, surmounted by stone songbirds and circled by carven vines. This far up, the upper reaches of the heavens took on a slightly darker hue, blue of the daytime gradually become indigo as air yielded to void.
It's always the Evening Sky somewhere after all. Also an altitude this high demands suitable music. *Cue the Elemental Stars music from Golden Sun*

Princess Adorie awaited them, hands clasped with the faintest touch of nervousness. She was slender and of slight figure, half a head shorter than Gisena, with bright blue eyes the color of the sky and hair of spun-sugar pink; a storybook figure stepped off the page.
Pink hair? Like... an older version of Louise Valliere from Familiar of Zero with blue eyes?

Their presence was announced by the attendants that accompanied them, with Hunger and Gisena omitting their royal titles.

"Mighty champions," the Princess curtsied slightly. "Thank you for agreeing to this audience with me. Nilfel is in much need of heroes like you. Please, won't you sit?"
I guess she's as storybook cliche as she looks then?

"After you," Hunger gestured, and they were all seated. "Let's get down to business."

"Mm," Adorie crossed her legs demurely, the picture of perfect innocence. "Are you not ones to stand on ceremony? I'll dispense with the formalities, then. Please help us!"

She scrunched her eyes closed, interlocked hands raised in a beseeching gesture.

Hunger ignored the aghast expressions of her attendants, answering evenly. "If the price is right. I don't work for free."
I wonder if that would change if Hunger lost a heartlessness point or two. Or would we be the Heartlessness at that point? Who knows lol.

Adorie nodded. "Of course! I'd gathered as such from your name. We are fortunate to house the most spectacular kitchens in the Voyaging Realm. Whether it's pastry, pie, or the most exquisite cakes in all the land, I'm sure we can offer something to sate any appetite!"
That is a good opening bid Adorie, and it's giving me Princess Peach flashbacks. Hunger is unfortunately, more of a fishing enthusiast, particularly fond of eating fish he has taken stupid and utterly suicidal risks to get.

"Cake sounds delicious..." Gisena murmured dreamily, shooting him an amused expression. No help from that quarter.

"It's a start," Hunger said noncommittally, "Though as down-payment for the restoration kingdom, we'd require something more substantial."
I think there's some words missing in between restoration and kingdom here.

"Oh? Like sweetmeats, or one of those flourless confections? ...Or perhaps my Lord is more a steak-and-potatoes sort of person?"
Adorie is still operating on the wrong realm of the negotiation table, luckily enough for us so we have picks.

Hunger shook his head seriously. "I'm afraid any one course would not be enough. I'm looking to secure a lifetime supply, which means acquiring the means of production. Something on the scope of your kitchens themselves, and all the lands that supply them."
We are a being of recklessness and greed now it seems. If we don't unlock a good end from attaining Blindsight Vampire or Seed AI level cognition we are going to die.

The Princess was silent. She blinked enigmatically.

"...My lord drives a hard bargain," Adorie finally replied, proffering a tremulous hand. "But if this is the price of my people's freedom, then so be it. You may have my hand in marriage, and all the lands that come thereby, so long as Nilfel is liberated from the Tyrant's grasp!"
I've seen an angle like this before in Luv and Hate when Yurie had a crush on Colonel Steele, but nothing became of that because Steele was interested in Yuuko.

Hunger coughed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Adorie covered her mouth as she laughed. "It's just, I so very rarely get the chance to meet someone new. I can't help but get excited and end up making frivolous jokes! I've spent my whole life with my head in the clouds... An unfortunate condition I just can't seem to shake!"
Let's not forget that the jokes are cheesy too. Mmm... cheese.

"You are forgiven," Hunger said blearily, "I was going to ask for one major Artifact, but now you've doubled the price."

"Double? Thou art too generous, my Lord. My conscience will not be soothed unless you are offered triple, nay, quadruple what you are rightly owed!"
Is this degenerating into innuendo here?

