Fact is, the Astral being isn't our friend, what we're agreeing to is just an exchange of favors, and it is in no way obligated not to use this Favor to our and our party's detriment. It might not even necessarily have bad intentions now, but that could very well change in the future. That's what it means to make open-ended promises.
Imagine if there was some way to perfectly mitigate any hostile effect that would happen to us if we refuse. Damn, that would be OP as fuck. It could even apply to Curses and grant two stages of mitigation.
Fact that we never actually used All Paths downside removal(and that shit such as BK had "can't be removed by All Paths" specifically added to it) is eternally funny.
Perfect defense against hostile effects. We're the ones enacting these bindings, it's a part of Supreme Enclosure. Maybe we'll get super-lucky and Rihaku will allow us to basically discard the cost of the spell, but I won't count on it.

Astral Beast summons Hunger (2020 colorized). Totally not hostile effect that you willingly do.

When I am drunk as shit, and my body wants to puke I consider that a hostile effect, no matter that it is my own body.
You can try and rules-lawyer things. I'll watch with great enthusiasm.
Do you know how Cúchulainn died? He had a geas to never eat dog meat but also he had to eat food offered by a woman. Now, how can we weaponize that - we can just ask that Astral Beast to order us to do it and then proc Doom of the Tyrant, slaughter the shithead and be back for lunch to the kids.

@Zampano you are a slippery snake when it comes to rules good at rules-lawyering, please find a way to get us out. If you do you can use this avatar instead:
Advancements have specified before when they don't apply to self-inflicted harm. I don't recall Silver specifying it doesn't. At the same time I still wouldn't personally bet on it.
[X] Glimpse

Hunger seems to want more information on Lord Protector, so let's give him that.
Truly sad

[X] Glimpse

I'm all for not locking ourselves into this restrictive oath, even if it costs Arete. Augustine's personality seems fairly similar to Hunger, so maybe we can even recruit her as a fellow vengeful soul. She should be reasonably happy to get the power to truly fight her mother, right?

Ofcourse we have to convince her that we're not her mother's pawn and that we can scale powerful enough, but 1) pink hair makes everything cuter and 2) it sounds fairly fun.
@Zampano you are a slippery snake when it comes to rules good at rules-lawyering, please find a way to get us out. If you do you can use this avatar instead:
Not Zampano but if we consider the existence of logic to be a hostile effect when it does not work in our favour then we might be able to use it to ignore the consequences of our actions.
So you would argue that Perfect Defense would stop us from using magic casting resource such as mana or motes?
I would assume that it would remove the costs of spells if choose to.
# 510 Words

This is a sticky one. The Supreme Enclosure gives Hunger's own promise that he will answer if he is "called" to defend something for a day. However, the nature of that "call" is pretty ambiguous. The fact is that we do not currently have a way to reach the Astral Realm, and we certainly do not have a way to return from the Astral Realm. For our favor to be valuable at all, Hunger cannot be called to defend something that he cannot access.

That leaves two possibilities. The first, which I personally find more likely, is that the thing which Hunger must defend will be delivered to us. We'll be given an artifact, or a baby entity, or some other horrible thing that Hunger must defend from interference or heroism. This would add complications to whatever business we have going on at the time, but does not remove Hunger from the board for a full day.

The second possibility is the one that everybody else seems to assume is going to happen: the thing to be defended will be located in the Astral Realm and Hunger will disappear for 24 hours. But in my opinion this use of Hunger's favor is unlikely for two reasons. The first is that if there's something to be defended, putting it in the Human Sphere inside the influence of two Rings of Power, an Armament, and the Chosen One is possibly the safest place in the local multiverse. The second is that (absent knowledge of ADS) the Astral Denizen has no way of knowing that Hunger's abilities are equally powerful in the Astral Realm. A favor from a progression-type cursebearer is a powerful asset. It would be foolish to risk wasting that boon.

Suppose that Hunger absolutely is going to be teleported away from the party, and that the Nightmare Flight ability is not able to bring our companions along for the ride. In this case, Hunger's Silver of Evening really might be able to apply to the summons. The argument would be that Hunger's promise is being used in bad faith: Invoking a favor from an ally and leaving them stranded in a new universe with no way home absolutely might count as a hostile effect. This charge would hinge on whether the Nightmare Flight is able to return Hunger to the Human Sphere after his favor is repaid. If not, there's (maybe) some legalistic grounds in objecting to the call.

More likely, imo, is that we'd have a snap decision to make: which 4 companions would we drag with us for 24 hours? My guess would be that bringing Verschlengorge to the Astral Realm would be a mistake, so instead I'd expect a favor to summon Hunger, Aobaru (his squire), and Gisena (his administrative assistant). If the favor is invoked while we are still in the VR, Aeira can hide Versch. If the favor is invoked while we are in the Human Sphere, Letrizia and Versch will be busy anyway. Maybe Aeira will come along in that case.
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I would assume that it would remove the costs of spells if choose to.
Why? Silver was never mention as being capable of making us ignore Praxis' exhaustion, which would be very useful in every instance where we spammed Thorn. Likewise, it's not capable of removing casting time of Signs, which would under your definition fall into category of self-inflicted harm/resources spent.

So why exactly would you believe that Silver could do something like that when there is no instance where it did or was capable of doing something more than reducing Curses and blocking hostile attack?
This is a sticky one. The Supreme Enclosure gives Hunger's own promise that he will answer if he is "called" to defend something for a day. However, the nature of that "call" is pretty ambiguous. The fact is that we do not currently have a way to reach the Astral Realm, and we certainly do not have a way to return from the Astral Realm. For our favor to be valuable at all, Hunger cannot be called to defend something that he cannot access.
Astrals are capable of opening portals to their realm seemingly at will, given how consistently they were assaulting Verslengorge. That's assuming that our own spell doesn't just reverse summon us.

There's almost endless amount of scenarios that will be disastrous for us(i.e. we are defending the planet when the summon happens or we need to defend something we want destroyed) and Apo is there to ensure that they actually happen.
If you guys pick Glimpse, do you intend to attempt recruiting Augustine? That may trade one problem for another, if the price of her aid is a protracted campaign against her mother... aren't you guys trying to return to the Human Sphere ASAP?