"Glad you're so accommodating," Hunger replied easily. "But does your armory hold treasures enough to account for all these debts?"

"Certainly!" Adorie produced a vellum-bound tome. "For have you not heard, my Lord, that every manuscript of note is a treasure beyond price? The contents of my library represent riches beyond measure!"
Reading is fundamental! Unfortunately for you, Hunger warped his own incentive structure so he learns best from risky, stupid, and suicidal behavior.

"The library, and the Tower it's housed in," Hunger rejoined. "That's one."

Adorie looked out the window. "It may be a prison, but it's been my home of the last twelve years..." A flash of sentimentality crossed her features, which she quickly shook off.

"Still," she continued, "It would not be seemly for me to hold on to it, when your cloak seems so eager to see me liberated! You will just have to let me borrow it from time to time, whenever I'm feeling homesick."
We could always add a tower to the Pillars of Creation when/if we get it.

Negotiations proceeded apace. Hunger did not mind spending an hour or two hammering out the details of their agreement - there were still a few days before his Affliction returned, and he wanted no chance of misunderstanding that the Apocryphal could exploit.
Excellent. I look forward to seeing how we'll be when we've actually gotten some more cognitive picks.

This was not a scenario where his personal power alone was guaranteed to carry the day; without the help of the Royalists and their home Legions, the campaign against the Lord Protector promised to be bloody and protracted.
It may well be bloody and protracted anyways.

[X] Into the Breach has won. In a comedy of errors Hunger and Adorie both rolled low, but Hunger slightly higher. He did not have All-Defeating Stance or access yet to the Opalescent Tower's Attribute boost so the result was more or less a draw for both parties. Hunger has maintained control of his own volition, avoiding any binding commitments. He has secured reasonably fair, if expensive, trade terms with the Kingdom of Nilfel for his own subordinate polities. He has gained significant experience in the dismal science of economic negotiation between kingdoms, something he will may have much opportunity to employ in the future given his Geas task...

You have acquired one pick.
Not bad lol. Maybe we would have gotten more picks with a better roll but not bad.

[ ] Once and Future I - You will need to generate somewhat more Arete to actually pick this, but it should be eminently doable within a day or two so long as you keep a steady pace.

*Unlocks [King of Winter]

*Grants immense personal might, enough that with Eruntael's Legions you would be favored in a contest against the Lord Protector... so long as you do not give him too much time to prepare.

*You did take Bastion of Myth, so the general Rank bonus is not as impressive as it could have been
Let's hope King of Winter makes the possibly inferior Decimation mitigation targets worth it once the benefits materialize. Also I wonder if we're going to get a Forebear interlude/flashback? We would probably have ended up in an America vs the Vietcong scenario if we had taken this with going after the Lord Protector anyways.

[ ] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit - The combined mental and social attribute boosts of ADS and Exalted Spirit will noticeably improve Hunger's strategic reasoning, vastly expanding the space of possible actions to be taken against the Lord Protector. While it lacks in raw power, it may grant Hunger the intellect to better leverage his existing strength, and the wisdom to apply it in a manner most favorable for all.

*Large Wisdom spike allows Hunger to re-evaluate his Philosophy of Rule, if desired

*Substantial INT, WIS, and LCK boost will improve your capabilities for lateral action against the Lord Protector, compounding the INT gain from the Tears of Winter

*Apocryphal, Decimator Mitigation

*Exalted Spirit is necessary for a large number of mental and social-based Advancements

*Since you took Bastion of Myth, still very powerful in a direct contest, and less vulnerable to the rare anti-Rank effects.
This is what I was pushing earlier as what it took to make our super reckless route work at least with Decimation. It might have spared us the become Blindsight Vampire smart or die conundrum we're now in. I can't complain too much though since I sold my vote.

The contest between [ ] The Long Voyage and [ ] Priority Two is incredibly tight! We will keep that component of the vote open for now. But what is Hunger's chief immediate priority?

[ ] The Decimation - Integrating the Tower has not quelled the Decimator's Affliction at all. While expected, nonetheless it's a tad disappointing... Hunger will have to seek out another Huntress' Moon target ASAP. His current plan is to seek out the Decimator's target alone or with the assistance of a Supreme Enclosure summon, leaving Gisena to lead the kids + Versch to assist Adorie in pressuring the Lord Protector. You may propose and support alternate tactics if you feel this is too risky to the party as a whole, however.

[ ] The Lord Protector - The Lord Protector is too dangerous to be left unchecked. Initiate a full court press against the existing regime with the best tactics at Hunger's disposal (you may propose build-specific tactics). The hope is to overcome him before the Decimation clock runs out and then hope to hunt a Decimator's target in a less populated area. With Hunger and his entire party directing the entirety of their energies against the Lord Protector, the chance of confronting additional specialized summons is substantially decreased.

Please don't forget to include your preference of [ ] The Long Voyage or [ ] Priority Two as well!

This has been a ginormous clusterfark. That's all there is to say. Why couldn't we have just gone with the Lord Protector? Or taken the Esoteric route after I wrote up those psychology of learning 101 tactics for us? We're going to need insurance against an anti-rank monster probably or we are going to suffer for it.

Reaction Circa Pursuit to the Utmost. 1443 Words.

Ah the Temple Arc. It feels like an eternity since we've been here. And then we stumbled into a whole new temple arc by siding with the farking royalists and going to the realm of myth instead of taking the fishing contest like sensible people.

The last few hours had been a whirl of activity; they'd consolidated control over a full nine-tenths of the Inner Ring, with many of the last holdouts falling to his direct assault, The activity had reminded him of his Geas task and the vast swathe of time it portended: fifty years to rule, twenty-five hundred years the limit, and that vast span less than an eyeblink compared to the full scope of the Geas itself, nine hundred thirty-seven octillion years of service.
I wonder what kind of mitigation options are available for the second stage of the Geas? Also in scientific notation the length of the Geas is 937*10^27.

He'd been shaken from his contemplations by the arrival of Aeira and Gisena herself, the latter at last complete with her meditations.
Unfortunately for Gisena it may well be a massive fight for her to attain the second stage of her evolution. Which is too bad given the amount of Curse mitigation we can get.

Her evolution into self-proclaimed 'High Sorceress' had certainly augmented her powers; there was a nearly-tangible current of findross in her wake, a shimmering presence of something greater than mortal life.
Has she got a Warframe style ephemera? I wonder which one it looks like? Corposant Prime with findross suitable colors? At least she didn't have to deal with Warframe style grinding or pay platinum to unlock it. Maybe Gisena can unlock other Ephemeras as event rewards? Maybe it's the Tenebrous Ephemera with Findross suitable colors.

There was a capricious yet graceful quality to even her slightest movements, her beauty now almost cruelly captivating, every feature unbearably shapely and clear. Her sparkling green eyes caught him and she winked, daintily skipping over as the troops of House Alynne watched.
And then we got metaphysically swole enough for that not to matter or we got used to it or something.

"Hey hun, did you miss me?" She asked sweetly, arms behind her back.

He frowned. "Stop showing off, we've got a Ring to save. Is that going to be permanent?" He nodded towards her aura of findross.
No, unfortunately I'll have to beat the special foremost theme park event to unlock it permanently, whatever that means.

"Aww," Gisena pouted, extending her arms and twirling around. "Can't a girl celebrate just a little? I haven't had a makeover in ages! We've been traveling in such grueling conditions, too. And you needn't worry about the aura, it's just a side effect of my transformation! Should go away in a couple hours."
To think we could have had a fishing contest like sensible people. Or slacked off to do Grace research with Gisena.

"Yes yes, you're the fairest of them all," he said dryly, forcing himself not to be distracted by her now-transfixing exquisiteness. He had parlayed with Lords and Ladies of the Fae that were nearly as beautiful, though that had been at the apex of his former might.
We're the supreme memetic hazard now, and only when we want to be for the bonus points. Also I wonder what the fae of Hunger's original world were like.

"Good, praise me more," Gisena said happily, coming around to take his arm. "So hun, what's the plan? Have you met any of the big, bad, Immortals mentioned in Aeira's papers?"
I suppose they were at the time. Now though we'd utterly curbstomp the lot of them barring apocryphal intervention. Also I wonder when the next time Aeria is going to be obviously relevant will be is. She may be being subtly relevant but she's not being obviously relevant and its turning into a meme.

"No," he shook his head, "You're going to deal with them for me."

"Hm? I've just shown up and I get handed all the work?"
At least we didn't vote for you to do that a second time during the Rotbeast clusterfark. We could have completely avoided that trolley problem and having to Arete spend our way out of it if people hadn't voted for the farking Rotbeast in favor of something like Lucent Thorn. There were other options too like the Ringwar and the Republic special forces.

"That's right. It's the reward for a job well-done."

Gisena giggled. "Then I suppose I can't complain. I did ask you to praise me more!"
More of the banter I've lost interest in...

Aeira was apparently too flustered to say anything to either of them, taking instruction quietly and acknowledging their directions with a shaky nod.
Glad we got the Skyveil then, otherwise this issue would have been even worse. I wonder what bullet we dodged by taking the Skyveil before entering the Walls of Myth?

With the Immortals entrenched in the tiny Innermost Temple, Hunger would wrap himself in a shell of dense edeldross and transport Gisena to one of the outlying buildings on the border of the Innermost.
I wonder what kind of Stealthgamerbr style shenanigans we'd unlock if we had more mental stats with our edeldross?

From there she would unleash her Ultimate Nullity, the "Plan B" that had wiped all wonder and magic from the world.
I'm glad Gisena has Artifice now. Being a metaphysical wet blanket like that must have really farking sucked for her.

With her powers recently enhanced, the radius of effect would be more than enough to cover the Innermost Temple - and a good fraction of the Inner as well. No Immortal would escape the effect.
I wonder what the stage after High Sorceress is if it's not Renaissance Woman? Uber Sorceress? High Sorceress level two? Would Gisena scream like Goku on the level three evolution/going even further beyond if she went that route?

He expected to lose the Evening Sky temporarily, even with his maximal edeldross output, but the Immortals should suffer far more greatly than he. Aeira would cloak them in shadow before they went; none expected her Element to overcome the perspicacity of the highest Immortals, but every bit could help.
Hopefully we'll find some time to make the Aeria benefits we spent Arete on materialize if they haven't materialized yet.

Initially all went as planned, his edeldross cocoon and the cloak of Evening below both withering before Gisena's onslaught, but leaving his body untouched.
I wonder if we would be able to not lose the cloak if we had more skill with our Edeldross? At least it's upgraded now.

With not a moment to waste, he sped towards the Innermost at forty times the speed of sound, a lightning blur springing unimpeded towards the final prison of the Ring.
Forty times the speed of sound. Mach 40. 30690.8 miles per hour. 8.5 miles per second. And we can go faster now. For context, the circumference of the Earth is 24,902 miles. Lord Hunger can circumnavigate the Earth in less than an hour. It's going to have to be a pretty farking big planet or another Foremost Realm for Lord Hunger to not be able to get anywhere he wants on the basis of speed within trivial time frames. It's also faster than at least one incarnation of the Flash, the one from the 2014 TV series, google suggests he runs at a mere mach 3.3.
At last it came into view, the charge he'd pursued with unswerving determination these past weeks: caught, in artful symmetry of the Temple itself, within the pale ivory fingers of a precisely-manufactured vise, each point of contact alight with crackling agony, spilling siphoned power in thunderous bolts.
I wonder if the symbolic correspondence with the outside is intentional or not?

Surprisingly, two Immortals still stood, their powers undepleted by Gisena's attack. One man and one woman standing unfortunately close to the Ring.
They chose the path of perpetual... oh wait they aren't the Doomslayers.

The man was dressed in plain tunic and pants with rainbow wisps fading about him, while the woman was clad in more conventional plate, bearing a broadsword whose steel flashed clarion blue.
I wonder if that blue is Praxis blue or a different kind of blue in hindsight. Also it's a serious pity Outer Sky and Darkness lost given the circumstances.

If Larissa's description was correct, these were Evangeline Worldkeeper and Quiet Sten, two of the mightiest Immortals, though she hadn't expected either to withstand the bomb of Gisena's Nullity unscathed.
I'm wondering about the counterfactual scenario where we went the Fairbright route with World Defeating Stance now.

Without hesitation they leapt at him, swiftness nearly the equal of his own.
And remember, Hunger is mach 40 at this time, enough to circumnavigate the Earth in less than an hour. The Rihakuverse is ridiculous and that's a sizable chunk of why I love it.

The man hunched forward like a dog taught to kill, his limbs colossal, barrel-like arms near twice the width of Hunger's own. He was a broad bear of a man, though he stood only half a head taller, nowhere near the old marshal's stature who had confronted him at the boundary of the Inner Temple. The woman tacked to the side, sword held defensively, examining Hunger's figure with a critical eye. Buoyed by the imminent prospect of its kin's rescue, his Ring flared crimson, and he felt their blood falter and tremble before him. Let it be enough.
Considering we've got rank 10+ Bloodcasting right now anything our rank isn't enough for is going to be absolutely ridiculous or have anti-rank weapons at their disposal. On another note, poor Sten. Mindbreak incoming next update.

He feinted at the man, committing hard to an attack on the breastbone; then switched last-minute to half-sword, shifting the angle of his strike down towards the man's groin.
Actual swordfighting techniques? In overpowered animu wonderland? Fabulous.

His opponent reacted with admirable speed, stepping sideways to avoid the cut, but Hunger released his Blade with his left hand and punched him in the face.
*Cue Light and Darkness from Fate Stay Night*

The Power of Ruin infused in his strike left a crater of splintering skin and bone, but Hunger's own fist rebounded harshly, bones shattered by the terrible sharp tenacity of his opponent's flesh.
Having five times more power of Ruin would be pretty neat here I bet. It was enough to solo the rest of the temple after all.

It was like punching a cliff crag of pure adamant; and though his foe seemed equally surprised that the Ringbearer had hurt him, Hunger fell back, jaw gritted in frustration.

He knew his time was limited. It would not take long for the other Immortals to recover their powers as the Groundskeeper had. He had to finish these two great threats and steal their strength before then.
I'm starting to get Adorjan vibes off Hunger. His growth isn't because he seeks growth, it's because he's running and if he stops he dies like some mix of a Katamari and Chev Chelios.

Only brief instants to think as his hand healed. Neither opponent had used their Soul Evocation; Gisena's attack had at least disabled that. He might be wrong but he was doomed anyway if that were the case.
And it's a good thing Gisena did that too, we would have probably needed Magic Defeating Stance or World Defeating Stance otherwise. I and I think it was Zampano were partially right about there being something anti-ring in the containment chamber. Sten's Shadow. Thankfully we were able to fight our way around it/it turned out to be irrelevant.

Going for the Ring was too risky while it was flanked by both defenders.
Would we still make that decision if we were doing the Temple Arc as we are now? Or would we totally try and go for the metaphorical ring?

They clearly wanted him to duel Quiet Sten, so it was best to take out Evangeline first.
We totally would have fought Sten if this was a version of the temple scaled to our current state.

The Forebear's technique had not failed him yet; he could only hope it would suffice to cut through these final guardians.
Well that's certainly become a meme at this point. Cutting through and whether or not we ever actually do that.

But best not to rely on uncertainties when possible.
Sound advice that we have long since forgotten.

He leapt backwards again, blade lashing out to send sword-winds screaming across the bare chamber of the Innermost. In all directions they curved and hummed; impossible for a foe of equivalent speed to intercept them all. The intent was clear: at least one enemy would have to close the distance or be worn down at range.
Remember that Lord Hunger is Mach 40 at this time. If it works like mundane wind(it probably doesn't), it may be possible to heat objects to 7727 Degrees Celsius with wind that fast if this Next Big Future article I found is indicative. (China is building a mach 40 wind tunnel to test hypersonic weapons – NextBigFuture.com)

Evangeline clicked her tongue. Quiet Sten spread wide his arms and charged into the mass of the blade projections, the swarm scoring his torso but failing to deal more than superficial damage.
You don't have anywhere near the right gear to pull that Sten. You're missing the Father mask, you're missing the Chaos Zweihander, you're missing the pyromantic abilities, you're missing the Giant's set of armor. Do you even have any jewelry scrub? You don't, because you're under the impression jewelry is for torturing. THE LEGEND NEVER DIES.

Evangeline leapt back and parried with her blade, each sword-wind carving a tiny but perceptible nick into that clarion saber. A single stroke made it past her guard and slipped beneath her armor, carving a broad deep line through her lower torso.
Evangaline is probably not a going concern anymore.

And then Stenallon was upon him, blotting out all sight, hands crooked like claws as he descended like a falling sun.
Silly Sten, this is the Rihakuverse. Stars are for striking down. You're in the wrong genre.

Hunger blasted the ground with edeldross, hurling himself back and away, bouncing off the curved chamber wall to spring towards Evangeline. Sten bellowed in rage, leaping with thunderous strength straight upwards to intercept him.
Evangeline's still alive? What made her durable enough to tank mach 40 winds? Was it her soul evocation or was it some kind of light of the ring shenanigans? If it got explained anywhere I've forgotten.

Shit. The man was so strong that even a slight twitch of his foot sufficed to propel him at awesome speed. He'd waited until Hunger was midair to spring his trap.
Very good thing his soul evocation didn't turn out to be an issue.

No time for fancy work. Hunger struck one-handed with the Forebear's Blade directly at Sten's center of mass. Swiping with a single paw, Sten tore Hunger's arm off at the elbow, and reached out with his other hand to trap him within a crushing grapple.
Ouch. Serious Ouch. Inherit the World means we don't have to worry as much about that kind of thing anymore though.

As expected. Hunger recalled the falling Forebear's Blade towards his left hand, summoning it point-first into Sten's right kidney.
Excellent exploitation of our sword options, we haven't done that in a while. I wonder what we could do if we took it up a notch, went full Dishonored speedrunner/stealthgamerBR. Could we use the flight of our sword to block projectile attacks or other ridiculous shenanigans?

With the same gesture he conjured a last-ditch wall of edeldross: far from enough to withstand the charge but sufficient to break Sten's momentum.
Against a lesser adversary or if we had more mental stats this seems finishing move worthy if the stealthgamerBR videos I watched are indicative.

The grapple fell short and Hunger recalled his Blade again, driving and twisting it in Sten's obdurate flesh as the weapon sought its master.
Seriously this is great you don't get these kinds of shenigans when you're fighting Kaiju.

Evangeline had by this point recovered some portion of her Soul Evocation; she pointed at Hunger and bright bolts of gold issued forth from her finger to strike at him. Where they touched, they seared and boiled his flesh, scouring down to the bone.
Impressive energy output, especially for someone in whatever weight class Hunger was back then.

But that bone remained untouched, and free of Sten's reach Hunger fired another burst of edeldross, propelling him like a missile into Evangeline.
And now I'm going to exploit the fark out of the stagger mechanics.

She hopped back, dodging the impact crater, but the Ring of Blood brought him unnatural resilience. Recovering in an eyeblink he simply leapt forward, jamming the razor-sharp shard of his amputated elbow into her chest wound. Hobbled by that same wound, Evangeline could not dodge, choosing instead to skewer him on her brilliant flashing blade; the metal parted Hunger's flesh easily, punching clean through his shoulder, but force of that magnitude could hardly stop him now.
Or not? With lesser combatants or in a different genre this would be some kind of arthousey, bittersweet ending to a story. But this is the Rihakuverse.

Finally in knife-range he slammed his forehead into hers, shattering her face; sent reeling, she did not see the Forebear's Blade tear itself free of Sten and leap contentedly into Hunger's left hand.
The eagerness/contentedness makes sense if Hunger is meant to be the Forbear's current reincarnation.

A battle of two extremes. Sten with overwhelming strength and fortitude but whose technique and instincts were rusty, and Evangeline whose wits and blade were quick but could not match Hunger's own physicality. Just as the battle would be over if Sten grappled him, so too was it over if Hunger grappled Eva. He hooked her leg with his own and brought them to the ground, shrugging his shoulder back to prevent her retrieving her sword. Blindly she struggled but his strength was by far the greater. Whipping them to the side he dodged Sten's last desperate charge and brought his Blade around to cut through Eva's neck. Its edge flashed harrowing blue as it slid across her jugular; one clean stroke to take off her head. The Ring of Blood pulsed only once in triumph, as if reminding him that this battle was not yet complete.

Hunger leapt back as Sten extricated himself from the chamber wall. Assessing himself, he finally realized that his Ring was still with his severed right arm; though diminished, he could feel its presence strongly. Was this a general property of the Ring or merely its depth of resolve to save its sibling? Perhaps their connection had grown so that, like the Forebear's Blade, it could come to him when called?
It would have been farking painful but I am quite curious about the counterfactual where we lost our connection to the ring here and what it would have done to our incentive structure/doing stupid/suicidal/memelord things.

Hunger smirked to himself as Sten faced him again. No, the Ring was not the Blade; it held a different sort of power and could not affect the world in so gross a way. Sten glared at him with eyes devoid of hate; gray obligation filled those dull eyes, a tireless duty that had never once wavered.

It was no easy thing, to bear a Ring, but far harder still to contain one unwillingly. And yet he could not bring himself to pity this sad thundering jailer. This was the chief architect of the Azure Ring's torment. He would pay nothing less than the ultimate price.
That price being getting mindbroken into the service of the Ring of Blood. I'm not sure what's worse, I think I was considering Hateful Might somewhere around this timeframe because I was extremely curious about what was in the Passion tree of the Ring of Hunger/Blood.

The winner was [X] Evangeline Worldkeeper.

Hunger's power over blood is weakened with the Ring of Power severed from his body, but Sten is half-blind and eviscerated, his eye and lower torso cored by the power of Ruin. The other Immortals are beginning to recover. The Ring of Blood cannot maintain its vehemence forever; eventually Hunger's blood-based enhancements will start to falter as his external influence has.

Even so, Evangeline's defeat has lead to a considerable rise in strength. Choose 3 picks below. You may spend up to 9 Arete (currently ~6.8). Arete spent but not generated will lead to Debt, with 2 or more leading to instant death.
This one was a mess and I spent a decent amount but not strategic reserve tier levels of Omake power trying to get Hateful Might for the Passion tree. In the end it just became a consolidation vote with a mix of Knife/Fierce Quickening/Echo of the Forebear/Hero-Defeating Stance. I'm not sure what else to say about picks long passed so I'm going to stop this reaction here.
Alas CHADbaru, your time to shine was not today.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

I prefer to be lazy and also teach people the value of Arete, so when RW comes again they will know 28 is total rip-off and not vote for it.
Alas CHADbaru, your time to shine was not today.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

I prefer to be lazy and also teach people the value of Arete, so when RW comes again they will know 28 is total rip-off and not vote for it.
oh no

counterpoint: Chosen 1 means that Aobaru gives us more effective Apocryphal curse mitigation than Gisena herself, and she is literally a Lesser Remittance with mitigation as the selling point